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Hm yeh you reminded me some gelatin might help my tum too. Might have some in a protein shake

(08-01-2016, 02:36)ellacraig Wrote:  Hm yeh you reminded me some gelatin might help my tum too. Might have some in a protein shake

I'm hoping it'll help my stomach too. I had some really fast improvements from taking glutamine twice a day. I could finally drink alcohol without feeling bloated/without upsetting my stomach!

1st Day of Luteal

My breasts were puffy today Tongue They both looked extra meaty even though I've only been massaging the one. I can't tell for sure but it seems like the left one is starting to catch up to the right one.

So far this cycle I haven't been feeling that much soreness, itchiness, and tingles like I had when I first started taking the amino acid cocktail. I wonder if I need to up my dose. But, I won't do that just yet because I am adding gelatin to my program starting today!
I took it one other day but it turns out the gelatin I bought is the one that gels. I read through all the reviews on Amazon and people said they mixed it into their drinks, but when I tried it just clumped up and was so gross to drink.
So I made a jello out of it instead Big Grin It was so easy but next time I think I will use regular juice. I used a diet cranberry/cherry juice because I didn't want all of the sugar but the jello leaves a sort of artificial sugar after taste which I don't like.

But if you're interested in making this jello, here's the recipe:

2 cups any fruit juice you like (except pineapple - I want to try Oceanspray Cranberry/Cherry next time the reg one)
2 cups of the same juice (but hot)
8 tablespoons of gelatin (make sure it's the one that gels - check a few posts up for the one I ordered from amazon).

Mix the 2 cups of room temperature juice with the 8 tablespoons of gelatin. While you are stirring out most of the clumps, heat up the other 2 cups of juice in a saucepan until boiling. Let cool for a moment or two then pour it into the gelatin juice mixture and stir until all of the gelatin is dissolved. Refrigerate until firm! Simple as that!

I cut up the jello into 16 pieces so each piece has 3.5g of gelatin. The jello is pretty firm because I didn't want to eat a ton of jello each day so I tried to pack as much gelatin into the jello without making it inedible lol. I could probably add a little more too next time. Each piece is about 2"x3" and I eat it in the morning on an empty stomach. I'm going to have my boyfriend eat his right after a meal because he is taking it for digestion/skin benefits. For digestion benefits, it helps to have some stomach acid (from eating food) help break down the amino acids in the gelatin. But if you take it on an empty stomach, it helps with HGH production.

More updates coming soon Big Grin Hopefully my boobies swell up some more during the rest of my cycle.

(12-01-2016, 19:24)msnewboobies Wrote:  
(08-01-2016, 02:36)ellacraig Wrote:  Hm yeh you reminded me some gelatin might help my tum too. Might have some in a protein shake

I'm hoping it'll help my stomach too. I had some really fast improvements from taking glutamine twice a day. I could finally drink alcohol without feeling bloated/without upsetting my stomach!

Yeh I've got a glutamine formula so il have to take that today too and put some gelatin in my shake

(12-01-2016, 19:40)ellacraig Wrote:  
(12-01-2016, 19:24)msnewboobies Wrote:  
(08-01-2016, 02:36)ellacraig Wrote:  Hm yeh you reminded me some gelatin might help my tum too. Might have some in a protein shake

I'm hoping it'll help my stomach too. I had some really fast improvements from taking glutamine twice a day. I could finally drink alcohol without feeling bloated/without upsetting my stomach!

Yeh I've got a glutamine formula so il have to take that today too and put some gelatin in my shake

Thats good Big Grin I should try mixing gelatin in a shake too when I get sick of eating jello every day lol.

E dom again a few days ago -- I had a little bit of mid cycle spotting.
I saw it coming though and I should have adjusted my program but thought I needed a few days for the vitex to start working. I had more hair fallout and more wetness. So I stopped taking PM yesterday and the day before. Things seem to be balancing out already though. - no more hair fallout, spotting stopped, and not as wet anymore. And this morning I felt some tingles in my boobies!

I second sweets Smile I have found that taking photos really shows how much progress you've made. maybe not even for posting purposes, just to look back for yourself Smile also I didn't know PM caused hair fall out. I have heard that E helps hair grow?

(19-01-2016, 19:13)missboobshirt Wrote:  I second sweets Smile I have found that taking photos really shows how much progress you've made. maybe not even for posting purposes, just to look back for yourself Smile also I didn't know PM caused hair fall out. I have heard that E helps hair grow?

I took a lot of photos in the beginning and just recently started taking pictures in the same bra off of sweets advice Smile Maybe one day I'll be brave enough to post them but if not then at least I have them for myself!

I've read that too much estrogen or just an imbalance in general can cause hair loss. Here are some other symptoms of e dom too which are nice to know - I actually forgot all about the trouble sleeping one - I haven't been sleeping well lately. I keep waking up multiple times at night and then I feel exhausted all day. I thought it was from my new mattress but I think it could be something else

I start my period in a few days which I am excited for because then I get to start a new cycle!
My breasts definitely seem bigger from the side this month but no major growth spurt.

I think for next month I will only take 160mg of PM (1/3 of a ainterol pill) or I am actually thinking about trying this PM:
But i'm not sure... ainterol clearly works for me but I would like to take 100mg a day but its just so hard to split up a 500mg pill into five separate days.
Has anyone heard anything about swanson's PM?

I'll take the PM once my period ends (day 8) until day 15 and then no PM in luteal since I was still getting some E dom this last cycle. Also, my testosterone might be too low from taking the white peony root and SP so I think I won't take either of those during follicular and just take one SP 320mg during luteal.

(22-01-2016, 21:16)msnewboobies Wrote:  
(19-01-2016, 19:13)missboobshirt Wrote:  I second sweets Smile I have found that taking photos really shows how much progress you've made. maybe not even for posting purposes, just to look back for yourself Smile also I didn't know PM caused hair fall out. I have heard that E helps hair grow?

I took a lot of photos in the beginning and just recently started taking pictures in the same bra off of sweets advice Smile Maybe one day I'll be brave enough to post them but if not then at least I have them for myself!

I've read that too much estrogen or just an imbalance in general can cause hair loss. Here are some other symptoms of e dom too which are nice to know - I actually forgot all about the trouble sleeping one - I haven't been sleeping well lately. I keep waking up multiple times at night and then I feel exhausted all day. I thought it was from my new mattress but I think it could be something else

Hey, when are you taking your pm and is it all you take? I suffer from the same exhaustion/insomnia, sometimes even talking is too much bc off my bad sleeping pattern lately. I think Im going to take a break from pm next might be the cause..besides green tea and some other teas its all I take.

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