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Directly on the breasts


wild yam cream directly on the breasts
September 27 2006 at 3:57 AM dandelion1's program (Login dandelion1)
I've done some searching on the internet and there seems to be a lot of info about wild yam cream and it's effect on nbe.
Has anyone tried it as a topical cream directly on breast? would this be more effective than cocoa butter?

(Login kitty2006)
Re: wild yam cream
September 29 2006, 7:30 PM

Im using wild yam cream purchased from a local health store. When i first used this cream for a month I could see positive effects and even my bf said he could see a difference, and then I went off it and decided to try palmers cocoa butter and Vit E for a month, but I couldnt see or feel anything happening as effective as the wild yam cream, so I decided to go back on the wild yam cream and have been using it since, Iv also added Vit E cream now as it has all the booby friendly essential oils. Although it only has 7% worth of wild yam I think the wild yam cream and Vit E has made a positive difference, maybe it was all the massaging that actually made the difference...

Hope this helps

(no login)
Re: wild yam cream
September 30 2006, 2:44 AM

could you let me know which brand of wild yam cream??

(Login kitty2006)
Re: wild yam cream
September 30 2006, 3:18 PM

I got the wild yam cream from Holland and Barretts which is in the UK. The vit E cream is also from the same store and also has oils such as advocado, coconut, wheat germ and safflower oil aswell as shea butter, and I only got that for £1.20!

However Iv seen websites that sell more potent wild yam creams like 20% worth if you want something stronger.

(Login tms81)
Re: wild yam cream
September 30 2006, 3:23 PM

witch websites??

(Login kitty2006)
Re: wild yam cream
September 30 2006, 3:32 PM

Mexican Wild Yam Cream 100ml - Higher Nature.
15% High Potency cream with Red Clover and Black Cohosh. Vegetarian. Net weight 140g. A luxurious, easily absorbed moisturiser with 15% Wild Yam extract supplying a rich blend of diosgenin, natural sterols and phytoestrogens, plus Dong Quai, Agnus Castus, Red Clover, Black Cohosh and Ginseng, plus Vitamin E and Aloe Vera. (Does not contain or supply progesterone to the body, but provides an excellent complement to the use of natural progesterone). Hypo-allergenic formula. Stated by manufacturer to be GM free, and not tested on animals.

Also the same product...

They ship world wide:

These guys are really cheap and reliable for aromatherapy and herb products:
Both following links are for the same product - 70% wild yam cream

And this is where I shop for my supplies as I don't have the patience to wait for delivery when ordering it offline LOL

This message has been edited by EveEM on Oct 3, 2006 7:07 AM

(Login tms81)
Re: wild yam cream
September 30 2006, 3:44 PM

thank you very much.
Do you take the cream every day?
Since the wild yam increases the progesterone level i am gonna use the cream in my lutheral phase(day14-28 of my cycle) because i think i have a low progesterone level. And use the cocoa butter in the first to weeks of my cycle. (and vitamin E offcourse)

(Login kitty2006)
Re: wild yam cream
September 30 2006, 3:56 PM

Hi Tms81
I think thats a good idea and cocoa butter has its benefits too!

Yes I massage it into my breasts everyday twice a day as it says so on the tub for 8-10 weeks, Im assuming they mean thats when you start to see the benefits. My main approach to NBE is massages really as I believe they are a real benefit, Im following a routine much like Tiger Lily's but Im also exploring other options aswell. I think since I added the Vit E with the other oils cream its boosted the effectiveness.

(Login tms81)
Re: wild yam cream
September 30 2006, 6:35 PM

i am looking at the pages you gave me but are not sure what to buy. You are buying cream with just 7%. The one with 70% is this to high concentrate to put on your breast?

(Login kitty2006)
Re: wild yam cream
September 30 2006, 6:44 PM


Im not sure, Im content with 7% as its made a difference to me but I think its quite on the low end of potency. If you were to get the one with 70% I would use it sparingly though. It must be safe if they are selling it at that potency. If you were taking wild yam caps I would have thought they would be more potent than creams. But I have read that you would require less potency if used on the skin as it is absorbed straight away and doesnt need to be digested

(Login kitty2006)
Re: wild yam cream
September 30 2006, 6:48 PM

Also my 7% wild yam cream only costs £8 something as opposed to £14.95 for the 70% wild yam cream, and my tub is about 113 grams and lasts me about a month and a half when using it twice a day everyday. So I guess it also depends on how much you are willing to pay for such a product.

(Login tms81)
Re: wild yam cream
September 30 2006, 7:00 PM

i am taking wild yam caps but have read that the Diosgenin in the wild yam acts like progesterone in your body and if you take it oral it gets almost useless after it passes the liver. So the best way to get any effect is to but it on your skin to get result.

(Login kitty2006)
Re: wild yam cream
September 30 2006, 7:03 PM

If you can't make a descision on which wild yam cream to buy at the moment or if its too expensive, why not open up the caps and add it to your moisturising lotion and hey presto instant wild yam cream! And you could add different oils and herbs to it aswell.

(Login tms81)
Re: wild yam cream
September 30 2006, 7:08 PM

good you mentioned it i was thinking about that. Can i do that since it is in powder form, can i add it in my vitamin E cream? i am thinking i am gonna but more herbs on my boobs..
Really nice talking to you, where do you come from?

(Login kitty2006)
Re: wild yam cream
September 30 2006, 7:17 PM

Awwwwww! Its been nice talking to you too! Plus I have learnt a lot today hehe. This forum is so friendly! Im in the UK, and yourself?

I think oil caps are better for lotion mixing, I dont see any problems with powder, but what I would do is mix it with hot water to dissolve it, but try and not dilute it too much and then mix it with your lotion. I suppose you could mix it into the lotion straight away but I think it will be gritty! I think mixing with Vit E cream would be good, cos Im planning to make my own lotion in the near futrue with Vit E cream too. I think its cheaper to make your own lotion and you have the ability to customise it how you want.

(Login tms81)
Re: wild yam cream
September 30 2006, 7:31 PM

I come from Norway so it is not that far away. Here everything is so expensive so i buy all the herbs from UK, vortexhealth. i also bought my brava from england that i am soooooo glad i dont use any more. I have also learned so much about wild yam and progesterone today. have almost been sitting infront of the computer all day, feel like a geek hehe.
gonna try out wild yam in my cream before i go to bed today. maybe i am gonna try out fennel in my cream one day too. I feel like an experiment doll hehe

(Login kitty2006)
Re: wild yam cream
September 30 2006, 7:40 PM

Go for it girl! Ive read how some people add a mutltitude of herbs in their lotions. Because everyone's body is different, its good to experiment and see what works for you. Well if I come accross any good UK sites, Il let you know then. Brava looks like a scary contraption, you couldn't exactly walk into work with it under your work clothes hehehe. Same here I don't have much to do on a Saturday lol. Let me know how you get on with your new findings! And good luck in whatever you choose to do in the end Smile

(Login tms81)
Re: wild yam cream
September 30 2006, 7:49 PM

the brava was bad but i managed to gain 1 1/2 inch and i stopped using it 9months ago and it is still lasting, so i hope this meens i am a good responder and the herbs will work too. I will keep you posted. Good luck to you too both in growing boobs and all other things in life. Nice to get to know you, you seem like a very nice person with a big heart. Big hug

(Login dandelion1)
for those who have used wild yam cream
October 3 2006, 4:42 AM

For all of those that have successfully (or not) used wild yam cream,please let me know of any tricks or effects you noticed. Mostly, did you apply dirrectly to breast or not? i know that you're not supposed to , but i've read about some women doing so and getting positive results. thanks!

(Login dandelion1)
Re: wild yam cream
October 4 2006, 12:22 AM

anyone using wild cream directly on breasts?

confusion over progesterone cream and wild yam
October 5 2006 at 11:59 PM kinomi (no login)
After reading about wild yam cream and it's possible benefits. I found a health food/herbal store that said they carried it. The wild yam ointment they carried was actually a lubricate located in the contraceptive dept. and they showed me other products with wild yam content, What I found was a product called Equigest w/ vit E cream (menopause &PMS Solutions The ingredient say "Progestorone(derived from Wild Yam)" It says to gently massage 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of cream onto soft parts of body "breasts, belly, inner thigh and under arm.

I have read the posts about Progesterrone and I someone was saying that it was unsafe to put it directly on your breasts and also the fact that unless you have low progesterone levels it could be dangerous. I am 38, have normal periods and have no reason to think that I have low progesterone. However I want to grow breasts!!! I am confused about the difference of what is actually wild yam and what is progesterone"derived from wild yam" would it be safe to use it on my breasts or not? Would it be like using wild yam cream? Should I of gotten the wild yam lubricant, since it was listed as just wild yam in the ingredients? I don't want to harm my body but I feel like the progesterone cream may actually may a difference in my growth. Is anyone familier with that particular product?

I need an educated opinion. tms81 wrote about wild yam cream previously, if you're around and have any thoughts, I'd greatly appreciate them from her or anyone on this forum. Thanks

(Login tms81)
Re: confusion over progesterone cream and wild yam
October 7 2006, 9:09 PM

Hey girl, just saw your post.
I am gonna try to explain.
Progesterone cream is made from wild yam by extracting diosgenin from the wild yams and then converting this component into natural progesterone in the laboratory.No known side effects exist when using natural progesterone in physiological amounts (20 - 30 mg a day for women and 6-10 mg a day for men) under normal conditions. It is therefore very safe. But as with most substances, too much can cause problems. Too much progesterone is actually counterproductive, as chronically high dose of progesterone over many months eventually causes progesterone receptors to turn off, reducing its effectiveness and may lead to toxic side effects.
But to do this i belive you have to take very much. Excessive progesterone is normally caused by the excessive built up of progesterone in the body. This is more commonly seen in those who are self-administering topical progesterone cream in the wrong area. Progesterone cream should be applied to areas of the body that have good circulation but not high in fat. These areas include the wrist, back of the neck, and under part of the upper arm. Areas such as the abdomen, buttock and breast are high in fat and will retain progesterone faster than other parts of the body.

wild yam creamBig Griniosgenin found in Wild Yam is a phytoestrogen, and it closely resembles human progesterone. Due to this similarity, body reacts to it as if it were progesterone.

well by taking wild yam cream you are making your progesterone level higher. The breast have a lot of fat and absorbe the cream very well, so i would not add a cream with to high prosentage of wild yam to your breast.

(no login)
Re: confusion over progesterone cream and wild yam
October 7 2006, 11:59 PM

tms81 thank you for responding to me. I sent another email this morning to you asking basically the same question but I summed it up. So forgive me for being redundant. I have a better understandind now of the differences. It seems like to be safer, I should invest in wild yam cream rather than progesterone. Thanks again!

(Login tms81)
Re: confusion over progesterone cream and wild yam
October 8 2006, 10:01 AM

remember that progesterone cream and wild yam are not the same. The wild yam cream is made from wild yam extract and progesterone cream is prosesed in a labratory. You get a higher amont of progesterone from the progesterone cream, but with my manual it is said if you get swollen breast during PMS you can add it on your breast so they are cind of saying two things at the same time. But to be safe i would not add progesterone on any part of your body that have a lot of fat.
On the other hand if it said on your cream that you can aply it on your breast i would belive you could. If it is not strong the best would probably to put it on your breast to get any effect of it.

progestorone cream on breast
November 28 2006 at 1:21 PM cher (Login cherasia)

Doctor Wong suggest to apply progestorone cream on the breast, what do you think?
Cos i heard alot says that it is not good to put the cream on fatty area.

(Login faith_full)
Re: progestorone cream on breast
November 28 2006, 4:48 PM

I wouldnt reccommend using it on your breasts, i've read alot of things about it actully reducing growth, But its fine to use elsewhere on the body. So if you were to use it put it on other areas such as your tummy, thighs, wrists and back of the neck.

(Login sunnyMark)
Re: progestorone cream on breast
November 28 2006, 5:19 PM

hi, actually i read that it's not good to put it on any areas with higher amounts of fat because it could accumulate there, wrists, underarms and the back of the neck is where it is recommended, that's what it says on my progesterone cream, but i never use it because if forget to count the days when one should take it

(Login cherasia)
Re: progestorone cream on breast
November 29 2006, 11:42 AM

thanks faith and mark for the replyWink

(Login dandelion1)
Re: progestorone cream on breast
November 30 2006, 2:05 PM

hi. on my wildyam cream jar it says to apply directly to breasts, however i think it depends on the amount and %of wildyam that you plan on using. Mine is 14%, however only 1/4 teaspoon is recommended. I find it hard to use that little for massage, so maybe it would be better for me to put the cream elsewhere so i do n't overdo it. I've heard great stories of women putting them on their breasts directly.................. i think if you put a bit of it on your breasts you should be fine

(no login)
Re: progestorone cream on breast
November 30 2006, 3:48 PM

Hi Dandelion

My wild yam cream is 7% and it also says 1/4 teaspoon. I put it on then use cocoa butter and e vit afterwards to really massage in. Do you use your cream every day or only for certain days of your cycle?

(Login cherasia)
Re: progestorone cream on breast
December 1 2006, 1:39 PM

I just received reply from dr wong about progesterone cream.

Howdy Cherise:

The reason for that opinion is that absorption is delayed when the progesterone is applied to areas of subcutaneous fat. Other researchers though say that they prefer those sites for application as it creates a pool of progesterone available for a longer time to the body. I prefer application to the sexual organs for the physiological reason that there are more hormone receptor sites there than anywhere else on the bodies surface and absorption and utilization is there fore faster and more complete.

