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June 8 2008 at 1:23 PM runnrchick (no login)
alright, so i'm thinking of adding gelatin to my program but i'm not exactly sure what it does for nbe?? anyone wanna clue me in? I should prolly learn before i start taking it! haha

(Login kieyah)
Re: gelatin
June 8 2008, 8:58 PM

Well this is my take on it. Gelatin is extracted from collagen and is an important part in connective tissues, which is what we hope we are growing in the boobs since it doesn't dissappear easily like fat. Gelatin comes from animals from the cartilagenous part of the animal. It makes ups bones, cartilage, skin and connective tissues. It is also thought to be the beneficial component in the famous chicken feet soup. Personally I think it makes the swelling stick, to put it simply. Allowing the skin to form new tissue where you have been massaging/manipulating/growing. Hope that made since.

(Login Kekie)
Geletin and collegen?
June 9 2008, 5:00 PM

Ok I have been taking geletin tabs for 2 months and it hasn't seemed to help me. I started out taking 4 pills (10 grain) in morning and at night. Now I take 2 in morning 2 afternoon and 4 at night. Maybe this isn't enough to make a difference. I also just this week started taking 1 collegen morning and night. A little unsure as the collegen bottle says reccomended once a day. I massage 2 times daily, but have been eating more sweets the last 2 weeks. I figure you have to give something at least three months to notice a difference. Hoping it will start working any time now!!!

This message has been edited by Kekie on Jun 11, 2008 4:56 PM

(Login Kekie)
Re: gelatin
June 11 2008, 4:56 PM

How much Geletin and collegen should one take? How much is to much? DOes anyone know what 2 much will do to your body as my tummy is getting bigger/ fatter

(Login kieyah)
Re: gelatin
June 11 2008, 11:56 PM

Kekie- i don't know how much is too much to take. I just take what the directions say on the bottle. I take masons nateral collagen plus vit C. On the gelatin I used to take them in capsule form and noticed no change. I almost gave up on gelatin but with all the buzz over the chicken feet soup I decided to try something else. So I started taking Knox for nails gelatin. it is an orange flavored drink mix. I had no doubt that this kind of gelatin is being absorbed and here's why.

Well pretty quickly with this i started noticing my nails were really pretty and the tips were bright white (I grow my nails out natural) and my hair seemd to be growing faster. I thought surely this is coincedence because the capsules did nothing. as I continued to use and my nails grew out I noticed they were growing super fast. Then one day I slammed the car door on my finger and I just knew my nail was going to break off and I'd be left with a blood blister under the cuticle. Nope my finger was bruised and throbbing but my nail was perfect. That's when I realized that my nails had become so strong that they just couldn't break. Normally they can't grow out past a certain point. Well when I drink the gelatin every day or every other day they grow so long so fast that I keep slamming them into things but they never break. It hurts my fingers when I slam them into things so I have to trim them to keep from doing it again! They are like super nails!

Similarly with collagen when i take it regularly my skin just glows and my lips are very full and plump. I don't know if these actually help me in the NBE department but I will continue to take them either way just due to all the other benifits!

(Login Kekie)
June 12 2008, 4:12 AM

Are you in the U.S.? I am in Florida. Where do you get your collegen and geletin? Do you get them from health food stores? I must say that I am about to finish bottle 2 of geletin and my nails are still weak, I don't think it is doing a thing for me. I just added collegen this week. So Are your boobs growing with these added you think?

(Login kieyah)
Re: gelatin
June 12 2008, 7:21 AM

I am in US too. i just get them off ebay. they are cheaper that way. But they are available at most health food stores too. I don't think gelatin or collagen actually causes the breast growth. I think it aids the process. collagen is what connective tissue is made of. So my theory is if I can grow the actual connective tissue instead of just adding fat, then it won't suddenly dissapear when I quit or if I lose weight. So I guess what I am saying is that I think it helps the herbs and other things I'm doing for nbe to become permanent growth.

Like with the chicken feet soup method, they have to massage first, then eat the soup. I think with this method it is the massage that is triggering the growth, and the soup supports the growth into connective tissues so that the growth sticks. Hope that made sense.

(Login Kekie)
June 12 2008, 4:39 PM

Thanks Kieyah I will look into the drink mix. Do you just drink it like it says or add something to it because of the taste?

(Login kieyah)
Re: gelatin
June 13 2008, 1:32 AM

No I don't add anything. I just mix it according to instructions. It is orange flavored, not nasty or anything. Personally, I just cannot stand the taste of artificial sweeteners in anything. So I hate it. But that's probably just me. To me it taste like orange soda or orange crystal light. I need to start drinking it again. I bought a huge stockpile of it off of ebay. Make sure to ask about expiration dates if you buy off ebay.

May 12 2007 at 7:14 PM Fluffy Sheep (no login)
does gelatin make your boobs bigger?

(Login Halome)
Re: gelatin
May 13 2007, 2:45 AM

I wouldn't think so... There's really very little nutritional value to gelatin. From what I understand there aren't any hormonal properties to it, but it is a extracted from collagen.. but then again collagen isn't really for boob growth, it's mainly for skin and joints(and cosmetic surgery). So I don't think so.

