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What's GABA all about?


What's GABA all about?
January 5 2008 at 9:16 PM madboobie (Login madboobie)
I have noiced that some older women (of which i suppose I am one, at 36!) take GABA and i am wondering whether that would be good for me too to take with the WU. the only thing is (and its quite an important thing!) is that I don't know what it is supposed to do, nor do I really understand what it is, or why it is good for 30 plus women. I'd really appreciate a bit of info on this. Thanks to all, in advance!

(no login)
Re: What's GABA all about?
January 6 2008, 4:17 PM

anyone?!! Help!

(Login Hopeful88)
Re: What's GABA all about?
January 6 2008, 5:09 PM

I've never taken it but I just read some about it now and all I could find on the internet was about it helping with anxiety and related problems. Perhaps you thinking older women take it was just a coincidence within this board (I'm assuming that's where you heard about it since this is where I first heard about GABA)?

Don't know if I'm correct but just thought I'd give my input, hopefully one of the more knowledgable ladies around here will be able to answer this question better for you soon.

Good luck madboobie Smile

(Login js89)
Re: What's GABA all about?
January 6 2008, 6:16 PM

Did you do a forum search at all? I know a while back, a few of us talked about GABA extensively. I don't have time to look for it right now, but the info is there. If I have time later, maybe I can check for it.

(Login momXseven)
Re: What's GABA all about?
January 6 2008, 7:56 PM

I don't know all the reason's but I take it and it helps me with my anxiety (I have social anxiety and panic attacks), my sex drive and over all mood. If it helps I'm 34.

(no login)
Re: What's GABA all about?
January 6 2008, 10:05 PM

thanks all who have responded. Still not sure what it has to do with boobs though but I will do a forum search as suggested when I have time! I am trying to give up wasting time online for the new year but it is a hard habit to break, particularly when any boob growing tips are so fascinating!

(Login jellyboobs)
Mad boobie !!!!
January 7 2008, 8:16 AM

Hi it helps your body have the growing power again (well thats what its supposed to do ) thats why body builders take it. For older ladies it to help us have renewed groing poer so if were taking boob growth supplements of some kind its supposed to help us grow our boobs. Its on mt program page and helped me Good Luck love jellyeeeeee.......

(Login js89)
Re: What's GABA all about?
January 8 2008, 4:17 AM

GABA has been talked about a lot. There's tons of info. It might be worthwhile to research it, if you are interested. There are different opions about it out there on the forum.

Here is something I copied from some time ago:

GABA is recommended for women over the age of 30.
By taking a moderate dose of GABA before bed, you can easily boost your bodys production of growth hormone. It can even help you get a good nights sleep: GABA promotes sleep and relaxation so effectively, it is known as the brains "natural Valium".

GABA is an amino acid (a protien building block) that is naturally found in your body.

GABA's job is to communicate messages through brain cells; there are large amounts of it found in the hypothalamus gland. Because the hypothalamus gland regulates the pituitary gland-(which is primarly responsible for manufacturing growth hormone)-researchers have discovered a link between GABA and growth hormone.

Since GABA is an amino acid, it can be made into a nutritional supplement from protien. Many studies have proven GABA's ability to effectively increase growth hormone levels.

~In one study, researches found that supplementing with GABA led to a five-fold increase in growth hormone levels after only ninety minutes!~


GABA is a safe, readily available supplement; side effects are rare.
Some people notice mild tingling around the face after taking GABA, but this effect is harmless and disappears after a couple minutes.

*While GABA supplements are an excellent way to increase growth hormone, improving your diet,exercise,and sleep habits can make a big difference too.*

GABA has been shown to naturally stimulate
the pituitary gland to produce more HGH,
(Human Growth Hormone).
This is very important and extremely beneficial
since HGH, like many other hormones,
has been shown to dramatically decline in
production as you age.
/end of Quote.
Perhaps HGH production decline in production simply because adults aren't supposed to grow... I'm sure there is a very good reason why nature intended it this way.