Be well and God bless,
Dr. Wong

(Login tms81)
Re: progestorone cream on breast
December 2 2006, 5:01 PM

Remember girls that wild yam cream and progesterone cream is NOT the same. Read this page

Natural progesterone is obtained by extracting diosgenin from wild yams and then converting this component into natural progesterone in the laboratory. Natural progesterone is referred to as natural because it is the identical molecule to that which the human body manufactures. Such yam-derived natural progesterone should not be confused with "yam extracts" that are commonly sold in health food stores. Our body easily converts natural progesterone into the identical molecule made by the body. It cannot convert the "yam extracts" into progesterone. There is no evidence that such "wild yam extract" is converted into progesterone once it enters into the human body and unlike natural progesterone, no conclusive formal studies have ever been conducted that identifies any particular benefits from "wild yam extracts".

Natural progesterone can be administered orally, topically, sublingual or by injection. Oral administration is relatively ineffective as it is quickly metabolized in the liver. Injection is very effective, but can cause irritation to the injection site and it can be quite painful. To achieve physiological dose (and not the higher pharmacological dose), the best way is sublingual or topical. Progesterone is easily absorbed by the skin and is 5 to 7 times more effective in reaching the blood stream than oral forms of progesterone.

Excessive progesterone is normally caused by the excessive built up of progesterone in the body. This is more commonly seen in those who are self-administering topical progesterone cream in the wrong area. Progesterone cream should be applied to areas of the body that have good circulation but not high in fat. These areas include the wrist, back of the neck, and under part of the upper arm. Areas such as the abdomen, buttock and breast are high in fat and will retain progesterone faster than other parts of the body
Too much progesterone is actually counterproductive, as chronically high dose of progesterone over many months eventually causes progesterone receptors to turn off, reducing its effectiveness and may lead to toxic side effects, Some possible side effects include:

An anesthetic and intoxicating effect such as slight sleepiness. Excess progesterone down-regulates estrogen receptors, and the brain's response to estrogen is needed for serotonin production. Simply reduce the dose until the sleepiness goes away.

Some women report paradoxical estrogen dominance symptoms for the first week or two after starting progesterone. It is also common for those who have been deficient in progesterone for years, in the initial application of progesterone, to experience some water retention, headaches, and swollen breasts. These are symptoms of estrogen dominance, but paradoxically exhibited in the initial stages of progesterone application, as the estrogen receptors are being re-sensitized by the progesterone and "waking up". This usually goes away by itself and is not a sign of toxicity.

Edema (water retention). This is likely to be caused by excess conversion to deoxycortisone, a mineralcorticoid made in the adrenal glands that causes water retention.

Candida. Excess progesterone can inhibit anti-Candida white blood cells, which can lead to bloating and gas. Systemic candidiasis can be treated with a grain-free diet for 2 weeks, followed by 40 mg of progesterone ( using3% progesterone cream) a day applied vaginally and to the breast. More is applied gradually elsewhere to areas such as the neck, face, brow , and inner aspects of the arms. If side effects worsen, reduce progesterone dosage.

Lowered libido. Excess progesterone block the conversion of testosterone to DHT. This primarily happens to men.

Excessive progesterone can also lead to the increase in androgen production and ultimately increase in estrogen production within the adrenal hormonal synthesis pathway as the body shunts the excessive progesterone to these other hormones.

Taking phytoestrogen rich food, such as soy products, is another alternative way of reducing estrogen as these foods contain weak estrogens that competitively take up the estrogen receptor site, making estrogen less available for use. Foods that have estrogenic activities include: oats, peanuts, cashew nuts, wheat, apples and almonds. Interestingly, ginseng also has a weak estrogenic effect. Phytoestrogen also appear in a host of herbs, including black cohash, alfalfa, pomegranate and licorice. While widely promoted as the miracle food in recent years by the soy industry, it should be noted that soy products have their own set of problems. Unfermented soy products, such as tofu, contain acid that, in fact, rob the body of many valuable nutrients and should not be taken in large quantity. Fermented soy products, such as miso, do not have this problem and are the way to go.

(Login cherasia)
Re: progestorone cream on breast
December 3 2006, 2:37 PM

thanks tms81 for the great info Smile

(Login dandelion1)
Re: progestorone cream on breast
December 5 2006, 11:45 PM

hey ash! sorry for the late response
i used to use it everyday, but i realized a was using a LOT more than 1/4 teaspoon, so i decided to take a break. I will start today again, but i will apply it around my breasts - on the ribcage - where it's less fatty yet close to the receptors. I plan on using natural progersterone starting on my next cycle (in about 5 days).
I also used to follow up with cocoa butter and vitamin e, but now i've mixed it all in a boobie batter with borage oil / fennel / vitex

Directions on progesterone cream tell u to massage cream into fatty areas...
February 25 2009 at 10:59 PM Glamma (Login Glamma)
Such as thighs and abdomen? I've always read on here that u should massage pc where the skin is thin such inner arms, neck, feet etc for better absorption. Quite a few of the directions on pc mention thighs and stomach. Skin is not thin in these areas so why instruct u to massage the cream there?

