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Taking fish oil pills out of my program -- I think it could be the cause of my stomach issues :x

So I was feeling better from being on the gluten free diet and I decided to reintroduce some foods to see if it was the gluten and my stomach symptoms came back! I am now certain I have a gluten sensitivity but I think it has more to do with my irritated stomach lining. I think once I heal it completely, I can slowly build up my tolerance to gluten because I didn't have this issue a few years ago and I definitely don't have celiac disease.

My theory is my stomach lining slowly became irritated first from the fish oil pills and then I added a lot of stress and alcohol which just added fuel to the fire and it left me with a full blown stomach issue that gets aggravated by gluten now!
No gluten for the next 4-8 weeks until my stomach heals. It's day three now after eliminating gluten again from my diet and I already feel so much better! Feeling lighter and less burpy.

Update on boobies:
No major growth spurt like last cycle. I have been getting some random tingles but I think my growth is slowing now but any growth is good growth in my book! Tongue
I think I'm going to take more vitex. I seemed to respond well to a little more. Adding 1 more 225mg pill for the next three days and then going to add another pill and see how I feel. I'll be taking 900mg a day (in one dose in the morning). After my pills run out, I want to switch to a tincture.
Also, I just ran out of l-arginine so I thought i would try something new and I learned something important!
There are three forms of l-arginine: aakg, hcl, base.
The best one for HGH is the arginine BASE but it tastes SO BAD! Like one of the worst things I have ever tasted and it doesn't matter what you put it in, it cannot be masked. I actually find it worse in juices than just in plain water. I just take it like a shot and have to plug my nose when I drink it lol. Then I "chase" it with some water or glycine mixed in water since glycine tastes like sugar.

But anyways here are the differences:
-AAKG is better for bodybuilders because it directs the arginine directly to the muscles for muscle recovery -- helps produce energy and l-glutamine
-HCL is good but only about 70% is absorbed
-BASE is the best and 100% pure arginine but tastes the worst! HCL is a little better in taste. I will probably get that after I finish this bag.

Also! This post deviates a little from most things in this thread but thought i would post in case it helps others.

Best Diet for YOUR Body Type

Diet is a HUGE part of nbe. Sometimes just changing your diet alone can increase breast size (depending on how unhealthy your diet was before).

I was struggling with figuring out a good macro ratio (protein, fat, carbs) specific for me that would encourage breast growth. I don't think there is any one specific one for breast growth but rather a specific one for your body type!
So after some research, I came across this page:

I am definitely a mesomorph. So my macro ratio should be close to 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat. This is pretty close to what i have always eaten until recently, I sorta changed it up so I am switching back to this.
Carbs are important too. I know a lot of people think carbs are the enemy but they are important for energy, and getting the right amount can help balance hormones.
Hopefully this post helps at least one person out there Smile

Happy growing lovelies Wink

Gawd your cool! Il totally check out that link. Theres also blood type diet ..
yeh i keep having a "little" gluten here and there and tummy flares up too!

(06-04-2016, 21:37)msnewboobies Wrote:  Also! This post deviates a little from most things in this thread but thought i would post in case it helps others.

Best Diet for YOUR Body Type

Diet is a HUGE part of nbe. Sometimes just changing your diet alone can increase breast size (depending on how unhealthy your diet was before).

I was struggling with figuring out a good macro ratio (protein, fat, carbs) specific for me that would encourage breast growth. I don't think there is any one specific one for breast growth but rather a specific one for your body type!
So after some research, I came across this page:

I am definitely a mesomorph. So my macro ratio should be close to 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat. This is pretty close to what i have always eaten until recently, I sorta changed it up so I am switching back to this.
Carbs are important too. I know a lot of people think carbs are the enemy but they are important for energy, and getting the right amount can help balance hormones.
Hopefully this post helps at least one person out there Smile

Happy growing lovelies Wink

Oh yes you are cool indeed, you list everything so nicely and I totally forgot about the ectomorph-endomorph-mesopmorph thing...It must be the first thing I've learned when I decided I needed to gain weight..right before finding out about NBE.Tongue I'm a mixture of characteristics..I'm a inbetween a mesomorph and an ectomorph!

And talking about tinctures...I was thinking the testerdaynight about makeing a PM spray from alcohol tincture and then put in a ''spray bottle''..we could put it straight on our breasts..Smile

(06-04-2016, 21:37)msnewboobies Wrote:  Also! This post deviates a little from most things in this thread but thought i would post in case it helps others.

Best Diet for YOUR Body Type

Diet is a HUGE part of nbe. Sometimes just changing your diet alone can increase breast size (depending on how unhealthy your diet was before).

I was struggling with figuring out a good macro ratio (protein, fat, carbs) specific for me that would encourage breast growth. I don't think there is any one specific one for breast growth but rather a specific one for your body type!
So after some research, I came across this page:

I am definitely a mesomorph. So my macro ratio should be close to 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat. This is pretty close to what i have always eaten until recently, I sorta changed it up so I am switching back to this.
Carbs are important too. I know a lot of people think carbs are the enemy but they are important for energy, and getting the right amount can help balance hormones.
Hopefully this post helps at least one person out there Smile

Happy growing lovelies Wink

Great link!
I'll definitely bookmark this! Thanks

Glad I could help ladies!! Tongue

And hannah that is SUCH a great idea even to do with other herbs! I am thinking of switching over to taking herbs in tincture and powder form only and to stop taking herbs in pills to see if it helps my stomach.

