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Thailand Breast Size = Smallest in world = Puearia Mirifica..


(05-06-2017, 02:07)ZaraAri Wrote:  I didn't initially want to write this post, but after long and hard contemplation, I realize I just can't hold my tongue on this topic, and I feel the need to point some things out. But before I get into what I want to say, I just want to state that I don't write any of this in a mean spirit, so I hope no one takes it as such, especially Ella!! 

Ella, I understand that you are very biased against certain herbs used for NBE and you certainly have great reasons to be due to your individual sensitivities and also personal convictions, so I'm not going to waste my time, neither yours, in trying to pull you aboard the herbal bandwagon. I think your personal choices are your own, and everyone should want to research, form their own opinions, and then choose their own NBE path because as we all know, not everything works for everyone. 

With that said, besides the clear differences in wealth and poverty between certain countries which will indeed effect something like breast growth, most of everyone is also forgetting the differences and implications that cultures have on such things as these. A study of anthropology would showcase this immediately: Different cultures have different perceptions of beauty. For instance, I was talking to my friend once about how bras have actually been studied to contribute to long term breast sag. She immediately and rather ignorantly pointed out that people in African countries are often depicted with long saggy breasts and they don't seem to wear bras. SIGH. What she forgets is that beauty standards are different there and culture plays a huge part in these things. If you're interested, I'll point you to an excellent article that explains why cross-cultural beauty examinations are ignorant and insensitive on this bra debate topic: [url=][/url] If you read the article, you'll see that many of those points can also be applied to this line of thinking posed on this thread. I'm not saying this to demean this thread or as a personal attack on you, Ella, so I hope you don't take it that way at all, but I do say this to point out some apparent ignorance (and I'm not saying that meanly, I'm saying this with literal meaning. We are all ignorant on some level, after all). 

So going back, as a person who is from a multicultural family, and who was raised on solely an Asian diet, I can say that while Asians do tend to eat more soy products than Americans, we are not sitting around gorging ourselves on tofu, especially not with any mind to grow our breasts. Pointing out that Asians consume more soy than any other country and therefore should be expected to have bigger breasts, is not taking into consideration how soy is consumed within a diet, nor how that relates to a functioning NBE program. I'm pretty certain the same could be said for the other countries that you mentioned, as well. Considering that Americans don't tend to eat soy at all or in rather low quantities, an Asian who ate soy 2 to 3 times in a week would largely be considered as more than most average Americans, but is that to say that it is enough to grow breasts and is it logical to compare that to an NBE program? 

Going back to specifically culture, to say or even expect that women from these countries should have bigger breasts is to normalize the Western standard of beauty while demeaning and making inferior these countries own personal perceptions of beauty. Yes, women in America might be high on the list for a country with bigger breasts BUT that is largely due to our countries standard of beauty that advertises and promote bigger breasts on women, which in turn: makes women want their breasts bigger. So women will do things such as NBE or more commonly get breast implants, and this is something that will inflate the average size of women's breast in America as well as other countries. Some of these countries do not put as much emphasis on bigger breasts on a woman as a standard of beauty, and in a lot of Asian countries, in particular, smaller breasts are seen more appealing and desirable. Women in Thailand might consume more PM than women in USA but that's not to say or imply that they are doing so for bigger breasts. Also, once again consider, most American women have never heard of PM, so a woman from Thailand who drank PM tea once or twice a week would certainly be a lot more than a woman from the US might consume, but once again: is this enough to grow breasts, especially when that probably is not even their aim for consuming PM? 

Speaking of breast implants, let's talk about how that effects some of these countries with bigger breast size averages. Most, if not all, of the countries that have bigger breast sizes are on the same list as countries with most breast implants per capital (look it up!), and I should point out that the average breast sizes in different countries are not limited to just women with natural breasts. 

I hope you can see and understand how this is really futile. It would be as if I posed the question why do Americans have bigger butts compared to Asians or any other country and then trying to connect it with our diets alone while completely forgetting the differences in culture, wealth, and also standards of beauty and how that will influence women to achieve bigger butt sizes (and also the rise and desire to have Kim Kardashian butts in America, lol). 

