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[archive] Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis


Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
March 5 2007 at 8:41 PM Xtrememind  (Login greycellgreen)
Boobster Xtreme MP3 is part of the research in the Mind-Body connection. Boobster aims to give an increased breast size in women by directing the subconscious mind to increase bloodflow into the breasts and deposit adipose fat into them. Feminine hormones will also be released....




(Login -Moon-)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
March 6 2007, 8:38 AM

Thankks for posting it!

lil dunny
(Login lil_dunny)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
March 6 2007, 6:49 PM

okay, so i stuck this on last night, and played it along with dna activator and deep mind on a loop while i slept (though i wasn't a huge fan of the guy's accent and general tone). the girlies look good this morning but of course there's no way to tell why. will probably continue to listen now and again; there is something to be said about hypnosis making NBE efforts more effective

(no login)
I tried it
December 1 2007, 7:06 PM

Tried both boobster xtreme+DNA over a span of 2 days. Not being on any other regimes for NBE, it seemed to be working.. Maybe it's my hallucination? Will continue and update if it's useful. Smile

(Login HDChick)
Hey I am back :-)
December 1 2007, 11:22 PM

I have used hypnosis for all kinds of things from smoking and drinking to maintaining a positive attitude and now I will def give boobs a go.
Thanks for the address!

by the way, I've been having trouble with this Forum for a month although I am on other Forums
and never have trouble. "States Problem with Cookies".
Today I changed NBA to my home page, cleared all cookies and TA DA it works again, Yeah!

Nice to be back, read from here constantly but have not been able to contribute,
I will update my Program Now~ Whooo Hoo

Big Hugs with Boobs!

(Login sandy111)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
December 3 2007, 10:02 AM

I downloaded it yesterday,
It has a strange beeping sound doesn't it?and he says the same sentence over and over again!!it is reallly short too.Should we listen to the DNA too or just put the headphone on the breasts?I found it a little strange!

(Login sandy111)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
December 3 2007, 7:52 PM

By the way for how long should we listen to the session and the DNA should we only put the ear pads on the breasts or just listen to it?Any ideas?How can we contact them for questions?

(Login michelleboobs)
am I crazy or does this actually work?!
December 9 2007, 5:32 AM

Hey ladies, I've been using the boobster mp3 for the last couple days and today, I listened to both the boobster track as well as the DNA Activator track. My boobs actually feel fuller, starting after the first time I used it!! Who else is using it? Does anyone else see results too??

(Login sandy111)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
December 9 2007, 9:22 AM

How many min are you listening to the boobster and the DNA are you listening to it too or putting it on your boobs?Thanks for the responseSmile

(Login michelleboobs)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
December 9 2007, 8:49 PM

I just listen to the track once until it stops. The boobster one I listen to regularly, the DNA one I use headphones and put them on my boobs like the website suggested. haha, it seems kind of crazy to do that though

(Login Hopeful88)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
December 9 2007, 9:04 PM

I'm so stupid I didn't even read the whole paragraph, thought we were just suppose to listen to it. I never heard of putting it up to body parts before but I'm gonna try this out.

By the way, does anyone know how I could get this hypnosis track onto my mp3 player (ipod) so I can replay it all night? How did you listen to it on repeat dunny? Thanks!

EDIT: I'm doing it right now, and if I'm wearing a real thick sweater. When I lift open the top of sweater I can hear the track! haha Tongue

This message has been edited by Hopeful88 on Dec 9, 2007 9:12 PM

(Login sandy111)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
December 10 2007, 2:24 PM

Lol.i know it is funny.I always laugh when i put them on my boobs.LOL.They have to have their own fun tooWink

(no login)
2 weeks of using it...
December 17 2007, 3:00 PM

... alternating listening to DNA+Boobster with placing the headphone on my boobies, they really do seem even fuller after 2 weeks, as if they have grown. But my measurements are still the same.

Since the creator of DNAactivator says subliminal messages are included to makes us feel better about our body and accept our body, I was thinking maybe that's why my boobies seem fuller though the measurements remains the same?