I gained .2 pounds which doesn't mean much since weight can fluctuate throughout the day so I weigh the same but feel like I have lost weight! I think I have been working out harder and gaining muscle but losing fat. Breasts seem more "tight" and less jiggly and maybe even slightly smaller Dodgy
See I am definitely a mesomorph! I gain muscle so quickly. I rarely ever do any arm workouts because I get seriously JACKED! LOL.

So back to eating more food...

BUT I decided as of today to cut out pills. I think they could be the cause of my stomach issues. - I feel like I say this about EVERYTHING now haha but I don't think I have found the underlying cause of the issue and I need to get to the bottom of things to get better! And I have always thought that too many pill were the problem but I think I just didn't want to give up nbe Sad
Also, I think it's a better approach to get a lot of nutrients from foods! specifically vitamins and minerals. I was taking the lazy way out.

So these are some foods I want to incorporate in my diet and what they equal in my program (there are many other alternative foods too for each vitamin/mineral that I plan to switch up so I'm not eating the same foods all the time):

- Yellow bell peppers ~ vitamin c (about 350mg in one bell pepper!)
- chickpeas ~ for estrogen (still working on how to boost estrogen -- so many studies are iffy on estrogen boosting herbs and foods and I am wondering if phytoestrogens even do another for increasing the estrogen we want for growth but need to research more).
- kombucha ~ probiotic
- kale, spinach - MSM (inflammatory properties and collagen boosting)
- pineapple (eaten before bed can increase HGH!)
- Goji berries (also increase HGH)

Oh and I am still taking vitex but in tincture form! I took 30 drops of a 1:1 formulation today which on the bottle says it's 1000mg but I think I need more than that. Didn't feel much of anything. I'll experiment with the right dose. And I am not really sure how tinctures work entirely in relation to mg in dry herbs. My bottle says to take up to 30 - 60 drops THREE times a day which is equal to 6000mg!

i have something else that I have been researching but I'll put that in a new post as it is kinda a big thing!...

(14-04-2016, 00:05)msnewboobies Wrote:  I gained .2 pounds which doesn't mean much since weight can fluctuate throughout the day so I weigh the same but feel like I have lost weight! I think I have been working out harder and gaining muscle but losing fat. Breasts seem more "tight" and less jiggly and maybe even slightly smaller Dodgy
See I am definitely a mesomorph! I gain muscle so quickly. I rarely ever do any arm workouts because I get seriously JACKED! LOL.

So back to eating more food...

BUT I decided as of today to cut out pills. I think they could be the cause of my stomach issues. - I feel like I say this about EVERYTHING now haha but I don't think I have found the underlying cause of the issue and I need to get to the bottom of things to get better! And I have always thought that too many pill were the problem but I think I just didn't want to give up nbe Sad
Also, I think it's a better approach to get a lot of nutrients from foods! specifically vitamins and minerals. I was taking the lazy way out.

So these are some foods I want to incorporate in my diet and what they equal in my program (there are many other alternative foods too for each vitamin/mineral that I plan to switch up so I'm not eating the same foods all the time):

- Yellow bell peppers ~ vitamin c (about 350mg in one bell pepper!)
- chickpeas ~ for estrogen (still working on how to boost estrogen -- so many studies are iffy on estrogen boosting herbs and foods and I am wondering if phytoestrogens even do another for increasing the estrogen we want for growth but need to research more).
- kombucha ~ probiotic
- kale, spinach - MSM (inflammatory properties and collagen boosting)
- pineapple (eaten before bed can increase HGH!)
- Goji berries (also increase HGH)

Oh and I am still taking vitex but in tincture form! I took 30 drops of a 1:1 formulation today which on the bottle says it's 1000mg but I think I need more than that. Didn't feel much of anything. I'll experiment with the right dose. And I am not really sure how tinctures work entirely in relation to mg in dry herbs. My bottle says to take up to 30 - 60 drops THREE times a day which is equal to 6000mg!

i have something else that I have been researching but I'll put that in a new post as it is kinda a big thing!...
Bee pollen is a complete food source too and hgh.
Don't take too much vitex though... ESP liquid cause that's super strong. Too much might make you shrink.
The therapeutic dose on my balancing formula is around 400mg .

Ps I soo agree that why I stopped pill popping, suspect they were doing damage.
I have a sibo breath test tom to see if I have an bacteria overgrowth in my small intestine! Three hours long, hen if I'm cleared I'm doing a stool culture and candida check. Then it's a test on celiac again. I wana get to the bottom of mine too. But of course wine is the biggest culprit, gotta give that up too.

I must be a mesmo whatchatmacallitcause too cause I can have flabby arms, then do arm workouts and they firm up and get muscly within days..

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