Massages – Lymphatic Breast Massage
The lymph system’s primary function is to isolate infection and debris and transport it through these filtration points; the lymph nodes. Another crucial function of lymph tissue is generating and storing white blood cells that fight infection. The lymphatic system supports every system in the body. We have twice as much lymph fluid in our body as blood.
Think of the lymph like a river; a healthy river runs clear. If lymph fluid is blocked (due to illness, surgery, toxic overload or lack of activity) lymph fluid backs up. If one node is blocked it may take a detour, but with extreme blockage it can cause inflammation, joint pain, nausea, fatigue, cold and flu infections, headaches, cramping, arthritis, fibromyalgia, mental fuzziness depression, skin breakouts and lymphedema.
Since our lymph fluid moves slowly without its own pump, inactivity can seriously restrict its flow. Muscle contraction as in the diaphragm with deep breathing, and manual manipulation as in massage are the primary means for our lymph to circulate and drain from the body.
How to:
1. Start with the lymph in the neck and gently stroke down to the top of the collar bone.
2. Feel the hollow spot above the collar bone and gently stretch the skin from the shoulder toward the centre of the body. This opens the lymph passages before it empties into the circulatory system.
3. Start with gentle massage strokes from the nipple away from the centre all around your breast.
4. Under your arm, gently stretch the skin straight up into the armpit. You may feel tenderness.
5. Gently pump 6-10 times until the tenderness disappears.
6. Support your breast with one hand and gently move your entire breast toward the armpit with a stretch and release action 6-10 times.
7. With one hand supporting your breast, gently move your breast towards the centre of the body, again with a stretch and release action 6-10 times.
8. Focus on a flat palm on the top of your breast and gently massage upward as you stretch and release 6-10 times.
9. Press the nipple a few times and as if you are beeping a horn. Love and laugh with this fun technique while you are moving the lymph around your breast.
Repeat for other breast.
I found a video demonstrating this massage: