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How a plant based diet can improve your health!


And realise the fact that because the amount of food we give to animals is so large in comparison to ourselves that whoever made this couldn't even ifit the bar on the actual graph.

With population only set to rise, wake up to the fact that large scale animal farming in rich countries breeds food at the expense of lesser nations and those not so 'fortunate' to be born in a country where their consumption of meat, dairy and eggs is subsidised by the government only to prevent these less fortunate people being able to afford the grain and water we feed so needlessly and inneficiently to animals.

Once I opened my mind to the fact that the consumption of meat, dairy, at least in the society I live in, was complete unnecessary for my survival, the decision to go vegan merely rested on me putting my own self indulgence aside for the something that, when you look at it objectively, only still exists because of tradition, culture, convenience and pleasure; factors which is no way make the actual industry itself any more morally justifiable.

Read a book on the topic or watch something like Cowspiracy and at least get some insight on the topic rather than remaining mindlessly ignorant something which, as a previous mindless meat eater myself, I completely recognise is very easy thing to do.

Quote from:

sorry if this was mentioned already; I skimmed through the thread pretty fast.
But I found this pretty interesting the other day...

I was reading about prostaglandins and found that adding more veggies especially leafy greens to your diet and decreasing your intake of dairy products (red meat, eggs, milk) can reduce menstrual cramping and heavy menstrual bleeding.
So this is another plus for vegans Tongue especially if you have an awful period!

And I'm not even vegan nor vegetarian and I personally would not be either one for my own reasons, but I do support their lifestyle choices because, well, those are their choices and their beliefs! Blush

vegan on peggy! Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

A plant based food is healthier for all of us. I am not even a vegan, but most of the time all I eat are fruits, greens, and nuts, and that’s how my body wants (I am very intuitive.), although I do weight training 4/week, my body does not miss red meat for its so called protein. If you eat more greens and fruits (not juice) everyday, you will be a healthier person. POM

@msnewboobies: I can definitely confirm that I am having much less period cramps since going vegan, especially since eating high carb / low fat. Also I had bad acne before I went vegan, which cleared up after some weeks on the vegan lifestyle. And POM is right, a plantbased diet is the healthiest for your body. Dairy and meat will lead to heart disease, cancer and diabetes, that's no secret anymore.

Regarding vegans and "choices/beliefs"... here is a quote which sums it up nicely:

"I was not raised a vegan, I was automatically born into this world without a choice and that is by eating meat and animal by-products. Do you know why I didn't get a choice? Because the meat and dairy industry spends more than 550 million dollars a year into brainwashing society. Their main focus is on children, through things like colouring books featuring why we must drink milk provided at school paid by dairy industry, making it compulsory to hand out 1 carton of milk at school everyday, making sure meat is part of the meals at school cafeterias, paying health organisations to feature their products in the food pyramids and other articles, manipulating scientific studies to get results that they need, trying to make ag gag laws on slaughter houses so people can't go in and show the public what it's really like, putting a million commercials of meat on TV, commercials of milk which include paying celebrities to advertise milk, constant fast food burger commercials, the list goes on and on. They are extremely powerful industries and will do anything to exceed in profit.

So please tell me again who is forcing their beliefs on you? I'm sick of hearing people tell vegans to stop forcing their "beliefs" on people. First of all it is not a belief, it is a conscience decision based on facts to put your actions inline with your morals. Maybe if the meat and dairy industry stopped forcing their beliefs onto society than maybe we wouldn't need to "force" ours and by force I mean educate because that's all vegans are really doing, is educating and presenting facts. Vegans value all animals lives the same and is that so wrong? We are vegan because we believe all living beings have a choice to live the way they choose. If people didn't speak up than I probably would still be eating dead flesh now. So NO we won't stop "forcing" our "beliefs" onto people until you stop forcing yours onto us, the animals and the environment"

If you are interested in the environment: "Agriculture is the most destructive industry in the world today, responsible for global warming, deforestation, droughts, murders of land activists etc." Watch Cowspiracy on Netflix, it's one of the best documentaries ever.

