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Which Saw Palmetto?


December 6 2005 at 7:43 PM Anonymous (no login)


(no login)
December 6 2005, 7:56 PM

I can't say how many varieties of the plant there are, but for NBE, use standardized Saw Palmetto EXTRACT, not berries. Be sure to select a brand that is only Saw Pallmetto, no additional herbs or formulations. You can use either the 160mg version or the 320mg version. 160mg is more versatile in case you want to add or reduce your dosage in stages, but 320mg is better if you want to take fewer pills and get the same results as a standard dose.

Good Luck.

(no login)
December 8 2005, 9:01 AM

I am currently studying herbalism and I'm not aware of there being different types of saw palmetto. It is a species of palm tree and there are no varieties or sub-varieties. You are obviously misinformed.

(no login)
December 8 2005, 10:51 PM

I think what prettysoulful meant when she said "she can't say how many" was she's not sure if they are many varities or not....what she stated was true.
There are saw palmetto berries ( taken in higher quantities) or you can just take the extract of those berries in capsule form. This is most recommended for NBE.

(no login)
My bad
December 8 2005, 10:53 PM

Nevermind. after reading over again, i see your are talking to Anon being that she said she READ there were different types. Sorry, i thought you were questioning pretty's advice Smile


(no login)
Extract or whole herb
December 14 2005, 3:09 PM

Yes I was replying to Anon. But now you mention it, Prettysoulful's advice is not accompanied by any explanation as to why extract is better. As someone studying herbalism, I find that opinion is divided about whether to use extracts or whole herb. I would therefore query Prettysoulful saying that one is better than the other without giving any reason.

(no login)
Re: Extract or whole herb
December 14 2005, 11:21 PM

I think she just said that because you need to take less tablets with the extract, which is quite helpful since you have to take so many pills while doing a single herb routine.

(no login)
Re: Extract or whole herb
December 18 2005, 7:02 AM

Yes it would be less pills to take for those who are bothered by how many pills it all adds up to. I expect for some people that's a significant consideration.

(no login)
Re: Extract or whole herb
December 27 2005, 7:37 AM

But then whole herb is more natural. Surely that is a more important consideration than how many tablets you are taking?

(no login)
Re: Extract or whole herb
December 27 2005, 10:47 AM

Amelia, I have taken both Saw Palmetto in herb form and in the gel capsules as an extract and I doubt that there is much of a difference quality wise. It always depends on the company you buy them from and if you use one that uses good ingredients you can take either. I prefer the gel capsules since they are smaller and easier to swallow and I only have to take one a day instead of three.

Saw Palmetto Berries Question
June 2 2006 at 4:32 AM BJ (Login SmallGurl)

Ok I am going to start taking Saw Palmetto with my WU and was wondering if anyone can tell me about how much I should take?? I was thinking the berries was what was suppose to be used but I think I got the wrong one now and should have gotten the extract. I did a search on it and someone said the ratio of the berries to extract is 10:1? How many of these do I need to take? They are the whole berries and are 575 mg. Thanks!!

(Login MollyH)
Re: Saw Palmetto Berries Question
June 2 2006, 10:55 AM

There is nothing wrong with whole berries. The German Commission E Monograph recommends 1-2g a day of whole Saw Palmetto, based on clinical studies, but this is to help with enlarged prostate. There is no recomended amount for breast enhancement, as Saw Palmetto has never been studied for that purpose.

Lisa 121
(Login Lisa121)
Re: Saw Palmetto Berries Question
June 2 2006, 3:33 PM

BJ you can take the whole berries no problem, the only difference is that you have to take more pills a day compared to the extract, so you didn't buy anything wrogn. I would maybe start off with three of the ones you have, take maybe 1500 mg to 2000 mg a day to start off with for the first one or two months and see how you go. You can increase up to 3000 mg of herb and as Molly said to even more but that really shouldn't be necessary for NBE.
If you look at Sunsets program, I think she takes the berries, not exactly sure but there are others who take the berries and not the extract, so if you browse the programs page you can find a guideline of what seems to work for most people doing NBE.
Good luck,

(no login)
Re: Saw Palmetto Berries Question
June 2 2006, 8:30 PM

Thanks Lisa, that's what I decided I am going to do, take 1 3 times a day and then more if I feel like I need to. I did browse through the pp pages but I don't think anyone states that they take the berries although I did see a lot of them say extract.

SP ekstrakt VS berry
August 26 2006 at 8:27 AM
tms81 (Login tms81)

what is best+?? i am thinking of switching to ekstrakt, cheaper to take 2 (ekstakt) pills a day instead of 6(berry)

(no login)
Re: SP ekstrakt VS berry
August 26 2006, 8:55 AM

i have related question, how many vortexhealth Saw palmetto pills would make a an average extract pill?

Lisa, please, i am trying to follow your routine more or less but my saw palmetto pills are 540 mg and the label recommends 1 pill 2-3 time a day. So i'm not sure how much of it would make one of your extract pill.

good luck Smile


Lisa 121
(Login Lisa121)
Re: SP ekstrakt VS berry
August 26 2006, 1:39 PM

There really isn't much of a difference between the extract and the berries, some people just prefer to take the whole herb to taking the extract.
The extract I took is concentrated 10:1 so in berries that would be 3200 mg.
You have to bear in mind though that I am took 320mg of extract because of my elevated androgen levels, someone with normal levels could probably only take from 500 mg up to 2000 mg of Saw Palmetto berries with success.

Everyone has to see what works best for them and their body, so I would recommend to start with the lowest dose of SP and try that for a month or two and then ramp up slowly to more. If you check out Sunsets program, she used berries and not extract so that could be a good guideline for that.
As for the SP extract, with normal androgen levels I would recommend taking the 160 mg of extract, so that would be equivalent to 16000 mg of berries.
I would not go over the 32000 mg of berries or equivalent to that the 320 mg of Saw Palmetto extract a day.

Good luck growing to both of you and everyone else of course,

(Login tms81)
Re: SP ekstrakt VS berry
August 26 2006, 2:31 PM

On my bottle of saw palmetto it says that i am suposed to take 6pills of 550mg a day so i guess thats much. But as i see it is much easier and cheaper to take the extract insted.

(Login bonnette)
Re: SP ekstrakt VS berry
August 26 2006, 4:31 PM

thank you Lisa

the reason i set your routine more or less as an example is i tend to have excess androgens as well according to the tests on web.

Good luck!

(Login MollyH)
Re: SP ekstrakt VS berry
August 26 2006, 9:44 PM

Lisa is more or less correct but not exactly correct when she says that 320mg 10:1 extract is equal to 3200mg whole berry. To be pedantic, it means that 3200mg berry was used to make the 320mg extract, which is not exactly the same. This is because extracts are not pure and only give you a percentage of the nutrients they are intended to provide, which in the case of Saw Palmetto is often 85%. Labels should give this information. If Lisa's extract was 10:1 and 85% it would be equivalent to 2720mg whole herb.

Sorry to be pedantic, but I thought I would point this out because it answers the question above about the 540mg capsules. The calculation is as follows. In clinical studies on Saw Palmetto the extract used is 320mg 4:1 and 85%, which you can see works out as the equivalent of 1088mg whole berry. This would be too big for a capsule, but divided into 2 capsules it comes to 544mg, which is rounded down to the 540mg available from Vortex Health. Therefore, in the case of Saw Palmetto 320mg 4:1 extract, a capsule is equal to 2 capsules of whole berry.

Saw Palmetto Advice
May 24 2006 at 12:10 AM jlynns (Login jlynns)

I have been taking 320 mg of Saw Palmetto extract (capsules) along with some other herbs. I have noticed a slight increase. I decided to order a liquid extract from Greenbush thinking it was the same mg. It is actually stronger. 1/8 of a teaspoon equals 500 mg. I was wondering if that is going to be too much. I am 47 and AA. The man said that you can actually take 100 times that amount without any problems. Any advice would be appreciated.


(Login MollyH)
Re: Saw Palmetto Advice
May 24 2006, 10:04 AM

I wonder how he knows that? The highest amount I have come across used in clinical studies is 2000mg extract daily, which is 4 times as much. Maybe he didn't mean it literally when he said you could take 100 times that amount (10 times or 100 times is often used as a figure of speech).

