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Tayleigh's program


Thanks Nessa! I use Jason's all-natural cocoabutter. It says it contains vitamin E and its in the ingrident lists but does say how much. I'm sure extra vitamin E couldn't hurt tho! I might go pick up some vitamin E extract when I figure out what else I need for my break.

Does anyone know how often or how to massage the cocobutter. I just started useing it and i put it on a few times a day but not really massage cuz it absorbs quickly. Maybe the added vitamin E would help that too.

your welcomeBlush
its recomendend to do 200-400 rotations on each breast i believe, inward, on the inside pard of your breast, on the cleveage part, and outward, on the outside part, also you should check out tygerlilies massague technique, it gave her great results.

Thanks again Nessa! I plan on getting back in the routine of doing a good massage starting tonight. I also just bought some EPO capsules which was one of the things bellalily sugested. I havn't seen borage anywhere. I did see flax and was gonna get that until I found the EPO which I think is better... I might get the flax too. I feel like they'd work better together. I feel fuller from the cocoabutter and I hope It contines and I keep it all. my cocoabutter has the vitamin E (like i mentioned above) but Idk how much and if it's enough to substain the growth. Might add more vitamin E if I feel like spending more money!!!

ok so this i week 3 of my break and i think i'm gonna do one more before i start up again. I've been taking just epo and massageing with cocoabutter. I havn't measured in awhile but i don't think I lost any of my growth. In fact i think I feel slightly fuller every week. There is undenyably more to grab. I'm planning on useing saw palmetto and fenugreek again when i start up. I also want to continue the epo since i think I'm slowly growing with just that. I'm gonna start getting some fenugreek and olive oil ready to massage with and I'm still,looking for borage. I found capsules with flax fishoil and borage. I'm wondering if that would be good to take or if it's better to take them individualy. I also plan to add a new herb like hops or wild yam this time around, and i might have to stock up on some teas and more cocoabutter cuz i love the stuff!

ok so after reading a post about the apropriate age to start takeing herbs I realized I might be a little young. I'm 19 and only took them for 3 months so thats not tooo bad but I think it's realistic that I could grow naturaly in my early 20's. Therefore, lol i am not gona restock on the herbs like I planned. But I'm not giving up. I havn't lost anything since I started this break so far. massageing with cocoabutter seems to be slowly adding fullness. I feel a little sore and heavier. Good signs!

I don't plan on measuring for as long as i can help it! I don't wana do that until i know I'll see results. I wana slowly grow without realizing too much and one day go back and measure and be like wow 2 inchees!!! lol but the size isn't too important right now. I like how they look and feel, and I know it's only gona get better! NO rush!!!!

I've been takeing epo but havn't the past few days cuz I wana try not takeing supliments for awhile. I'm gona try consentrating on massage/heat and diet and then finish my epo supply and search for borage. (I know i only need one so I wana use them seperatly and c which will work better for me and stick to it) My cocoabutter contains vitamin E but i might add some to it. I also mit try massaging with epo and posibly borage if i find it.

Another thing is hydrotherapy in the shower. I feel like it really helps. My skin feels great afterwards! I've noticed an increase in my growing pains since I started a few days ago. I also feel them just laying on my back relaxing. I wana try to sleep on my back cuz I bet it would help.
That's the plan!

Hi Tayleigh, are you still doing your program?

Hey! wow, your program sounds so promising! im new to this, and i think i will try your program! it seems like a nice one to start off with. Smile congrats! im flat and even an AA would be nice, lol

(03-05-2010, 17:02)Tayleigh Wrote:  I recieved a coupon for a free bra from aerie and plan on buying a nice AA...

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Hi everyone! lol I'm back and yes I'm still doing my routine and it's working! I disapeared because my laptop broke Sad but it's fixed finnaly so I can't wait to update my page! I have continued to massage with cocoabutter and vitamin E. I was worried the growth wouldn't be perminent but I stated a break a few weeks ago and have only continued to grow! and now I have actual boobs. I can feel them in there! I never had that before lol I have never had stronger growth pains and I'm so excited. I feel like this break has jump started my growth. They hurt almost constantly but I love it!!!!!!!
I'll write more specific to what I've been doing soon in case anyone wants to hear what's working. But for now good luck to everyone!

welcome back! Sorry to hear about your laptop, I hate when that happens. Anyway good luck with your NBE!

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