I wouldn't intake too much gelatin because while it's a protein, it's been known to actually make the body become deprived of the "good" proteins. Years ago people on fad protien drink diets died from lack of nutrition, and the drinks they were taking in were gelatin based.

Basically, just stick to the gelatin you eat in foods(it's found in almost everything), but prrrrooooobably not a good idea to go out of your way to consume it.

Black Sheep
(no login)
thanks! 1 more ?
May 14 2007, 2:42 AM

if i take collagen will it do the same?

Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: gelatin
May 15 2007, 9:15 AM

Don't ask me for science explanation, but girls eating gelatin seem to get better results.

(Login Halome)
Re: gelatin
May 15 2007, 11:45 PM

Supplemental/lotion Collagen is mainly for skin condition(fine lines/wrinkles) and joints. Some people use it for massage mixed with other things, but I think the only real benefit to using Collagen in a routine is if there IS any growth, it'll help reduce the appearance of stretch marks. But that's just my guesses based on information available on the internet.

October 13 2006 at 9:38 AM kiana (Login kiana2)
I want to add geatine to my routine but am not sure how to take it. To those who have used it ... where did you buy it and how did you take it???? Can you get it in capsules?? Is it the same geletine you buy in the cooking section of the supermarket? I found some sachets of gelatine for cooking in my cupboard. Tried some with hot water but it was disgusting. Maybe i can make my own capsules with it . What do you think??? am i on the wrong track??

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: Gelatine
October 13 2006, 9:49 AM

i think knox gelatin works better than caps. maybe you can try adding it in your drinks or soups or hot milk (i think i read some girl put it in her tea)? if you add some honey it might taste better. and best to drink it right after youe massages. hope this helps. Smile

(Login kiana2)
Re: Gelatine
October 13 2006, 10:13 AM

Thanks fengshui! I have 'Davis Gelatine' in sachets... would this be the same as knox...just a different brand???

(Login Katie81)
October 13 2006, 12:33 PM

If it is the same stuff thats in the cooking section, this type of geletine is found in jelly and chewy sweets. That may be a more paletable (if not slightly fattening!!) option. Not recommended if you are a vegetarian thou.

(Login valeryblack)
Re: Gelatine
October 13 2006, 3:13 PM

you mean gelatine makes you fat ???

(Login Holly34)
Re: Gelatine
October 13 2006, 4:16 PM

I take a packet of Knox Gelatin and melt it in hot vanilla soy milk...doesn't taste bad at all!!

(Login tinyhope)
Re: Gelatine
October 14 2006, 12:46 AM

this is the first time i'm hearing about gelatine as part of a routine. what does it do to help growth?

i'm just wondering which you refer to because regular gelatine is made from ground bones of cow(?) - i've almost stopped using this in my jelly eversince the mad cow disease scare - and the vegetarian ones that we usually use is made of seaweed/algae which is supposed to have slimming/fat burning properties.

I've stopped using seaweed, given up my miso soups...

(no login)
Re: Gelatine
October 14 2006, 9:41 AM

Hi tinyhope,

gelatin comes from the connective tissues in cows, while the tissues carrying mad cow disease are those of the nervous system. Contrary to what the news might tell you, it's terribly difficult to catch this kind of disease from eating cow parts. I think you're safe.

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: Gelatine
October 14 2006, 10:27 AM

i don't think the brand would matter, and i don't think 1 cup of gelatin mixture(w/drink or suop) would make you gain weight.

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: Gelatine
October 14 2006, 10:32 AM

i use seaweed in my chicken feet(gelatin) soup all the time, don't have any problem at all, my only shrinkage was due to eating too much leeks.
i wonder if the fat burning effect of seaweed is taking a lot?

(Login tinyhope)
Re: Gelatine
October 14 2006, 3:20 PM

Thanks for explaining to me about the animal-gelatine and the connection to MCD..
I still don't understand about gelatine's (like agar agar) link to breast growth though..

O No, fengshui.. I just had a bowl of potato and leek soup for dinner!!! So leek is fat burning too?

I've now got Crossroads the movie on (Saturday night movie on telly) as I'm typing this... I'm thinking, I'm not asking for much... just boobs like Mandy Moore's will do, no need to have spectacular breasts...

Sigh. Today is my 3rd week. I am trying to think positive...

(no login)
October 14 2006, 9:24 PM

You can also buy capsules of gelatine. They are sold to help build fingernails so usually found in thst section of the store. Just swallow the capsule (it's made of gelatine, too).

(Login fengshuiTW)
to tinyhope
October 14 2006, 11:48 PM

i don't know if leeks are fat burning or not, but in TW people use it to stop milk, so that's why it's listed in boobie unfriendly foods, you can check my programme to see the lists.

you don't need to panic if you just ate a little, what happened to me was----i had leeks dumpings from time to time, never had any problem until i had them for 4 days straight, that's when i experienced my first shrinkage, but i got it back already. Smile for sure i won't eat any leeks for now.

(Login kiana2)
Re: Gelatine
October 15 2006, 12:20 AM

Fengshui how much have you grown since starting your routine??... ( if you don't mind me asking). And also how much of the gelatine powder should i have a 1 sachat, 1/2 a sachet?? Thanks for the help!

