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6 Years and Nothing! Help please?


Hi everyone,

I've tried a variety of methods over the years and while I've seen slight results from some of them, none have lasted. I literally have nothing to show for 6 years of attempts. I would appreciate any help I can get!

About me:

- Asian
- 5'7" tall
- 108 pounds
- Never pregnant
- Small boob genetics! I've always been tall and lanky and my mom has a tiny frame as well.


- Zoft - My first attempt was with Zoft gum. I was uneducated about NBE and was looking for something inconspicuous I could use everyday. Tried for a couple months and saw no results.

- Natureday - Used the natureday liquid consistently. Saw fullness at 4 months and then back down to nothing at 9 months.

- Wonderup - Lived with other people and needed something that could easily be hidden. Took Wonderup for 11 months before finally stopping because of no results.

~~~ It was at this point that I found BreastNexus! ~~~
BreastNexus helped educate me on NBE and hormonal balance. I needed a clean slate to work with and felt like my body was overloaded so I took Vitex for a couple months to flush everything out.

- Ultrabreast (BO) - After my cleanse, I decided to try Ultrabreast from Medplex. I used this in addition to L-tyrosine. Although I wasn't always consistent (vacations, etc), I tried this option for a few months before giving up on it. No results.

- Subliminals - Noting that I hadn't had any luck with herbal/hormonal methods, I decided to try subliminals and leverage the power of the mind! I listened to SapienMed's youtube video as well as other subliminal tracks and played them on repeat throughout the night as I was sleeping. Did this for several months. No results.

- Pumping: Kangzhu - Ordered medium domes and the hand pump. I found the system hard to use. They were rigid and I couldn't move at all when they were on so I could only use them for short amounts of time. Saw absolutely no swelling at all.

- Pumping: Brava - Figured Brava would let me wear the domes for longer periods of time so I invested in a system. 2 weeks in, I noticed swelling and by 4 weeks, I sustained the swelling for a few hours after removal. Most of the swelling faded during the day, but by 9 weeks, I had a little swelling left when I put Brava on for the next night. By the end, I had used Brava every single night for 16 weeks and averaged 16 hours a day! I had great swelling at this point, but had to stop use entirely because of skin problems. I thought it would be okay to stop for a little while and let my skin heal since I had used Brava for longer (more weeks) than they advertise are needed for permanent growth and also because each of my wear sessions were longer than needed as well. A mere 2 weeks after stopping, ALL of my swelling was gone.

I have attempted multiple methods. I have been trying for years. Nothing has created permanent growth and I feel like I have run out of options. Can anyone help me? Please?

That sucks.
Have you had hormone work ups to see what might be lacking?
Also this doesn't work for all but have you tried to gain weight ie potatoes sour cream and cheese type weight gain. That worked for me. it went to my tummy/hips first then finally boobs but me being tall and slim it never was huge weight gain but 3 or 4 kgs finally gave me bigger boobs.

so glad someone thinks 5’7” is tall. i’m 5’7”, too. it’s funny though, at about 145lbs, i think of myself as somewhat thin, a bit athletic at this height, maybe …more than i’d like. i think my metabolism has always been on the hot side ..difficult to gain weight. i’ve been doing squats to increase my thighs and rear …ssoooo, the first thing that struck me was your 108lbs. i was thinking, where are the breasts going to get the resources beyond those needed for everyday function and health.

i’ve been trying ..i think, for me, if i were to guess why i’ve had a bit of growth, not as much as i’d like, but some, including iodine has helped, vitamin d, nutritional yeast, arginine, collagen and gelatin, pro-gest progesterone cream, oatmeal for breakfast has helped me gained a bit of fat, i'm always trying to get sleep ..i have some issues, there, so i frequently take melatonin or tryptophan ..sleep is so f**kg important ..i wish i slept like a child, again the dumb little girl i used to be. now, i'm bigger and dumber but bigger and dumber comes with its own problems, i guess.

i still do massage but not so much as before and some kangzhu but not as much as before. uummm, a tiny bit of nipple stimulation, not too much. i find the idea of stimulating growth hormone with occasional fasting is really interesting …oh yeah, i almost forgot ..i don’t know if this has done anything ..but a few months ago, i bought a bottle of homeopathic growth hormone ..i’ll look for a link okay, like i said, i’ve had a bit of noticeable breast growth ..and that kind of correlates with my use of this but honestly, i have no idea if it’s played any role at all ..just thought i’d explore what might account for my progress ..i think eating oatmeal about 4 mornings a week has made its own contribution. i drink a bit of beer, not much, a little wine ..not more alcohol than that.