I think that how something is consumed and not just how much, is of significant importance and relevance in terms of NBE. If I took a small amount of PM every day, let's say PM tea, should I expect my breasts to grow in a years time? I don't think that answer is a firm yes. You can theoretically take an NBE herb every day for years, but if the dosage is not high enough to actually affect hormonal changes in your body, it will more than likely have no impact in terms of breast growth (if that is even your goal). Also, committing to an NBE program (which is what we are all doing for the most part) and following it, is very different from just having something naturally be a part of your diet (which is true for many of the countries you have listed).

Lastly, I think that it's a rather moot point to compare breast sizes with certain herbs and the places they are largely consumed in because as we all know, NBE herbs work differently for different people. As an example, PM may not work for everyone, but it has been widely shown to work for a lot of women as well as men and I think that isn't something that can just be overlooked because Thailand women aren't the bustiest of women. Same goes with other herbs you may have listed. Just because the countries that most widely consume an herb isn't as well endowed as some would expect, doesn't render the NBE success stories we have on this forum as well as on other forums worthless. So the question here isn't "Why do women try *fill in the blank* for breast growth when it doesn't work for women who consume it largely in their native country as part of their diet?" because clearly it does work for some people who are specifically on an NBE program, and as I've already mentioned, dosages matter when taking herbs. High dosages doesn't mean more effective, and low dosages never will be effective. High dosages as well as not cycling seem to be the main culprit for the ugly side effects of some herbs, and that is rather common knowledge here. Personally, I have built a considerably large list of my own favorite PM success stories, of women who have kept their growth (and have stated so), so that's not a question either. But I do think stopping an NBE herbal program too soon can result in a loss of growth, just like with Noogleberry, and also, everyone is different so how a herb effects someone long term is of course going to be varied (definitely worth repeating). 

I know I've probably written this out rather bluntly, but I assure you that I do so with no ill-spirit, but only to inform and illuminate some of the flaws in your logic as well as the ignorance in your questionings. I just hope that you don't take any offense, because truly that is not my intentions nor desire, but I do hope that you try to understand my points and where I'm coming from in saying all this.

Thats way to long to read so il do so later! 

In.summary I asked a question. I did NOT insult nor try to insult anyone's culture/beauty or otherwise . These people on the boards who have known me for years know i do NOT get caught up in debates nor insult anyone. 
My question was " worldwide maps show the cultures where soy , spices etc nbe herbs  come from tend to lean on the smaller breast sizes and I FEAR those of us over consuming these things when it's not natural to us might not give us results" . I also asked for girls with permanent results come forward! I openly acknowledged my curiosity. 
Also ive been here for years and seen girls come and go and seen the cases where girls took PM and got breast lumps. They then  disappeared off the boards. Now THATS a concern.
I've seen so many girls get negatively effected by herbs so I've no qualms about airing my opinion esp when I have under 20 years old pm'img me about taking herbs at such a tender young age. There are some very young people on these boards and influenced by us. 
In the beginning I was all for herbs. I tried em all! Now I wish I hadn't but that's my journey. 
You are all welcome to take herbs! But if someone asks I'm going to share the harm they have done to me and others here. 
Enough said.

PM is problematic for many including EllaC and they shouldn't use it until they get their hormones and health in order.  It will probably only give them a lot of trouble with little or no growth.  It has also worked for many women when used in moderation.

As far as I can tell from studies at it is unlikely that phytoestrogen herbs increase breast cancer rate, and they probably decrease it a little.  We need more studies to confirm.  However they have thousands of years of use plus modern use and I never hear about breast cancer stories.  For those who take real estrogen OTOH stories of them getting breast cancer are fairly common.  Those with breast cancer and so on probably shouldn't chance it, but most likely it's totally fine to use phytoestrogens.  And maybe even beneficial to health.

True, the amount of fenugreek or soy in a typical diet isn't significant.  Implants also don't have a significant impact on the average either.  5% of women have them which is actually a gigantic industry.  But assuming an average increase of 2 cup sizes that only adds 0.1 cup sizes to the average.  Likewise most aren't growing on purpose or are so haphazard and know so little that they aren't growing much.  Most of the cup size average comes from unintentional circumstance.