I'm going to continue using it for another round of 2 weeks and then update again.
Perhaps the rest have had any fullness accompanied by any increase measurements? Please share with us?

(Login Hopeful88)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
December 18 2007, 4:05 AM

I didn't mind doing it everyday but as it gets closer to Christmas I haven't had enough time to keep up with it. I only did it for a week and its so easy to do when I'm just surfing the net so I'll probably try it for a longer time after xmas and such...

(no login)
December 18 2007, 4:54 AM

It says you could get acne from it, did anyone get acne?

(no login)
forget it...
January 6 2008, 4:30 AM

I gave up on it 2 weeks ago. No measurable effect except perhaps make you think it "Seems" fuller. As for acne, I've been plagued with acne since I was 14, so no comments on that part.

(Login nnifnnif)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
January 6 2008, 2:28 PM

with the dna track, should it load the same as the boobster one where it comes up on quicktime player on screen? when i click on the dna track i dont think anything happens, it just looks like it might be loading? help pleaseSad

(Login Hopeful88)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
January 6 2008, 5:02 PM

Yes it should load on the quicktime screen just like the boobster one. They do take quite a while to load for me soemtimes, so perhaps just refresh your screen or wait and it should load eventually.

Bugs&Leaves: It hasn't had any real effects on me either...

(Login SpeedWizard)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
January 14 2008, 7:43 PM

I'm a little confused, are you supposed to listen to the first on one night, then the second on the alternate night? Or perhaps you alternate listening to both?

(Login Hopeful88)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
January 15 2008, 2:47 AM

I believe you are to listen to one every other night. This one should also rotate with each other. For instance...

Monday : Breast Hypnosis

Wednesday : DNA

Friday: Breast again

I think thats how it works...

(Login SpeedWizard)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
January 15 2008, 7:42 AM

oh, see, I though it would be something like

And so on...

oh well, thanks for the help!

(Login Hopeful88)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
January 15 2008, 4:30 PM

eeeek I don't want it to be my fault that it doesn't work for you though... someone else give their opinion please Smile

(Login sandy111)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
January 15 2008, 6:22 PM

I think that Speedwizard is the one that got it wright!It is one day DNA the other boobster extreem Smile Good luck.

(Login SpeedWizard)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
January 15 2008, 10:06 PM

I must say though, the idea of taping a pair of headphones to your boobs is a little out there. Alternate question, don't suppose its limited to just the female half of the population, is it?

(Login PrincessPearl)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
January 16 2008, 7:13 AM

Ew creepy...I felt like I had a pervert in my room or unwanted phone sex with a weirdo. Yucky creepy vibe. Not for me!!! My boobies shuddered!

(Login CeciliaSpasm)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
January 16 2008, 10:36 AM

I couldn't find the DNA one. Am i being thick?

(Login sandy111)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
January 16 2008, 11:43 AM

The DNA is down the page.If you still can't find it write ur email and i will send it to you.good luck!

(Login CeciliaSpasm)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
January 16 2008, 2:52 PM

Thanks Sandy! I've found it now! I'm going to feel so stupid with earphones taped to me! ha ha!

(Login TRoshyn)
What's this mp3?
January 16 2008, 3:10 PM

I've missed reading the forum for a few days, what's this mp3 you're discussing? Is it a free download, or a buy?

I'm using hypno at moment.

(Login Hopeful88)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
January 16 2008, 3:14 PM

Pearl: I too dislike the speaker's voice and talking but I gave it a shot... and have since stopped.

Tula: It's free, you just play it online from the website at the top of this post Smile

(no login)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
January 16 2008, 8:13 PM

I used blaketalks hypnosis and I got acne
Tula do you have positive results with hypno?

(Login TRoshyn)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
January 17 2008, 3:23 PM

(first off, let me say I'm a guy, I know there's a seperate forum, just the mp3 messages caught my eye) I've been using various hypnosis files for a couple of years for breast growth, I can't say I've had definate growth, maybe its just me gaining weight naturally, but I feel I had some development in my breasts.

The mp3's I've use before were aimed for the transgendered, and though using them I did get the feelings that those on hormones report.

