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What kind off birth control do you prefer?Need opinions!


The rhythm method!

(16-02-2015, 22:11)Bambii Wrote:  I have a copper iud and I LOVE IT. It doesn't release any hormones, the copper kills the sperm, and I can have it in for up to 10 years! . Note, I would only suggest the copper IUD not the mirena, the mirena gave me the absolute worst skin problems, deep cystic acne and I never got those before the mirena. I haven't had a single issue with the copper iud, besides one time that the fishing line strings "poked" my partner, that only happened once though and I am steadily sexually active

Oh god just when i decided too wait onto my next period and try out Mirena i get all these replys again.Tongue Skin problems are my biggest fear!
I had these in the past and since I am free off pills and stuff, i have a clear skin and I love it, i wouldt want too loose that because off a spiral. But the con for me from a copper spiral is that as Wizness stated up here it kind off releases estrogen as well. Since i want too try PM it will be double amounts off estro. right? You have experience with PM combined with the copper spiral?

(15-03-2015, 03:47)missboobshirt Wrote:  hey love-- be careful with BCP, it can cause a lot of issues. Are you using it for NBE? I did a lot of research on the best bc and it gave me a horrible reaction, after just 2 pills I had to stop taking it! mine was Ortho Tri Cyclen, its one of the lowest androgenic pills out there, its said to keep your skin clear, cause breast swelling and not really make you depressed. But the tricky thing is everyone is different, so you wont know until you try one. I heard yaz was good too (I was looking into pills that wouldnt mess with my skin and help my boobies :p) but too many stories on depression so I didnt want to mess with that..

I would advise you not to go on BCP if you smoke, it can cause blood clots and you have a higher risk of stroke and health complications Sad

Hi lady,My first goal from bcp is just the regular usage(no pregnancy for meTongue)
I did lots of research on pills and know now that i for sure dont want too use any kind off bcpill.My eye did fell onto YAZ and Yazmin but i'm to scared.. I dont want a bad skin or indeed depression and low libido. Further its just not so smart for me since i'm a (mild) smoker. I wanted too try Mirena since it contains less hormones then bcp and should not make you bleed more like the copper IUD probably does..But as with all bc's i read story's about people who've gotten bad acne and big cysts.. i already got my doubts again but hey maybe i should just try something..

Also the Mirena contains some kind off synthethic progesterone and i wanted too try PM for a long time, soo i thought lets combine the two and maybe i'll get lots off benefits for NBE. Smile Since progesterone and estrogen should do the trick...but in the 1st place i just dont know how to combine the two..Sad Cycling no cyling, is it safe or not? Many questions.. So i'm still thinking over my options, but i deffenitly want a NBE program with PM and progesterone since i think this is what i need for biggerboobiesTongue


(15-03-2015, 03:59)WantAPair Wrote:  The rhythm method!

Hell noo, it ruins all spontanity.. thinking over everything, I'm way too chaotic for that.

(17-02-2015, 02:27)echapman Wrote:  
(16-02-2015, 22:11)Bambii Wrote:  I have a copper iud and I LOVE IT. It doesn't release any hormones, the copper kills the sperm, and I can have it in for up to 10 years! . Note, I would only suggest the copper IUD not the mirena, the mirena gave me the absolute worst skin problems, deep cystic acne and I never got those before the mirena. I haven't had a single issue with the copper iud, besides one time that the fishing line strings "poked" my partner, that only happened once though and I am steadily sexually active

I second the no mirena thing. I bled for three months straight and ever since I cramp all the time even though I stopped having periods. Sex also causes cramping. My sex drive has dipped too which is driving me nuts... Also PM reacted badly with it.

I just read these replys but you say something which is kind off crucial for me atm. I wanna change program and want to go with the mirena(as progesteron and bcp) and PM. I've been googling all over the place but cant find any experiences. But you say its a bad combo?
How long did you tried it and what was your dose? And ofcourse what were the bad symptoms vs results? Thanks in advance for your answer, this could be usefull for me.. i finally know what too expect. Dont want too give myself bad cocktails, but i thought this would be a brilliant comboTongue Some more info could help me regonize my bad or good moves, we dont want too die over boobies,lol..:p

personally I think you're better off getting some progesterone cream or wild yam cream instead of risking it with the mirena. It might work for you but honestly the skin problems were HORRIBLE. They weren't just regular pimples they were the kind that scar you up and leave crazy hyperpigmentation that takes forever to go away. To me it's not even worth the chance that it MIGHT make my boobs grow, even if it were a sure thing idk if I would do it I'd rather keep the boobs I have then have more of that nasty scarring

Thank you very much Bambi, your opinion is totally backing up mines! I was thinking about the cons of Mirena and the cons off the copper IUD. The copper IUD could give you a heavier flow and the Mirena with its nasty cysts. Well i'll bleed anyhow so rather loose even more blood then cystical acne indeed. I once had a cyst in my face(forehead) about 3 years ago, I'll just never forget that.. it was only one cyst but what a misery is that.. It hurts it looks growse and you cant leave the house.. whatever facial expression you use you feel it constantly! I still have a little scar from it. So no thanks for me as well..
I'm really sorry you had that experience with Mirena, only the thought off it is terrifying me.
But did the copper iud gave you a heavier flow? Or other concerns except the fish lining storyTongue Hope i dont get confronted with that because they'll have to move the thing then right?

