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What is MSM?


What is MSM?
August 6 2009 at 6:43 PM beautifuljourney (Login beautifuljourney)
Not sure whether I'm posting this in the right forum...

I have come across MSM in this forum and I have no clue what it is. Is it an abbreviation of a herb? And what are its benefits?

(Login Artemist)
Re: What is MSM?
August 7 2009, 2:47 AM

MSM stands for methylsulfonylmethane. You can see why we abbreviate it. It's an organic sulfur compound. MSM is found in a lot of foods but is destroyed by processing, so most of us don't get that much of it. While it isn't essential, it can have some nice benefits, such as relief of joint pain for arthritis sufferers.

MSM is rumored to increase breast size, though I should add there's no research at all on this. All we have to go by are some testimonials from a few NBE users as well as a slew of people on a hair care forum who used it to increase hair and nail growth but also noticed their breasts growing. The reason for this is likely related to sulfur being a component of collagen, which also seems to boost breast size for some women. The sheer number of women on the hair care forum who noticed the breast size increase, especially since they obviously weren't looking for it, seems to point to the validity of this phenomenon. Although I'd also like to add that the women on that forum tended to be a lot bustier than we are, and as we all know, the busty easily get bustier.

(Login beautifuljourney)
August 7 2009, 9:58 AM

Thank you so much Artemis for this very helpful answer.

I couldn't even pronounce that long word - so I don't wonder at all that it is commonly shortened to MSM.

I will google that hair forum - very interesting indeed!

Thanks again.

(Login 14AAA)
August 7 2009, 1:14 PM

Hi Sue,

Honestly, I haven't had time to implement much else recommended on this forum - am getting there slowly and I've only been able to start on MSM... and have felt a difference! Smile

Good Luck!

(Login LaReve)
Re: What is MSM?
August 8 2009, 3:31 PM

MSM was a part of my program when I was having great growth, back in spring. I have been through loads of stress lately and stopped my program for a few months, but the last few days I started taking MSM again. Between that and drinking some fennel tea for about 3 or 4 days now I am already seeing fullness come back to my breasts. I am taking 2000 mg in the morning and 2000mg in the evening of MSM. There's definitely somthing to it!!!

Growth with MSM
Growth with MSM
August 2 2009 at 7:22 PM Anne (Login TheStarThrower)


This is my first time writing but I've been reading this forum for some weeks now. I started taking MSM about 3 weeks ago, I never measured because I was too lazy but lately I've noticed my breasts way fuller, I can easily fill my bras. I take 6000 mg of MSM daily but I take 2000 mg after every meal. The brand I use is Spring Valley, they sell it at Walmart but if anyone knows of a better brand please tell me, i just bought this one because it was the first one I found and it looked reliable. I read somewhere in this forum that MSM is easily absorbed with Vit C, does anyone know how much is ok to take?


Author Reply
(Login 14AAA) MSM August 3 2009, 1:18 PM

The type I have is OptiMSM and it comes in a powder form which has Vitamin C inside so it tastes orangey! Smile It's probably too little to make a difference though.

Maybe someone will reply on here but I've definately seen the dosage for other people on the forums.

Good Luck!

(Login millanii)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Growth with MSM August 3 2009, 3:55 PM

6000mg is fine thats what i take but i think you can go up to 10,000 and i take one 1000mg vit C before bed to help the MSM work to its best Smile

(Login melly007)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Growth with MSM August 4 2009, 2:33 AM

If you're seeing results with the brand of MSM you're using, don't change it...

(Login laisegirl) Re: Growth with MSM August 4 2009, 4:56 PM

I didn't know you could take that high of mg of MSM???? i got mine from Swansons at a very good price, they are 1000mg each and the bottle states to take 1 cap 3 to 5 times a day. I have been taking 2 in the morning and 1 in the evening(when I can) and 1 before i go to bed. But if it's ok to take up to 10,000 as stated here, maybe i will increase it slowly.

I began taking the MSM since the middle of June along with the other herbs I had already been taking, and have noticed increased fullness that i didn't have before. Now whether this is due to the addition of the MSM or the addition of the wild yam into my routine, i am not sure. But if it helps, even slowly, i will def continue with it.


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(Login millanii)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Growth with MSM August 4 2009, 7:21 PM

Yes i think between 6-10 grams daily is the recommended amount of MSM Smile(well at least thats what i read).