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: Directions on progesterone cream tell u to massage cream into fatty areas...
February 26 2009, 7:01 PM

Hi Glamma,

I think it is one of those cases of the company getting their information wrong - maybe they did not do enough research. Maybe they just looked at one site on the internet and went with that for the instructions. Maybe another company looked at that first company and copied what they did.

You however are doing what you should be doing... questioning the information - good job!

The best application of PC really is on thin skinned areas that have a high blood supply. This is to influence the PC to go into circulation instead of being stored in body fat. Having the PC in circulation will help alleviate symptoms of estrogen dominance. If your body stores the PC in body fat you will not get the benefit until you lose that body fat and the progesterone is then put into circulation.

There are those however who counsel using PC in high body fat areas. Their theory is that by encouraging the storage of PC in body fat the body will be more resistant to shortages. I have not heard this theory promoted by any actual medical doctors (M.D) though... just herbalists and acupuncturists.

I don't agree with the pro body fat groups. Once something is in your body fat it is basically inert and unavailable. Low progesterone symptoms include the development of excess body fat on the belly and thighs. The body is unlikely to take fat out of an area that it is currently adding fat to.

This does not mean though that if you accidentally put some PC in a high fat area that it would harm you. It is the persistent use of PC in those areas that should be avoided.

By the way... I guess it is theoretically possible that some woman out there does not have body fat on her thighs or belly... lol... unlikely in the group needing PC though.

I hope this answered your question.

Best wishes,

(Login sailorvenus44)
Re: Directions on progesterone cream tell u to massage cream into fatty areas...
March 1 2009, 4:38 AM

Waxingmoon - fat storage in the hips and butt is more of an estrogen thing, not a Progesterone thing. o__o From what I know of large fat deposits in either the stomach or breasts are more likely due to high progesterone levels, not low ones.

I dunno.

At least, Ever since I started taking progesterone, my legs and butt got smaller whereas my arms and breasts got larger. Not to an extent where I look weird or anything. It is working the way I wanted it to work for me. ^___^

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: Directions on progesterone cream tell u to massage cream into fatty areas...
March 1 2009, 3:04 PM

Hi SailorVenus,

Yes, high estrogen does focus fat storage below the waist more, therefore a person taking progesterone would probably already have some fat in that area (estrogen dominance).

The question about where to use the progesterone cream is relevant to how the body absorbs it, whether into fatty tissue where it will be stored or into highly vascularized tissue where it will be brought into circulation.

If you place your progesterone cream in areas that will increase its storage into your body fat then the hormone effect will be diminished. The very positive benefits of progesterone cream usage will be lessened and thus the estrogen dominance symptoms (fatty thighs) will remain longer.

We store fat in various places due to genetics and hormonal influences - things we have little control over. Where we put the progesterone cream is something we have complete control over.

I hope this made what I stated before more clear.

Best wishes,

does anyone use wild yam cream on breast????
August 6 2007 at 5:39 PM anna (Login anna33)
hi gals

i read a post by Helen "about wild yam", says something bout using wid yam cream directly on breast to make breast cell grow fat.....

has anyone use it?...if has use it, result???....any side effect

pls share experience...

thanks;-......happy growing

Black Sheep
(Login angelstr08)
Re: does anyone use wild yam cream on breast????
August 6 2007, 8:35 PM

yeah, i was also wondering too because I was thinking of getting some wild yam cream. if anyone has used it, please help Smile

Black Sheep
(Login Kath1985)
Re: does anyone use wild yam cream on breast????
August 6 2007, 8:39 PM

I have. I use the Perfect Curves 15% Wild Yam gel, it's got lots of other stuff in it too. It feels nice and the boobs absorb it really well. I'm always fuller straight after, but it's mote a boost than anything permanent I think. It needs to be taken with other herbs internally.

(no login)
Re: does anyone use wild yam cream on breast????
August 7 2007, 11:30 AM

I think wild yam depends on the individual, as it made my periods come sooner but I did not experience growth.

I have heard that it does work for some people though, makes them a little fuller I think.

(Login sophie9)
Re: does anyone use wild yam cream on breast????
August 7 2007, 12:50 PM

i added wild yam to the massage lotion i normally use (extract) and starting breaking out on my chest. they weren't exactly pimples, but more like a pimply rash. i remember someone mentioning that before on this forum. i didn't think anything of it. probably thought...ewww..gross! but then the same thing happened to me. and it's been months since i stopped using it, and it is still not completely gone. So i couldn't really experience any benefits personally because of my skin reaction to wild yam. fennugreek and fennel didn't cause this.

