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Is any of this even real or do you just talk about it for fun?


I see so many progress tags at the bottom of posts but honestly I cant tell if this place is even real or just a fantasy fetish thing.

I came here a year ago to ask for help after two years of getting nowhere on my own. I took that help, papaya oil massages, maca root, fenugreek, soya etc etc.

I got nowhere, how can I know this isn't just bullcrap snake oil?
I mean this is the only website fully dedicated to it that isn't secretly an advert for 'boost your bust' and other fun scams.

Is it all made up or am I just defective?

It's not a scam. I know it seems hopeless sometimes, and I, too, have wanted to give up on more than one occasion. I'd see the same thing as you - one after another updating their threads with lovely increases. BUT - you've got to remember that this can be a very slow progress for many of us, myself included. I started my adventure - again - in February of 2014, and as of this morning I've gained an inch. Doesn't seem like much and I can't see where it is but I know it's there. The tape doesn't lie. Some of us, myself included, are very slow responders for one reason or another. Each persons body chemistry is different and what works for one may not (and usually doesn't) work for the next. I've tried it all and have gone around the loop with BO and PM. Right now I'm back on PM because I don't think I gave it a fair try last summer. On BO, I had ONE growth spurt where I picked up 1/2". During that time I was also focusing on massage, and more importantly IMO, positive thoughts. I had the growth spurt the very next day after I spent twenty minutes before going to sleep thanking my body for giving me 5 beautiful kids and thanking my breasts (yes, sounds weird, but whatever works) for nourishing them and helping them grow into the amazing people they've become. I then felt my breasts tingling and felt a tightness. The VERY NEXT day, I had let-down sensations all day long (moms who have nursed will know exactly what I mean) and three days later I measured and I'd gained my 1/2". Since then (February of this year) the next 1/2" came slowly and crept up on me a smidge at a time - nothing dramatic. Up until February of this year, I'd gained NOTHING for an entire year. I truly believe that positive thinking did the trick and now, because I KNOW I can grow, the positive thoughts are always there and working even if I'm not talking to myself every single night. Discouragement, though understandable, blocks your positive thoughts. I know I must sound like a crazy lady (sometimes I'm sure my husband thinks I am), but I can assure you the right combination is out there for you. The ladies and gents on this site are an invaluable source of experience and information. I've not been at this nearly as long as some of them and each time I come here, I learn something new and helpful, so I'm sure someone with more knowledge can help you better than I. I apologize for the long ramble, but I really wanted to let you know that you're not alone in this, and I'll be sending lots of positive thought your way. HUGS!!!

Definitely not a scam and there is tons of knowledge in these forums. Just look around, do some research, and go from there. I know genetics can play into a lot of things as well.

Most def real. You just have to find the right protocol. It took my 3rd attempt. Thank God everyday ( as shallow as that sounds) for not giving up.

I took my hormone test results to achieve success. I have my best gals on this protocol and one is growing fast, she's getting stretch marks!

Some respond faster than others but with me, the first two months are trial and then you adjust accordingly. Give it time and never give up.

I felt I was defective as well before my last attempt. I had and still struggle with hashimotos.

If I can get it done at 31, anyone can.

(08-06-2015, 15:57)Gren64 Wrote:  I see so many progress tags at the bottom of posts but honestly I cant tell if this place is even real or just a fantasy fetish thing.

I came here a year ago to ask for help after two years of getting nowhere on my own. I took that help, papaya oil massages, maca root, fenugreek, soya etc etc.

I got nowhere, how can I know this isn't just bullcrap snake oil?
I mean this is the only website fully dedicated to it that isn't secretly an advert for 'boost your bust' and other fun scams.

Is it all made up or am I just defective?

Depends on what YOU need to make you grow ya know ?
Everyone tends to do the generic fenugreek maca soy route etc but if you have too much already of one hormone and feed it more your doomed and most of us all read/assume estrogen is the key. I found out the hard way that's soo wrong but most of the breast enlargement sites push phytoestrogens. So what did I do.. Stuffed myself with "said" phytos and never had any real growth. Maca for example is meant to balance your hormones BUT if you really dig deep there's some pretty nasty evidence to the contrary and some girls found that out the hard way. Myself included so I'm weary of it now.
Did you check your levels to see where u are at? Easier said than done I know and I waited too long to do it myself. Just fucked myself up on herbs guessing and chopping and changing willy nilly.
So if you haven't already I'd say see where ure hormones are at then ask on here what's suited to your particular needs. It might turn out some underlying imbalance might be the key to make your grow and might have stopped them in the first place (not that I know what your size is I'm just assuming they aren't what you wish they were) like I was.