(05-06-2017, 02:46)EllaC Wrote:  Thats way to long to read so il do so later! 

In.summary I asked a question. I did NOT insult nor try to insult anyone's culture/beauty or otherwise . These people on the boards who have known me for years know i do NOT get caught up in debates nor insult anyone. 
My question was " worldwide maps show the cultures where soy , spices etc nbe herbs  come from tend to lean on the smaller breast sizes and I FEAR those of us over consuming these things when it's not natural to us might not give us results" . I also asked for girls with permanent results come forward! I openly acknowledged my curiosity. 
Also ive been here for years and seen girls come and go and seen the cases where girls took PM and got breast lumps. They then  disappeared off the boards. Now THATS a concern.
I've seen so many girls get negatively effected by herbs so I've no qualms about airing my opinion esp when I have under 20 years old pm'img me about taking herbs at such a tender young age. There are some very young people on these boards and influenced by us. 
In the beginning I was all for herbs. I tried em all! Now I wish I hadn't but that's my journey. 
You are all welcome to take herbs! But if someone asks I'm going to share the harm they have done to me and others here. 
Enough said.

Wow. Okay. It's apparent that you completely missed my point and have obviously taken offense here. I really wish you would have at least tried to read what I've written out thoroughly before responding back to me so hastily and with such defense, because perhaps then you would have seen my viewpoint and also realized that I was trying to be helpful (and to some extent, I think I did answer your question). I wasn't attacking your personal opinions or convictions, I quite understand and even agree with why you feel the way you do and I said as much. It hurts and alarms me that you so easily missed my point and intention, but then again, it's not like you read and took time to consider my words. Regardless, I don't at all regret what I've posted, because as I've stated, I felt the need to point certain things out, and not just for your benefit but for anyone else who might be visiting this thread. It's important to point out and confront ethnocentric mindsets while also illuminating why it is detrimental to adopt those perceptions. You took it as an attack on you or your opinions on herbs, when clearly that was not my intention at all, FAR FROM IT, and I can't help that. Not even going to try.

I'm not saying that things you just pointed out aren't true, but they are inherently biased because they encompass only one side of the spectrum. I answered your question very thoughtfully and tried to offer a different viewpoint, not for the sake of debating, but to bring to awareness why cross-cultural beauty/breast examinations and making encompassing generalizations of cultures, is at best futile but at worst harmful. I know that was not your intention, of course, but it's basically what you're implying. But for the life of me, I don't understand if you weren't "genuinely curious" and "open" to hearing other perspectives, why even pose the questions in the first place? Why not just state your stance and leave it at that, especially if you were going to be so offended when someone offered an opinion that doesn't fully align with your perspective? If you would have made this a thread about warning people of the possible adverse side effects (both short term and long term) of taking herbs, and/or your own personal experiences and why you feel the way you do, I would have totally got behind that and agreed with you, and added to that discussion. But that's not what you did. So don't take this as me being an advocate for herbs, because I realize that they are not for everyone and that it can sometimes come with negative effects, and I myself have stated so many times. This was more so about the implications of cultures, and not whether I'm "For" of "Against" herbs.

Well, like I said, I'm not here to argue or debate with you. If you can't see that, so be it. For anyone else who would like to comment on what I've posted or add to it, I would still enjoy hearing unbiased opinions who are not so easily offended. I'm not going to let your anger, effect my positivity and what I was trying to offer to this thread.


ella, i believe zara was just making some finer points that account for world breast sizes  .....aspects of culture, dietary attitudes, local available proteins, fats, etc.  ........or means to leverage income or no means  .....personal perceptions of beauty   .........personal dispositions that assign a different value to body image     ...or sex as utility or sex as pleasure   ....the world view that may account for these differences  …and where a staple food in bangkok is extracted in new york as a breast enlargement concentrate. ella, i think zara is just making a point of apples and oranges     ....i didn't see her post as an affront to the points you were making but just offering some deeper insight as to the differences across geographical regions. i'm sleepy.

