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Sweets93's program (with pictures)


Wow!!! your progress is amazing sweets!!

btw I think pumping is helping me the most too Wink

Here's my July picture. Just posting to keep myself positive, growth is slow but I'll get there!Smile


(24-07-2015, 03:24)sweets93 Wrote:  Here's my July picture. Just posting to keep myself positive, growth is slow but I'll get there!Smile
They're lookin' pretty good!! :-) Keep up the good work!!

August update...nothing Sad no growth for a few months now, even though I switched to PM. I switched to a lower dose since probably 500mg was too much for cycling. Now I'm doing 250mg on days 5-12, but I just started that but no growth. Hopefully it'll get better later on. For now I'm taking L-arginine, fenugreek and vitex during days after my period. But I won't get discouraged! I have my whole life to try growing my boobies, there's no rush. I just get impatient!

I noogle every other day when I have time, it's so hard to fit it in my schedule but I'm trying! I'm now seeing if pumping one at a time will produce better results..since using the foam rings cuts into my boobies a little, I'm going to try without it. Wish me luck Smile

I also got my hormones tested but I don't know if I should edit my program based on these results. I got 37pg/mL for estradiol and 0.3 for progesterone. Does this mean I'm low in progesterone?

Also here's an August picture although nothing changed.

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(01-09-2015, 18:30)sweets93 Wrote:  August update...nothing Sad no growth for a few months now, even though I switched to PM. I switched to a lower dose since probably 500mg was too much for cycling. Now I'm doing 250mg on days 5-12, but I just started that but no growth. Hopefully it'll get better later on. For now I'm taking L-arginine, fenugreek and vitex during days after my period. But I won't get discouraged! I have my whole life to try growing my boobies, there's no rush. I just get impatient!

I noogle every other day when I have time, it's so hard to fit it in my schedule but I'm trying! I'm now seeing if pumping one at a time will produce better results..since using the foam rings cuts into my boobies a little, I'm going to try without it. Wish me luck Smile

I also got my hormones tested but I don't know if I should edit my program based on these results. I got 37pg/mL for estradiol and 0.3 for progesterone. Does this mean I'm low in progesterone?

Also here's an August picture although nothing changed.

If you take a pic of the results and post them up it should show the reference range for the time of your cycle and what the normal range should be, make it easier for someone on here to interpret it for you.

0.3 for progest sounds low, but we have to see the full results sorry

(01-09-2015, 18:30)sweets93 Wrote:  August update...nothing Sad no growth for a few months now, even though I switched to PM. I switched to a lower dose since probably 500mg was too much for cycling. Now I'm doing 250mg on days 5-12, but I just started that but no growth. Hopefully it'll get better later on. For now I'm taking L-arginine, fenugreek and vitex during days after my period. But I won't get discouraged! I have my whole life to try growing my boobies, there's no rush. I just get impatient!

I noogle every other day when I have time, it's so hard to fit it in my schedule but I'm trying! I'm now seeing if pumping one at a time will produce better results..since using the foam rings cuts into my boobies a little, I'm going to try without it. Wish me luck Smile

I also got my hormones tested but I don't know if I should edit my program based on these results. I got 37pg/mL for estradiol and 0.3 for progesterone. Does this mean I'm low in progesterone?

Also here's an August picture although nothing changed.

What's the unit of mesure of your progesterone test? You have the E presented in pg/mL, is it the same for P? Didn't they present reference values?

I have done 2 diferent tests along the years and they are both mesured in pg/mL, but they present very diferent reference values and results. 37pg/mL for estradiol is low looking for the reference values that came with my results and 0.3 for P it's maybe in ng/DL ?! In which phase of your cycle have you tested P?

I already made a thread posting the results so check it out, thanks!Smile what should I do to my program using these values?

September update..sort of on a PM cleanse this month. I started taking some breast pills from this girl on Instagram. She told me the ingredients and it sounded pretty good. They actually are tingling and hurting sometimes, PM didn't make me do that. It has wild yam and some other ingredients I would have to look at the text again. And it seems my boobs have gotten bigger too. Just comparing these pictures makes me happy that I did grow! I am also noogling at least 3 times a week.

1st compare: March 2015 (top) now September 2015 (bottom)

I don't care if you guys don't like my post, I'm just posting for myself. I just don't want to have boob pics all over my phone lol.

(08-04-2015, 07:36)Soledad46 Wrote:  I agree with Peggy, they do look fuller!

I wonder about your bumps, though. Keratosis pilaris is a dry skin situation, and coconut oil anecdotally is a superb treatment for it. But whatever it is, I hope it heals really soon and you can get comfortable and back to noogling!

Xo, Soli


Yep!! You DEFINATELY made some progress!!

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