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(Login TheStarThrower) Re: Growth with MSM August 4 2009, 9:21 PM

I found this while doing a little research on MSM

"MSM is as safe as drinking pure water. Because of its inert nature, MSM is non-allergenic, non-pyretic, and has no interfering or undesirable pharmacological effects. It can even be used as a safe blood diluent. You cannot overdose with MSM. The body will use what it needs, and after 12 hours, will flush any excess amounts out of the body. MSM will flush what the body does not retain semi-permanently every 12 hours, and because it is a free radical and foreign protein scavenger, MSM cleans the blood stream, so allergies to food and pollens go away in about 3 or 4 days. To maintain good, healthy cells, take MSM in the morning and the evening."

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(Login melly007)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Growth with MSM August 5 2009, 2:04 AM

Interesting find Annie...I've been wondering why I didn't have hay-fever at all this year; I used to have it very bad...must've been the MSM I've been taking...thanks for this info...

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(Login Artemist) Re: Growth with MSM August 5 2009, 3:58 AM

"If you're seeing results with the brand of MSM you're using, don't change it..."

Golden rule of NBE, if it ain't broke, DON'T FIX IT!

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(Login Artemist) Re: Growth with MSM August 5 2009, 3:59 AM

Also, I've been breaking out like crazy ever since I started MSM. Anyone had this problem?

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(Login mommcafee) Re: Growth with MSM August 5 2009, 5:40 PM

Hey, I dont really know anything about this stuff(Im not on it, but I was afraid for you folks when I saw the statement that MSM is safe as drinking water. No offense.

Pharmacology and toxicity
The LD50 (dose at which 50% of test subjects are killed) of MSM is greater than 17.5 grams per kilogram of body weight. In rats, no adverse events were observed after daily doses of 2 g MSM per kg of body weight. In a 90-day follow-up study rats received daily MSM doses of 1.5 g/kg, and no changes were observed in terms of symptoms, blood chemistry, or gross pathology.[14]

Yes you can take a high dose, but nothing is as inert/safe/pure as water. (Well, neither is our water now-a-days!!)

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(Login kieyah)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Growth with MSM August 25 2009, 6:46 PM

taking 4-6g/day seeing results but breaking out in acne too

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(Login sandy111)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Growth with MSM August 26 2009, 8:34 AM

Haven't seen results with MSM yet..Also taking 6g/day.

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(Login 14AAA) MSM August 26 2009, 11:05 AM

I'm fuller too! and it feels much nicer esp cos I'm an AAA cup! Haven't measured yet but check mirror from time to time. When it looks more acceptable, then I think I'll measure. Still slowly ramping it up (liver issues) and got a massager today YAY! Will let you guys know how it goes Smile

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(Login s.wilson) Re: Growth with MSM August 26 2009, 6:54 PM

Oh dam. . . please don't tell me MSM causes acne. I was thinking about starting but Lord knows I don't need a face full of pimples added to my itty bitty titty drama. Is this a common side effect or does it depend on the individual ?

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(Login sandy111)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Growth with MSM August 27 2009, 8:53 AM

I think breakouts happen because msm cleans the system..It doesn't happen to everyone though.Didn't happen to me.
I noticed my nails are much stronger since starting msm..Still waiting for fullness/growth Smile

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(Login hunnycreme) Re: Growth with MSM August 27 2009, 9:02 AM

I've been using MSM for 1 month plus now. 6000mg per day. Didn't experience any outbreak of pimples at all.

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(Login ShyBoobs)
SENIOR MEMBER Lotion/Cream August 27 2009, 9:57 PM

Anybody here that used the cream instead of the caps or powder?? If so, did you get any results? I'm wondering if this would be better than just taking it internally since you're applying it directly to the breasts.

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(Login s.wilson) hunnycreme August 28 2009, 7:33 PM

In the month or so you've been taking msm have you experienced any growth or changes??

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(Login hunnycreme) steph August 29 2009, 4:48 AM

i didn't keep meticulous records like many of the girls here coz I'm too lazy. i do notice that my breasts are rounder and fuller at the sides and bottoms and i look fuller when i wear tight t-shirts. besides 6000mg of msm, i'm also taking 3000mg of vitamin c, 6 wonderup tablets, 3000mg fish oil(i'm changing over to flaxseed oil after reading one of the recent threads that fish oil may inhibit breast growth), and 3000mg epo, all divided into morning, afternoon and evening dosage. hopefully, results will even be better after i switch to flax seed oil. Smile

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(Login chinky_marie) Re: Growth with MSM August 29 2009, 7:57 PM

What is epo??

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(Login hunnycreme) Re: Growth with MSM August 30 2009, 4:58 AM

epo is evening primrose oil.

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(Login SandraDD) Re: Growth with MSM August 30 2009, 3:25 PM

laisegirl, I'm soooo happy you're eating wild yam!!!! It rocks! Such a great NBE/collagen food!