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: Gelatine
October 15 2006, 1:13 AM

i think i started w/ a loose B, cause i didn't like wearing bras(didn't think i need it), now i am probably a small D, cause some c cups are too small, and padded D cup is too small, too. but i don't totally fill a D cup yet. Smile
you can check my programme for more details.

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: Gelatine
October 15 2006, 1:20 AM

sorry, i forgot the gelatine powder questine.
i take a cup of chicken feet soup a day after my massage, so, i think if you use gelatin powder that's enough to make 1 cup of water turn into jelly-like after chilled in fridge, that might be enough.

(Login kiana2)
Re: Gelatine
October 15 2006, 2:27 AM

cool thanks so much for the help fengshui!

(Login tinyhope)
Re: Gelatine
October 15 2006, 7:42 AM

Thank you for your reassurance that I might lose the little that I have...Smile
OK, I'll give away the rest of the leek and potato soup that I froze...
What about pumpkin soup? Is that OK? Coz I really like that too and I just bought half a one to make pumpkin and cumin soup with...

I think I've been inspired to use gelatin... But what is the reasoning or science behind it? What does it do? Would anyone know please?

Thanks very much

(Login tinyhope)
Re: Gelatine
October 15 2006, 7:43 AM

Sorry, typo error there... I meant 'I WON't' lose the little I've got...! Smile

(Login fengshuiTW)
to tinyhope
October 15 2006, 9:07 AM

i learned my method from TW's NBE forum and had pretty good growth, so i am just a follower.

(Login fengshuiTW)
pumpkin soup
October 15 2006, 9:13 AM

i think pumpkin and cumin soup should be okay, it should be "warm" type of foods.

(no login)
Re: Gelatine
October 15 2006, 1:02 PM

What effect does Gelatine have on the breast?

(no login)
March 31 2007, 8:28 PM

Do you believe that in your routine, growth came from the gelatine of the chicken feet? or is there another property in the chicken's feet that you feel also helped you?

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: Gelatine
April 1 2007, 9:02 AM

i think what i get from the chicken feet soup is all about gelatine, i happened to start growing after i started the chicken feet soup, but i did add in borage oil in my programme, but from many successeful stories i read, gelatine/collagen is really good stuff!! Smile) and i had best growth rate when i also ate lots of sea foods at least once a week. (of course massage is a must)

(Login Lillea)
Re: Gelatine
April 1 2007, 9:12 AM

What sea foods do you eat? I would like to add that to my program, too. Smile

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: Gelatine
April 1 2007, 7:11 PM

i ate lots of clams, oysters, shrimps and asparagus in chinese buffet, great deal!! it's recommend in TW's boobie forum!! Smile)

(no login)
Re: Gelatine
April 1 2007, 7:52 PM

Thank you Fengshui!!
Two more questions for you: do you think that taking beef gelatine capsules will have any good affect? Also what about chicken collagen capsules? Is this combination any good do you think in replacement of the chicken feet or would it take longer to acheive results?

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: Gelatine
April 2 2007, 9:18 AM

sorry, kat, i have never tried gelatin caps, so i wouldn't know, but it seems that girls who are taking them are pretty happy with it. I don't think it would matter which type of gelatin/collagen you use, cause the lady of food+massage method i learned from, her boobie soup is green papaya sea bass soup, which is "fish gelatin/collagen", she grew from B~E in 6 monthes.

(no login)
Re: Gelatine
April 3 2007, 8:19 PM

Thanks so much Fengshui!
So for that lady in her country, is that an additional 3 cups larger?
I didn't know E existed!

(no login)
Re: Gelatine
April 3 2007, 10:49 PM

Oh yeah, forgot to ask an important question,
In boobie growing food, do you know if you can grow on diets that eliminate meats (including fish and chicken) and dairy products (cheese, milk)?
Or is it absolutely necessary to eat these types of foods from animal sources in order to grow?
I've got veggie friends and would like to know how to go around that. Is it even possible to grow if only on veggie diets alone? and if so, does it take longer or about the same?

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: Gelatine
April 4 2007, 9:03 AM

hi, kat, yes, that lady grew 3 cups, i think in taiwan doesn't have dd cup, there are even some movie stars are f cuppers there.

I think on veggie diet takes a lots longer but can be done, i read 1 girl named sylvan on (a tw NBE website), she is a vegan, and she grew from aa~c, she uses knuckle massages and drink those teas you can find in food and drink pages, but i remember she said it took her six monthes to start seeing results, and more than 1 year to reach c. you can try more soy and protien in diet. or try those herbs lots girls here have great success with. Smile)

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: Gelatine
April 4 2007, 9:09 AM

oh, i also recall she said she did massages and pressure points almost 1 hr. everyday.

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: Gelatine
April 4 2007, 9:19 AM

sorry, just double checked that sylvan girl's thread, she massages while taking bath, so massages about 30 min or so, and she also does the bra adjusting all the time, she is 23, 155 cm, 42~43kg.

