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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!

lol girlfriday, wish your dream could come true, well the end atleast where it merges into your right breast and makes it bigger hehe.... i wouldnt mind having that dream and have it turn into reality Tongue

i like these dreams of y'all's! so funny, so silly. we need some comic relief in this journey! thanks for the booby dreams thought. let's see what we can come up with.

Hahaha!!!!! That was a good one!!!!! Big Grin Three boobs ..... hilarious!!!!! That's great they were achy and itchy when you woke up; probably why you dreamed about them in the first place. Subconscious NBE: I love it!!! Smile

haha yeah it was a silly dream!

So I measured this morning and I was 27.1" underbust, and 30.75" over bust. And then tonight I measured and I was 28" underbust and 29.5" over bust! so yeah, I think that is some pretty crazy measuring right there.

I think it really makes a difference if you are cold. Its like your breast shrivel up.

So noogling at the moment. My red dots have basically all gone, and I am noogling REALLY lightly tonight.

Now something kindof weird just happened. So I took two neocell pills just before, (first time I had taken two at once), and then about 30 minutes later my breasts started aching. Then about another 15 minutes later my legs started aching insanely like growing pains. WEIRD!?! Not sure if it was the neocell.... but I did nothing else around that time which was unusual for me.... I'll see what its like next time I take two pills.

Ok, so found out from Swansons that my package was supposed to be FedEx'ed but they haven't got a tracker number for it. So they are finding out.

....... Maybe BO will arrive after all...

Cycle 8 Day 7

Noogled very lightly for 30 mins AM

Then in the night-time and morning had MASSIVE aches and tingles and pains!!!!!! like insanely. 9/10. They just went on and on, until I thought GRRRR, STOP!!!!

All I'm taking at the moment is MSM (1 teaspoon in the morning and 1 in the evening), and two neocell tablets in the morning and one in the evening..... So I wonder what's suddenly giving me these massive sensations?!! Whatever it is, hopefully it means some growth!!

Hopefully! Maybe all the noogling is finally paying off!

maybe?! I'll keep reporting in. I have a feeling tho that its the MSM....

hi what kind of rings do you use and where do you buy it ?

That's great you're getting lots of pains! Big Grin I can't wait for my collagen to come in.

One thing I'd like to ask you, back when you were taking SP, did you notice any weight gain or cellulite? I'm pretty positive I have excess androgens/testosterone, and I'm thinking of adding one SP a day to my program; but I totally do not want to gain weight, and I certainly don't need any more cellulite! Blush

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