(Login Louise1982)
Re: does anyone use wild yam cream on breast????
August 7 2007, 7:11 PM

I have been researching wild yam as a source of progesterone and most places I have read that although the progesterone-like diosgenin can be derived from wild yam in the lab your body can't do it so if anything wild yam is likely to be oestrogenic (so I never bothered buying it)

Black Sheep
(Login angelstr08)
Re: does anyone use wild yam cream on breast????
August 7 2007, 8:06 PM

I agree with Louise. I've read many sources saying that wild yam's progesterone-like properties cannot be converted in the body. And, i can't find it at retail stores anyways. But has anyone used the herb orally in capsule form? Would that work?

(no login)
Re: does anyone use wild yam cream on breast????
August 8 2007, 5:00 AM

I took it orally but also at one point used the cream and I swear that the cream DID do something, I'd advise you give it a shot.

(Login WiccanWoman123)
Re: does anyone use wild yam cream on breast????
August 9 2007, 10:15 AM

I'm using it in extract form and love it, when I tried the wild yam creams or letting it soak in massage oils it gave me a bad rash and itched. I really think it does help though, just need the right form.

Fluffy Sheep
(Login angelstr08)
Re: does anyone use wild yam cream on breast????
August 9 2007, 2:18 PM

thanks so much for letting us know about your experiences with wild yam.. I can't seem to buy wild yam cream in stores because they don't carry that anymore. And, it's a bit difficult to find the extracts. So is there some way where you can still make the "cream/lotion" without extract?

(Login anna33)
Re: does anyone use wild yam cream on breast????
August 9 2007, 3:20 PM

hi ladies

thanks 4 all the info....i think i'll go ahead n do the wild yam cream....seems like is a good choice, coz i think i might need that 4 growth (i,m estrogen dominance i think)

To WiccanWoman-
when u sy extract form, do u mean orally or add the extract to the boobie batter?

thank u everyone ;-)
happy boobie growing

(Login WiccanWoman123)
Re: does anyone use wild yam cream on breast????
August 10 2007, 12:45 PM

I apply the extract directly to my breast.

Fluffy Sheep
(Login anna33)
Re: does anyone use wild yam cream on breast????
August 11 2007, 6:04 PM

to Wiccanwoman -thanks 4 replying

(Login Aleya1)
Three ways to go
August 13 2007, 2:48 AM

When I massage my breasts, I use either a Breast Cream that contains wild yam (perfect woman), use a concoction of extracts which include wild yam, fenugreek, etc., with a lotion or just use a lotion that contains wild yam all by itself.

I have tried to use a cycle method of higher and lower dosages of phytoestrogens during the month which kind of explains my varied usage. Also I massage in the morning and at night. There are probably lotions with higher concentrations, but I like using Wild Yam by Jason. I also use the Lavender lotion by Jason as well. Locally, I have found these at my more healthy-food oriented major grocery store.

Massage with progesterone cream and estrogenic herbs??
December 25 2006 at 11:55 PM Boobies06 (Login boobies06)
I've been thinking that it would be most beneficial if I stopped massaging with cocoa butter and switched to progesterone cream. But I also want to add some herbs to the cream so that the phytoestrogens can get directly absorbed into my chest. Is mixing progesterone and estrogenic herbs smart? Would it have a good effect or no?

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: Massage with progesterone cream and estrogenic herbs??
December 26 2006, 2:08 PM

Progesterone cream on the breasts is one of those debatable topics. Some give advice to use progesterone only on non-fatty areas (neck,insides of arms, etc) to enhance absorption into direct circulation. Some advocate usage in fat areas to assist in restoring fat supplies and allow for slower assimilation into direct circulation. One guy even says to apply to the breast twice a day.

Give all this confusion, I look to what each source has in common. Most agree if you apply progesterone to an area too frequently you lower your absorption and increase your allergic reaction potential (not that you would be allergic to the progesterone itself, but to what it is mixed with in the cream). This would rule out using progesterone on the breast every day. From what I have gathered, every third day would be best if you choose to use it for your breast massage.

As far as estrogenic herbs, they may not be as fat soluble as the progesterone. I know estrogen creams are not. You may cut down on progesterone absorption if you use them at the same time. Perhaps you can use the progesterone one day, phytoestrogens the next and cocoa butter the third day.

I wouldn't give up on the cocoa butter/E. It has some research that shows it has effect and many women on here have used it with good effect.

Hope this is some help,

(Login Tap69)
Mixing them up
December 27 2006, 8:32 AM

Hi.. everything waxingmoon says sounds like excellent research...