(no login)
April 4 2007, 11:00 PM

Hi fengshui,

Could you explain the bra adjusting thing please if you don't mind? I'm curious. You've really inspired me to start the massage thing - thanks. Congratualations on your success

(Login fengshuiTW)
bra adjusting
April 5 2007, 8:07 AM

hi, linz, this has been posted in tigerlily's programme, here i re-post it again, it's very popular in TW, when you go purchase bras, the saleswomen would come in to help you and show you how to push(adjust) fat into the cups, and special designed (shaping) bras are being used for NBE purposes, but regular wired-bra can help, too.

use bras to help you get bigger boobs. First, make sure you wear a fitted bra correctly. Usually the bra rep. should be trained for bra fitting, you can always ask them. When you wear a bra, make sure you put your whole breasts in it, and this method works best with wired-bras. After you put on a bra perfectly, press down the left side of wire with your left hand fingers, so it won't move when you adjust your breast. Then put your right hand into the left cup and keep reaching toward to ur back as far as you can (close all your right hand fingers together). push(scoop) the fat on the back all the way into your left cup (remember left hand does not let go, keep secure the wire in place), then take out your right hand. vice versa for the right side of your breast. you can see your boobs look a lot bigger already. Use this method all the time, adjust(push) your fat into your bra everytime you go to bathrooms. That way you can reshape your fat into your boobs. I do this at least 20 times a day, when nobody is around me or when I go to bathrooms. Highly recommend!! add this method to your booby project.

October 1 2007 at 9:24 PM CuteLittleBunnie (Login CuteLittleBunnie)
I am not sure if this is where I should post this or in the food section...if not, please move to the correct area. Is there a way that someone could provide a list of food that contains gelatin? I was actually eating green tea mousse and I ate it twice last week. I have noticed that my chest is more snug in my bra. I was curious if that maybe be the start of NBE through eating green tea mousse and I would also like a list of gelatin foods, thanks so much!

(no login)
Re: Gelatin...
October 5 2007, 9:46 AM

Gelatin is found in animal skin and bone. It doesn't matter what animal, as they all have gelatin in their skin, bones and connective tissue, otherwise I suppose you could just eat a lot of jelly/jello.

(Login cutevelvet)
Re: Gelatin...
October 5 2007, 10:16 AM making soup out of boiling chicken bones including the meat....would that be good source of gelatin/protein? i dont fancy idea of chicken feet...cant get it here anyway!

(Login SuzyUK)
Re: Gelatin...
October 5 2007, 6:25 PM

Stock made from chicken, for example, turns into jelly when it cools, hence it is rich in gelatin. I believe that the head and feet of the animal are the richest in gelatin; hence the 'chicken feet' idea for NBE.

September 16 2006 at 8:52 AM claire (Login clairefarky)
can anyone please tell me the significance of gelatine as part of routine?

Vicky A
(Login VickyA)
Re: gelatine
September 16 2006, 2:52 PM

Gelatine is a source of protein.

(Login Alcest)
Re: gelatine
September 16 2006, 3:08 PM

I would never use gelatin as a source of protein.. there are much healthier, less disgusting ways of getting protein.

Gelatin is made of animal bones (farm animal) and noses and hooves and other things that are not edible in their present state so they're melted down to create a binding substance for foods like jello.

I try not to even have gelatin capsules because the stuff is just the absolute bottom of the barrel. No real health benefits whatsoever. Ugh.

(no login)
Re: gelatine
September 17 2006, 3:28 AM

No, I do not believe it is used as a source of protein for NBE purposes.

I think it was Fengshui and Tiger Lily who brought the idea of gelatin to this board. They were active on a Taiwan NBE board where several girls claimed to have success from consuming chicken feet soup due to the high levels of gelatin in the dish.

I've always known gelatin supplements to be used for healthy nails and skin.

From the Puritan's Pride website: Gelatin is one of the raw materials for collagen, the building block for strong, healthy nails.** As a supplement, Gelatin supports the beauty of your nails.**

I'm going to give it a shot in my routine as it seems like a logical idea.

how gelatine works with NBE?
August 18 2006 at 3:13 AM sunspirit (Login sunspirit)
Hi Ladies,
I was just going over some old posts and personal programs and several of you make reference to the use of gelatine as part of the NBE rutine. Can anyone let me know how the gelatine works with NBE?

(Login MyKids3)
Re: how gelatine works with NBE?
August 18 2006, 3:46 AM

I also have seen girls were taking gelatin for BE,but I have no clue on what kind of gelatine they are talking about.This may sound kinda like a dumb thing to ask,but the gelatine they are taking,its not the gelatine powder you use to make for Jello is it?I hated to ask that question,but I really dont know what some of you are using other than chicken feet soup to get gelatine from that,and I dont think I will be trying that anytime soon,just doesnt sound appealing to me(blahh) LOL

(Login js89)
Re: how gelatine works with NBE?
August 18 2006, 4:32 AM

I think it's Knox gelatin. Some add it to warm milk. I keep meaning to buy some and try it.

Vicky A
(Login VickyA)
Re: how gelatine works with NBE?
August 18 2006, 6:48 PM

Gelatin is a protein. Quite a number of those here are taking protein in one form or another.