(no login)
Re: Saw Palmetto Advice
May 25 2006, 3:40 AM

duh, of coarse he didn't literally mean 100 times the amount

(Login jlynns)
Thanks Molly
May 25 2006, 10:40 PM


I appreciate your reply. I am going to ignore the reply from "anonymous". I thought the most that should be taken is 320 mg of the saw palmetto extract. Do you think it will be ok to take 500 mg, which is what is in 1/8 of a teaspoon of the Greenbush extract?


(Login Arialle)
May 25 2006, 10:50 PM

I take Saw Palmetto and the bottle says you can take up to 2, 2 times a day, so that's 4 a day all togther. Each capsule is 450mg, so 4 would be 1800mg, so 500mg is still not that much Smile


(Login jlynns)
I think extract is different than berries
May 26 2006, 12:10 AM

I think the extract is stronger. So you aren't suppose to take as much. So I am wondering if 500 mg of the extract is too much to take?

(no login)
Re: Saw Palmetto Advice
May 26 2006, 3:49 AM

we know what a figure of speech is and I surely hope she didnt really think he meant 100 times the amount

(Login MollyH)
Re: Saw Palmetto Advice
May 26 2006, 8:11 AM

There is no rule of any kind that the most Saw Palmetto extract that should be taken is 320mg. The 320mg figure is stated by researchers to be the most that is useful for treating enlarged prostate, because clinical studies have found that higher doses than 320mg extract do not provide any further benefit for prostate treatment. The 320mg figure has no relevance to breast enhancement or any other use of Saw Palmetto.

Arialle, the recommended dose of Saw Palmetto for treating enlargement of the male prostate gland is 320mg extract daily or 1000-2000mg of whole herb. As Jen said you would seem to be taking the whole herb, so the label recommended amount of 1800mg would fit in well with what the clinical studies recommend. However, I make the point again that this dosage is intended for the treatment of enlarged prostate in men.

SP berry vs extract
July 13 2006 at 5:22 AM lani (Login Laniboo)

Just wondering which is more effective:Saw Palmetto Berry or Extract?? I don't know which one to choose. What is everybody trying and have you had good results? Hope you can help me! I am thinking of adding it to my program since I haven't had any tingles or anything and have been massaging twice a day with a heating pad for 2 1/2 weeks and now I am also on WU plus EPO (the herbs only for the last week or so). I haven't felt any tingles, even though I know it has only been a short time, but I do believe I have an abundance of testosterone in me! A lot of the symptoms just sound so much like me! I think that's the culprit. I will post my program soon, in the meantime I would love to know what you all think about the SP Berry vs the Extract??? Which is easier to take, what works the best, etc. Thanks!

(Login MollyH)
Re: SP berry vs extract
July 13 2006, 6:16 PM

Practicing herbalists generally prefer using whole herbs because that is the natural form of the plants. However, many people prefer extracts for convenience, because they are a concentrated form of the relevant nutrients and therefore the number of tablets that need to be taken is bound to be less.

(Login Laniboo)
July 13 2006, 11:30 PM

Hey! I bought the saw palmetto berry today just to see if it really does have any added benefits. Thanks for your reply!

(no login)
Convinced it helps
July 14 2006, 10:29 AM

I added Saw Palmetto capsules, which have the powder in 450mg, I take 2caps 3x a day. I have been on WU for two months now exactly and although I have seen shape change and firmness with WU alone, it's only since adding SP 2weeks ago that I've grown 1/2 an inch. I've had more sensitivity since adding the SP, and hormonally I feel 16 again. I would recommend the capsules as it is easy to swallow and you can't taste it.

(no login)
Re: SP berry vs extract
September 17 2006, 6:56 PM

where did you buy the saw palmetto capsules?

(Login tms81)
Re: SP berry vs extract
September 18 2006, 2:40 PM

If you're in Europe you can buy saw palmetto cheap at vortexhealth.