I have however, been combining wild yam cream, fenugreek tincture and CB for a while and it seems to work for me. I need the progesterone and take wild yam and vitex tablets... but i made the fenugreek tincture for massage also. Hmmmm... perhaps i am doing the wrong thing.... but i have been growing, the wild yam cream is essential for me. There's nothing quite like your own boobie brew for massage!!! With some experimentation you can work out what will work for you
Love Tap.

(Login Maria..)
Mixing them up
December 30 2006, 5:46 PM

There isn't any clear answer about whether progesterone cream should be applied directly to the breasts, so since there's no agreement on this point I decided not to do it.

is wild yam cream safe to use every day??
March 25 2007 at 1:27 AM Ellie (Login Ellie)

is wild yam cream safe to be used directly on the breasts every day?

(Login 17280)
Re: is wild yam cream safe to use every day??
March 25 2007, 1:35 AM

Yes I want to know too, Wild yam cream is for pms and menopause, but to use for nbe can it be applied to breasts every day? or only when its time of month? I brought a jar from holland and barret which has 7% wild yam. Is that enough for nbe?

I found an intresting article.

(Login Biarritz)
Re: is wild yam cream safe to use every day??
March 25 2007, 2:04 AM

That's a really interesting article. I saw some Wild Yam cream in the health food store the other day, i might give it a try. That lady said she used it every 4th day though?

(Login Sarabell239)
Re: is wild yam cream safe to use every day??
March 25 2007, 6:09 AM

that was a great article, thanks+

(Login cutevelvet)
Re: is wild yam cream safe to use every day??
March 25 2007, 6:38 PM

i bought wild yam cream from holland and barretts but it doesnt state to apply certain times of your cycle. it just says apply twice a day for 8-10 weeks. thats what im doing. im 28 years old defo not menopausal! hey should i go by the instructions on the jar or what?

(Login 17280)
Re: is wild yam cream safe to use every day??
March 25 2007, 9:36 PM

so far i started this week from my first day of cycle, but havent noticed anything.

(Login cutevelvet)
Re: is wild yam cream safe to use every day??
March 26 2007, 11:57 AM

i think 7% of wild yam would be considered safe to use every day otherwise the direction of use on the jar would state otherwise wouldnt it. there is alot of info suggesting that it should be used in certain days of the cycle but i wonder if that is mainly true with progesterone creams that are far more potent than 7%wild yam cream from holland and barretts. im applying every day for the past few days, started while i was on my periods.... i admit im getting shooting pains in the breast as soon as i apply it. if nbe is a trial and error program, im willing to make this mistake also, going by the instructions on the jar. twice daily for 8-10 weeks...fingers crossed and anything else i can cross with it!!

long road ahead.... good luck

(Login Sarabell239)
March 26 2007, 6:47 PM

Please keep us posted with you results. I am thinking about trying it, sorts broke now. But I'd love to hear if it's working for you+

Good luck++

(no login)
March 30 2007, 8:46 PM

Is anyone having any luck with the wild yam cream?

(Login lilmama40)
Re: is wild yam cream safe to use every day??
March 30 2007, 10:40 PM

I got 14% wild yam cream from vitamin world and it says to use it every day. I have been for a few months now and I think it's part of what's making me grow.

(no login)
Re: is wild yam cream safe to use every day??
April 4 2007, 3:52 AM

I'm definitely growing with my homemade wild yam cream.

Just mix a few really good quality wild yam capsules, vit E and a couple of tablespoons of palmer's cocoa butter.
This should last a few days at least!

Massage it in especially before going to bed.

With this cream I've grown the most!


(no login)
Re: is wild yam cream safe to use every day??
April 4 2007, 11:56 PM

I have used the following cream everyday for a month, I don't know if it safe or not but it helps a lot.

Jason, Wild Yam Balancing Moisturizing Creme,
Description Pure, Natural & Organic

JASON has developed this 70 % Certified Organic Wild Yam Creme to comfort and soothe imbalances. A complete, enriched, highly nourishing, cooling combination of Seaweed, Algae, Ginseng and Mexican Wild Yam to hydrate and harmonize.
What it means to use ORGANIC products: A product deemed "organic" means that the ingredients were grown, handled and processed without the use of pesticides, irradiation or any genetic alteration. At JASON, we've stepped up our efforts to bring you more items that are not only pure and natural, but also organic.

Suggested UseApply daily, morning and night all over the body to deliver soft, delicious moisture. Thoroughly massage areas where moisture is needed.

(no login)
Re: is wild yam cream safe to use every day??
April 5 2007, 10:52 PM

i was thinking of buying that jason wild yam cream, Have u had any growth with it?