(05-06-2017, 02:58)LZaraAri Wrote:  
(05-06-2017, 02:46)EllaC Wrote:  Thats way to long to read so il do so later! 

In.summary I asked a question. I did NOT insult nor try to insult anyone's culture/beauty or otherwise . These people on the boards who have known me for years know i do NOT get caught up in debates nor insult anyone. 
My question was " worldwide maps show the cultures where soy , spices etc nbe herbs  come from tend to lean on the smaller breast sizes and I FEAR those of us over consuming these things when it's not natural to us might not give us results" . I also asked for girls with permanent results come forward! I openly acknowledged my curiosity. 
Also ive been here for years and seen girls come and go and seen the cases where girls took PM and got breast lumps. They then  disappeared off the boards. Now THATS a concern.
I've seen so many girls get negatively effected by herbs so I've no qualms about airing my opinion esp when I have under 20 years old pm'img me about taking herbs at such a tender young age. There are some very young people on these boards and influenced by us. 
In the beginning I was all for herbs. I tried em all! Now I wish I hadn't but that's my journey. 
You are all welcome to take herbs! But if someone asks I'm going to share the harm they have done to me and others here. 
Enough said.

Wow. Okay. It's apparent that you completely missed my point and have obviously taken offense here. I really wish you would have at least tried to read what I've written out thoroughly before responding back to me so hastily and with such defense, because perhaps then you would have seen my viewpoint and also realized that I was trying to be helpful (and to some extent, I think I did answer your question). I wasn't attacking your personal opinions or convictions, I quite understand and even agree with why you feel the way you do and I said as much. It hurts and alarms me that you so easily missed my point and intention, but then again, it's not like you read and took time to consider my words. Regardless, I don't at all regret what I've posted, because as I've stated, I felt the need to point certain things out, and not just for your benefit but for anyone else who might be visiting this thread. You took it as an attack on you or your opinions on herbs, when clearly that was not my intention at all, FAR FROM IT, and I can't help that. Not even going to try.

I'm not saying that things you just pointed out aren't true, but they are inherently biased because they encompass only one side of the spectrum. I answered your question very thoughtfully and tried to offer a different viewpoint, not for the sake of debating. But for the life of me, I don't understand if you weren't "genuinely curious" and "open" to hearing other perspectives, why even pose the questions in the first place. Why not just state your stance and leave it at that, especially if you were going to be so offended when someone offered an opinion that doesn't fully align with your perspective.

Well, like I said, I'm not here to argue or debate with you. If you can't see that, so be it. For anyone else who would like to comment on what I've posted or add to it, I would still enjoy hearing unbiased opinions who are not so easily offended. I'm not going to let your anger, effect my positivity and what I was trying to offer to this thread.

I was a little worried this thread would be turned into more than it was meant too. But such is life and clearly you don't know me but that's ok.
It was a genuine innocent question, we are pushed over the Internet that fenugreek soy fennel PM etc is the key to growth and yet these links would indicate otherwise.. simple question? 
I believe so... 
I'm not from wealth and also a mixed race. There's no bias here. 
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I make no judgements nor did I.... 

Zara I wish to follow your progress and in a few months see how you go! I look forward to seeing your gains. You have invested a lot of time into this... 
By all means post your permanent PM success stories, that's after all what I asked to see. 
I DO believe the right PM in the RIGHT doses is good! Hence why I have a truckload here at home  Shy I also know that a huge percentage of PM is not authentic. Am I trying to persuade people not to take it? No... I'm urging caution.. nothing more. 
Ive taken high doses of fenugreek and fennel and I got a boost. Temporary as with many others. Always pays to air on the side of caution. 
No ill will here. I'm on a journey of my own as we all are.

Germany was mentioned here so there is one thing which came to my head: find me clean blood germans on street and I will give you a cookie. We are in Germany and we can see their shape, but it's where they were born not genetics. After WW most of young generation is complete mix of german parent + any other European one. Mostly polish and other eastern countries. So thing is with so mixed genes we can't state in 100% german genes made them grow big due it's one of most mixed countries on the World.

