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Should i take a break?


I overpump and the ring mark won't come off. And the color of my boobs kinda different with the rest of my skin. Btw i drank plenty of water and use lotion before pumping.
Should i take a break? Cause i pumping everyday :/

Different skin colour might be an indication of your breasts beeing affected by disturbed circulation. I mentioned it before and will continue repeating my own opinion Based on personal experience, vacuum pumps are unhealthy. My advice: stop with it asap, bc im pretty sure a year after doing damage when veins are then weakened bc of the "obstruction" in breasts, youll feel terrible, i.e weightloss, lethargic/tired, stomach problems, maybe acne too, internal inflammation and maybe much more future health problems. Dont damage a vital thing such as circulation. If pumping would be "it" all celebs would go wild on it. Trust me, throw the damn thing awayWink water and lotion are certainly not going to prevent any internal problem..and dont trust your eyes on this one, nothing is what it seems from the outside. You might feel like isnt harmful, thats what i thought as well, couldnt be more wrong, the pump is very dangerous imo. In my country the sells stopped in the 70s, not for nothing im sure. This is really not something to take lightly, the skin color will probably not fade away(with me it didnt in 4years)but stop with before it gets worse.

(28-07-2016, 21:44)hannah Wrote:  Different skin colour might be an indication of your breasts beeing affected by disturbed circulation. I mentioned it before and will continue repeating my own opinion Based on personal experience, vacuum pumps are unhealthy. My advice: stop with it asap, bc im pretty sure a year after doing damage when veins are then weakened bc of the "obstruction" in breasts, youll feel terrible, i.e weightloss, lethargic/tired, stomach problems, maybe acne too, internal inflammation and maybe much more future health problems. Dont damage a vital thing such as circulation. If pumping would be "it" all celebs would go wild on it. Trust me, throw the damn thing awayWink water and lotion are certainly not going to prevent any internal problem..and dont trust your eyes on this one, nothing is what it seems from the outside. You might feel like isnt harmful, thats what i thought as well, couldnt be more wrong, the pump is very dangerous imo. In my country the sells stopped in the 70s, not for nothing im sure. This is really not something to take lightly, the skin color will probably not fade away(with me it didnt in 4years)but stop with before it gets worse.

So what should i do? I don't take herb and i only do pumping for nbe.

(29-07-2016, 05:37)Ammako Wrote:  
(28-07-2016, 21:44)hannah Wrote:  Different skin colour might be an indication of your breasts beeing affected by disturbed circulation. I mentioned it before and will continue repeating my own opinion Based on personal experience, vacuum pumps are unhealthy. My advice: stop with it asap, bc im pretty sure a year after doing damage when veins are then weakened bc of the "obstruction" in breasts, youll feel terrible, i.e weightloss, lethargic/tired, stomach problems, maybe acne too, internal inflammation and maybe much more future health problems. Dont damage a vital thing such as circulation. If pumping would be "it" all celebs would go wild on it. Trust me, throw the damn thing awayWink water and lotion are certainly not going to prevent any internal problem..and dont trust your eyes on this one, nothing is what it seems from the outside. You might feel like isnt harmful, thats what i thought as well, couldnt be more wrong, the pump is very dangerous imo. In my country the sells stopped in the 70s, not for nothing im sure. This is really not something to take lightly, the skin color will probably not fade away(with me it didnt in 4years)but stop with before it gets worse.

So what should i do? I don't take herb and i only do pumping for nbe.

If you dont want any kind off herbal support, dont show any signs of high DHT..then you have a good chance with massage and perhaps gaining weight. Just buy yourself a good oil like coconut or avacado oil...maybe a PM cream. Make sure you have a good diet especially after what your body has gone trough...proteins, vitamins flavanoid rich food, carbs to bulk up. Msm for collagen support...there are many things out here besides pumping.

Hannah- I was reading a little bit about your experience with pumps- how long and how often did you pump? Did you recover? I have been using this awesome vitamin e oil on my skin- when I was younger I burned my face and thought I would have scars but this oil saved my face!

I think most people are fine if they do not overdo it. It sounds like you might be overdoing it though. I understand though because I overdid it when I noogled too.

Yes, if your skin is looking and/or feeling bad, I think you should definitely take a break and let your skin recover. You might cause further damage if you keep on pumping already damaged skin/breast tissue.

You can try massage while you let your skin heal if you are nervous about going a day without any sort of stimulation. Massage can be very gentle if done right.

(30-07-2016, 00:35)Jasmine108 Wrote:  Hannah- I was reading a little bit about your experience with pumps- how long and how often did you pump? Did you recover? I have been using this awesome vitamin e oil on my skin- when I was younger I burned my face and thought I would have scars but this oil saved my face!

Awh thanks for the tip bout the oil..though I have used every kind off oil and topical on my nipples...bc they enlarged due too 3 times off GENTLE pumping...but Im very sensitive for swelling in general..when I bump against something my skin immediatly i have permanent enlarged inner nipples..not very sexy...might go for nipple surgery in the future if I have enough money for it. Though I never expected this kind off result and after all these years im still dissapointed especially bcmy nipples didnt heal and were nice and small, they were perfect..

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