I've been using Wendi's for nearly a month now, I'm happy to continue, they make me feel good in general, I think 3 months is what is suggested with these mp3's. I will post in the forum how I get on in future. I would appreciate info, if anyone has used these mp3's.

PS: forgive me if I'm posting in the wrong forum

Black Sheep
(Login PrincessPearl)
The voice of a pervert ! YUK I can't shake the grossness
January 17 2008, 4:09 PM

Maybe if I was a transgender male, the voice might be more likeable, but it still bugs me today from hearing a few sentences yesterday. Really gave me the "willies". And I don't want to play the nonsense game of putting the headphones up to my breasts. I mean, COME ON! He can play control games with a more willing participant, LOL

Put Russell Crowe's voice on there telling me about my breasts.

That would be a pleasure!!!

(Login Louise1982)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
January 17 2008, 4:11 PM

Hi Tula,

You post wherever you like x

Andrew Dobson's hypnosis is great, not sure it really did much for my boobs but like you say it makes me feel good, makes me relaxed, helps me sleep (or rather puts me in a coma in minutes!) and it definitely gave me a positive attitude to booby growth, after 2-3 months I started noticing I got better growth from Brava but I think that is what's supposed to happen anyway. I definitely feel that I got more once I got a better attitude but don't want to sound like a hippy!

Black Sheep
(Login PrincessPearl)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
January 17 2008, 4:21 PM

Hi Louise! Is Andrew Dobson affiliated with a different program? (Not this boobster thing?)

I, too believe in hypnosis, it does work! I had some beautiful tapes (back in the cassette tape days) of losing weight, having a positive attitude etc. One side was sounds of the ocean or forest noises, with subliminal messages, the other side had the narrator audible. So you could basically listen to the sounds of nature or hear the voice for the same effect. It was very relaxing, not intruding or annoying.

(Login Louise1982)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
January 17 2008, 4:36 PM

Hi Pearl,

This is Dr.Dobson's website:

He's got nothing to do with boobster and it's not free (but it is cheap) and it's the best I've heard, read up on his webpage about the background music and how that gets your brainwaves in the right state. Unlike most of the booby related people Dr.Dobson is actually a qualified sports therapist who started hypnotherapy to improve patient's sporting performance then looked round for other applications. He does seem well qualified, has a scientific background and responds promptly to email, the recordings are fairly short and relaxing, he also has a nice voice to listen to even though for some reason I am incapable of paying attention! I would be tempted to get his self hypnosis mp3 too but I can already sort of do that in terms of getting to sleep on demand and I don't really feel I need it now because I am growing.

(Login Tori365)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
January 17 2008, 4:44 PM

I tried a couple of different hynosis things a few years ago. One was a tape with a woman talking on it, I can't remember what that one was called. And a couple of years later I bought one of these subliminal CDs with relaxing music on it. It was by Inner Talk, they do an extensive range of different CDs. I didn't experience any breast growth from using it. I remember getting some tingling. I felt it had a positive effect on my mental state and attitude more than anything else, and the ocean sounds one was quite relaxing.

(Login Hopeful88)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
January 17 2008, 11:22 PM

Russell Crowe doint the talking would certainly be appealing! However, I just feel as though I'm not the sort of person how could benefit or appreciate hypnosis techniques overall... but at least I gave it a try Smile

(Login keyla2008)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
January 18 2008, 12:37 PM

The DNA Activator sounds are kinda scary!

(Login TRoshyn)
Re: Boobster Xtreme - FREEWARE MP3 - NBE Hypnosis
January 18 2008, 4:14 PM

Hi, and thank you for saying 'you can post anytime Tula'... WWhoa ha ha ha harr! they don't know what they're letting themselves in for! Oops! must stop typing the things I'm thinking,.. now forget that bit!

Partly what made me go on to Wendi's was because of the female voice, most of what I've tried in the past has been male hypnotists.

Oh thought of one you might not of heard of, have a breast file, it does cost, $15 I think,... I do know the guy who does these through yahoo messenger, he did mention to me he was wanting to try some online trances. He sometimes offers free downloads of his new stuff.

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