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Exercising and breast massage...can you lose breast?


I have just started a workout routine and not planning on losing any weight really im just trying to tone up but i have also recently started doing breast massage and i am wondering if it could potentially make me lose weight in my boobs whilst doing this. Bringing more circulation there could it do that?

(26-10-2016, 14:28)khaleesi Wrote:  I have just started a workout routine and not planning on losing any weight really im just trying to tone up but i have also recently started doing breast massage and i am wondering if it could potentially make me lose weight in my boobs whilst doing this. Bringing more circulation there could it do that?

Hello, Khalessi,
It might make sense to try a few things in your program, but I can't guarantee results...  so, here's what I know, and what I think can be done.

Part of losing weight is controlling insulin. Depending on your diet while exercising, you're likely also eating foods which will keep insulin steady. That allows moderate fat loss over time. (Exact fluctuations are less important here; you'd lose more fat overnight due to body needing energy and having no food source, for example, but the body will then try to replenish when you eat; hence, cravings for sweet foods or carbs.)
Add to this the types and amounts of exercise; duration for longer energy needs (calories out), and intensity more for blood flow (lipolysis, or fat extraction from cells.) [Note you could further divide between aerobic and anaerobic; I think that's beyond our focus here.]
It's also been discussed over on T-Nation, that you can spot-reduce (sort of). It's a question of creating blood flow near the fat you want to lose. So, doing some intervals and pushups....  Brings blood into the Pectorals and arms, mostly biceps, ad the surrounding fatty tissues will then be selectively thinned due to more circulation in the tissues.

That's what I know, indicating you can sabotage breast growth with the wrong selections of exercises, or the wrong diet in combination with exercise.

What I would guess is, you can work to tailor the exercises you do into a program which will allow you to build muscle and breasts, even including the fat. For example, the interval training with situps to whittle down the belly, for example, coupled with pushups as a separate period of exercise - meaning, the increased blood flow to that area isn't seeking calories. To tweak that further, have some fruit or candy, so that your body actually goes to fat-storing mode (insulin spike) - which is also anti-catabolic (muscle breakdown is stopped due to the energy and the insulin spike.)
So, if you play with diet and exercise, you can use the workouts to target where you want to lose, and then use other workouts to saturate key areas with blood flow, and send in the hormones (including insulin, in this case.)
Say, wake up, do some stretching, and then get into some intervals and situps. Breakfast after, get on with the day - increased heart rate will get hormones out to body. Massage might make sense there, too - insure the blood flow is increased where you want. NOTE that this would possibly limit fat deposits in the breasts, though. Also, no fruit on this one, that's for the strength session later in the day.
Second bout would then be a targeted strength workout, such as upper body workout: pushups, bench press, overhead press, that sort of thing. Followed by some massage (great forearm workout, BTW.) Could make it into circuits to enhance some fat loss aspects, but anyway - immediately after the workout, have your fruit, and a good, large, starchy meal. You're now working to ADD fat to the targeted areas. (Would also work for butt, for example.) The insulin spike stops the muscle breakdown and also will set the body towards fat-storing. So, the increased blood flow in this target area would then lead to fat depositing in that area, assuming calories in > calories out at this time.

So, over time, the 1% or so selection difference becomes magnified. it's 1% + 1% of what remains + 1% of what NOW remains + (infinite repetition)...  similar to building up a weak muscle, in reverse. The muscle would be 1% + 1% of the new muscle + 1% of the newer muscle + ...  (infinity)

And BTW, people say "spot reduction" is impossible, but it's sort of a yes-no at once. You can't workout your abs for hours, say, and get chiseled abs. The body will lose fat across the whole frame, that's why they say spot reduction is impossible. HOWEVER...  People have heated the system and reported their success, using the system I've adapted above. The articles are on T-Nation, and these people make a living from finding these hacks...  It's a question of out-maneuvering your body. Increasing blood flow through exercise, niacin flush, sauna, whatever + modulating diet = more of the results you want, if it's done right. As noted, it's a small difference, but a small difference each day results in a big change by end of year. Think weightlifting and progressive overload, you lift 5 pounds this session, up it to 10 pounds the one after that, then 15, then 20, etc. The 5 pounds becomes less and less over time, as a percentage...  But you get to lifting 100 pounds in 20 sessions, right?
Same here. You lose 1% today from that "problem spot", and gain 1% where you want it. (and build the underlying muscles with bodybuilding techniques, making them 1% larger, too.)...  And repeat for the next 20 sessions. Minimum, that's +20% where you wanted it, and -20% where you DIDN'T want it - that changes the ratio, making it a more dramatic result (the eyes perceive the body differently.) If you go from 36B-30-36 to 36C-28-36? by itself, the wait:hip ratio is now 0.77 from 0.83 - you just went from Male (0.83) to Female (0.7... Almost.)  Add in the increased breast mass, and a genetic male couldn't pass for male with THAT figure.  ;-) If the hips have gained 2" as well? Now at a 0.68 wist-hip ratio, beyond the "ideal" even. 

Sorry to be so long winded here. I'll add, though - I'm doing similar in my case, building up to 100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 squats every day. Looking to lose fat, I'm doing multiple sessions per day, and the ratios are working for me (except I'm genetic male...  :-(   )

Now, if I could only get the targeted fat loss thing to work on the underarms....  :-P


(27-10-2016, 14:52)Dianna1395 Wrote:  
(26-10-2016, 14:28)khaleesi Wrote:  I have just started a workout routine and not planning on losing any weight really im just trying to tone up but i have also recently started doing breast massage and i am wondering if it could potentially make me lose weight in my boobs whilst doing this. Bringing more circulation there could it do that?

