Girls you just have to try this!
May 17 2006 at 11:18 AM
Lisa 121 (Login Lisa121)
Hi everyone, since I am finished with my exams and have a bit more time on my hands just now I mixed myself a little boobie batter potion.
Not a new recipe but I just wanted to say how amazing it seems to work for me at least, that is I only used it twice yesterday but already my nipples are aching like hell, which I only ever get at the end of the cycle, and this is not the time for my usual pains and growing phase at all. Also with having been ill and stressed this past while I am positive that the change is the batter, because that is the only new thing I am using and I didn't expect to feel much at all this month just because I was ill and had so much stress these past weeks.
So here goes the potion :-), I used:
Olive oil app. 50ml
2 EPO capsules (1000 mg each)
about 15 ml of Fennel extract (home made)
3 drops Ylang Ylang essential oil(by accident, meant to take only 2)
1 drop Geranium essential oil
I mixed it all well, it smells really perfume like but nice, nothing like that bogging Fenugreek smell. :-)
I massaged my right boob yesterday in the morning and evening for a few minutes each and only applied a little to my left boob last night as it is the bigger one and I want the right one to catch up.
Last night my right nipple was killing me all night and then my left one started to ache as well.
They both are still sore this morning and my right boob looks bigger than yesterday, they both seem to be fuller and "puffed up" but especially the right one and the difference doesn't seem so obvious anymore, they actually seem to be pretty similar in size just now :-).
It probably is just swelling but the sore nipples are a good sign for growth so I am hoping that they are growing, and I am definatly sticking to this batter.
In a weeks time I will start mixing my cocoa butter with some Ylang Ylang, Geranium and EPO too, that should work even better :-)! If anyone tries this before me or has already, let me know how it went?
That's it, I really just wanted to say, try this out because this is amazing, I never had an experience with any boobie batter like this before, if this works I will be bigger in no time. :-)
Good luck and take care everyone, and let me know how you go with this if you try it and I will keep you guys updated too.
Lisa 121
(Login GoldSnowflake)
Thanks for sharing!!!
May 17 2006, 12:47 PM
Lisa 121, thanks for the important share.
Lisa 121
(Login Lisa121)
Re: Girls you just have to try this!
May 17 2006, 12:48 PM
Ok guys, just updated my programs page and noticed that I am actually in the middle of my cycle and I was ovulating about two days ago or so so this may just be down to that a little too but when I am not on BE I never notice any tenderness or swelling in my boobs ever during my cycle.
Also the extra swelling in my right boob compared to my left I attribute to the batter. :-)
Just thought I better clarify this. :-)
Take care,
(Login GoldSnowflake)
Hey Lisa 121,
May 17 2006, 1:14 PM
I have noticed lately that alot of girls seem to report back with some growth a week or so after they have had tingles, pains and sor nipples. Have you also noticed this to be the pattern??? Liked your boobie batter. Amazing piks coming in!
Lisa 121
(Login Lisa121)
Re: Girls you just have to try this!
May 17 2006, 1:24 PM
Thanks Snowflake, actually I got the idea off Lucilles routine, she used Ylang Ylang and Gernanium essential oils so I wanted to give it a shot to see if it makes a difference. Looks like it does :-).
Yes, I noticed the same as what the other girls report, basically I get sore for a few days, have maybe some tingles before and after but the soreness is always the sign for me that I grow.
Usually I see a difference really fast, I get pains one or two nights and usually already the first morning I can see a difference. My boyfriend said the other day when I told him that my boobs look bigger compared to yesterday that surely they couldn't grow that fast, but in my experience they really do. If I have pains that is when I grow, and no pains with me usually means no growth, at least not much if any. Last month I had hardly any or even no pains that I can remember, only some tingles, and even though I believe that my sides got a bit fuller and rounder I didn't have any growth that was visible on my pictures.
You are right, there are lots of pictures coming in just now and they all show such a difference, it is amazing, isn't it? I am so happy for those girls and when you compare routines and see that they don't do much different from yourself maybe just a massage more it is really encouraging.
Take care,
(no login)
May 17 2006, 2:22 PM
Wow, Thanks for the awsome share! I am so excited for you !!!
I always wondered how the geranium/ylang ylang worked together. Sounds like a very potion!
Also, I just wanted to say that I also started using the EPO in 1000mg instead of 500mg (only because thats all they had) But just like you, after using the 1000mg (Only 1-for BOTH breasts is what I do) but I puffed out VERY nicely!! I dont know if its to do w/ the 1000mg EPO or not in my case, but does seem that way cause thats all I have done differently! So far all my fullness I spoke of a few days ago is STILL there-whhooo hooo!
Lisa again, thanks for your recipe, and wow, I hope you just continue to get get results, this is very exciting!!
(Login Surf.)
Re: Girls you just have to try this!
May 17 2006, 3:30 PM
Thanks so much for posting your boobie batter recipe! It sounds very interesting!!!
(Login SugarQ)
didnt i bring this up about a million times on this forum lol
May 17 2006, 3:55 PM
see girls you should listen to me a bit more. thats great lisa its been working for you. buffy and shakira have been using these oils too and i believe buffy has b/a pictures so check that out.
Lisa 121
(Login Lisa121)
Re: Girls you just have to try this!
May 17 2006, 4:56 PM
Thanks girls for your nice responses and I will always share what works for me, after all this is how I got my knowledge in the first place, by other people telling me what they did and what worked for them, what is the point in hogging all the knowledge and not passing any on?
My nipples are still killing me by the way, the right one especially even though I didn't use the potion today, have been busy all morning and didn't want to smell of it when I went out.
My boobs also definitely look bigger, just wearing a summer top now and there is definitely more there than there was just a few days ago, wish me luck that it keeps gowing like that, this is so exciting!
Sunset the EPO worked for me too, I always mixed the capsules with the oil and ground Fennel but it definatly helped things along.
Way to go with the fullness, I am glad it stayed and that you are still doing so well!
SugarQ, you gave me the idea to look into Lucilles routine in the first place and to check out the essential oils, so I did listen to you, it just took a little while to get the oils and then I waited till I had time to mix them.
You are appreciated around here so don't think that we don't listen to you, you know so much and all your advice is always so informative and greatly appreciated!
Fast boobie growing for everyone,
Lisa xsxsxs :-)
(Login seemonkeyme)
May 17 2006, 6:22 PM
Lisa this sound great! I'll give it a go
Love you all!!

Take Care and God Bless Lisaxxxx
(no login)
Re: Girls you just have to try this!
May 17 2006, 7:30 PM
Hello everyone! I'm new here and I love this forum coz u gals do give me a hope on my BE. My breasts are so small and just like men's. I think my bf's bigger than me :-( I have no confidence at all. I think I am gonna try it. However, can anyone let me know where I can get the following ingredients? and what is EPO capsules, Ylang Ylang and Fennel? Thanks so much. Good luck everyone. Joyce x
Olive oil app. 50ml
2 EPO capsules (1000 mg each)
about 15 ml of Fennel extract (home made)
3 drops Ylang Ylang essential oil
1 drop Geranium essential oil
(login Andria)
Re: Girls you just have to try this!
May 17 2006, 7:30 PM
EPO is evening primrose oil.
Ylang ylang oil is extracted from Cananga tree and it's not difficult to find. It's a popular essential oil.
You can buy fennel as a liquid extract, but Lisa's fennel was home made from the powdered herb.