(Login tms81)
Re: SP berry vs extract
September 19 2006, 7:30 AM

a herbalist told me that when you take the extract you know for sure that you get the right amont in the capsule. I get my extract in a capsule, looks like a omega 3 capsule, i dont drink it.

(Login Marlene)
Re: SP berry vs extract
September 21 2006, 12:35 AM

The herbalist was right, but meant the right amount (exact amount) of the active ingredients, not the right amount of the herb itself.

Extract enables precise measurement of the active ingredients.

Saw Palmetto Berries or just Saw Palmetto??
April 21 2006 at 2:57 PM Persephonee (Login Persephonee)
When I was looking around at the health food store, I noticed that there were a couple of different types of Saw Palmetto. One said it was just Saw Palmetto and the other said it was the berries. I noticed that the berries were considerably cheaper. Is there a real difference? Which one does everyone use? Thanks. Smile

(Login liquidSunset)
April 21 2006, 6:03 PM

Personally I take the berries. It does NOT say berries on the "front" of my bottle though, but if you turn it around it says Saw Palmetto Berries. (like where the "ingredients" would be listed.

The flat2fab book does not say what one to buy, it just says to buy a bottle containing 100capsules at any where from 540-600mg each capsule.

Hope that helps some.

~Keep playin those "records" girls! ~
~Best wishes on a growing journey!~

(Login Lisa121)
Re: Saw Palmetto Berries or just Saw Palmetto??
April 21 2006, 9:23 PM

It is always berries, only that they can be standardized to make extract, which means that it is more concentrated.
If you buy the extract that means that you only have to take one capsule a day instead of 2 or 3.
I take the extract just because I have elevated androgen levels and would need to take a lot of capsules if I only bought the berries.
Some people just like to take the whole food, as in the berries rather than the extract, so it really has just something to do with preference.
Hope this clears it up a bit,
good luck growing,

(Login Persephonee)
Re: Saw Palmetto Berries or just Saw Palmetto??
April 24 2006, 2:15 PM

Thanks so much, Lisa and Sunset for clearing that up for me. Smile I was so confused.

Lucy B
(Login Lucy B)
Re: Saw Palmetto Berries or just Saw Palmetto??
April 24 2006, 11:07 PM

The 540-600mg each capsule would be whole berries, not extract.

saw palmetto help
March 9 2006 at 11:49 PM Anonymous (no login)

hey you all!
i need your help!
i want to buy saw palmetto extract, (i've been using saw palmetto berries so far) and i was wondering:
when i want to buy the extract, i see 2 kinds:
saw palmetto berries extract, and standaradized saw palmetto extract.
whats the differnece??

(Login Jenneelle)
Re: saw palmetto help
March 10 2006, 7:48 AM

What's wrong with the whole berry? Why use an extract and throw away so much of the berry?

(no login)
Re: saw palmetto help
March 10 2006, 7:28 PM

oh, i'm not gonna throw it away! i'm just running out of it. i'm getting tired of popping 6 pills of saw palmetto berries a day! i want to lower the amount of the pills i'm popping!
so.. does anyone know if saw palmetto extract 160 mg by nature's way is ok?

(Login Lisa121)
Re: saw palmetto help
March 10 2006, 8:23 PM

Anon, the nature's way should be fine, if you want to get 320 mg pills you can also find them online. I just take the cheapest extract I can find and it has been working well, but natrue's way is a good brand as far as I know.

(Login Mrs.Taylor)
Re: saw palmetto help
March 10 2006, 8:43 PM

Hey Lisa What's up girl I use the berries

(Login Lisa121)
Re: saw palmetto help
March 10 2006, 9:00 PM

Hi Mrs. Taylor, I'm doing fine. There is nothing wrong with taking the berries as long as you don't mind swallowing all those pills, after a while it can really get annoying.
I even bought myself one of those pill dispensers and now feel like an old granny. To counteract that a little I got a pink one that looks more like a specs case, couldn't have one of those other ones sitting in my living room! :-)
Take care Mrs. Taylor, and good going girl, keep up the tingles and growing!!!