(Login Louise1982)
Re: What's GABA all about?
January 8 2008, 6:18 PM

I did some reading about this at work today, wikipedia thinks the raised HGH claim is dubious but some bodybuilding forums think it works and they do quote proper studies. The body building sites say that GABA helps build muscle and burn fat - I'm worried it's make me look like a man!

They all agree that it's a mild sedative, I think a lot of the girls here use it for sleeplessness or depression / anxiety.

Theres also alot of controversy wether it actually works in supplement form also. Ive read that it cant pass the blood/brain barrier. Just do some in depth google about it. I was taking it for a little while but did notice anything different. I was concerned that the finasteride limits your production of Gaba if im not mistaken. I also heard that it also has something to do with testosterone /Gh so i stopped taking that as well as l-carnitine. So, you can decide if you want ro take it, but im not because there are still question wether it works or not. It doesnt really have anything to do with boobs either.

May 22 2006 at 1:19 AM Julie (Login dizzy19)
I heard a lot of talk on here that women over 30 should be taking this with their program. I am right on that 30 line. I went to the health food store and read it was for mood altering. I wasn't sure it was the right stuff. Thanks

(Login SugarQ)
May 22 2006, 3:25 AM

Gaba really wont do a whole lot for breast enlargement. its used by body builders and women women excersise it causes HGH levels to rise. HGH is a hormone that allows for fat to be removed from the body which is not what we want when it comes to NBE. 80%+ of our breast is fat and its the fat that gives breasts their size. i wouldnt add GABA to aroutine really. the starting age is 30 but if you are using it for BE purposes then its not going to help much.

(no login)
May 23 2006, 4:36 AM

Bumper! I read flatTofab last week, that book suggested women over 30 should take Gaba, so I bought a bottle and added it to my routine. I guess I should stop using it???

(Login dizzy19)
May 23 2006, 4:48 PM

I dont know... I know that some one on here is also over thirty and taking it with great results. I can't remember though who it was. Tender tatas maybe?

Could GABA really help?
August 17 2007 at 6:05 PM momXseven (Login momXseven)
I had been taking it last month, had great growth but than this month dropped it from my program because I was worried about the side effects I was having. Well I'm measuring 1/2in smaller this week so I added the GABA back in 2 days ago, I'm really not one to feel pains or tingling much but i was sitting here just now and both boobies started hurting a bit. I haven't done anything different other than dropping the GABA and than adding it back.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Could GABA really help?
August 17 2007, 6:31 PM

Yeah I heard it mentioned it programs, but I dunno why exactly it's relevant for NBE. It's good for mood and depression no?

(Login momXseven)
August 17 2007, 6:39 PM

I read on the internet it's good for anti-anxiety and Panic Disorder and Attacks (witch I have) and in larger does is good for stimulate the production of human growth hormone or HGH by the pituitary gland.

(Login momXseven)
Thanks js89
August 18 2007, 2:56 PM

It's hard to believe that 1 little thing like GABA helps me as much as it does. You know I added it back to my program 3 days ago and I already have the fullness back in my boobies that I had last month (and my sex drive is back, LOL, DH is very happy about this).

October 2 2006 at 11:30 AM Claire (Login clairefarky)
I have read up on it and still am unsure as to whether it will be of benefit. Surf, I am slightly older than you but probably samish build. I read that you added it, then stopped and added it again. What is your conclusion about it please. I am just using wonderup and 2 x saw palmetto and 3 x EPO three times daily. Many thanks x

(Login Surf.)
Re: Surf and GABA
October 2 2006, 2:12 PM

No bother! I'm keeping GABA in my routine. I've experienced no negative side effects (that I know of). It's complicated, more like impossible, to answer if it is truly helping or not. I feel that one must find the right COMBINATION of things that will work for that individual. Yes, I may grow without it. Then again, I may grow more without it. It would be a matter of experimenting, which would be am extremely lengthy process due to all the different herbs and other stuff and the possible combinations to really find out. I'm not willing to do the experimenting. Therefore, I have found a routine that seems to work for me and until my body tells me otherwise (by not growing or having greatly slowed growth), I'm not changing it.