And Bambii, I dont know your program i thought something with fenugreek right? But a big PLUS with the copperIUD is that it doesnt interact with NBE. That was as well a big concern for me.. NBE with a birth contraceptive that contains hormones.. brr.. so much hormones makes me scaredRolleyes

(15-03-2015, 19:26)hannah14 Wrote:  
(15-03-2015, 03:47)missboobshirt Wrote:  hey love-- be careful with BCP, it can cause a lot of issues. Are you using it for NBE? I did a lot of research on the best bc and it gave me a horrible reaction, after just 2 pills I had to stop taking it! mine was Ortho Tri Cyclen, its one of the lowest androgenic pills out there, its said to keep your skin clear, cause breast swelling and not really make you depressed. But the tricky thing is everyone is different, so you wont know until you try one. I heard yaz was good too (I was looking into pills that wouldnt mess with my skin and help my boobies :p) but too many stories on depression so I didnt want to mess with that..

I would advise you not to go on BCP if you smoke, it can cause blood clots and you have a higher risk of stroke and health complications Sad

Hi lady,My first goal from bcp is just the regular usage(no pregnancy for meTongue)
I did lots of research on pills and know now that i for sure dont want too use any kind off bcpill.My eye did fell onto YAZ and Yazmin but i'm to scared.. I dont want a bad skin or indeed depression and low libido. Further its just not so smart for me since i'm a (mild) smoker. I wanted too try Mirena since it contains less hormones then bcp and should not make you bleed more like the copper IUD probably does..But as with all bc's i read story's about people who've gotten bad acne and big cysts.. i already got my doubts again but hey maybe i should just try something..

Also the Mirena contains some kind off synthethic progesterone and i wanted too try PM for a long time, soo i thought lets combine the two and maybe i'll get lots off benefits for NBE. Smile Since progesterone and estrogen should do the trick...but in the 1st place i just dont know how to combine the two..Sad Cycling no cyling, is it safe or not? Many questions.. So i'm still thinking over my options, but i deffenitly want a NBE program with PM and progesterone since i think this is what i need for biggerboobiesTongue


lol it sounds like youre doing the same thing I did.. don't go off reviews from websites on bcp.. everyone is going to be writing their horrible stories and everyone who is doing just fine is off taking it, not writing any review at all because, "hey its working, why complain?" everyones body is different.. it took me 6 years to take bcp because I was so scared about what it would do to my skin.. but it actually made it nice, it was just my allergic reaction that messed me up :/ so you wont know until you take it ^^

if you take a bcp with little to no androgens your skin should be safe. yaz is good, but as far as the emotional aspect of it, i can't say :/.. if you see an initial break out, give it some time because your body could just be adjusting. evening primrose oil lowers DHT 80% in the body (thanks lotus lol) so i suggest picking some up if youre worried about androgens Smile

you should always cycle pm because its pretty strong, and too much estrogen in the wrong times of your cycle can cause break through bleeding. (why a lot of women have issues with it) so when estrogen is rising in your body, you would take pm-- stop taking pm when progesterone starts to rise and use your pc or in your case, the mirena Big Grin

Yes you're so right on that people only come to tell their horror story's but even though you know that, it frightens you and make you think what if its about me getting full off acne or trombosis?You had an allergic reaction to what? Foods can play a role as well indeed. Milk and Chocolate for me.I'm bc free for 3 years now lol half off the time it took you..but I can so understand it..I am just as scared. Still I hope future brings us some better and healthier contraceptives because its a bit woman unfriendly..It gave me a lot off stress..Shy
But wihtout birth controll sex isnt as fun and easy as before so I should get something soon!Tongue Did you tryed yaz btw?
Still think i'm going with the copper iud..and if thats really causing me pain or more bleeding Mirena.
Thank you very much I'll add EPO to my list which I wil purchase in couple off moments,Im getting excited, lol.

But epo is quite expensive I saw..I'm also adding spearmint but I read EPO is better but they'll do about the same right? Lowering dht.. Can I switch them if you know? Like today spear. and tomorrow EPO,spear,EPO etc.?

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