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My experience so far ☺️


Hey guys! Firstly I want to say this forum is awesome! I've been lurking here for quite some time now. Everyone here seems very friendly and helpful. The site is full of information! I've learned so much.
Quick info about me. I'm 36 years old and my body frame is very skinny. I've had two kids and breast fed for a short time. I'm 5'3 and weigh 96 lbs. been the same weight since high school. I'm ectomorph so I struggle to gain weight. my stats are 29-25-34. I'm very flat... Bra size is around 30/32aa-30/32a, depending on the make. 
How I got into nbe was originally to correct my periods. My periods come every 20 days or so and are very painful, heavy and long, about ten days. I feel like all I do is have my period! So I started researching herbs and came across nbe. Since a lot of the herbs were the same I though hey why not knock off two birds with one stone. If I can get my periods better and grow boobs then I'm on the right track! 
I started with wild yam, fennel, saw palmetto and maca. I just took the pills according to the bottles. I would drink fenugreek tea here and there but would get candida every time so I stopped. When I got my period it was extra painful and heavy and I also wasn't getting any sort of sign of growth. I cut out the saw palmetto and upped the fennel. That's when I started feeling something happening, a bit of achy breasts but nothing really significant. Period went back to "normal". Then in March after doing lots and lots of research, I ordered pm. I got the natures answer and took the pills according to the bottle. I stopped everything else except the maca. I love maca! I also didn't cycle the pm. Right away I noticed good changes such as improved skin and I also didn't wake up at night to pee anymore. Huge bonus! My period was slightly less painful but other wise "normal". My breasts became perkier, like pre pregnancy. They look young again! But still no serious pains or growth. I then decided to order ainterol pm. I started those on April 8th. I finally started to feel more pains and aches!!!! Yay!! They are less achy after a few days of my period though and some "growth" goes away. But! Some stayed!!! They are definitely bigger. Just slightly but still! Any gains is much appreciated! Also my period was a bit better. I had no aches in my legs or back and my cramps were mild. bleed was slightly lighter and lasted only seven days! I did notice the blood (sorry!!) was darker.. Like burgundy and thicker, more like a paste.... So this month I decided to cycle the pm. I'm on my second half of cycle now. Wild yam two pills three times a day and also fennel, one pill three times a day. I'm also still taking maca. A tablespoon one to two times a day. Oh the pm I'm taking one pill three times a day. Ah! I also do a massage with coconut oil and I've added pm powder to that. I do once or twice a day. I also drink smoothies before bed and I load them with calories in hopes to gain some more weight. Today I will buy some protein powder to add to them. I do yoga and squats but probably not enough. Maybe one to three times a week, depending on my schedule. 
Oh! I should mention too that I've ordered bo, msm, kelp and pituitary glandular. All from swansons. I'm thinking of changing my routine..... The reason is that I've read that pm is not permanent. I want permanence and not have to worry about maintenance. So I'm thinking grow a bit more from pm and then do the bo plan, then maybe I won't have to take the bo for too long. I also want to take the pm routine a bit longer to see how much better my periods become. I'm also a bit concerned the bo might makes my periods even worse. Still, I want them on hand so if I do decide to go that route I can easily start up. 
I guess that pretty much sums up my experience so far. I'm having fun with this and reading all the posts here. I've learned that it takes time and theres a lot of trial and error. Gotta have patience. I have to keep reminding myself of that! It's not going to happen over night. I wish though. Wake up to a beautiful pair of boobs! I'd be so happy if I can get to a b cup!! 
Thanks all who took the time to read my story! Any sort of feed back or commend are most welcome Big Grin

I don't understand why my whole post isant showing up.... It just cuts off. I can't even delete it... Ok sorry nvm. Fixed Big Grin

welcome! good luck on your journey, I will be following your posts.Big Grin

Teeneetatas, I read your story and I like what you are doing. As you said it is try and error, so stay with it and grow. The only comment I have is to add some healthy fat to your diet, such as omega 3 (olive oil, flax seed), hemp oil, and nuts, of course fresh fruit also. Stay with your exercise. POM