@POM: I definitely recommend you also to watch Cowspiracy.

(30-09-2015, 19:17)peggy Wrote:  @msnewboobies: I can definitely confirm that I am having much less period cramps since going vegan, especially since eating high carb / low fat. Also I had bad acne before I went vegan, which cleared up after some weeks on the vegan lifestyle. And POM is right, a plantbased diet is the healthiest for your body. Dairy and meat will lead to heart disease, cancer and diabetes, that's no secret anymore.

Regarding vegans and "choices/beliefs"... here is a quote which sums it up nicely:

"I was not raised a vegan, I was automatically born into this world without a choice and that is by eating meat and animal by-products. Do you know why I didn't get a choice? Because the meat and dairy industry spends more than 550 million dollars a year into brainwashing society. Their main focus is on children, through things like colouring books featuring why we must drink milk provided at school paid by dairy industry, making it compulsory to hand out 1 carton of milk at school everyday, making sure meat is part of the meals at school cafeterias, paying health organisations to feature their products in the food pyramids and other articles, manipulating scientific studies to get results that they need, trying to make ag gag laws on slaughter houses so people can't go in and show the public what it's really like, putting a million commercials of meat on TV, commercials of milk which include paying celebrities to advertise milk, constant fast food burger commercials, the list goes on and on. They are extremely powerful industries and will do anything to exceed in profit.

So please tell me again who is forcing their beliefs on you? I'm sick of hearing people tell vegans to stop forcing their "beliefs" on people. First of all it is not a belief, it is a conscience decision based on facts to put your actions inline with your morals. Maybe if the meat and dairy industry stopped forcing their beliefs onto society than maybe we wouldn't need to "force" ours and by force I mean educate because that's all vegans are really doing, is educating and presenting facts. Vegans value all animals lives the same and is that so wrong? We are vegan because we believe all living beings have a choice to live the way they choose. If people didn't speak up than I probably would still be eating dead flesh now. So NO we won't stop "forcing" our "beliefs" onto people until you stop forcing yours onto us, the animals and the environment"

If you are interested in the environment: "Agriculture is the most destructive industry in the world today, responsible for global warming, deforestation, droughts, murders of land activists etc." Watch Cowspiracy on Netflix, it's one of the best documentaries ever.

@POM: I definitely recommend you also to watch Cowspiracy.

I am still following your thread Peggy, I'm a great plant-eater myself. And as much as you probably hate to hear it I still eat meat, BUT a lot less since I saw the green tumor picture. Anyhow this is a matter of consciousness, and in this new age modern time we live in now..people will become more and more aware of this. Its awareness versus tradition.
I wanted to bring up a completely different subject to you Peggy, which also has to do with awareness and deception namely Vaccins. What do you think about that Pegs? Ever heard of the extreme conspiracy which shelters behind the: '' It will protect you from deadly disaeses''--fake ''fact''?
Do you also know how they let ie polio cells grow on animal DNA making us even more sick of some meat that is beeing used in the vaccins? Or all these rising allergies like peanut allergy..because peanut oil is the most used carrier oil in vaccins?
If you are interested in it I'll post up a thread soon with concerning information, sorry for hijacking but my search after vaccins reminded me about yours in animal products. A whole new vision opens itself when we just start knowing how it works and become AWARE instead of just doing because thats what we always did. Unfortunately many people just look away and that will always stop us from developing, but you probably know that from experience when you bring subjects like these up with people, they dont want to hear it. You can see from their faces they are geting tired as soon as you bring these facts up:p
So you doing this makes me really proud, You are worth life, because you want to know life instead of just taking everything for granted and just clothing your eyes, look away and deny the clues that are showed to us. For me you are a hero!:Wink And I know how hard it is to convince people without getting a negative image yourself. But you say what you think and thats great!