(Login sunspirit)
August 19 2006, 12:44 AM

Thank you vicky for your prompt response

(Login SassiP)
Re: how gelatine works with NBE?
August 19 2006, 6:06 PM

You can also get gelatin in capsule form. I got mines from Walmart.

Fengshui and Tigerlily have brought this idea into the forums. They say it has helped themselves as well as many other Asian women to get bigger breast. They dont take it in capsule or powder form but eat chicken feet soup and the feet which is loaded with gelatin.

Those of us who cant tolerate the chicken feet soup and eating chicken feet prefer to take it in powder or capsule form.

(Login KayeAnn)
RE: how gelatine works with NBE?
August 21 2006, 6:01 PM

Fengshui and Tigerlily were talking about the effects of chicken feet soup which they were attributing to "gelatin," but after awhile they realized that the English word that they were looking for was "collagen" and not gelatin.

(Login Moonkissed)
Re: how gelatine works with NBE?
August 24 2006, 11:47 PM

However, Fengshui said that gelatin does the same effect as collagan.

girls progress with gelatin
May 14 2006 at 1:11 AM jellyboobs (Login jellyboobs)
dear girls for those of you who are taking gelatine did you notice a difference ? what form and how much are you taking ???this is a big talking point in some other forums ! it all came from the chicken feet thing !!!also girls in OZ where are you buying your gelatine from? you can get it from the supermafkets so how would you take it ? mixed in water ? what are your JELLY experiences please ?????? love jelly.......

(Login ddover)
Re: girls progress with gelatin and comments from oz !
May 14 2006, 4:23 AM

Hi Jelly,

I got mine at a drugstore. It's just gelatin capsules 650mg. I just take them. I don't mix them with anything. It's my understanding that you can get lots of gelatin from eating jello. That's what I've heard anyway!! Happy growing!

(Login Alison.)
Re: girls progress with gelatin and comments from oz !
May 14 2006, 8:18 AM

Gelatin is not a good supplement for breast enhancement because it has much less nutritional value than other protein sources. Gelatin is unusually high in the non-essential amino acids glycine and proline, i.e. those produced by the human body anyway, while lacking essential amino acids, i.e. those not produced by the human body. It contains no tryptophan and is deficient in isoleucine, threonine, and methionine.

(Login Amber.)
Re: girls progress with gelatin and comments from oz !
May 14 2006, 9:41 AM

The idea of taking protein when trying natural breast enhancement is not new. I used protein shakes every day and I'm still taking them now. Some of the other girls are doing the same. I have always used whey protein because I heard that was the best. I doubt that gelatin could be a better protein source than the whey.

(Login MollyH)
Re: girls progress with gelatin and comments from oz !
May 14 2006, 3:28 PM

The reason why gelatin is regarded as important in China and many Asian countries is that traditionally it was a way of getting more protein out of the food available. By throwing animal feet, heads, bones and scraps in to the pot and making soups and boths out of them, gelatin could be extracted from the skin and bones which would make a luxury item like meat go a lot further. By boiling the gelatin out of the scraps in this way, it was possible to get more protein out of meat than would normally be the case and the extra nutrition therefore provided was valuable. In those countries gelatin is still an important part of the cuisine. It's hard to see why anyone in a Western country would want to take gelatin, for the simple reason that there are better proteins available. A secondary benefit of gelatin is calcium, but where milk and other dairy products are plentiful these render gelatin unnecessary for this purpose too. It's hard to see an argument for gelatin in the modern world, except that in some countries it is a traditional part of the cuisine and regarded as part of normal nutrition, and in poorer countries where meat is still a luxury it remains an important way of getting the most out of what meat there is.

Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: girls progress with gelatin and comments from oz !
May 14 2006, 7:22 PM

Gelatin is good in the Chinese ways because you can get all needs for booby growth from foods. Instead of take supplements pills, all can be obtained from food you eat. This is the traditional Chinese way, to encourage the booby growth from foods and massages and not need any supplement pills. You have to eat anyway so why not eat good booby food and then no need for take any supplement. This is why gelatin and other Chinese food is useful. Of course if you take gelatin capsules it is a contradiction, because then you defeat the object. You then take a supplement which eating gelatin-rich food should make not necessary.

(Login Epiphany.)
Re: girls progress with gelatin and comments from oz !
May 15 2006, 7:25 AM

I am following a high protein diet and am very careful to choose foods that will give me a good amount of protein every day. This is surely better than concentrating on a single protein source like gelatin, usually derived from animal skin, which would have only limited benefits if any. Surely the aim should be to have the most complete proteins available, rather than just gelatin.

(no login)
Re: girls progress with gelatin and comments from oz !
May 15 2006, 8:19 AM

I am just about to start taking a protein supplement as I think this is one area where I might be deficient. I have always heard that whey is the most complete protein supplement and that's what I'll be taking. As others have said, gelatin is not one of the more complete proteins.

(Login solitairian)
Re: girls progress with gelatin and comments from oz !
May 16 2006, 10:08 AM

Does someone on a normal healthy Western diet need gelatin supplementation?