Hmm....After reading all these I'm thinking about adding MSM to my program now...

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(Login SandraDD) Re: Growth with MSM August 30 2009, 3:33 PM

I remember reading somewhere about MSM can increase your appetite.
Have any of you experienced an increase in appetite??

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(Login hunnycreme) Re: Growth with MSM August 30 2009, 4:27 PM

yes, i did notice that my appetite is much better these days and i'm eating 5 meals a day! I'm not sure whether is it msm only or the combination of herb and nutrients i've been taking.

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(no login) Re: Growth with MSM September 12 2009, 2:06 AM

Hi guys! This is my first time posting as well but I started lurking a month ago Smile I'm also taking 6,000mg of spring valley msm, 3,000 in the morning and 3,000 either after lunch or dinner for three weeks now. I haven't measured my breasts at all but just today I noticed when I tried on my 34B bra it wasn't that loose anymore and my 34A cup bra was completely full (both bras are similarly padded though). Now normally I wear a 34A but I wanted this gorgeous bra I saw and was determined that I'll never buy another A cup bra. MSM is the only thing I've taken so far while waiting for my pm capsules and cream to arrive, so I was pretty shocked to see any kind of results! Besides that my face is totally clear and just a month ago I was having breakouts like crazy because my skin was sooo oily, now it's gone Big Grin Down side though is my new enhanced cleavage is sporting several small pimples. They are hardly noticeable, but still annoying.Also at first I had a little nausea and was actually getting ready to stop taking them but glad I didn't. And the last thing is even though it was supposed to give me energy it makes me feel more tired than usual but then i'm always a little anemic anyway so i'm used to it by now. Anyway hope this helps somebody Smile

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(Login laisegirl) Re: Growth with MSM September 13 2009, 1:23 AM

Sandra, I am hoping the msm and wild yam do SOMETHING!!!!!!!

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(Login chinky_marie) Re: Growth with MSM September 14 2009, 6:43 PM

I've been taking powdered MSM (lifetime brand) for about two weeks now, only 2500mg in the morning. Yesterday I was getting undressed for a shower and I walked past my full-length mirror and noticed my breasts were fuller and rounder. It literally stopped me in my tracks. I'm nowhere near going a full cup size up, but I have to say that I didn't really expect any results by just taking MSM alone and the change in my breasts is really encouraging (not to mention exciting). I didn't even feel any pains or soreness, so I didn't bother monitoring whether or not anything was happening. I'm pretty confident that it's not just period swell, because I'm not due till the end of the month. I think I'll ramp up to taking 2500mg twice a day, which will put me up to 5000mg. I'll do that for a week and see how I handle it and post any changes. As for the acne, I already have it but it's been clearing up since I've been using this all-natural acne product . It's amazing. My acne isn't completely gone yet but my skin looks better than it ever has. I had a little breakout like last week or so and my girlfriend said it might be the MSM, but I haven't really had any problems since then.

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(Login periwinkle12) Re: Growth with MSM September 17 2009, 8:03 AM

where can i buy spring valley msm?

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(Login Sammi_xo) Re: Growth with MSM September 21 2009, 1:57 AM

Hey girls!! So, I bought msm and vitamin c on friday. Before, I was just taking 3 x 610mg of fenugreek per day. Now I added 1 x 500mg of vitamin c and 4 x 1000mg of MSM, and let me tell you after two days I can really feel it. This morning my boobs hurt so bad it woke me up!! I'm taking it as a good thing, and I think this will work. Thank you for the suggestions!

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(Login msheavnly77) Re: Growth with MSM September 21 2009, 5:01 PM

So, has anyone seen growth with just MSM and vit C? If so how long did it take to see results with that? I've been taking the 2 for 2-3 weeks now. Thanks

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(no login) Re: Growth with MSM September 22 2009, 1:58 AM

You can buy the Spring Valley brand at Walmart pretty cheap. And I've definitely seen increased fullness after a month of only MSM capsules but I haven't measured to be sure how much if any of that is translated into growth.

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(Login Smallsad) Re: Growth with MSM September 23 2009, 4:00 AM

Definitely seen results with only a 9 day use of MSM, fuller, rounder breasts. Pretty awesome.

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(Login msheavnly77) Re: Growth with MSM September 23 2009, 4:53 AM

Out of curiousity, anyone know the science behind why MSM works?

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(Login dinosaurs) Re: Growth with MSM October 4 2009, 10:57 PM

hi, im new to this so forgive me this naive question, but is this msm (and fennugreek, etc) supposed to create permanent growth or just growth while it is being taken? I really would like to start taking it but im afraid if it is impermanent that whenever i do stop i will get saggy boobs!