For herbs being bad in every form...well You personally have encountered problems as far as i understood because of taking estrogenic herbs while having estrogen dominant problems yet before taking them? Sorry if I understood something wrong then kindly clear me. 

Anyway, herbs are like medicines if I take asthma meds without asthma then get lung problems is it mine fault or that all asthma meds are bad? If i take blood thinners like people with heart problems not having this problem is it this medicine fault or mine? That's why people here say to do hormonal tests before, yet look how little percentile of people actually done them. It is our risk what we do on own hand without tests. Every good medicine which saves life of thousands will screw health of one. You can die from strawberry if you have allergy nobody can predict every side effect from even so basic things. If you have problems with gluten what is personal intolerance does it mean milions of people without celiaklia should stop eating noodles and bread even if it keeps them alive in their diet? I react badly to hydrocortisone its anti allergy drug after getting it in my blood i was closer to death, it helps milions but im special it doesnt mean drug is bad and unsafe if 1 person in milion get adverse effects with right dosage. What happens to people which take crazy doses doesn't interest me try to overdose any other than herbs drug and send me postcard after stomach cleansing in hospital trying to convince doctor it was bad drug not bad usage.

(05-06-2017, 06:47)Ashraf Wrote:  Germany was mentioned here so there is one thing which came to my head: find me clean blood germans on street and I will give you a cookie. We are in Germany and we can see their shape, but it's where they were born not genetics. After WW most of young generation is complete mix of german parent + any other European one. Mostly polish and other eastern countries. So thing is with so mixed genes we can't state in 100% german genes made them grow big due it's one of most mixed countries on the World.

For herbs being bad in every form...well You personally have encountered problems as far as i understood because of taking estrogenic herbs while having estrogen dominant problems yet before taking them? Sorry if I understood something wrong then kindly clear me. 

Anyway, herbs are like medicines if I take asthma meds without asthma then get lung problems is it mine fault or that all asthma meds are bad? If i take blood thinners like people with heart problems not having this problem is it this medicine fault or mine? That's why people here say to do hormonal tests before, yet look how little percentile of people actually done them. It is our risk what we do on own hand without tests. Every good medicine which saves life of thousands will screw health of one. You can die from strawberry if you have allergy nobody can predict every side effect from even so basic things. If you have problems with gluten what is personal intolerance does it mean milions of people without celiaklia should stop eating noodles and bread even if it keeps them alive in their diet? I react badly to hydrocortisone its anti allergy drug after getting it in my blood i was closer to death, it helps milions but im special it doesnt mean drug is bad and unsafe if 1 person in milion get adverse effects with right dosage. What happens to people which take crazy doses doesn't interest me try to overdose any other than herbs drug and send me postcard after stomach cleansing in hospital trying to convince doctor it was bad drug not bad usage.

What gets me the most is that MOST of us are here cause we are underdeveloped in some way. Why on gods green earth can't our doctors subsidise the right and most effective hormone blood tests ie Dutch hormone test is the biggest crime. If we could afford the $500 plus to get these tests done then the guesswork is a non issue, we would know hands down which horMone/s we are lacking and work to rectify our uniquely personal reason for being here.

Instead the internet spouts we all need estrogen to grow . Hence my point of this post. 
Most of the BC rates are because of estrogen dominant cancers... not progesterone types....
Iv seen many women die due to estrogen related cancers... and younger than me. All I can say is I tried!

Hi ladies,

Zara, (no offense please) the op's question wasn't based in ignorance (however passive aggressive you state it to be). Estrogen metabolism takes multiple pathways, gene activation (or lack thereof) plays a bigger role in all ethnicities. Improving DNA synthesis & estrogen metabolism rather than taking mass quantities of PM (or other phytoestrogens) appears to be the suitable option (in my opinion fwiw). 1-2 cup size differences in global breast sizes seem insignificant to me, so I'll mention what my scientist friend from Italy pointed out about the differences in equol (a non-steroidal estrogen) metabolism, which highlights the differences between some asian vs. western populations.