Best of luck in your process!!!!!!!!!!!!

Growing boobie blessings to all!

(Login Surf.)
Re: Surf and GABA
October 2 2006, 2:13 PM

Sorry, I meant to say that I may grow without it. Then again, I may grow more WITH it.

September 9 2006 at 2:00 PM claire (Login clairefarky)
What is this please and what will it do?

(Login bonnette)
Re: gaba
September 9 2006, 3:18 PM

i'm not an expert on this but GABA is sold in healthstores and it increases growth hormone which plays a role in natural breast enalrgement for older ladies here.

(Login Surf.)
Re: gaba
September 10 2006, 3:49 PM

There seems to be many different views about GABA. I think it's wise if you do your own research on GABA (on this forum and/or somewhere else) before coming to any conclusions about the stuff. If you do read through the threads about GABA on this forum, you will probably come across a thread with a link to an article about GABA. Let me tell you the article is incorrect in at least 1 aspect. The article says it's banned in the USA, which is completely incorrect (which leads me to be really skeptical about the entire article)! Good luck in your journey!

GABA may help women 30 and older who are doing NBE
March 17 2006 at 10:00 PM
Sunset (Login liquidSunset)
hey ladies, I have read about this stuff called GABA. Lemme give you some info that may be the very "boost" some of you need:

Other than estrogen,progesterone,prolactin,and testosterone there is one more "ingredient" to consider: GROWTH HORMONE.

There is no such thing as a "growth hormone pill" The only way to get a growth hormone supplement into your system is through an injection that costs about $10,000 PER MONTH! A more practical solution would be to INCREASE your bodys own natural production of growth hormone. This can be done in 2 ways:
1. By supplementing with GABA
2. By improving your diet,exercise, and sleep habits.

GABA is recommended for women over the age of 30. By taking a moderate dose of GABA before bed,you can easily boost your bodys production of growth hormone. It can even help you get a good nights sleep:GABA promotes sleep and relaxation so effectively, it is known as the brains "natural valium."

GABA is an amino acid (protien building block) that is naturally found in the body. GABA's job is to communicate messages through brain cells;there are large amounts of it found in the hypothalamus gland. Because the hypothalamus gland regulates the pituitary glad-which is primarily responsible for manufacturing growth hormone-researchers have discovered a link between GABA and growth hormone.

Since GABA is an amino acid, it can be made into a nutritional supplement from protien. Many studies haveproven GABA's ability to effectively increase growth hormone levels. In one study, researchers found that supplementing with GABA led to a 5-fold increase in growth hormone levels in only 90 minutes!

GABA is a safe, readily available supplement;side effects are rare. Some people noticed mild tingling around the face after taking GABA, but this effect is harmless and disappears after a couple of minutes.

Maybe this would help some of you out Smile

(Login SugarQ)
Re: GABA may help women 30 and older who are doing NBE
March 17 2006, 10:12 PM

Gaba is awesome stuff but there is a problem i keep facing. you dont actually need Growth Hormone itself for NBE. you need 1-IGF is what actually causes breast tissue growth. HGH just converts into 1-IGF in the liver. the differnce between the two is that HGH moves fat away from storing areas so when you excersise growth hormone will actually increase to help "burn" fat. 1-IGF will actually help to store fat. according to fawnmarie (from the beboard my on of my sources for HGH info) its this fat storing nature of 1-IGF that makes it Insulin like.

GABA is on source for supplimenting GABA but you cant take too much or you wont be doing yourself any favors. there are curtain times in the day when its benificial to take GABA. i will check and report back when i get more. but a peferred Suppliment for 1-IGF is Deer antler Velvet or Colostrum( make sure they have a fixed dosage of 1-IGF).

