Hi all,
So its been a whole cycle (nearly due for cycle 5 any day now), of DOING NOTHING! And I must say, what a welcome relief!!!
The following are my reported breast sensations.
Cycle day 1-13 which is the follicular stage – I experienced barely any sensations apart from on day 8 where my breasts were tingly for hours.
Day 1: H, M, L
Day 2: H, M, N/A
Day 3: H, M/H, L
Day 4: M, H, N/A
Day 5: H, M, L
Day 6: H, H, L
Day 7: M, H, L
Day 8: H, M, H (breast tingly for hours)
Day 9: L, L, N/A
Day 10:M, L, H, L
Day 11: M, H, L, L
Day 12: H, H, L, L
Day 13: H, M, L, N/A
In cycle 2 I had:
High: 8
Medium: 3
Low: 2
In cycle 3 I had:
High: 4
Medium: 4
Low: 4
In cycle 4:
High: 1 (Day 8)
Medium: NONE
Low: 8
Nothing at all: 4
Luteal Stage
I experienced more sensations than ever before during this phase! This is interesting as mostly I experienced sensations in the past in the follicular stage, not in the luteal stage.
Day 14: H, L, L, N/A
Day 15: H, H, H, M
Day 16: N/A, L, H, H (achy, itchy feeling behind nipple)
Day 17: L, M, M/H, H (itchy all day, particularly LH behind nipple
Day 18: M, H, M, H (achy and itchy, intense)
Day 19: H, H, L, H (itch/achy)
Day 20: H, L, L, L
Day 21: N/A, M, L, L
Day 22: N/A, L, L, M (shooting pain)
Day 23: L, M L, H (really itchy, achy, both morning and evening)
Day 24: L, H, L, M (intense pains for a couple of minutes in evening)
Day 25: L, L, L
Day 26:
Cycle 1
High: 4
Medium: 2
Low: 1
N/A: 2
Cycle 2
High: 3
Medium: 2
Low: 4
Cycle 3
High: 2
Low: 5
Cycle 4
High: 5
Medium: 3
Low: 3
I can only assume that I must have stalled during cycle 3. This could be due to a combination of taking lots of small dosages of too many things. For example, I was taking 3 EPO per day, 2 FG, 2 SP, 2 Flaxseed oil, plus massage etc. I read that the longer it takes you to feel the sensations again, the more you have stalled.
During cycle 4, I continued to take EPO for the first few days (unfortunately I didn’t take a record of when I stopped taking them), and I haven’t taken them since. I take 1 flaxseed oil per day, but only every other day. I have taken no other herbs, no fennel tea.
The only things I have taken over this past cycle is magnesium powder (for my muscles), the potion that the naturopath gave me which is made up of different herbs, and the odd flaxseed oil capsule here and there. I take spearmint tea twice daily during the follicular phase, but that is all.
I was doing about 30 minutes of noogleberry and tried to do this twice daily, but only managed the first 5 days or so of the cycle. I then just did 30 minutes per day for a few more days. Then I stopped doing it altogether. I do 30 minutes sporadically maybe once every 3 days for the rest of the cycle. I just felt like I needed a bit of a break from all the breast stuff!!!
I measured
Day 12: 31"
Day 19: 31.75"
Day 25: 31"
I will measure myself on day 4 of my new cycle.
Ok, so I talked to my naturopath, and she has made me up a little potion which I will take of SP, Fenugreek and Wild Yam. She says it won’t adversely affect the other stuff I am taking for my hormones so that is good. I’m not sure of the dosages yet, but I should find out tomorrow.
I will take that and get back into massaging and noogling on a regular basis.
This past cycle I have felt much better. I didn’t get a rash which I usually get before my period. And my period barely hurt at all! It was great! My aches and pains are pretty much non-existent, no headaches, and I feel pretty good!
I’ve been 98% strict with my diet still. I am seeing the dietician early next week. I keep cutting out sugars etc.
I am doing a hair test where they cut bits of your hair and send it for analysis to see what you are allergic too. They can test for over 100 different types of food, so I can’t wait to know the results of that. I know that I will be “allergic” at certain levels to various foods, like dairy products, possibly apples.
I’m still hovering around the 52-53kg mark. I seriously feel like I am way too thin. I can feel my ribs!!! Luckily my breasts haven’t decreased in size. Woohoo. So I still need to concentrate on putting on weight slowly.
My room has FINALLY stopped stinking of fenugreek! Seriously it was quite funny as I left the house for a couple of days, and when I came back I thought WOAH it stinks so much. Its a smell you just get used to I guess!
I have made up 5 different bottles of massage oil which have been sitting for 3 weeks or so now, I shake them up every now and again. They are ground fenugreek, bit of ground fennel, avocado oil, olive oil, and borage oil.
I’m going to need to monitor this closely. Theoretically, since I have had a break, I should feel quite a few sensations particularly in the follicular stage. If I don’t, then I have taken too much again. So will go slow. I may just massage for 5-10 minutes per time as opposed to 15-20 minutes. And I think its good to take a break every few days from noogling as it seems to let your breasts have a rest. Then I find I tend to respond better.
Any advice/comments greatly appreciated!
I’ll take measurements on day 4 of my cycle and photos then too. Will be interesting to see whats happening. I think I have come to the realization that because I’m so very skinny, that its going to take quite awhile before I can retain any growth! This is because I pretty much have no fat on me, so whatever breast there is, is mainly muscle or ducts, whatever else the breast is made up of! etc.
I would like to get tested to find out my fat content in my body.
I would very much like to see a bit more progress over the next two months growth wise. Its all very well for my breasts to go tingly/aching mad for hours on end, but I want something to show for it!!!! :-/
Ok, wish me luck!