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Katana's massage only program.

(07-04-2016, 21:01)Katana Wrote:  
(07-04-2016, 20:58)missboobshirt Wrote:  wow you've lost so much weight!! congrats! I can see the difference!

Aww thanks missB
Unfortunately I live without mirrors so I rely on my phone to show me the results (my partner is afraid of mirrors). I also don't have any scales so don't know how much I've lost.
I can't wait til we can afford proper nutrition and a gym membership

They usually have scales at GNC and health food stores, if you're interested. I dont have a scale either, I got my weight checked at my local rite-aid Smile

(08-04-2016, 15:01)missboobshirt Wrote:  
(07-04-2016, 21:01)Katana Wrote:  
(07-04-2016, 20:58)missboobshirt Wrote:  wow you've lost so much weight!! congrats! I can see the difference!

Aww thanks missB
Unfortunately I live without mirrors so I rely on my phone to show me the results (my partner is afraid of mirrors). I also don't have any scales so don't know how much I've lost.
I can't wait til we can afford proper nutrition and a gym membership

They usually have scales at GNC and health food stores, if you're interested. I dont have a scale either, I got my weight checked at my local rite-aid Smile
We are on a very tight budget. No leeway to buy scales lol.
Besides, I know my weight is too high and I am working on losing it, I don't need a scale to tell me how much more I need to lose, I can find that out when I look and feel healthier/lighter/better. Scales always make me sad, even when I lost weight and looked my best I was about 190lb because of my bone density and muscle mass.
I'm adding a pic from back when I was smaller, tell me if I look 190 :/

(07-04-2016, 21:32)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  
(07-04-2016, 20:58)missboobshirt Wrote:  wow you've lost so much weight!! congrats! I can see the difference!

(07-04-2016, 21:01)Katana Wrote:  
(07-04-2016, 20:58)missboobshirt Wrote:  wow you've lost so much weight!! congrats! I can see the difference!

Aww thanks missB
Unfortunately I live without mirrors so I rely on my phone to show me the results (my partner is afraid of mirrors). I also don't have any scales so don't know how much I've lost.
I can't wait til we can afford proper nutrition and a gym membership

I agree, it's definitely becoming visible now.

I also wish we could afford a gym membership, or at least room enough to set up our own small private gym, I already have 2 dumb bells and a barbell and weights through a decent range. We don't have a good treadmill or stationary bike though or a bench for the BF to do the inevitable bench pressing that men like doing so much. The BF has a stationary bike in the basement but as far as I can tell it's tension adjusters are broken, the computer inoperable, and the entire thing just in no condition to be used at all. I need to convince him to scrap it and at least free up that much space even though we are unlikely to be able to replace it anytime soon.

One device that's been looking really good to me is a climber device. It's like $200 at Target, I think it was, or maybe K-mart. Believe it's the Maxi-climber? But takes up very little room, and will work on the butt quite nicely. :-D
Also includes the arms, so it's easy to do intervals for the whole body.

Benches are "cheap" when you have money. :-P Sorry to be rude. BUT: a floor press will work as well, for general physical fitness. After he's strong enough, he might benefit, but in the meantime, get creative: Bleachers outside; baseball dugout; good set of rocks... And frequent garage sales, too. By the time he needs a bench, he won't care. (It's just exaggeration of the movement, and allows some additional bodybuilding. Also, it makes you ache like a bitch! you do an eccentric stretch at the bottom of the motion, and.... OWWWW the next day. :-) )
I'd also suggest that with better weather coming (mostly) - get outside more and more! :-) Fresh air, sunshine (vitamin D), and lots of fat-burn exercises. (and you were also working out a catabolic diet; this would allow you to build on it with walking and hill sprint intervals. ;-) )

BTW: Challenge him to prove his strength with OVERHEAD press. Bench Press is very limited; do pushups instead. Bench is an addition, not the best. Pullups, overhead press, rows, dips, squats: Full body fitness, can use your body weight. Add weights, great, makes for good (masculine) muscle density. Better fast-twitch development. But makes for an exaggerated sense of strength, especially where Bros want to test their bench... If you can overhead press 200#, with good form? That's enough to pick someone up and throw them. If you can bench 200#? (Yawn.) Only good if you're dealing with a stationary opponent in the Guard position. And if you're mounted that way, they're not staying still. ;-)

I'll stop yapping. ;-)

(08-04-2016, 15:13)Katana Wrote:  [...]

We are on a very tight budget. No leeway to buy scales lol.
Besides, I know my weight is too high and I am working on losing it, I don't need a scale to tell me how much more I need to lose, I can find that out when I look and feel healthier/lighter/better. Scales always make me sad, even when I lost weight and looked my best I was about 190lb because of my bone density and muscle mass.
I'm adding a pic from back when I was smaller, tell me if I look 190 :/

I'm a biased type, and this might be TMI, but...
My ex-GF, the one I wanted to marry? Similar body type to you. Somewhere between garden gnome and dwarf, in her case; I haven't found your stats, so please don't read into it too much. Blush

She was always heavy, is my point, and she still looked (a) good, and (b) great to me. It was what was inside that made her beautiful... The outside was just gravy. :-)

Don't worry about "weight," just like you're doing. Cut the fat to a good level, and it's all good. :-)
Keep going!

yeah you don't need any fancy schmancy equipment or a gym membership to be fit and healthy. just get a few dumbbells and you can exercise any muscle in the body, or just do body weight exercises like pushups. for cardio you can do jumping jacks or mountain climbers or just good old fashioned jogging outside. if you exercise outside you can also knock out your vitamin d requirements too and kill 2 birds with 1 stone. seems like low vitamin d is being associated with more and more health problems so id definitely make sure youre getting it.