(Login liquidSunset)
March 17 2006, 10:17 PM

interesting, I never heard of that stuff. You can suppliment with deer antler velvet? Thats too cool Smile My hunny hunts

Thanks for the info SugarQ! So you can buy those supplements of it at a health food store?

(Login SugarQ)
Re: GABA may help women 30 and older who are doing NBE
March 17 2006, 10:22 PM

Some Extra sources linking NBE to 1-IGF (sorry its a lil long lol but helpful)

"Breast size in relation to endogenous hormone levels, body constitution, and oral contraceptive use in healthy nulligravid women aged 19-25 years.
Jernstrom H, Olsson H.
Department of Oncology, University Hospital, Lund, Sweden.
In 1993 and 1994, the relation between breast size and hormonal factors and body constitution was studied in 65 healthy nulligravid women aged 19-25 years. Twenty-five women were current oral contraceptive users, 20 women were former users, and 20 women had never used oral contraceptives. Breast size was strongly positively correlated with current oral contraceptive use during menstrual cycle days 5-10, as well as days 18-23. No significant effect of former oral contraceptive use was seen on breast size. A significant increase in breast size between cycle days 5-10 and days 18-23 was seen among current oral contraceptive users. Breast size was significantly positively correlated with body mass index (weight (kg)/height (m)2), height, and weight in nonusers (i.e., former and never users combined) but not in current users. In nonusers, during the follicular phase, breast size was significantly positively associated with insulin-like growth factor 1. During the luteal phase, larger breast sizes were significantly associated with higher 17 beta-estradiol and progesterone levels and lower testosterone levels among nonusers. In models for current users, large breast sizes were significantly associated with high prolactin and luteinizing hormone levels and low follicle-stimulating hormone levels during cycle days 5-10. During cycle days 18-23, larger breast sizes correlated with low endogenous progesterone levels.
PMID: 9098173 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] "

Estrogen and progesterone act in an integrative fashion to stimulate normal adult female breast development. Estrogen, acting through its ER a receptor, promotes duct growth, while progesterone, also acting through its receptor (PR), supports alveolar development (15). This is demonstrated by experiments in ER a knockout mice which display grossly impaired ductal development, whereas the PR knockout mice possess significant ductal development, but lack alveolar differentiation (28,6).

Although estrogens and progestogens are vital to mammary growth, they are ineffective in the absence of anterior pituitary hormones (13). Thus, neither estrogen alone nor estrogen plus progesterone can sustain breast development without other mediators, such as GH and IGF-1, as confirmed by studies involving the administration of estrogen and GH to hypophysectomized and oophorectomized female rats, which resulted in breast ductal development. The GH effects on ductal growth are mediated through stimulation of IGF-1. This is demonstrated by studies of estrogen and GH administration to IGF-1 knockout rats that showed significantly decreased mammary development when compared to age-matched IGF-1- intact controls. Combined estrogen and IGF-1 treatment in these IGF-1 knockout rats restored mammary growth. (23, 40). In addition, Walden et al. demonstrated that GH-stimulated production of IGF-1 mRNA in the mammary gland itself, suggesting that IGF-1 production in the stromal compartment of the mammary gland acts locally to promote breast development (49). Furthermore, other data indicates that estrogen promotes GH secretion and increased GH levels, stimulating the production of IGF-1, which synergizes with estrogen to induce ductal development.