(Login Mrs.Taylor)
Re: saw palmetto help
March 10 2006, 9:03 PM

Thanks girl Im so glad to see you on this forum for real girl..I go to ehealth only to talk to you girl cuz everyone else be spaced out..That's why i changed my name to my future last name..hollllllaaaa

(Login liquidSunset)
Mrs. Taylor
March 10 2006, 10:14 PM

congrats on your engagement! I hope you reach your goal by your wedding day!
And doesnt Steph take saw palmetto extract? She seems to be growing right along.

(Login Mrs.Taylor)
hopin n wishin n prayin
March 10 2006, 10:16 PM

Thanks girl Me too I appreciate it Sunset I have 4 months remaining that's why I need just one cup size by then and my dress will look perfect. I need a 32b or 34b..Im on'y 32a right now...

Yes Steph takes saw palmetto extract. Either 160mg or 320mg. I think she switched from one to the other.

SP -- Softgels vs Capsules
February 10 2007 at 12:23 AM Sissy (Login sissy2345)

Hi, does anyone know if there is any difference between the extract and the capsule form of SP? Time to buy more and I have been wondering about this, so far I have only purchased the softgels, but the others are more expensive, are they better? Thanks for your help! -- Sissy

(Login solitairian)
Re: SP -- Softgels vs Capsules
February 10 2007, 7:10 AM

Are you comparing the whole herb with extract? If so, extract would be more expensive because it's concentrated. Many herbalists don't like using extract though and much prefer the totally natural whole herb.

(Login sissy2345)
Re: SP -- Softgels vs Capsules
February 10 2007, 12:48 PM

My gels are 360mg and are extract, "standarized berry". So should I be taking the capsules, which are a powered form? I bought them because the others were lower dose and these were cheaper at Walmart if I remember correctly, but if the others are better, I'll just order online. I'd rather spend more and get a better product. Thanks.

(Login MollyH)
Re: SP -- Softgels vs Capsules
February 10 2007, 9:05 PM

It's hard to say which is better. Some herbalists like the whole herb because that's completely natural, whereas others prfer extracts because they are more concentrated and mean taking less pills. There's no general agreement on which should be considered better.

(Login sissy2345)
Re: SP -- Softgels vs Capsules
February 11 2007, 3:38 PM

I appreciate the input. I want to take the right products to get the most benefit. I take 12+ capsules a day of other products, adding more is not something I would look forward to because they don't go down as easily. If the herb capsules are better than the little gels, I might make the switch to see if I notice anything. Thanks!

Saw Palmento soft gels
May 2 2006 at 5:00 PM
Lisa xsxsxs :-) (Login seemonkeyme)

Well it's morning where I'm at, Hey was just wonder if anyone has taken the Saw Palmento soft gels. The one's that I got are put out by Natures Bounty. Kay here's what it say's on the back. 80 mgs per soft gel,saw palmento extract (Serenoa repens) berry (standardized to contain 85-95% fatty acids and biologically active sterols,136-152 mgs.other ingredients pure olive oil. sounds like it would be better than the capsuls but want to be sure before I start taken them. Lisaxxxxx

Lisa 121
(Login Lisa121)
Re: Saw Palmento soft gels
May 2 2006, 5:04 PM

Hi Lisa, they should be fine to take, there really isn't any difference between the berries and the extract except that some say that with the berries you have the wholeness of the herb and they prefer it. With the extract you have to take less, that is the advantage of that.
Good luck on your growth journey,

Lisa xsxsxs :-)
(Login seemonkeyme)
Thanks Lisa
May 2 2006, 5:29 PM

Maybe I should stick with the capsules And just use the gels in my massage. Hey if it aint broke don't fix it, Right? thanks Lis Tongue

Lisa xsxsxs :-)
(Login seemonkeyme)
oooh ya
May 2 2006, 5:31 PM

Just need to check that I'm getting the right dosage, since extract works out differently to whole berry.

(Login MyKids3)
Re: Saw Palmento soft gels
May 2 2006, 7:03 PM

I heard that Saw Palmetto isnt good for massage.