(no login)
Re: is wild yam cream safe to use every day??
April 9 2007, 6:18 PM

No growth yet, but I don’t take any herbs

(Login bonnette)
Re: is wild yam cream safe to use every day??
April 11 2007, 9:19 AM

i have been using the homemade version of wildyam cream for few days now and yesterday i really got clear pains when going to bed which i address to the exact cream. could it be that because the consistence is a bit gritty it exfoliates the skin thus it absorbs better, dont know but i hope it works or could it be just that i was on midcycle break for two days?


(Login faerycat)
Re: is wild yam cream safe to use every day??
April 11 2007, 9:53 AM

Wild Yam 'Phytoestrogen' Creams (Wild Yam Scam)
Many woman, at one time or another have incorrectly thought wild yam extract creams and progesterone creams to be one and the same. The fact is they are not. They represent the same compound (diosgenin) at two very different stages of conversion.

To make a Wild Yam Extract cream, plant sterols (oils & fats) are extracted from the Mexican Wild Yam and Soy plants. We know that Wild Yam creams have a 'estrogenic' effect on the body, but there is no scientific proof that when cream is applied to the skin (or ingested in tablet or powder form) the active ingredient (diosgenin) derived from Wild Yam creams can be converted by the body into progesterone.

The very fact that progesterone is derived from Mexican Wild Yam is coincidental. Since the 1940's scientists have been using soya beans, wild yams and other plants from the tuber family to make progesterone. To make natural progesterone, Wild Yam Extract must be taken into the laboratory and synthesised with the aid of an enzyme, rendering it a hormone. This laboratory conversion is necessary because, as we stated above, the body has no means by which to convert the raw plant sterols into progesterone.

You can, at this stage, safely introduce synthesised progesterone into the body because your body sees this 'real' progesterone as having the same molecular configuration. No further conversion is necessary by the body. It's a perfect match. The key fits the lock. Because it's such a perfect match, the body recognises it as natural, and you don't experience any nasty side-effects that occur with some synthetic hormones. Further still, because it IS real progesterone, the body can use it to make other steroid hormones.

Women get very confused, largely because Dr John Lee’s work on progesterone has been promoted alongside Wild Yam creams. If you do see Wild Yam creams being marketed as a precursor of progesterone, steer clear (if you are after a genuine progesterone cream) because it does not contain real progesterone. It's just another way of confusing women into buying a product they didn't ask for in the first place. Feel free to use a wild yam cream if you wish to, however, be aware you are NOT going to get any progesterone benefits. It's more likely Wild Yam cream will have a estogenic effect on your body. Of some benefit, certainly, but not in the same league as natural progesterone.

Many a marketing sales pitch will tell you that diosgenin is a precursor to progesterone and the body is capable of converting. You'll remember in a previous chapter we outlined how diosgenin, derived from Wild Yam and/or Soy, is synthesised in the laboratory with the aid of an enzyme to render it a modecule your body can interpret. How then can the body convert this raw substance into a human hormone once it enters the body? The fact is it cannot. There is no enzyme in the body to do this. One popular brand of Wild Yam Extract cream making these claims here in Australia was put to the test by a reputed research institute and found that there was no evidence that the body could convert diosgenin into natural progesterone.

"...Claims have arisen in the popular literature that the female body can manufacture progesterone from diosgenin, particularly if a wild yam cream is applied to the skin... No evidence exits for mammalian enzymes which are capable of effecting what is a difficult chemical conversion. The evidence that does exist strongly disputes the possiblity of this conversion. In fact, diosgenin appears to have estogenic properties in mice and lacks progesteronic effects."
Herbal Medicine, Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy, Modern Herbal Medicine, Simon Mills, Kerry Bone, Published Churchill Livingstone

Why is wild yam extract included as an ingredient in some natural progesterone creams promoted by Dr John Lee?
While Dr. Lee was clear in both his desire to differentiate progesterone and wild yam and his statement that he did not know the specific effects of wild yam on the body, there is some confusion about the benefits that are known. Unfortunately, many women assume that the inclusion of wild yam, for any reason, is something to be avoided.

Master herbalists tell us that wild yam is known as an adaptogen herb. It would be like using fertilizer on a garden. If the plants need it they use it.

Wild yam has been used in female-related herbal formulations for years. A recent search of several herbal books on women's health revealed wild yam used in many formulas for pregnancy, nursing, menopause, and other female-specific issues.

The point here is that it is not the fact that a cream contains wild yam extract; it is what the manufacturer is claiming the extract will do.

Be very cautious of manufacturers of these natural progesterones creams who make claims that the wild yam extract in their cream will TURN INTO ANY HORMONE IN YOUR BODY. As stated above, the evidence that does exist strongly disputes the possiblity of this conversion. We believe it's included in creams because there is evidence of a synergistic benefit by the yam extract being in the cream.


=^_^= x

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