(Login Cheryl.)
Re: girls progress with gelatin and comments from oz !
May 18 2006, 8:43 AM

I have been eating a lot of protein foods, fish and dairy products, especially yoghurt and cottage cheese. If you have a high protein diet I can't see any benefit in taking gelatin supplements, which as others have said is a limited form of protein anyway. The whey protein makes more sense, but I chose to do it myself just with foods rather than a protein supplement.

(no login)
to molly and all you girls
May 19 2006, 8:27 AM

thankyou so much for all your advice !!!! ESPECIALLY MOLLY !!!!!i was so interested by what you wrote gosh there is talent and knowledge inthis forum. I'm doing body for life program which A means i get adiquite excersize and B means i take extra protein every day !!! sssssso i guess im ok !!! MOLLY WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT GELATINE HAVING HYDROLIZED COLAGEN ? WHATS THE BEST WAY I CAN GET EXTRA COLLAGEN ??? love jelly.....

(no login)
Re: girls progress with gelatin and comments from oz !
January 2 2007, 4:38 AM

Gelatine combined with Vit C is very usefull for building collagen.

I have personally observed great improvement in a lady with a herniated disc and in a teenage boy with a severely stressed knee ligament.
One would have to think that strong ligaments would lift ones boobies.

My exsperience is that two good spoonfulls of black strap molassis will tighten loose ligaments, a very very painfull process!

Just common gelatine of bovine extraction found at the supermarket was what was used.

(Login princessglitter)
gelatin or collegen
January 2 2007, 7:49 PM

I suspect chicken feet soup gives us more of collegen than gelatine. I am not too sure about that though. But what I can be sure of is that chickenfeet soup really works wonder for me. My first month into chickenfeet soup, I didn't any or much growth but the growth came in the second month! I have a really good feeling about getting the essential nutrients from food, especially chickenfeet soup cooked with wild yam slices. I have tried to substitute chicken feet soup with a whole chicken, but it doesn't do the magic like chicken feet. In my opinion, chicken feet really works, although I have no idea it's the gelatine or collegen in it that makes a miracle. Don't overlook this scraps and think that a whole chicken is all you need because we might not even be going for the protein here.

(Login sissy2345)
Black strap molasses
January 3 2007, 3:04 AM

Hey, I started taking two tablespoons a day of this stuff last month, but for other reasons, didn't know that I was helping make my breast ligaments strong for the big boobs I am growing. That's pretty cool!! -- Sissy

(Login Corrie73)
Re: girls progress with gelatin and comments from oz !
January 3 2007, 3:52 AM

I have been taking gelatin too, for NBE. It sounds like the chickenfeet soup would probably work the best, but I can't see myself going to the specialty grocery store, buying chickens' feet, and cooking a soup. So I've been trying gelatin and protein shakes to build breast tissue. Another interesting herb for this purpose is horsetail. It is said to build connective tissue.

organic angel
(Login organic_angel)
Re: girls progress with gelatin and comments from oz !
January 3 2007, 5:28 AM

I have gelatin in my routine, but it has absolutely nothing to do with protein.

Gelatin nutritionally, is an incomplete protein. Collagen is a nutritional protein, but the process making of gelatin denatures it, thus rendering gelatin into an incomplete protein.

Gelatin is similiar to hydrolyzed collagen. Gelatin stimulates collagen synthesis. Your entire body relies on collagen for growth and repair of all tissues.

I would have never added this element to my routine, but after reading many threads here about gelatin, I cross-referenced gelatin in some of my med books. This info comes directly from my PDR, which is Physicians Desk Reference. I hope this helps with some of the confusion of the role of gelatin.

Boobie Love My Organic Beauties

(Login jellyboobs)
thanks Organic angel
January 3 2007, 9:34 AM

well that would account for the improvement of my facial condition !!!! and such a cheap option love jelly.....

(Login emmiedee)
January 3 2007, 5:13 PM

since you were talking about it, collagen is on a 2 for 1 sale that diana mentioned on until midnight (somewhere in the united states i think) tonite...

just a quick note since it was mentioned...

(Login Wahaika)
My 2 cents again....
January 7 2007, 11:04 PM

I remember at one time that herbs were thought to be to weak to be effective and BO was the only answer. Then a few women started growing really well with herbs. There were some who dismissed it. But it seems more logical to attack it from a standpoint of "it works, but we don't know why" and then start putting puzzle pieces together based on that.

I have noticed that the women who incorporate gelatin in their routines tend to do the best.

(Login Moonkissed)
Re: girls progress with gelatin and comments from oz !
January 8 2007, 7:48 AM

I used gelatin capsules from the beginning of my routine. I think they did help me, and made a difference, because when I stopped taking them for a month, even though I was taking herbs, I noticed no growth.

A question about Gelatine-Chelle u mentioned it 2 me
November 21 2006 at 3:31 PM gingerD (Login gingerD)
A question about Gelatine:
I have seen in previous posts and other programs people using Geletine (tiger lilly and her soup)etc
can some one explain to me exactly why this can help in NBE.