(08-04-2016, 15:24)Dianna1395 Wrote:  
(08-04-2016, 15:13)Katana Wrote:  [...]

We are on a very tight budget. No leeway to buy scales lol.
Besides, I know my weight is too high and I am working on losing it, I don't need a scale to tell me how much more I need to lose, I can find that out when I look and feel healthier/lighter/better. Scales always make me sad, even when I lost weight and looked my best I was about 190lb because of my bone density and muscle mass.
I'm adding a pic from back when I was smaller, tell me if I look 190 :/

I'm a biased type, and this might be TMI, but...
My ex-GF, the one I wanted to marry? Similar body type to you. Somewhere between garden gnome and dwarf, in her case; I haven't found your stats, so please don't read into it too much. Blush

She was always heavy, is my point, and she still looked (a) good, and (b) great to me. It was what was inside that made her beautiful... The outside was just gravy. :-)

Don't worry about "weight," just like you're doing. Cut the fat to a good level, and it's all good. :-)
Keep going!

I decided to stop caring about specific weight when I was about 18 because I looked healthy and felt healthy but weighed a lot more than I looked.
I told people I still needed to lose just over 2 stone (30lbs) and they looked at me and said I'd be skin and bone if I did that even though I'd still technically be overweight.
I have a ridiculous amount of muscle in my legs and also have a broad frame so I will weigh more than other people the same height as me. I'm not bothered by that now.

(08-04-2016, 15:29)Goodwill Wrote:  yeah you don't need any fancy schmancy equipment or a gym membership to be fit and healthy. just get a few dumbbells and you can exercise any muscle in the body, or just do body weight exercises like pushups. for cardio you can do jumping jacks or mountain climbers or just good old fashioned jogging outside. if you exercise outside you can also knock out your vitamin d requirements too and kill 2 birds with 1 stone. seems like low vitamin d is being associated with more and more health problems so id definitely make sure youre getting it.
I'm doing as much as i can, working around my job searching and visitors ( we have friends/family over here every day).
Lol I live in the UK, I swear everybody here is vit-D deficient. But I get out as much as possible.

(08-04-2016, 15:13)Katana Wrote:  
(08-04-2016, 15:01)missboobshirt Wrote:  
(07-04-2016, 21:01)Katana Wrote:  
(07-04-2016, 20:58)missboobshirt Wrote:  wow you've lost so much weight!! congrats! I can see the difference!

Aww thanks missB
Unfortunately I live without mirrors so I rely on my phone to show me the results (my partner is afraid of mirrors). I also don't have any scales so don't know how much I've lost.
I can't wait til we can afford proper nutrition and a gym membership

They usually have scales at GNC and health food stores, if you're interested. I dont have a scale either, I got my weight checked at my local rite-aid Smile
We are on a very tight budget. No leeway to buy scales lol.
Besides, I know my weight is too high and I am working on losing it, I don't need a scale to tell me how much more I need to lose, I can find that out when I look and feel healthier/lighter/better. Scales always make me sad, even when I lost weight and looked my best I was about 190lb because of my bone density and muscle mass.
I'm adding a pic from back when I was smaller, tell me if I look 190 :/
You look huggable! I always feel sorry for my niece when she snuggles with me because I'm sure it's like snuggling with a skeleton.

Also, congrats on your progress! You're doing so well with everything.

(09-04-2016, 01:00)blessedbreasts Wrote:  
(08-04-2016, 15:13)Katana Wrote:  
(08-04-2016, 15:01)missboobshirt Wrote:  
(07-04-2016, 21:01)Katana Wrote:  
(07-04-2016, 20:58)missboobshirt Wrote:  wow you've lost so much weight!! congrats! I can see the difference!

Aww thanks missB
Unfortunately I live without mirrors so I rely on my phone to show me the results (my partner is afraid of mirrors). I also don't have any scales so don't know how much I've lost.
I can't wait til we can afford proper nutrition and a gym membership

They usually have scales at GNC and health food stores, if you're interested. I dont have a scale either, I got my weight checked at my local rite-aid Smile
We are on a very tight budget. No leeway to buy scales lol.
Besides, I know my weight is too high and I am working on losing it, I don't need a scale to tell me how much more I need to lose, I can find that out when I look and feel healthier/lighter/better. Scales always make me sad, even when I lost weight and looked my best I was about 190lb because of my bone density and muscle mass.
I'm adding a pic from back when I was smaller, tell me if I look 190 :/
You look huggable! I always feel sorry for my niece when she snuggles with me because I'm sure it's like snuggling with a skeleton.

Also, congrats on your progress! You're doing so well with everything.

Aww thanks <3 that pic was me about 3.5-4 years ago. I'm aiming to get back to that but curvier Wink

Thanks! I can't wait to reach my goal!

(08-04-2016, 15:13)Katana Wrote:  
(08-04-2016, 15:01)missboobshirt Wrote:  
(07-04-2016, 21:01)Katana Wrote:  
(07-04-2016, 20:58)missboobshirt Wrote:  wow you've lost so much weight!! congrats! I can see the difference!

Aww thanks missB
Unfortunately I live without mirrors so I rely on my phone to show me the results (my partner is afraid of mirrors). I also don't have any scales so don't know how much I've lost.
I can't wait til we can afford proper nutrition and a gym membership

They usually have scales at GNC and health food stores, if you're interested. I dont have a scale either, I got my weight checked at my local rite-aid Smile
We are on a very tight budget. No leeway to buy scales lol.
Besides, I know my weight is too high and I am working on losing it, I don't need a scale to tell me how much more I need to lose, I can find that out when I look and feel healthier/lighter/better. Scales always make me sad, even when I lost weight and looked my best I was about 190lb because of my bone density and muscle mass.
I'm adding a pic from back when I was smaller, tell me if I look 190 :/

That's a gorgeous woman's body.

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