(01-04-2015, 20:54)-Clelia- Wrote:  yep, maybe in men the estrogenic activity of soy is more effective than in women, but also it depends on individual genetics. You'll see in the link below, a very good article that summarize a lot of papers about phytoestrogens. After reading that, you can just say: yes, it could nbe helpful as it could be harmful... and maybe it's wise stay in the middle, not exceed:

an extract of the article: (here it is something in english about equol and its conversion) Smile

Equol has been shown to have the strongest binding affinities and estrogenic activities (especially for ERβ) among the daidzin metabolites and has been hypothesized to be largely responsible for the estrogen-like activities of soy and its isoflavones. However, there is a great deal of variation among individuals in the metabolism of genistin and daidzin, which appears to be dependent partly on environmental factors, including other components of the diet, and partly on genetic factors.

Only 25% to 35% of the U.S. Caucasian population is capable of converting daidzein to equol, whereas people in high soy consumption areas of Asia have rates closer to 40% to 60%. There is some evidence that Hispanic or Latino women are also more likely to be equol producers. Approximately 80% to 90% of people harbor the bacteria required to produce ODMA. The frequency of equol producers in one study of vegetarians was found to be 59%, similar to the reported frequency in Japanese adults consuming soy, and much higher than for nonvegetarian adults (25%). One Japanese study found that consumption of dairy products was significantly higher in those who did not excrete equol than in those who did.

Hi Lotus, 

Certainly, no offense taken, and I appreciate your input. But I'm a little disheartened how so many people can still miss my point in all that I've written, and I'm afraid you have as well. I think Solome got it. But just in case you're wondering, it had little to do with herbs, but more so about cultures, and the ignorance of cross-cultural examinations in reference to beauty/breasts sizes. I think if you read the article I posted along with my comment, it will help illuminate this more.

Part of my real life job involves a lot of social research. So I tend to look at things from a sociologist and anthropologist viewpoint. I understand not everyone does so. Not everyone is aware of the social implications behind certain comments that others might think are harmless, but I think these things should still be brought out to light, no matter if the person behind the comment had no ill intentions, because eventually it does help to bring more people into awareness and hopefully, people will abandon their ethnocentric mindset. I just want to clarify that, because my point was more so about making encompassing generalizations of cultures. And these cultures, such as Asians, encompass such a wide and diverse group. Why lump them up in the same category in the first place? Do you at least understand how these generalizations can be futile and even insensitive? 

Is it just me, but when I cross a line I want someone to help correct me so that I don't keep unintentionally crossing lines. But I noticed that instead, sometimes when others cross a line, even if you correct them in a kind way, they get defensive and obstinate and try to justify what they did or say rather than admitting they crossed a line in the first place. 

One last thing I want to clarify, I was in no way attacking Ella about her feelings on herbs or even trying to convince her to jump on that bandwagon (I said as much too!). I even said that I understand with her insensitivities it's good that she stay away from them. I get that. So I don't understand why people are pointing that out to me like I don't already know that. My post has nothing to do about advocating for herbs, nor was it even about Ella. It was beyond her. Not a single time did I say that "herbs are good" or "everyone should take herbs". I mean I acknowledge her biases certainly, but I felt like her post was deceptive from the beginning. If she didn't want others opinions on "why are these herbs so sought after?" why phrase it as a question in the first place? Why not just write a post and warn other of the "dangers of herbs and her experiences with herbs", because that I would have actually appreciated and agreed with her on. I mean, I actually want to start a thread on this, so people could understand why it is so important to do your own research and be aware of possible risks. I never once said that herbs don't come without risks. But that's not what she did. Not sure if you saw her comment to me, but she said she was basically letting everyone know the dangers and her experience, which has nothing to do with the questions she posed.

Sorry, Lotus, but this really is a conversation that I think people either will get or not get, and I don't want to waste my time attempting and failing at explaining this even more.  I've said all that I want to say on this matter, and I think at this point it's just better if I left the thread. But I will say, I'm still glad to have contributed to it, even if not everyone would be able to see my point.