Chelle-I mentioned i was thinking about taking collagen for NBE a while ago and u said jelly and u etc were using gelatine-as u mentioned it in this thread is it simular to collagen in what it does?
Gelatin is a protein product produced by partial hydrolysis of collagen extracted from skin, bones, cartilage, ligaments, etc. The natural molecular bonds between individual collagen strands are broken down into a form that rearranges more easily
But i still don't fully understand this-sorry to sound stupid could some one clarify this for me

Im abit paranoid about taking it beacuse of my weight gain-Can this make it worse etc i was going to start with Collagen but gelatine does seem a cheaper option


(Login js89)
Re: A question about Gelatine-Chelle u mentioned it 2 me
November 21 2006, 3:45 PM

gingerD - I have been taking gelatine for the past couple of months. I did not notice any additional weight gain from it, aside from that I had already had. I do believe since taking it, I have had more pains and fullness. I started taking that along with GABA, and they seem to be helping. I decided to try the gelatine because of all the talk about chicken feet soup. I wouldn't be able to do the chicken feet, and gelatine can be a substitute for it. Good luck. Jen

michelle choi
(Login chelle_choi)
Hey GingerD
November 21 2006, 4:46 PM

Don't know if I can clarify or not...but I found a little more info on gelatin for you and honestly I don't know if collagen would be better as opposed to gelatin, they both have several amino acids I know. Oh and no the gelatin should not affect weight gain, here's some info I found:

Gelatin can assist in weight reduction programs because it allows the creation of nutritious, yet low calorie dishes. Gelatin contains no fat, sugar, purines or cholesterol and it can bind large quantities of water which helps impart a "fuller" feeling after a meal or it can be used to replace high calorie content binders like cream, egg yolk or starchy products.

Gelatin is a vitreous, brittle solid that is faintly yellow to white and nearly tasteless and odorless. It contains 84-90% protein, 1-2% mineral salts and 8-15% water.

Gelatin also appears to be beneficial to athletes for muscle growth and metabolism, as it contains lysine, which is important for muscle growth and arginine a precursor of creatine, an amino acid important for the energy metabolism of muscle cells.

Gelatin contains 9 of the amino acids essential for humans.

Gelatin contains 26.4–30.5% glycine, 14.8–18% proline, 13.3–14.5% hydroxyproline, 11.1–11.7% glutamic acid, 8.6–11.3% alanine, and in decreasing order arginine, aspartic acid, lysine, serine, leucine, valine, phenylala-nine, threonine, isoleucine, hydroxylysine, histidine, methionine, and tyrosine. Absence of only two essential amino acids—tryptophan and methionine—makes gelatin a good dietary food supplement.

Also Ginger here's a link to the gelatine that I get, once you get to the page, just scroll down and you can see all the ingredients/calories in it:

Hope this helps hon. Good luck to you and everyone!! Smile

This message has been edited by jamesredred on Jan 24, 2016 9:57 PM

(Login jellyboobs)
November 21 2006, 9:54 PM

when I introduced gelatine to my program soon my boobs got meatier and my skin improved !!!!! that was months ago love jelly...

(Login js89)
Re: A question about Gelatine-Chelle u mentioned it 2 me
November 21 2006, 10:36 PM

That's a good word for it jelly - meatier. I've been taking it for at least a full month to a month and a half and do feel it has made a difference.

(Login gingerD)
Re: A question about Gelatine-Chelle u mentioned it 2 me
November 22 2006, 10:40 AM

Oh thanks alot guys-Chelle thanx so much, its funny how iv always asumed its pure fat or somthing-
Its actually reccomeneded for reducing BF !!!
Yes thats clarified things for me-And i think i may as well add it to help get my boobies "meaty"

(Login gingerD)
Re: A question about Gelatine-Chelle u mentioned it 2 me
November 22 2006, 11:54 AM

Hi another question-
and chelle-how do you take the gellatine is it in capsules/or granules etc

(no login)
Re: A question about Gelatine-Chelle u mentioned it 2 me
November 22 2006, 12:01 PM

Ladies, how much gelatine per day would you recommend for BE purposes? Are we talking about the same gelatine powder that is used as an ingredient of several sweets' recipies?

michelle choi
(Login chelle_choi)
hey ladies!
November 22 2006, 4:19 PM

GingerD, glad I could help. Smile I use the gelatin powder, it's in packets. I don't use it everyday since it's like $8 a box/14 packets, so to save on money I go the cheap route and just drink it every other day. (you mix it with water and it actually tastes fine to me, it's orange flavored)But, you can just get the capsules. The only reason I don't take the capsules, is because the gelatin powder has more protein and gelatin in each serving than the caps do and I would have to take several caps a day to equal what the powder mix has. But, if it's cheaper for you, then the caps are fine. One thing that's definitely grown and is much stronger with gelatin is my's unbelievable cause they use to break off when they would get to the very edge of my finger tips, now they grow waaay past the tips and are much stronger. They get super long now before even trying to break off and they grow very fast. Of course the brand I get is designed for nails afterall. Smile

Helena, I'm not sure what the recommened dose is really for be purposes. With gelatin though I've read those no limit as to how much you can take each day. And yes, that's the same gelatin used in sweets and such (jello, marshmellows, etc). The gelatin packets I use have 7g of protein and 7g of gelatin in each serving. As opposed to the gelatin caps, they have like 1g or protein in each 2 caps and a little over 1g of gelatin in each 2 caps.