my breasts are always heaviest when i’m in bed ..during the night and upon waking ..maybe, that’s just being horizontal …sorry to go on so much ..just trying to think of things i’ve done that have given me some measure of success. one thing i can be sure of, though, is during my extended periods of not eating much ..cottage cheese and nuts for lunch …i’ve lost weight ..also, i was taking one cap of CLA in the morning upon waking but really, i think it was causing some weight loss, not sure, so, i stopped, maybe once a week, now. also, the first thing i do upon rising is drink about 20oz of water.

the last few months i’ve been so, so emotional and crying over my beautiful, beautiful kitty of 13yrs. we had an incredible bond like no other pet i’ve had. i nursed her for a few months through a vaccine associated fibrosarcoma on the back of her neck. the progression was the most horrific thing i’ve ever seen in my life. i prayed so much over her. she died. i think i cried for two weeks straight and i miss her so much. i don’t know how these powerful emotions screw with your general health. i don’t even know why i bring it up.

if i think of anything else that i think may’ve helped me have a growth spurt, i’ll post again. oh, it’s not always easy to eat more than you want, so, being a bit of active helps to process the calories for energy or storage or muscles. ok, one more thing, i have to tell you this story i read a long time ago about glucosamine cuz i thought it provided some insight to how the body works. this article said that your body makes its own glucosamine but…. if it doesn’t make enough, the body will allocate what it makes to its most crucial functions of everyday living ..if you need it for joint repair, the body won’t allocate it there because there isn’t enough ..but, if you have more than the body needs for its most important functions, then, it’ll say, great, i have enough to resource for repair and then it’ll start joint repair ..but only if it has an amount it feels safe to send for repairs. anyway, i always though that was interesting, so, i’m thinking, if i’m growing, i may need some extra protein to allocate for that …or extra calories ..or whatever extra of whatever i need for a specific purpose …anyway, that’s what i got out of it. here’s hoping you get the tits you deserve. don't forget to stay hydrated. solomé

holy sh*t …i did think of something, well, a little bit of something. i just read this last week. i’m getting ready to do a fast ..anyway, the article was addressing the gut and its absorption of nutrients …basically, it said that we put a lot of strange things into our stomachs …chemicals, preservatives, stabilizers, emulsifiers, all kinds of processed foods and sodas know ..anyway, the thing i found of interest ..the article said, as a defensive mechanism, you body produces a lot of mucous to protect itself and hold back some of this junk from being absorbed from the gut into the blood and ….as a consequence, the mucous lines the gut and keeps a lot of the good nutrients from being absorbed as well, you lose. it was making a case for fasting and using psyllium and bentonite and fasting to pull this mucous down and out ..uuugh, so gross. thought that was interesting about the mucous problem. solomé

Thanks guys.

I haven't checked my hormones. I know I messed up some hormonal levels when I was playing around with all the herbal attempts (felt moody and cried a lot). I've felt much more balanced since I did the Vitex cleanse and I try to avoid anything that could manipulate my hormones (like birth control pills).

I know I am considered underweight for my height. I have a bad spleen and poor digestion. Combined with my quick metabolism, those issues make it very hard for me to gain weight. I have tried to gain weight multiple times in the past to improve my general health. It'll take me weeks of effort to put on a few pounds and then I'll be sick for a single day and drop right back down to my original weight. It's really quite frustrating.

Some other notes that I forgot to include in the original post...

- I am a 34AAA so I am TINY. I don't want large breasts (that would be unrealistic and look totally out of proportion with my body). I just want a little bit of growth so that I have something there and can fit into regular clothing.

- I am fairly healthy. I have a sedentary corporate job but I usually workout 2 or 3 times a week (1 cardio session, the rest are strength training). I am careful not to intake too much sugar or sodium in my diet and try to eat healthier, unprocessed foods. I drink mostly water throughout the day and never drink sodas.

