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DHEA may cause gynecomastia and testicle shrinkage


For those males who may want to start off the gynecomasta..take DHEA. It is available at walmart in vitamin and suppliment aisle.

I. Wonder if it will compliment or enhance b.o. since it is a non-descript hormone. It seems to have ability to masculinize females and feminize males..

The gyno comes from DHEA aromatization to estrogen, so estrogen is a better bet. DHEA excess in PCOS could be a contributer to tubular breasts. The ideal for both men and women appears to be around 400 mcg/dl.

This interesting. Has anyone tried it?

Not yet, but i was considering it. I have alot in my nbe program already :p

I dunno. There are too many bad side affects for me. Rapid or irregular heartbeats and heart palpitations, high blood pressure, male pattern
baldness, etc. I want breasts, but not at the expense of my health. Be


[Image: types-of-gynecomastia.jpg]

Intresting picture ....

(02-01-2016, 17:56)lilmikey Wrote:  I dunno. There are too many bad side affects for me. Rapid or irregular heartbeats and heart palpitations, high blood pressure, male pattern
baldness, etc. I want breasts, but not at the expense of my health. Be

That's my predicament. I am taking meds for irregular heartbeat now. Don't need to be stupid.. (anymore than I am already) Big Grin

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