Good luck ladies!!!!

(Login gingerD)
Re: A question about Gelatine-Chelle u mentioned it 2 me
November 22 2006, 4:43 PM

Chelle-Thank you for that, another question not sure if its a daft one-U say your gelatine is orange flavoured-Could you not just use jelly? (jello not jam)
Iv seen Jelly in powder form in the supermarket is that basically the same.
Or am i way out and its more speciallised
Do you buy your from health stores not supermarkets?

(Login Diana1978)
November 22 2006, 5:04 PM

thanx for clarifying about it being jello. um. i'll be back i need to run down to the store now. i know they have to have jello at the village food shop down the road! lol. Smile

(Login yvonne03)
found some info
November 22 2006, 5:57 PM

I did a little research and found some info:

"When used as a dietary supplement it is necessary to consume some 7 to 10 g pure gelatine daily. This would be equivalent to about 120 g jelly babies per day or 400 ml jelly which may not be practical, in which case, 2 heaped teaspoons of powder stirred into about 100 ml fruit juice and drunk as a slurry, can be an alternative means of consuming the required quantity." (


"It should always be remembered that heating, slowly destroys gelatin=s gelling ability so one should always use the least amount of heating possible and for the shortest time possible." (

and also:

"Although gelatin is by far the major hydrocolloid used for gelling, current concerns about the possibility of such an animal-derived product containing the prions that cause Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD)a, plus the need generated by vegetarians and certain religions, has recently encouraged the serious search for alternatives. The combination of the melt in the mouth, elastic and emulsification characteristics of gelatin gels is, however, difficult to reproduce.

***Gelatin is nutritionally lacking as a protein being deficient in isoleucine, methionine, threonine and tryptophan.***

It should be noted that gelatin is prepared under harsh conditions that make it effectively impossible for the survival of the CJD-causative prion, even in the unlikely circumstance of it being present. However, concern exists due to the severity of the disease and the known stability of the prion taken together with the difficulty at analyzing for it at the extremely low levels that may cause the disease." (

after reading this but also having used it in my program...i think that i stll want it to be part of my program. it did seem to help a lot.

happy growing!!

(Login Diana1978)
i must have missed it somewhere
November 22 2006, 7:30 PM

how much did u take in powder form?

(Login yvonne03)
Re: A question about Gelatine-Chelle u mentioned it 2 me
November 23 2006, 7:17 PM

i don't know if this question is for me but if it is:
i didn't take any in powder form. i take it in capsules. 500mg. one with my morning dose, one with my afternoon dose and 2 with my evening dose. don't know if that's enough but i did seem fuller when i was on it. just bought some more last night.


(Login Wahaika)
found more info - Knox gelatin
January 7 2007, 10:57 PM

For information on how Kraft Foods avoids mad cow disease/Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease/Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), for Knox Gelatin, see:

Just click on the questions in black print and the answer will pop up. Here are some excerpts:

Does Kraft/Oscar Mayer use meats that are processed from AMR systems?
No. We do not use beef from advanced meat recovery (AMR) systems or mechanically separated beef for any of our products. For years, our procurement policy has specified that we accept only beef that has been separated from the bone by hand, not by machines. And the beef we do use is from whole muscle meat. Scientific studies have not found BSE in whole muscle meat.

What steps are you taking to ensure that BSE beef doesn't make it into your products?
We continually monitor the latest scientific findings and our own quality assurance programs to ensure the safety of our products. For some time, we have had in place a series of BSE prevention measures to assure that only healthy cattle, properly fed, are the source of our ingredients. Below are some of the specific steps we take to ensure the wholesomeness of our beef products:

* We use beef from whole muscle meat only. Scientific studies have not found BSE in whole muscle meat.
* We do not use beef from advanced meat recovery (AMR) systems or mechanically separated beef for any of our products.
* We specifically exclude any brain and spinal cord tissue from all of our meat purchases.
* We require that all of our suppliers verify that they are in full compliance with federal regulations regarding the ruminant feed ban, and require similar verification from stockyards or public auctions from which they acquire livestock.
* We require our suppliers to have an aggressive inspection system in place and do not accept beef from diseased animals.
* We conduct on site inspections of our suppliers to verify that they are in compliance with our current guidelines and specifications.
* We fully comply with rigorous U.S. government food safety programs.

Is the gelatin used in your products safe?
The majority of gelatin used in KRAFT products is from North American pork, and BSE does not occur in pigs. Additionally, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and other scientific experts have determined that the manufacturing methods used to produce gelatin -- no matter what the animal or geographic source -- ensure that the gelatin supply is safe. International research, including a review by the EU Scientific Steering Committee, has confirmed that gelatin manufacturing processes remove and inactivate any contamination by BSE. Furthermore, we have had stringent processes in place to prevent BSE in gelatin for many years. During processing the materials used to make gelatin are exposed to extensive purification procedures, including prolonged exposure to both acid and alkaline conditions, which have been demonstrated to substantially enhance the safety of gelatin. The raw materials are also exposed to other processes such as sterilization, filtration, and demineralization, which have also been shown to significantly enhance the safety of gelatin.

Just thought there might be an interest.


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