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Massaging my breasts and butt with sesame seed oil and coconut oil and this happens


I massaged my breasts and butt for ten days using coconut oil and sesame seed oil. At first my breasts were tender to touch and everything. Then it stop being tender and it ended up being normal again, anyways, on the tenth day i measured and i ended up going from 31 inches to 32 inches for my breasts and for my butt 33 inches to 33.5 inches. Now five days later, my butt is back to 33 inches and my breasts are at 31.5 inches! What is going on?! Should i add flaxseed oil in the mix to gain my results back! Please help.

(22-03-2015, 18:01)Myyear15 Wrote:  I massaged my breasts and butt for ten days using coconut oil and sesame seed oil. At first my breasts were tender to touch and everything. Then it stop being tender and it ended up being normal again, anyways, on the tenth day i measured and i ended up going from 31 inches to 32 inches for my breasts and for my butt 33 inches to 33.5 inches. Now five days later, my butt is back to 33 inches and my breasts are at 31.5 inches! What is going on?! Should i add flaxseed oil in the mix to gain my results back! Please help.

Probably pms swelling

Thats what I was thinking. I will still keep using it to see results well at least hope for results.

Yes, it sounds a lot like plumpness related to your cycle. But the fact that you got such great swelling is a really good sign! Definitely keep at it, and you'll likely find that your measurements, although up and down, will generally be higher each successive month: that is, your highest swelling measurements now will be your lowest measurements down the line, and that's how you know you've grown!

Are you using any specific massage technique (FDM, Chi) or something else?

Xo, Soli

Im doing the chi massage for 15 minutes a day. I measured again today it was back at 32 Inches. I find it pretty weird since my breasts arent tender. Is it normal for your measurements to go up and then down again and again? Or is that just one of the stages of growth?

It's not uncommon at all. Just keep at it, you'll see the trend going steadily in the right direction. It could also have to do with water intake/retention, weight gain/loss, a lot of things. But rest assured it's really very normal.

Don't be disheartened! Smile

Xo, Soli

Thanks so much i seriously wanted to give up because I thought it meant it wasnt working.

Also, ten days isn't long enough to really judge a protocol. Believe me, I know it feels like a long time, we all hope to be quick responders, but whatever method you choose, in order to give your body a chance to respond, you're looking at a few months, easy. That's one reason this forum is so valuable - it's important to be able to hear others' journeys and have some solidarity along the way! It's a patience game. Smile

So, keep going! Listen to your body, tweak one thing at a time and you'll soon have fine-tuned your program!

Xo, Soli

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