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What do I do about this?


So my routine has me taking 3 doses per day of BO and pituitary, But today I missed my 400mg/200mg afternoon dose, silly me. So I was wondering- is it healthy/ok to just combine the afternoon dose with the evening dose, or is it better to just try doing it right 2moro? Bcuz I dont want to take 800mg of BO in one chug if its going to make me sick or affect negativly in any way. same with 400mg of pitui. Any advice out there for lil ol me? please helpBig Grin thanks!

I've never taken generic BO before, so I can only tell you what I've read on here and what I thought from it.

Some gals that took BB, were taking both pills once a day instead of dividing them up one in the morning and one at night. I don't recall any of them ever saying it made them sick.

I personally have missed a pill once in awhile and just let it go. I still seemed to grow just fine even when I did that. I think as long as it's not often, it's okay.

So either way you want to I think would be okay, but hopefully someone that has taken the generic can answer, since it is a higher dose than the BB pills.


Well I've done, and am doing the swansons now also. I take it twice a day. 1000 bo morning and evening. No problems at all. I have a question about your pituitary though...are you taking 600 a day? I only take one 80 mg pill with my morning and another with my evening bo. I think the most pituitary I took in a day was 225...another brand. If you are taking that much, I might suggest you lower the dosage a bit. Always better to work up, than start too high.
Good luck!!

So, you're taking Swanson BO? I am about to order it, but I'm not really sure how many bottles to get to last a month. I was told I should get 1800 mg a day, so I am guessing I will need to take a lot of pills in one day and order a lot of bottles to last a month.

yup 600 of pitui everyday. I was thinking of lowering it back to 400 but now u make me wonder if I should just be taking 200mg a day? Anyone else out there who takes pituitary supplement have anything to add to help me decide?

And Alicat- The swansons brand I believe is 60caps at 250mg per bottle, correct me if Im wrong anyone! So 250mgx7=1750mg... 60/7=8.57 so one bottle should last roughly a week. dang, I havnt thought about this one much. A bottle a week dosent sound fun. owell!Big Grin

Okay, so how would I work out taking 7 pills a day because you can't take it all at once? Two in the morning, afternoon, and then three at night? Sorry, this is confusing me lol. Huh For some reason I just feel safer buying the Swanson brand than UB. Although, UB is cheaper for a month, so maybe I should think this through some more lol.

apparently you can split it up into two dosings with no problems, mel previously reported no probs with two high doses. And for the past two days I have done two doses with no problems either. I personally reccommend taking the highest dose in the morning, I just feel like I get all day for it to work its best. so if you were to break it down into 3 times a day, start the morning off with 3pills, afternoon and evening 2 pills each. yes? no? helps?

Yes, that makes sense. Take it on an empty stomach, right? I know you're supposed to take herbs on an empty stomach. How many mg is Ultra Breast for one pill? Do you know?

Yes empty stomach. My L-ty bottle also suggests taking on empty so there must be something to that. No Im not sure how much is in the UB, but read the BB vs UB thread and it should answer most of your questions. Great thread too! But dont be too quick to jump to conclusions when reading the thread, remember theyre mostly just personal opinions!

To take 7 pills of the swansons a day you'd need about 4 bottles of swansons a month. Probably around 24 a month plus shipping. Not really that much of a difference in pricing. They are capsules, and easy to swallow. I take them with a protein shake in the am...and just with water at night. I've done really well on them this month, so...I can recommend them. But, I order a lot of my supplements through swansons...they've always had good quality products.
Just a thought though, you might want to start out at about 1500 a day. See if its effective, and work up gradually if not.

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