- I am getting married! Since I need to fit into a wedding dress, I don't want to put on too much weight or change my body too much. But I would love having enough on my chest to be able to push it up in my wedding dress!

(08-11-2015, 16:07)SapphireRain Wrote:  Thanks guys.

I haven't checked my hormones. I know I messed up some hormonal levels when I was playing around with all the herbal attempts (felt moody and cried a lot). I've felt much more balanced since I did the Vitex cleanse and I try to avoid anything that could manipulate my hormones (like birth control pills).

I know I am considered underweight for my height. I have a bad spleen and poor digestion. Combined with my quick metabolism, those issues make it very hard for me to gain weight. I have tried to gain weight multiple times in the past to improve my general health. It'll take me weeks of effort to put on a few pounds and then I'll be sick for a single day and drop right back down to my original weight. It's really quite frustrating.

Some other notes that I forgot to include in the original post...

- I am a 34AAA so I am TINY. I don't want large breasts (that would be unrealistic and look totally out of proportion with my body). I just want a little bit of growth so that I have something there and can fit into regular clothing.

- I am fairly healthy. I have a sedentary corporate job but I usually workout 2 or 3 times a week (1 cardio session, the rest are strength training). I am careful not to intake too much sugar or sodium in my diet and try to eat healthier, unprocessed foods. I drink mostly water throughout the day and never drink sodas.

- I am getting married! Since I need to fit into a wedding dress, I don't want to put on too much weight or change my body too much. But I would love having enough on my chest to be able to push it up in my wedding dress!

Sounds like you are pretty healthy all considering. I can sympathise with the weight thing. Gosh I struggle too. No matter what I eat I burn it all off like crazy and I barely exercise at all. I'm only starting now cause I realise how bad a sedentary lifestyle can be.

Ok .. So have you tried fat brushing? Yes I know you probably have little fat but have a look at jenniferloves condensed programme page and she has YouTube clips.
Also try scooping all breast tissue and more into your bra cup to hold it in there. Do this every time you wear one.
Lastly we never really know what our hormones are doing. FYI I had perfect hormonal balance right UP until I started messing around with herbs. Maybe invest in a hormone test? It might highlight some underlying deficiency that might give you enough time to correct before the wedding and maybe breast boost as a result.

Alright, so I finally got around to doing a hormone test (they're kinda expensive!)

My estradiol is off the charts low
My progesterone is also off the charts low
My testosterone is normal
My DHEAS is a little low for my age

I have no idea what this all means. I'll need to do some research... but if anyone here has experience with wacky hormonal levels and can provide some info on remedies, that'd be terrific


I hope to help, soon enough.

(18-03-2016, 03:40)SapphireRain Wrote:  Alright, so I finally got around to doing a hormone test (they're kinda expensive!)

My estradiol is off the charts low
My progesterone is also off the charts low
My testosterone is normal
My DHEAS is a little low for my age

I have no idea what this all means. I'll need to do some research... but if anyone here has experience with wacky hormonal levels and can provide some info on remedies, that'd be terrific


Hi SapphireRain,

Could you list the test results with lab values?, would you also happen to have results for, SHBG, LH, FSH, and Prolactin?. It could be an issue with prolactin suppressing other sex hormones. Meaning a low functioning thyroid, pituitary, excess dopamine??, hard to say without seeing the numbers.

I did a basic saliva test. Here are the results:

Estradiol: 0.7 pg/mL (normal range 1.3 - 2.8 premenopausal luteal)
Progresterone: 23 pg/mL (normal range 70 - 190 premenopausal luteal)
Testosterone: 38 pg/mL (normal range 18 - 55 for my age)
DHEAS: 5.1 ng/mL (normal range 7 - 18 for my age)
Cortisol: 8.0 ng/mL (normal range 3.7 - 9 in the morning)

Unfortunately, these are the only measures that were tested so I don't have anything else to share.

Also, as a side note, I have just started the Whole30 and will be taking another hormone assessment afterwards (in about 2 months). I have friends who have seen positive results from completing the Whole30 program, including hormone balancing, so I'm hoping it helps!

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