Hello, Khalessi,
It might make sense to try a few things in your program, but I can't guarantee results...  so, here's what I know, and what I think can be done.

Part of losing weight is controlling insulin. Depending on your diet while exercising, you're likely also eating foods which will keep insulin steady. That allows moderate fat loss over time. (Exact fluctuations are less important here; you'd lose more fat overnight due to body needing energy and having no food source, for example, but the body will then try to replenish when you eat; hence, cravings for sweet foods or carbs.)
Add to this the types and amounts of exercise; duration for longer energy needs (calories out), and intensity more for blood flow (lipolysis, or fat extraction from cells.) [Note you could further divide between aerobic and anaerobic; I think that's beyond our focus here.]
It's also been discussed over on T-Nation, that you can spot-reduce (sort of). It's a question of creating blood flow near the fat you want to lose. So, doing some intervals and pushups....  Brings blood into the Pectorals and arms, mostly biceps, ad the surrounding fatty tissues will then be selectively thinned due to more circulation in the tissues.

That's what I know, indicating you can sabotage breast growth with the wrong selections of exercises, or the wrong diet in combination with exercise.

What I would guess is, you can work to tailor the exercises you do into a program which will allow you to build muscle and breasts, even including the fat. For example, the interval training with situps to whittle down the belly, for example, coupled with pushups as a separate period of exercise - meaning, the increased blood flow to that area isn't seeking calories. To tweak that further, have some fruit or candy, so that your body actually goes to fat-storing mode (insulin spike) - which is also anti-catabolic (muscle breakdown is stopped due to the energy and the insulin spike.)
So, if you play with diet and exercise, you can use the workouts to target where you want to lose, and then use other workouts to saturate key areas with blood flow, and send in the hormones (including insulin, in this case.)
Say, wake up, do some stretching, and then get into some intervals and situps. Breakfast after, get on with the day - increased heart rate will get hormones out to body. Massage might make sense there, too - insure the blood flow is increased where you want. NOTE that this would possibly limit fat deposits in the breasts, though. Also, no fruit on this one, that's for the strength session later in the day.
Second bout would then be a targeted strength workout, such as upper body workout: pushups, bench press, overhead press, that sort of thing. Followed by some massage (great forearm workout, BTW.) Could make it into circuits to enhance some fat loss aspects, but anyway - immediately after the workout, have your fruit, and a good, large, starchy meal. You're now working to ADD fat to the targeted areas. (Would also work for butt, for example.) The insulin spike stops the muscle breakdown and also will set the body towards fat-storing. So, the increased blood flow in this target area would then lead to fat depositing in that area, assuming calories in > calories out at this time.

So, over time, the 1% or so selection difference becomes magnified. it's 1% + 1% of what remains + 1% of what NOW remains + (infinite repetition)...  similar to building up a weak muscle, in reverse. The muscle would be 1% + 1% of the new muscle + 1% of the newer muscle + ...  (infinity)

And BTW, people say "spot reduction" is impossible, but it's sort of a yes-no at once. You can't workout your abs for hours, say, and get chiseled abs. The body will lose fat across the whole frame, that's why they say spot reduction is impossible. HOWEVER...  People have heated the system and reported their success, using the system I've adapted above. The articles are on T-Nation, and these people make a living from finding these hacks...  It's a question of out-maneuvering your body. Increasing blood flow through exercise, niacin flush, sauna, whatever + modulating diet = more of the results you want, if it's done right. As noted, it's a small difference, but a small difference each day results in a big change by end of year. Think weightlifting and progressive overload, you lift 5 pounds this session, up it to 10 pounds the one after that, then 15, then 20, etc. The 5 pounds becomes less and less over time, as a percentage...  But you get to lifting 100 pounds in 20 sessions, right?
Same here. You lose 1% today from that "problem spot", and gain 1% where you want it. (and build the underlying muscles with bodybuilding techniques, making them 1% larger, too.)...  And repeat for the next 20 sessions. Minimum, that's +20% where you wanted it, and -20% where you DIDN'T want it - that changes the ratio, making it a more dramatic result (the eyes perceive the body differently.) If you go from 36B-30-36 to 36C-28-36? by itself, the wait:hip ratio is now 0.77 from 0.83 - you just went from Male (0.83) to Female (0.7... Almost.)  Add in the increased breast mass, and a genetic male couldn't pass for male with THAT figure.  ;-) If the hips have gained 2" as well? Now at a 0.68 wist-hip ratio, beyond the "ideal" even. 

Sorry to be so long winded here. I'll add, though - I'm doing similar in my case, building up to 100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 squats every day. Looking to lose fat, I'm doing multiple sessions per day, and the ratios are working for me (except I'm genetic male...  :-(   )

Now, if I could only get the targeted fat loss thing to work on the underarms....  :-P

Wow thankyou for such a detailed response! I am doing the butt bible lower and upper 3 days and one day off and so on. Because that is the case and im essentially getting a total body workout, do you think at the minute massage might not be the best thing for me to do? Or i should just stick with making sure i eat something high carb after working out for now? Eventually i want to train the strong curves workout routine not sure if you have heard of it.

Hello, Khaleesi,
I took a little time to look up the programs you mentioned, then I had a busy weekend...  Sorry for the delay getting back to you.

I have to guess here; this won't be a complete science.
I believe that the attempts to cause deposits in butt and breasts won't be affected negatively by massaging the body parts following exercise, and trying to cause extra deposition with diet tweaks.

Best test is, what happens in 4-6 weeks? And if it's working, continue. If not, adjust.

Not real helpful, I know...
It's more about effects over time.
I didn't get to my current size overnight; I didn't get skinny overnight; I didn't gain it back overnight.  ;-)  It took years each time.


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