(08-06-2015, 21:41)Rayve Wrote:  Definitely not a scam and there is tons of knowledge in these forums. Just look around, do some research, and go from there. I know genetics can play into a lot of things as well.
Your avatar is soo pretty rave!
Sadly if genetics were relevant to me I'd be a double d easy!! The diff though is I'm a good few dress sizes smaller than all the big busted family members in my fam. That's prob where I fell over Sad

If I could go back in time I would do the following

Would have done a full hormone panel before I touched any pill THEN I would have taken herbs to boost hormones I needed or balanced if the case may be.
Quit caffeine and give my circulation a chance to carry the right nutrients around my system and would have consumed more warming remedies like ginger and cayenne because my circulation is bad!
Quit the booze (sugar=bad) for boobs and for everything
Focused on diet estrogen foods plus progesterone foods and good fats
Massaged and noogled with consistency and heat pad after
Would have done hot/cold water therapy for detox and growth
Would have listened to hypnosis and binaural beats
Would have stopped everything for a week every few weeks and detoxed (because I mucked around with a lot of herbs)
And I would have kept checking in on threads that like lotus Peggy Tibetan , Jenlove and the likes. These guys know their stuff and update accordingly.

Ok now in hindsight had I applied all this I firmly believe my boobs would be much bigger BUT I don't have time or privacy or discipline to apply a lot of this but it might be helpful based on past researching of others threads who had great success.


Hello, Gren64!
I am not sure that we have met, but I must say that what you have said here is excellent. It helps me, as well. I can fully appreciate that positive thoughts do indeed contribute to many of our endeavors- including enlarging these wonderful things called breasts! The mind-body link is a valuable part of our lives. I am a member of several groups that realize this and benefit from its positive advantages- be it in NBE or healing cancer, for example. The human body is an amazing organism.
Whenever I feel myself a under the weather, I try to immediately start being gracious and grateful for my Healing! It definitely speeds up the process. I don't even have "pain-killers" in my home; save for turmeric or that sort of thing. Positive thinking, affirmations, dissolving blockages (often in the forms of discouragement, fear, resistance, or outright decisions away from even our great desires0, self-appreciation, self-love, and faith (or at the very least, positive neutrality) in the possibility of a desired outcome, can go a long way towards helping NBE. I have found that people that keep this in mind, are also more prone to facilitate their own intake of information and allow for inspiration to lead them towards helpful routines.
For me, as the clouds of negativity disperse, it is easier to see clearly what I might do to improve my chances and success and gain inspiration from what others are sharing. More good luck to you and to us all. i can tell you, this is the best NBE site on the web, as far as I know. i am a very thorough researcher (got a touch of the OCD, might be Smile)! It has a great variety of information and I have increased my breast size by finding this site and the virtual hugs and "atta girls" are a big help! You are in good company. Healthy, beautiful boobs, bodies, minds, hearts, and all to us all.

P.S.: Airspun: Your writing, grammar, and syntax are just lovely! I am trying to ameliorate mine. I used to know the rules for writing. Now I struggle with commas, semi-colons, and the rest! In today's world, it is very easy to forget what we were graded for in our youth (though that is better in some cases). It is true that I have a weird thing for delicious elocution and that sort of thing. Anyway, I digress. Do pardon me! However, If I need an editor for something, I may send you a message. Blush

I will have to join the chorus here too.
I have been on Fenugreek, Natureday, BO and Saw Palmetto, for 6 months, and while I dont see a lot of increase in the tape measure, I have a much more defined breast. Like all things herbal it takes time.
I found that laying in the sun for 1/2 hour and massaging my breast has made a great improvement.
Keep the faith, believe in what your doing and all will be fine

(09-06-2015, 06:55)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  
(08-06-2015, 21:41)Rayve Wrote:  Definitely not a scam and there is tons of knowledge in these forums. Just look around, do some research, and go from there. I know genetics can play into a lot of things as well.
Your avatar is soo pretty rave!
Sadly if genetics were relevant to me I'd be a double d easy!! The diff though is I'm a good few dress sizes smaller than all the big busted family members in my fam. That's prob where I fell over Sad

Thank you and I wouldn't be so sure. I am part Cherokee Indian from an ancestor over 100 years ago. Sometimes genetics can bypass generations of families then boom .. you get it. But my knowledge in genetics is very limited so I am at best just making guesses.

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