(07-05-2015, 04:28)pom19 Wrote:  Teeneetatas, I read your story and I like what you are doing. As you said it is try and error, so stay with it and grow. The only comment I have is to add some healthy fat to your diet, such as omega 3 (olive oil, flax seed), hemp oil, and nuts, of course fresh fruit also. Stay with your exercise. POM

Hi Pom! Thanks for taking the time to read and respond Smile yes! I do add flax oil to my oatmeal breakfast. I also munch on almonds and cheese when I'm at work and eat random tablespoons of peanut butter or coconut butter through out the day. I eat a lot of avocados and pineapes too. I also picked up the protein shake yesterday and started adding it to my bedtime smoothies. Do you have an idea of how much protein a day is recommended?
Thanks again for your input Big Grin

Oh I should also mention this as it may be rather important to some. If you have any sort of issues with iron deficiency and you decide to take pm, just be aware that it may interfere with your iron absorption.
I have had problems with my iron bottoming out since I was really young. I noticed after about a month and a half of taking pm I strted to feel really weak and have shortness of breath as well as heart palpitations. This is, for me, a sign my iron is too low. I ended up having a full blown panic attack and finally picked up my iron pills. I'm pretty sure it's the pm as I have been eating quite healthy these days and see no other reason why I would be low. I've been taking my iron every other day for about two weeks now and feel much much better.
Be careful with iron though please. It can be dangerous if too much is taken. If you're unsure be sure to speak with your doc. I've have this issue many times now so I know my body well when it comes to that.
Just thought is throw it out there Big Grin

I have probs with iron too ever since I was young. The best form is from red meat (so I believe) but red meat is bad for you so its confusing.
I wonder if for people like us getting iron from veggies/other based protein is "enough" given the lack of nutrients from the soil and I find most iron tabs just upset my system. Have you found a good supplement that doesn't cause side effects like constipation etc? Thanks.
Good luck with your programme too.

(07-05-2015, 19:53)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  I have probs with iron too ever since I was young. The best form is from red meat (so I believe) but red meat is bad for you so its confusing.
I wonder if for people like us getting iron from veggies/other based protein is "enough" given the lack of nutrients from the soil and I find most iron tabs just upset my system. Have you found a good supplement that doesn't cause side effects like constipation etc? Thanks.
Good luck with your programme too.
yea red meat and liver. Two foods I'm not so find of. Spinach and kale are good for us but not sure if it's enough.
I picked up the iron pills from shoppers drug mart. Life brand. The pharmacist said this one would be easy on the stomach. So far I haven't noticed any bad side effects but then again I'm only taking one pill every second day or so. I also take it with food and with orange or apple juice. The vitamin c helps your body to absorb the iron better. I also cook with a cast iron pan. Tomato sauce is great because it really picks up the iron from the pan.

Hello and welcome, good thing you've grown from your previous program Big Grin BO hasn't done anything to my periods so far, so I think you're safe on that. It actually made me more regular :O

(09-05-2015, 02:38)sweets93 Wrote:  Hello and welcome, good thing you've grown from your previous program Big Grin BO hasn't done anything to my periods so far, so I think you're safe on that. It actually made me more regular :O

Hi there! Thanks! Well the growth isant really anything significant. I think it's more of a plumping and filling in or lifting rather than any real growth or so it seems at this point. I'm still on the pm for now but at the moment I'm on the yam and fennel half of my cycle. Due for periods in about a week or less. My breasts are constantly tender and really sore but not doing anything. Is it possible tht they are just sore all the time from the herbs but not actually growing? I know when my period comes they will be a little less sore and less puffy but still a bit sore. I'm starting to feel discouraged about all this. I've been at it since February and I feel like iim just making my boobs hurt all the time for no reason. I guess if my periods improve it will be for something. I just really want boobs..... I am still waiting for my shipment of bo. Im really looking forward to starting that routine, it's great to hear that it helped your periods become more regular. I'm feeling like herbs aren't working. Or am I being too impatient? Also the pain I have in my breasts are before period pain, is that the same pain for growth or is growth pains different? I'm sorry I don't know but I'm just trying to figure out if I should bother with all these herbs
Thank you!

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