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Fenugreek Licorice Spearmint


I'm going to begin a herbal program soon with fenugreek, licorice and spearmint. Just wondering if anyone has comments/suggestions for this combination?

[edit] What about fenugreek + spearmint + wild yam + licorice (maybe)? Does wild yam make a difference?

I'm also thinking of doing chi massage with flaxseed oil and listen to sapienmed's binaural beats.

Sounds good though Licorice is tricky, dont take too much and stop taking it when you start feeling lethargic. And watch your potassium intake since Licorice might lower potassium levels.. goodluck.

(15-03-2016, 15:02)hannah Wrote:  Sounds good though Licorice is tricky, dont take too much and stop taking it when you start feeling lethargic. And watch your potassium intake since Licorice might lower potassium levels.. goodluck.

Thanks! I should rethink the licorice, I'm usually pretty lethargic throughout the day.

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