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(no login) pure msm? October 5 2009, 1:59 PM

hi! is it pure msm or msm with glucosamine?

(no login) ''Fish Oils Inhibit Breast Growth'' February 1 2011, 3:29 PM

Whoever commented on fish oils causing the inhibition of breast growth may have misunderstood what they read. After doing a search, I found that fish oils actually inhibit breast carcinoma (breast cancer) and tumour growth, not growth of the actual breast. Therefore, no need to worry about taking fish oils... they are extremely beneficial! They also contain the 'good' lipids which are unsaturated fatty acids, the breasts consists of fat/lipids and intake of fish oils may encourage good breast health and enhancement.

MSM news - pure vs synthetic
July 26 2009 at 7:06 PM anon (no login)


Hello Ladies. To those of you with MSM in your program. The type you use may have an effect on it working or not. I was feeling quite desperate last night as my current program is slow going maybe not even working. So this morning, after spending all last night reading up on every NBE progam out there on this board, I thought again about MSM, which I am currently taking. So I googled MSM and breast enhancement and found this hair growth website (which I've seen b4) and some girl had mentioned that she noticed the boob increase after switching brands. I myself just went through a whole bottle of GNC MSM caps and didn't see any increase. But I figured it takes time, so I decided I'd buy another bottel only this time I bought a cheapo bottle from CVS. I noticed on the bottle that it said 345mg of the 1000mg was organic. Then I started reading more about MSM in general and apparently, there are many brands that are synthentic. And other brands (usually in powder form) that are organic or sometimes reffered to as pure. I'm going to keep using my cvs but after that I'm trying the powder versions that are labeled as pure or organic only. Maybe that is the difference in why some gain boobs and some don't??? Worth a shot. Just wanted to share. I'm so glad that Eve created this forum for all of us to share info with. Hope this helps!!!

msm= dark poop???
September 27 2009 at 6:52 PM Troubled (Login Smallsad)
Okay, this sounds gross I know...but I had started MSM from the 14th of Sept. & I've recently stopped...but now, my feces are super black. Basically very dark, and it smells different i the only one with this reaction? Is it normal?
please reply getting worried cuz my google searches showed that it may be a sign of internal bleeding..=\

(Login Smallsad)
Re: msm= dark poop???
September 27 2009, 8:01 PM


(Login chantel876)
Re: msm= dark poop???
September 27 2009, 9:23 PM

not sure about MSM doing this but iron definitely can, have you started taking multi vit or anything with iron in?
If not it probably is msm but best to get it checked out to be sure. Or if you can't face that try stopping for a few days and see if things change Smile

(Login Smallsad)
Re: msm= dark poop???
September 27 2009, 9:33 PM

No, I haven't been taking any multi-vitamins or anything..Sad I did stop MSM for a few days..sigh! thank you thoughSmile

(Login Sammi_xo)
Re: msm= dark poop???
September 27 2009, 10:22 PM

I haven't noticed this with MSM, but i think it is important to get checked out. Black stool is definitely a sign of internal bleeding

(Login Smallsad)
Re: msm= dark poop???
September 27 2009, 10:29 PM

thanks Sad

(Login tarita2004)
September 27 2009, 11:19 PM

i would go to the dr for sure because dark fecal is usually associated to blood in the stool. could be ulcer, tear in colon, stomach, etc.

(Login Artemist)
Re: msm= dark poop???
September 28 2009, 4:53 PM

I've been on MSM for four months and have never experienced this...I'd get it checked out by a doctor.

Mumma Bear
(no login)
Re: msm= dark poop???
September 29 2009, 3:21 AM

I had this for the first couple of weeks on MSM - it's a great internal cleanser and will clear out all the junk in your colon/intestines - it's old junk, hence the dark colour and evil smell. It eventually stops and your stomach feels a lot flatter.

Thanks eve, enjoying reading reposts from the archives, has some interesting info .

ramping up on msm
August 28 2009 at 8:25 PM chinky_marie (Login chinky_marie)
I'm starting off on 2,000 mg daily but I want to work my way up to 6,000. How long do I wait till I up my dosage to 4,000 mg, then to 6 ??

(Login melly007)
Re: ramping up on msm
August 29 2009, 12:26 AM

I'd say you can increase by 1000mg each week until you reach 6g...I actually jumped from 2g to 6g without any side-effects but it doesn't mean that everyone else will not have it's best to do it gradually...