Like estrogen, progesterone has minimal effects in breast development without concomitant anterior pituitary hormones; again indicating that progesterone interacts closely with pituitary hormones. For example, prolonged treatment of dogs with progestogens such as depot medroxyprogesterone acetate or with proligestone caused increased GH and IGF-1 levels, suggesting that progesterone may also have an effect on GH secretion (33). In addition, clinical studies have correlated maximal cell proliferation to specific phases in the female menstrual cycle. For example, maximal proliferation occurs not during the follicular phase when estrogens reach peak levels and progesterone is low (less than 1 ng/mL [3.1nmol}), but rather, it occurs during the luteal phase when progesterone reaches levels of 10-20 ng/mL (31- 62nmol) and estrogen levels are two to three times lower than in the follicular phase (42). Furthermore, immunohistochemical studies of ER and PR showed that the highest percentage of proliferating cells, found almost exclusively in the type 1 lobules, contained the highest percentage of ER and PR positive cells (42). Similarly, there is immunocytological presence of ER, PR, and androgen receptors (AR) in gynecomastia and male breast carcinoma. ER, PR and AR expression was observed in 100% (30/30) of gynecomastia cases (41). Given these data and the fact that PR knockout mice lack alveolar development in breast tissue, it appears as if progesterone, analogous to estrogen, may increase GH secretion and act through its receptor on mammary tissue to enhance breast development, specifically alveolar differentiation (28, 18).

Prolactin is another anterior pituitary hormone integral to breast development. Prolactin is not only secreted by the pituitary gland but may be produced in normal mammary tissue epithelial cells and breast tumors. (44, 25). Prolactin stimulates epithelial cell proliferation only in the presence of estrogen and enhances lobulo-alveolar differentiation only with concomitant progesterone"


"Hormonal breast augmentation: prognostic relevance of insulin-like growth factor-I.

Hartmann BW, Laml T, Kirchengast S, Albrecht AE, Huber JC.

Department of Senology, University of Vienna Medical School, Vienna, Austria.

Many women would like to alter their breasts but are deterred by the risks involved. Silicone breast implants have been linked to a variety of illnesses, the most controversial of which are connective-tissue diseases. These circumstances urged us to perform this pilot study using a non-invasive method that involved the application of 17 beta-estradiol as it is known that estradiol enhances expression of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) which can promote growth in breast tissue. Forty-five women were included in the study. Their breast volume, IGF-I, prolactin (PRL) and estradiol levels were measured before treatment and between each application of 80 mg estradiol polyphosphate. The women's satisfaction with the results obtained was also subsequently evaluated. In 21 women (46.7%), breast size increased from 824.3 +/- 13.7 mm to 898.5 +/- 12.5 mm after 6 months. In these women a significant increase in IGF-I values was noted after 4 weeks of treatment. The increase in IGF-I values was not statistically significant in the remaining women. In addition, treatment was not successful in these women. IGF-I concentration seems to be of prognostic value as far as the response of breast tissue to estrogen stimulation is concerned. If IGF-I levels do not increase within 1 month, treatment should be discontinued. If IGF-I values do increase, this indicates that treatment is likely to be successful and can therefore be continued.

PMID: 9610425 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


(Login SugarQ)
Re: GABA may help women 30 and older who are doing NBE
March 17 2006, 10:28 PM

Important info about IGF suplimentation came from Fawnmarie
she said:
"Collostrum is an immune stimulant, but the best way to increase IGF is to understand how it's produced and take advantage of it.

IGF is produced in the liver from HGH. HGH is produced:

1) during the first 90 mintues of sleep
2) during intense exercise
3) when hungry

Things that suppress HGH production are:

1) sleeping on a "full" stomach
2) heavy sugar and starches
3) not waiting an adequate amount of time between meals.

After optimizing HGH production, then you need to turn attention to the liver, where IGF is made:

1) keep the liver clean (use liver cleanses)
2) eat an adequate amount of animal protein daily
3) avoid large amounts of alcohol on a regular basis
4) eat plenty of live, raw vegetables and fruits - apples and carrots are particularly good for the liver

If you are over 30-35, then you may want to consider supplements that increase HGH production - however be advised that they can increase the risk of cancer if it runs in your family or you have other risk factors.

Some supplements might include GABA, l'arginine or l'ornithine before bed (on an empty stomach). Be advised that GABA, in a small percentage of the population can cause physical side effects which are temporary, but mimic those of a full out anxiety attack (heart palpitations, flushing face, racing mind), and l'arginine can increase sensitivity in those with chronic pain conditions.


you can buy dear velvent and collustrum in any most health foods but you need to make sure that the IGF content is listed. a prefered brand is "NOW" IGF spray or losange but there are many others.

