I would suggest you stear away from PM with Tuberous breasts and pcos for now.
I think that you should be working on balancing the PCOS before attempting anything estrogenic..
I would purchase inosotol
I would also take spearmint tea for the hirutism If I were you.
You should look up myofascial release massage, it may serve as a benefit in loosening up the tight fibrous bands in your breasts (the trait in hypoplastic breasts that results in the conular shape ) As it's use is primarily to reduce scar tissue (and the band's are essentially scar tissue)
With pcos, consumption means everything. To lose weight, you really need to avoid sugars and grains. They spike your insulin. Sabotaging weight gain. - play a game with yourself, count the days you go without both (while researching tasty alternatives) and when you cave, be proud of the days that have been sugar free, and try to beat that score of days. Build up your cardio and you should see progress. Weight lifting, if your heart is healthy is ideal as well. Don't over push yourself with either. Listen to your body.
Follow this with your doctor (the insitol), keep up with hormone panels and once you are balanced consider BO. more women with Tubero us. Breasts find success with it Over PM.
A noogleberry can help as well, but I would hold off on it until you balance your pcos out abit.
If you did get one, I would start slow, with a smaller dome, or even cupping therapy. The idea is that these smaller domes and cups can be placed strategically so that you systematically gain tissue where you want it, removing the risk of adding projection without base.
Good luck and happy growing