Lisa xsxsxs :-)
(Login seemonkeyme)
Hi MK Tongue
May 2 2006, 7:33 PM

I didn't know that. Do you know why by any chance? I'm glad you said somthing I was about to do my afternoon massage and try it out. Thanks Tongue Lisaxxxx

(Login MyKids3)
Lisa xsxsxs
May 2 2006, 7:45 PM

Truthfully,I really dont know why.I was checkin' out aphrodite board and came across this,The person who responded to somebody's routine's question,advised this.I did use Enhancement Blend Extract from Greenbush,for massage because Im running out of everything,and wanted use this until I got more herbs.
This person said that they dont recommend Enhancement Blend Extract because you cant adjust how much herbs are going into you system.They said single extracts are best,followed by individual capsules.Makes sense to me in a way.
I would like a second opion on this as well.


Lisa xsxsxs :-)
(Login seemonkeyme)
Re: Saw Palmento soft gels
May 2 2006, 7:48 PM

Ya that does make sense :p Thanks for the info MK Kids maken me nuts today will try to get on later Hugs xsxsx Lisaxxxx

Is extract of Saw Palmetto better?
February 23 2006 at 7:02 AM Janet (no login)
As a newcomer, this is my question: is extract of Saw Palmetto better than the whole herb?

(no login)
Re: Is extract of Saw Palmetto better?
February 23 2006, 7:08 AM

I would say no, always go for the whole herb. Extract of Saw Palmetto is the man-made chemical extraction of the deemed active constituent, which immediately prompts two questions. Does one constituent alone reflect the benefits of the Saw Palmetto plant? And does this constituent become better absorbed in an extract than in the whole herb itself? I would say no to both questions.

(no login)
Re: Is extract of Saw Palmetto better?
February 23 2006, 7:29 AM

The traditional view is that the value of a herb lies in the whole herb. For that reason if you go to see a herbalist and are prescribed herbs you will almost always be given the whole of the herbs. The fact that practising herbalists very seldom use extracts should enable you to draw your own conclusion.

(no login)
Hi Janet:-)
February 23 2006, 7:55 AM

I certainly wouldnt aurgue that Molly and Allison are totally correct in everything they said (and Molly is studying Herbology so she knows)however for NBE purposes u may consider the SP extract for 2 main reasons,the number of pills u will have to take is less,if ur bothered by that factor (some of us are) and b/c most of us are on the extract form so when u have a problem /question/ concern,more of us will be able to help u b/c we're more familur w/ that form of SP.Ofcourse it goes w/out saying u should choose whatever makes more sense to u though:-)

(no login)
Re: Is extract of Saw Palmetto better?
March 5 2006, 8:21 AM

Thanks for your answers. However, I have another question. If some people here are using Saw palmetto extract, why are they using the whole of other herbs? It seems that people choose the whole herb in all other cases and only in the case of Saw palmetto do they choose extract. Also, isn't extract inflexible and makes it harder to vary the amount you take?

(no login)
What it boils down to
March 5 2006, 9:07 AM

Hi Again Janet,u sound more "partial" towards the whole herb so if thats the case then u should take that form,I personally take Fenugreek in extract form as well,with many girls its simply a case of "availability",some girls do take the SP whole and when they have a question it ofton seems to cause confusion when trying to attain a clear and direct answer,PrettySoulful had a great routine going that included the SPE and it kind of evolved from there,u will always hear debate on the two so it boils down to u choosing what is right for u and ur body:-)

(no login)
Re: Is extract of Saw Palmetto better?
March 5 2006, 1:20 PM

I prefer the extract because first of all what Steph said but also because with the extract the amounts never vary, with the herb form I have heard that you can never be exactly sure how potent each pill is and they may vary.

(no login)
Re: Is extract of Saw Palmetto better?
March 5 2006, 3:26 PM

Potency of whole herbs may vary, but it's still always greater than the potency of extracts. At least that's what herbalists seem to believe. The only advantage of extracts that seems based in fact is that if you take an extract you need less capsules than if you take the whole herb (for those that have a desire to take less capsules).

(no login)
Re: Is extract of Saw Palmetto better?
March 5 2006, 8:19 PM

I would say Lisa is right. With the extract the amounts never vary, but with the whole form you can never be exactly sure how potent each pill is because there's always some degree of natural variance.

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