(Login liquidSunset)
March 17 2006, 10:51 PM

Thanks SugarQ that is really interesting thANK YOU SO MUCH!
Sounds like it would be better than GABA, and did you see that she said GABA can cause permanet damage? I had no clue thank you! I am sure more ladies will find your info informative and interesting!

(Login liquidSunset)
March 17 2006, 10:52 PM

She said GABA side effects are temporary NOT permanant. But they mimic a heart attach?! Sounds no good Sad

(Login SugarQ)
yeah i recall reading that in her book
March 17 2006, 10:58 PM

I think i should check to see if 1-IGF suppliments have any negative effect too. im going to start looking.

(Login liquidSunset)
March 17 2006, 11:04 PM

thats always a good idea, thank you SugarQ.

Difference between Gaba and Arginine \Ornithine?
August 17 2006 at 11:43 AM cattis (no login)
My name is Cattis, from Sweden. Have been on Wonderup for 3 months, made some progress, added Saw Palmetto, 540mg x 3day after 2 months. Non-smoker, no caffeine, no carbonated sodas.
Try to eat healthy food, drink a lot of water, take a proteindrink with skimmilk once a day since last week. I bought gelatin in powderform yesterday but I have to figure out if the proteindrink is doing enough. I have seen a little difference in growing so far, at least firmness, I think. I'm an A maybe a loose B. I also do the chimassage 1-2 times a day
with wonderup cream. My question is now regarding Gaba and Arginine \Ornithine. I'm 39, 2 kids, and after reading through this forum and personal programme pages I am a little bit confused. Is it safe taking Arginine \Ornithine? After reading about Gaba I dont know if I want to try that. But would it be a good idea adding Arginine \Ornithine to my routine? I am worried that I make all this effort to get a cupsize bigger and that it wont work without the Arginine \Ornithine or Gaba anyway. Does anyone have a suggestion?

Thank you for your help!

(Login Alison.)
Re: Difference between Gaba and Arginine \Ornithine?
August 18 2006, 8:57 AM

Aren't Arginine \Ornithine just proteins?

(no login)
Re: Difference between Gaba and Arginine \Ornithine?
August 20 2006, 9:22 AM

I thought they were amino acids? After reading on the reference page. Am I wrong? What about Gaba? Do you take either Gaba or Agenine/Ornithine?
I'm soo confused about this!

Vicky A
(Login VickyA)
Re: Difference between Gaba and Arginine \Ornithine?
August 20 2006, 11:27 AM

Arginine is a protein in the sense that it's an amino acid which is used by the body to make protein.
Ornithine and GABA are not amino acids, but chemicals that are made in the body by using amino acids. I think ornithine is made in the body from glutamate amino acid and GABA is made in the body from glutamine amino acid.

Is PABA similar to GABA?
January 15 2007, 1:14 AM Katie M (no login)


Is PABA similar to GABA?

Using PABA
January 15 2007 at 12:28 AM Boobies06 (Login boobies06)

I bought PABA today, because it's supposed to help speed up the growth process. The man at the store also told me that it's great for lowering stress, and I could do with that because I'm an extremely stressful person. Other than the fact the pills are huuuuuuuuuuge (HUGE! how am I gonna swallw them?) and that they smell a little nasty, I'm hoping this helps. I need to think positive!

Anybody else here use PABA?

(Login emmiedee) think positive! January 15 2007, 1:27 PM

i hope the paba helps you to think positive!! its a big part of kick starting the growth, cause your mind will do whatever you tell it... grow your boobs or not.

what is paba supposed to be/do? good luck!!