Aww thanks Hannah, that was sooo cute! You are also a hero. Smile

Yes I saw numerous documentaries about vaccines on youtube and I was really shocked after I saw them. It made me so sad to see how so many children got ill and many of them died because of the vaccines. Sad Also when I heard that there are forced vaccine programs in Africa (google "Bill Gates' Polio Vaccine Program") to make the poor population ill, I thought WTF! Dodgy

In my opinion you should always do the opposite of what they (the commercials, the doctors etc) tell you, then you will stay healthy. There is a reason why you see so many commercials for meat and dairy. They want to make all people sick, because the big food industries (meat, dairy, egg) work together with the pharma industry which means big profit if people are sick! It's the sad truth. Sad

Did you hear about Monsanto? If not, google it! Another horrible topic...

(17-10-2015, 23:29)peggy Wrote:  Aww thanks Hannah, that was sooo cute! You are also a hero. Smile

Yes I saw numerous documentaries about vaccines on youtube and I was really shocked after I saw them. It made me so sad to see how so many children got ill and many of them died because of the vaccines. Sad Also when I heard that there are forced vaccine programs in Africa (google "Bill Gates' Polio Vaccine Program") to make the poor population ill, I thought WTF! Dodgy

In my opinion you should always do the opposite of what they (the commercials, the doctors etc) tell you, then you will stay healthy. There is a reason why you see so many commercials for meat and dairy. They want to make all people sick, because the big food industries (meat, dairy, egg) work together with the pharma industry which means big profit if people are sick! It's the sad truth. Sad

Did you hear about Monsanto? If not, google it! Another horrible topic...

Peggy are you watching the truth about cancer series? They say a lot about gmo. Didn't realise it was just more than just soy but Corn rice etc and how gmos are slipping through the cracks. Downright scary. Plus cancer causing roundup which is used on all gmo foods

(17-10-2015, 23:29)peggy Wrote:  Aww thanks Hannah, that was sooo cute! You are also a hero. Smile

Yes I saw numerous documentaries about vaccines on youtube and I was really shocked after I saw them. It made me so sad to see how so many children got ill and many of them died because of the vaccines. Sad Also when I heard that there are forced vaccine programs in Africa (google "Bill Gates' Polio Vaccine Program") to make the poor population ill, I thought WTF! Dodgy

In my opinion you should always do the opposite of what they (the commercials, the doctors etc) tell you, then you will stay healthy. There is a reason why you see so many commercials for meat and dairy. They want to make all people sick, because the big food industries (meat, dairy, egg) work together with the pharma industry which means big profit if people are sick! It's the sad truth. Sad

Did you hear about Monsanto? If not, google it! Another horrible topic...

Yes its horrible those vaccins, what about it a disease spread by nature or by vaccins? I think the last one. Its really a crime against humanity, and those poor Africans have a beautiful country rich of natural sources-materials ie diamonds. Yes it all comes down to one thing, money. Initially I didnt want to vaccinate my son, but my doctor and other people around me were kind off telling me that it was wrong to not protect my kid against these diseases, I wasnt as informed as I am now. My only argument was that it sounded awful and that many of the diseases are medieval. But hubby brought it like well then its your responsbility. And I couldnt carry that, so he got 1 vaccination. And it was horrible!!! Straight after he got it, he felt asleep in the car and he did not woke up anymore that night. He barely ate and drunk in the days and weeks afterwards because he was like a zombie, with fever and whenever he was awake all he did was crying. I called the doc that gave him the vaccin and she was so passive. She said yeh well thats normal just give him aspirin. I was so mad, and when I started my research I was even more mad! Then the doctor called me why I wasnt there to give him the next vaccins because he had to catch up with them because he already missed a lot of them beacuse of me. By that time I've done my research and I hit her around her ears with all these arguments...and she was quiete...she said nothing but okay I see. Probably because she KNOWS how bad they are.
The vaccins are full of metals aluminiums, even MERCURY. And its imeddiatly entering the bloodstream bypassing the liver therefore it can only be broken down in one place...the BRAINS. Mercury is then broken down by eating up brain cells..from a baby whos brains arent even fully developed. This kids run a HUGE risk to get all kind of damage like lowered IQ, autism, ADHD-ADD, ear problems. And the last one is worrying me because my son is constantly grabbing to his ears..SO that is still making me sad, especially because these kids cant talk.. They have to deal with problems on their own, while we inject themSad

