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Stubbornfemme's Program

(12-05-2015, 20:27)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  
(12-05-2015, 20:20)Stubbornfemme Wrote:  
(11-05-2015, 22:12)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  
(11-05-2015, 20:36)Stubbornfemme Wrote:  So just took my monthly measurement and I couldn't get an accurate reading between 90-91cm. Either way I haven't grown and I'm ready to change my program. I mean I feel a little disappointed but more determined, time for a new program, any suggestions are more than welcomed.

Maybe fenugreek "sprouts" , fennel seeds spearmint tea and msm?
IF your hormones are balanced etc.
Why? Who knows Smile maybe food based absorbs better than supplements?
Im going to try this anyway now i had my bloods done. Only because id noticed the foid based old programmes seemed to give good results

Yeah also because you don't even know if you're getting what the bottle claims in supplements. So frustrating.
exactly! fillers, contaminated by pesticides, it scares me too.. I try to go for reputable firms but how do you ever REALLY know how they put their pills together..

The annoying thing is that even reputable companies have been caught, they put some bottles out that are legit and some that are just starch and grass ect. So many never get tested by the FDA and they know this. I feel like it's a total crap shoot every time. Btw I just ordered from Siam Natural, it wasn't expensive so I figured I'd see for myself. I'll take one for the team lol I am stubborn so I was bound to try PM eventually. I will post any side effects, results ect.

So I just got a confirmation email from Siam Natural that the PM I ordered is on its way. I know a lot of people here cycle PM and take it from day 1-13. However this was in the email: "Thank you for your patronage. Please be advised the capsules are the most potent organically cultivated Pueraria mirific available. Start with one -
two capsules before meal per day maximum for the 1st month.
STOP USE during your period then resume." ...They are saying the opposite, take the rest of the month but not on period. I'm not sure which I should follow.

What I have read it that you should take it for 13 days after your period, not during.

Well I received my PM from Siam Naturals. My period just ended a day ago so I started my first capsule today. This brand says to take 1 a day and then stop on your period. I'm a little annoyed because I could've sworn I ordered two bottles and I only got one. I also am a little judgemental of packaging and think it looks cheap, however I was expecting it would. Hoping for the best. Anyways that's all to report for now. Much love to anyone reading this and good luck on your journey.

(02-06-2015, 20:30)Stubbornfemme Wrote:  Well I received my PM from Siam Naturals. My period just ended a day ago so I started my first capsule today. This brand says to take 1 a day and then stop on your period. I'm a little annoyed because I could've sworn I ordered two bottles and I only got one. I also am a little judgemental of packaging and think it looks cheap, however I was expecting it would. Hoping for the best. Anyways that's all to report for now. Much love to anyone reading this and good luck on your journey.
I wish you Good Luck Tinker Bell. POM

June.11 Monthly measurement: 91cm. Haven't been massaging much and honestly ready to throw in the towel. Feeling defeated and sick of it all. Wondering if I shouldn't have stopped noogling, even though that didn't work after a whole year... Thinking I would have to start over since I haven't noogled for three months anyway. Too early to say the PM isn't working because I've only taken it for 12 days now. However nothing has worked so far and I'm just sick of obsessing over something and getting nothing, feel like my life is passing me by.

Chin up girl! You can either try nothing, or just continue trying and be surprised with results. You just gotta change your point off view to carry on with this. See it as ''recreation'' instead off something you just per se have to achieve.
Just enjoy having a relaxing massage, and try NBE foods..They give you the feeling that you're just healthy and taking care off your health instead off using a forced program fixated on breast growing. Enjoy a nice meal and massage yourself afterwards as a reward.( I'm just making myself believe while massaging, like : Hmm that feels good when you are growing, Some kind off meditation) And I dont know about your weight ofcourse but as little as I gained(2,3 kgs since March its a slow progress) some fat went to my breasts.. Maybe this could be a solution for you as well. Well I'm not so good in cheering people up, but I hope this helps a little bit.
And just say to yourself, fuck you with this little devil who's telling you that you dont get the results you deserve. If you put your mind to it, you will get what you deserve! Maybe not now, maybe not next month but we will continue until you do get the results.

Bravo hannah-Smile POM

Thanks Hannah, it's just hard when you want something so bad and try so hard and see nothing. I've gained weight and it all goes to by butt, so that's not really my issue. I just feel like a fool with all this stuff I am doing for no reason it feels. For example now I broke out on my face and I'm nowhere near my period so the only thing I can attribute it to is that I started taking PM on June.1st.

(15-06-2015, 19:59)Stubbornfemme Wrote:  Thanks Hannah, it's just hard when you want something so bad and try so hard and see nothing. I've gained weight and it all goes to by butt, so that's not really my issue. I just feel like a fool with all this stuff I am doing for no reason it feels. For example now I broke out on my face and I'm nowhere near my period so the only thing I can attribute it to is that I started taking PM on June.1st.
On the upside id sooner use siam or other low dose pm's over the other high dose brands. I read it takes a few cycles before Pm works, not that im advocating PM. As far as the feeling like you are wasting your time we all feel that trust me. The first thing I think you should do is email Siam and tell them what you are using PM for or email someone like "Rainforest Herbs" who sell it and other medicinal herbs and ask them are the effects permanent. The fact remains PM is a youthful, balancing tonic per say so you wana ask people who sell it as such - which I think from memory Siam does.

It would be good to hear from the likes of these guys if breast enlargement is a permanent side effect from PM or just temporary while you use it.
Im really weary of certain companies and the claims they make, ie I asked Natureday (whos track record for breast enlargement is really impressive with non stop pics of new success stories all the time) anyway I asked them to prove their herbs are organic, any certfification they can supply like the Pure Pm sellers can provide and I was told that 'no they have no proof and if I don't feel right taking the herbs then don't'. To me that's a red flag.


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