(05-06-2017, 19:31)Lotus Wrote:  Hi ladies,

Zara, (no offense please) the op's question wasn't based in ignorance (however passive aggressive you state it to be). Estrogen metabolism takes multiple pathways, gene activation (or lack thereof) plays a bigger role in all ethnicities. Improving DNA synthesis & estrogen metabolism rather than taking mass quantities of PM (or other phytoestrogens) appears to be the suitable option (in my opinion fwiw). 1-2 cup size differences in global breast sizes seem insignificant to me, so I'll mention what my scientist friend from Italy pointed out about the differences in equol (a non-steroidal estrogen) metabolism, which highlights the differences between some asian vs. western populations.

(01-04-2015, 20:54)-Clelia- Wrote:  yep, maybe in men the estrogenic activity of soy is more effective than in women, but also it depends on individual genetics. You'll see in the link below, a very good article that summarize a lot of papers about phytoestrogens. After reading that, you can just say: yes, it could nbe helpful as it could be harmful... and maybe it's wise stay in the middle, not exceed:

an extract of the article: (here it is something in english about equol and its conversion) Smile

Equol has been shown to have the strongest binding affinities and estrogenic activities (especially for ERβ) among the daidzin metabolites and has been hypothesized to be largely responsible for the estrogen-like activities of soy and its isoflavones. However, there is a great deal of variation among individuals in the metabolism of genistin and daidzin, which appears to be dependent partly on environmental factors, including other components of the diet, and partly on genetic factors.

Only 25% to 35% of the U.S. Caucasian population is capable of converting daidzein to equol, whereas people in high soy consumption areas of Asia have rates closer to 40% to 60%. There is some evidence that Hispanic or Latino women are also more likely to be equol producers. Approximately 80% to 90% of people harbor the bacteria required to produce ODMA. The frequency of equol producers in one study of vegetarians was found to be 59%, similar to the reported frequency in Japanese adults consuming soy, and much higher than for nonvegetarian adults (25%). One Japanese study found that consumption of dairy products was significantly higher in those who did not excrete equol than in those who did.
Thanks Lotus xx
Thats fascinating info! It all makes so much more sense now. 
And in that last phrase "harbour the bacteria" has resonated with me!

ONE THING I HAVE LEARNT what we eat influences what bacteria we harbour in our gut and its all about gut bacteria! Ie do a Ubiome stool anaylsis and it will show you what bacteria good and bad reside . Change your diet for a few weeks and your gut bacteria changes immensly to reflect that.
Gut bacteria influences how we metabolize substances and this is also reflected in diff cultures, certain strains are more dominant, it varies country to country. When i started killing off my gut bacteria (good and bad) to kill the overgrowth in my colon i started developing allergies, to food , chemicals, envirnomental! Now Im trying to rebuild, this some of these missing strains I killed off have not returned (verified by stool analysis) and my allergies remain in place. So sad.

When the NORDIC DIET was brought up i had a quick look and first thing that jumped out was Root veggies tubers etc whole grains all of which feed the biome. Much like any healthy diet of course, perhaps if people are strict about this they have a healthy gut biome which equals healthy hormones.

Confirmed for my Dr and several other practioners, sibo, candida and dysfuction in the gut contributes to hormonal imbalance. I was told once the gut issues resolved as with my hormone imbalance and so far its improved. Ive always had a degree of IBS and high sugar diet. Most of my high sugar consumed when i was developing. This has clarified to me what went wrong in puberty FOR me anyway. 

Thanks Lotus you understand my train of thought. And that follows suit with what i was thinking, can our bodies handle/metabolize/convert substances that are foreign to our diets and cultures and that maybe this is why they don't yield results in terms of breasts, balance etc and in some cases shock the body like was done to me. 

Im not trying to dissuade anyone from using herbs as if you've read my thread you will know i have Greenbush (in abundance  Shy) and PM at home, Im trying to clarify and justify its use and i know now.

Thanks Lotus you have given me the answer i was looking for. This all falls into place now. 
I will unsubscribe myself from this thread lol BECAUSE i have no interest in conflict nor was this meant to be turned into that... and have my answer now and thanks for the positive input and ideas  Big Grin

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