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stand-still, what am I lacking?


Hey everyone, so I am at kind of a stand still and I was hoping maybe someone might know about this--

Adding PC has leveled me out to the point where the fluctuations I get in my breast are barely noticeable anymore, but still there. I am wondering why..

What else along with P deficiency might cause a decrease in the breast? what else sounds good bc I am at a loss here.. is PC enough for a P deficiency? should I add vitex or something for prolactin or is there a chance I will be putting too much P into my system? something is still missing and I am not sure what it is, collagen? I really don't know.. do I need more E? and even more P?

I have been taking EPO and drink anti androgen teas.. my skin is clear and there are no signs (to my knowledge) of high T.. but I am at a loss at what else to add to my NBE.

The PC I use is natural progesterone cream, I believe it has phytoestrogens in it so I don't think it's 100% natural PC. The only thing is, I like how light it is on my body.. I was worried if I get a super PC it could have been too much hormonally, should I look for one that is more effective? I dont want to get P dom either.

A friend of mine on here said I can benefit from growth hormones, amino acids like l-arginine. Is this worth a shot? or is there something else I am missing as well?

Peggy got me onto the wonders of iodine . It's mind blowing the role it plays in your hormones body functions etc.
Long story short you can buy a transdermal iodine which you roll a patch onto your skin and judging by how quickly it disaperes into your skin it's a guideline to if you are deficient or not.
I got mine today, only $15
Just a thought at looking for underlying conditions contributing to hormones.

Ps after pic cream the real good stuff I had a period where for half a day I was almost bleeding out. It was truely effing terrifying. This month I'm using a low dose of vitex to raise or level progesterone . A more subtle approach.

(27-10-2015, 02:51)ellacraig Wrote:  Peggy got me onto the wonders of iodine . It's mind blowing the role it plays in your hormones body functions etc.
Long story short you can buy a transdermal iodine which you roll a patch onto your skin and judging by how quickly it disaperes into your skin it's a guideline to if you are deficient or not.
I got mine today, only $15
Just a thought at looking for underlying conditions contributing to hormones.

Ps after pic cream the real good stuff I had a period where for half a day I was almost bleeding out. It was truely effing terrifying. This month I'm using a low dose of vitex to raise or level progesterone . A more subtle approach.

Thanks Ella Smile can always count on you <3
I don't know much about iodine, it's interesting to see it absorb though.. i'll look into it. What does an iodine deficiency cause? or is this just to regulate hormones? I just wanna know why I keep deflating lol Huh

yeah, I didn't want that.. my PC does the trick but some days I feel like I benefit so much from it that maybe I could use the "real good stuff" but I am worried it might be too much :/ i'll probably look into making a doctors apt (that fail effort again, but worth a shot, i guess Tongue) let me know how vitex works for you Smile

Gosh I wouldn't know where to begin. Peggy would send me links that would make my hair stand on end after hearing how much iodine impacts our cells esp breasts.
Il try find her links, I think she put a thread up. I believe the RDI set for nutritional supplements is 150mcg but Japanese consume up to 50 GRAMS by way of food consumption and they are the healthiest people around with the lowest cancer rates (pre Fukushima) .
Seriously though when you have time do some research on it.

Anyway the iodine I applied stayed on my skin for 10hours before it disappeared. The directions on my roll on version said once the iodine takes 24 hrs before it disaperes that's when you have enough in your system so I'm likely deficient. You gotta start low when you start it for the first time. I gave hubby a few doses of quite high dosage and he's broken out in a rash, likely a detox reaction. So I may sneak him kelp supplements instead to start with. And my daughter too.

Thank you so much! I will do some research-- most likely will add this to my nbe Smile thanks Ella!

Hi, just my thoughts on your stand still here.

If your breast are growing and then "deflating," my guess is that it is not true growth in the sense of fat tissue actually being built up. I think that your supplements are causing them to swell up, kind of as if you were having a period.

In order for your body to actually build fatty tissue to build up your breasts, you do need to be producing human growth hormone. The way to do that is with amino acids and vitamins. I have recently discovered that there are three amino acids considered to be necessary for making hgh. They are L-lysine, Arginine, and L-glutamine. Also important are vitamins C, A, B6, and E for various reasons (a Google search would turn up why if you want specifics.) Last ones I know of is Zinc, which builds tissue, and folic acid, but as ellacraig has told me it's best to get folic acid from a whole food source rather than an isolated supplement.

Lacking all these things is, I believe, my problem and why NBE hasn't worked for me in the past, so I can't say that they have worked for me quite yet since I just added these things to my routine yesterday, but it is worth you checking into. Do some googling on the things I mentioned and it might be worth it for you to give them a shot.

You can get amino acids supplements from Amazon by a brand called Now foods, theirs has the three that I mentioned plus a bunch of other essential and nonessential ones. As far as my "research" has been able to tell, growing breasts without amino acids isn't gonna happen because they are necessary for HGH production, so you might start there and then look into the vitamins I mentioned.

I hope this is somewhat helpful Smile

Hey again, I just was checking into the iodine thing. You should also look up Pacific Kelp supplements. Here is a copy of the summary of how it helps:

Both your breasts and your thyroid function need iodine, and pacific kelp is rich with iodine. Consuming pacific kelp will help increase the amount of iodine your body gets and it will then get converted by the thyroid into T3 and T4, which are the thyroid hormones. When your pituitary (hormone producing gland in your brain) senses the increase in thyroid hormones it will immediately begin releasing more prolactin. Prolactin is what actually makes your breasts produce milk when you’re supposed to be lactating. When this happens it will cause more fat to be stored in your breast tissue to support the production of milk, which will make your boobs grow bigger.

I think I am going to look into adding this to my program. I found it on Amazon for between $6 and $10 so the price of it seems reasonable.

If you were growing before but now you stopped then it is probably one or both of two things:
1. An imbalance. Maybe you have enough progesterone now and you need a stronger phytoestrogen such as PM to balance it out. Or use less progesterone cream.
2. You need to up the amounts. What you have been taking is enough to reach and maintain your current size, but to reach a larger size you need more.

Glancing at your profile I think it may be both. Nothing you are taking does very well when increased, so instead of increasing anything you are currently taking you might add a little PM and a steroidal saponin such as ~50% saponin fenugreek extract or ~50% saponin shatavari extract. Unless fenugreek or another similar herb has given you problems in the past, in which case you should omit it entirely (not even a small amount). It's easy to overdo PM so start with a little then add more only if it seems to be helping.

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