Also the unbelievable thing about this all, that so many people just believe this lie and even cooperating to put all these vaccins in these poor kids. They are a disgrace for humanity..but they call themselves doctors and the oath they take of is based on what?? They are harming usHuh

I yesterday read up on Monsanto, and wow thats another shocking story. From now on I will only buy biological farmed greens and foods. And I never touch corn again. Still I feel bad for these farmers that have to deal with such a nasty company. And all these animals that get fed so badly.Sad

Do you have some more tips to avoid ''Monsanto's food''?
What about home farming? Could that supply a family for a year? I dont think so, at least not in my country..unfortunately.

(18-10-2015, 02:39)ellacraig Wrote:  
(17-10-2015, 23:29)peggy Wrote:  Aww thanks Hannah, that was sooo cute! You are also a hero. Smile

Yes I saw numerous documentaries about vaccines on youtube and I was really shocked after I saw them. It made me so sad to see how so many children got ill and many of them died because of the vaccines. Sad Also when I heard that there are forced vaccine programs in Africa (google "Bill Gates' Polio Vaccine Program") to make the poor population ill, I thought WTF! Dodgy

In my opinion you should always do the opposite of what they (the commercials, the doctors etc) tell you, then you will stay healthy. There is a reason why you see so many commercials for meat and dairy. They want to make all people sick, because the big food industries (meat, dairy, egg) work together with the pharma industry which means big profit if people are sick! It's the sad truth. Sad

Did you hear about Monsanto? If not, google it! Another horrible topic...

Peggy are you watching the truth about cancer series? They say a lot about gmo. Didn't realise it was just more than just soy but Corn rice etc and how gmos are slipping through the cracks. Downright scary. Plus cancer causing roundup which is used on all gmo foods

The cancer series are great Ella, thanks for these, I will soon buy them all and show them to everybody in my surroundingSmile
What do you mean with gmos slipping through the cracks?

(19-10-2015, 16:08)Hannah14 Wrote:  
(18-10-2015, 02:39)ellacraig Wrote:  
(17-10-2015, 23:29)peggy Wrote:  Aww thanks Hannah, that was sooo cute! You are also a hero. Smile

Yes I saw numerous documentaries about vaccines on youtube and I was really shocked after I saw them. It made me so sad to see how so many children got ill and many of them died because of the vaccines. Sad Also when I heard that there are forced vaccine programs in Africa (google "Bill Gates' Polio Vaccine Program") to make the poor population ill, I thought WTF! Dodgy

In my opinion you should always do the opposite of what they (the commercials, the doctors etc) tell you, then you will stay healthy. There is a reason why you see so many commercials for meat and dairy. They want to make all people sick, because the big food industries (meat, dairy, egg) work together with the pharma industry which means big profit if people are sick! It's the sad truth. Sad

Did you hear about Monsanto? If not, google it! Another horrible topic...

Peggy are you watching the truth about cancer series? They say a lot about gmo. Didn't realise it was just more than just soy but Corn rice etc and how gmos are slipping through the cracks. Downright scary. Plus cancer causing roundup which is used on all gmo foods

The cancer series are great Ella, thanks for these, I will soon buy them all and show them to everybody in my surroundingSmile
What do you mean with gmos slipping through the cracks?

We found out recently that our cattle is getting "feed" from gmo sources and yet we are meant to be a gmo free country. So if its in the cattles system its in ours!!

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