(Login gingerD)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Using PABA January 15 2007, 3:18 PM

what is paba please

(Login Liz1967) Re: Using PABA January 15 2007, 3:24 PM

What is the diference between GABA and PABA?
I'm thinking about taking GABA instead of my sleeping pills (i'm getting adicted with them). What do you think?

(Login boobies06) Re: Using PABA January 15 2007, 8:20 PM

GABA is a growth hormone product. It's recommended for women over thirty. It helps older women produce more growth hormone, since the body produces it less and less as we age.

PABA is a vitamin B complex. It slows down the breakdown of hormones in your body, so it raises your overall hormone level, which speeds up your growth.

November 21 2006 at 3:47 PM gingerD (Login gingerD)

can someone tell me what is GABA?

(Login js89)
November 21 2006, 4:40 PM

GABA is recommended for women over the age of 30.
By taking a moderate dose of GABA before bed, you can easily boost your bodys production of growth hormone. It can even help you get a good nights sleep: GABA promotes sleep and relaxation so effectively, it is known as the brains "natural Valium".

GABA is an amino acid (a protien building block) that is naturally found in your body.

GABA's job is to communicate messages through brain cells; there are large amounts of it found in the hypothalamus gland. Because the hypothalamus gland regulates the pituitary gland-(which is primarly responsible for manufacturing growth hormone)-researchers have discovered a link between GABA and growth hormone.

Since GABA is an amino acid, it can be made into a nutritional supplement from protien. Many studies have proven GABA's ability to effectively increase growth hormone levels.

~In one study, researches found that supplementing with GABA led to a five-fold increase in growth hormone levels after only ninety minutes!~


GABA is a safe, readily available supplement; side effects are rare.
Some people notice mild tingling around the face after taking GABA, but this effect is harmless and disappears after a couple minutes.

*While GABA supplements are an excellent way to increase growth hormone, improving your diet,exercise,and sleep habits can make a big difference too.*

michelle choi
(Login chelle_choi)
Hey GingerD
November 21 2006, 4:46 PM

HEre's some info about Gaba (it's usually recommended for age over 30, since our growth hormone declines after that age)It's also recommended to take on an empty stomach before bed or exercise:

Gama-aminobutyric acid, commonly called GABA,
is an amino acid that acts as a neurotransmitter in
your central nervous system. GABA is essential
for the brain to function properly. GABA, a natural
calming agent in the brain, is manufactured from
amino acid glutamine and glucose.

GABA has been shown to naturally stimulate
the pituitary gland to produce more HGH,
(Human Growth Hormone).
This is very important and extremely beneficial
since HGH, like many other hormones,
has been shown to dramatically decline in
production as you age. These decreased HGH
levels affect many different aspects of our
body and mind.
Ongoing research and studies on GABA
seem to indicate the following effects of using GABA:

* Gaba has been shown to naturally
produce/increase growth-hormone
* helps reduce anxiety, stress
* helps calm the body without addictive
* improves sleep and sleep quality
* increases energy levels
* improves capacity for exercise
* improves sex drive
* more HGH production increases lean
tissue mass
* decreases body fat.
* improves "absentmindedness"

Hope this helps hon. Good luck to you and everyone!! Smile

(Login gingerD)
November 22 2006, 11:54 AM

Hi another question-
Im 23 can GABA be taken under the age of 30

ichelle choi
(Login chelle_choi)
hey ladies!
November 22 2006, 4:19 PM

About the gaba, it's usually not recommended unless you're over 30, I've read before that it's best to work with your own growth hormone levels when you're at a young age, especially 23 I would think your body is producing enough of it.

Jello Sheep
(no login)
August 19 2007, 9:37 AM

GABA has been shown to naturally stimulate
the pituitary gland to produce more HGH,
(Human Growth Hormone).
This is very important and extremely beneficial
since HGH, like many other hormones,
has been shown to dramatically decline in
production as you age.
/end of Quote.

Perhaps HGH production decline in production simply because adults aren't supposed to grow... I'm sure there is a very good reason why nature intended it this way.

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