(Login chinky_marie)
Re: ramping up on msm
August 29 2009, 12:53 AM

Ok cool. I just bought it in powder form (heard it's more efficient than tablets). I saw a few people recommending that it be taken with a vitamin, but I forgot what it was. I think they said B complex. . . ??? Or does it matter if I take it with a vitamin or not? I haven't got my multivitamins yet and I plan on starting my msm tomorrow. . . .

(Login chinky_marie)
Re: ramping up on msm
August 29 2009, 3:40 AM


(Login melly007)
Re: ramping up on msm
August 30 2009, 6:20 AM

Vitamin C was recommended with MSM to help with absorption. Whether it helps or not, I dunno but I've taken MSM with and without Vit C for months now and it seems to work either way. You can start taking your MSM on its own until you get Vit C and see which way works best for you...

(Login chinky_marie)
Re: ramping up on msm
August 31 2009, 7:06 PM

Okay. The brand I bought says to take 1/2 teaspoon (2500 mg) once daily, but I've been taking 1/2 teaspoon in the morning and another before I go to bed. So that's 5,000 mg. I bought it in powder form because I've heard it's more efficient than capsules. Right now I'm mostly using it to cleanse my blood. I don't really expect any results seeing as to how "growing season" is pretty much over. A little growth would be nice and welcome though =)

MSM lotion
September 21 2009 at 5:58 PM Heather (Login msheavnly77)
Does anyone know of a really good MSM lotion I can find easily? I've read the collagen/elastin lotion is good but MSM is better for what I'm doing which is trying to get rid of stretch marks. I figured I would use the lotion on my chest as well, couldn't hurt. Although, I also read somewhere can't really be put in a lotion so I'm confused. Thanks

(Login ShyBoobs)
Re: MSM lotion
September 22 2009, 1:45 AM

It's good to see that someone else is considering the lotion as well! I fig I was the only guinea pig. XD Anyhow, IDK if it's a great brand, but it's affordable...I use the NOW MSM Lotion. Only use it after a shower tho. It's been over a week, and period just ended the other day. So can't say if it works better than caps, but I did feel some mild sensations after using it. A girl on another BE board mentioned getting soreness after applying it along with more shapely boobs, and this was after 2 weeks' of use.

If you're still interested in the brand I used I got it for $12.19 (FREE ship!). Look on Ebay.

(Login msheavnly77)
Re: MSM lotion
September 22 2009, 4:24 PM

That is very helpful, thanks. How about a collagen lotion? Think that would be better?

(Login ShyBoobs)
Re: MSM lotion
September 22 2009, 4:42 PM

Oh that? Well I heard collagen does not absorb into the tissue. It can only remain on the surface. Something about the molecules being too large to penetrate, I believe. So you're better off with the MSM. It's (MSM) related to DMSO, and this is known as a superb carrier.

(Login msheavnly77)
Re: MSM lotion
September 22 2009, 4:47 PM

I read that too but I wasn't sure if it was correct. Thanks

(Login Pamzzy)
MSM lotion
September 22 2009, 6:34 PM

I am considering on trying MSM in lotion form,rather then pills as I'm currently taking MACA for not only booty but breast growth as well and would prefer not to mix it with another pill.

MSM cream
June 11 2009 at 2:07 PM
wannabecee (Login wannabecee)
Any ideas whethter it would be good to use the cream on the breasts? Some of the things on google say that people have gotten breakouts and put on weight from MSM. maybe a cream is better?

(Login prettypurplekao)
MSM Cream
June 11 2009, 4:49 PM

I read a thread just a few days ago where BellaBB admits to putting MSM in her Body Bawdy (along with PM), so while I'm not sure if it's available in a cream by itself, I know that others have used it this way. Smile And BellaBB did have some amazing results! Hope this helps!

(Login melly007)
Re: MSM cream
June 11 2009, 5:37 PM

Actually they sell MSM cream for joints...I know cause I used it a couple of years ago on one of my knee (was kinda stiff due to an injury while playing tennis 2 years prior)...It did help with my knee but I can't vouch for it as far as NBE is concerned...Maybe you could be our guinea-pig

Those who're using MSM powder, can mix some with their cream and see what'll probably have to mix it with some hot water first to dilute it before mixing with a cream...but would be interesting to know if it's effective or not...I remember wahaika said something about DMSO being good for massage...

(Login -Moon-)
Re: MSM cream
June 11 2009, 6:26 PM

MSM is water soluble and it can penetrate the skin too so you could mix the poweder into any lotion and use that.

Another issue is whether MSM carries out its effects (on breasts or any tissue) in its original form, or after being further processed. If the second, then I don't think topical application would be more beneficial...

El MSM hace aumentar de peso?? Huh

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