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It's my birthday today and it's also Christmas. My family and I had a fight we basically spent the day in our own rooms or doing chores. I hate this day(nothing to do with being Christmas), I hate my birthdays. I am loner and a loser, I always have been and always will be. I have very few friends, can't throw parties or be comfortable in noise are around people(social anxiety). 

I just wanted to dress up, go out to dinner with my family and spent the rest of night playing board games, that's all I wanted for today. 

I just put it up here because I wanted to get it off my chest without sounding like a pathetic friendless loser I am. Just feeling upset, that's all.

Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday!
So if you want to enjoy the day, you can be the mature one here and end the fight.
Go give each member of your family a big hug and tell them you would much rather have a wonderful happy christmas that can be remembered, than a miserable day that no one wants.
You cant go back in time and undo things so. The best treatment is to stop the madness and move one. You only get one shot at life and its yours to enjoy!!

Please feel better it should be a happy day for  you. Like Bobbi said just end the fight and get over it. If you are moody take some helps me when I feel down..even a tiny dot does the trick,it really always does Huh
Congratulations and a happy christmas day!

I too have a birthday close to Christmas and so does my daughter.  I've learnt over the years that both are just another day and while it's nice to acknowledge your birth many cultures around the world don't, as with Christmas.  Families and friends can be tough to deal with especially if you feel that there not meeting your expectations, I've dealt with this over the years and i finally came to the realization that you have to try to live your life the way you want, the only person you are responsible is yourself, you can't control others and their behavior, you need to open your heart and accept them for what and who they are and while it may be hard to do this when you find their behavior offensive or hurtful you must not hold it against them, you can say 'No' to there behavior but in an non-emotional way.  They are just trying to navigate life as well in their own way, i've been teaching my daughters you can't fight fire with fire, you must use water, when people anger or are moody don't join in with your moody/anger (fire) it only makes the fire bigger, keep calm and rational, walk away but don't avoid them it's just passive aggression then, continue on what your doing or were doing, but don't engage the anger, unconsciously that's what they want (they don't realize that but they feel better when others get angry and moody with them 'can't beat them join em').  If you just keep grounded the moment will pass, I know it sounds a bit whimsical but just try it at least once. 
You can't depend on other for your happiness, but you can make yourself happy, as Bobbi said 'life is short', live your own life do what makes you happy and if that doesn't fit into societies norms (eg. clubbing and heaps of friends) who cares as long as your at peace and making your moments count.
Happy Birthday x

this will sound terribly unhelpful but  …today, i took off my shoes and socks, went outside and walked around on the cold ground. it was cold but it felt good to have the soles of my feet on the actual planet. i watched a video about this ..maybe, everyone’s seen it, maybe, it’s going around’s supposed to be the way our bio-electric bodies get physically grounded. sounds stupid but then, maybe, i’m stupid, too  …it did feel good. 

our minds are pretty good at merging with the chaos outside ourselves, like a rave but, it’s also, equally good at creating its own inner state of calm that no one can disturb or enter cuz we’re creative beings ..that's how we humans roll. i like to make my inner world pink and beautiful blue to amber and indigo and then, move these peaceful hues outward into my body. i’m a goddess in my own universe, btw. 

i am a bit curious what you were fighting about ..none of my business, i’m sure. i used to get sucked into everyones whirlpool  …now, i’m invincible, a super-power, i fly above the maddening crowd and throw out flower petals until their crazy whirlpools get clogged up. honestly, i just don’t want to give the outer world power over me move my mind this way and that, anymore ..ever again …it belongs to me  ..and yours belongs to you. happy birthday and merry christmas and happy 2018.

(26-12-2017, 03:32)solome Wrote:  this will sound terribly unhelpful but  …today, i took off my shoes and socks, went outside and walked around on the cold ground. it was cold but it felt good to have the soles of my feet on the actual planet. i watched a video about this ..maybe, everyone’s seen it, maybe, it’s going around’s supposed to be the way our bio-electric bodies get physically grounded. sounds stupid but then, maybe, i’m stupid, too  …it did feel good. 

our minds are pretty good at merging with the chaos outside ourselves, like a rave but, it’s also, equally good at creating its own inner state of calm that no one can disturb or enter cuz we’re creative beings ..that's how we humans roll. i like to make my inner world pink and beautiful blue to amber and indigo and then, move these peaceful hues outward into my body. i’m a goddess in my own universe, btw. 

i am a bit curious what you were fighting about ..none of my business, i’m sure. i used to get sucked into everyones whirlpool  …now, i’m invincible, a super-power, i fly above the maddening crowd and throw out flower petals until their crazy whirlpools get clogged up. honestly, i just don’t want to give the outer world power over me move my mind this way and that, anymore ..ever again …it belongs to me  ..and yours belongs to you. happy birthday and merry christmas and happy 2018.

Well said. xox

Thanks everyone. You are all right, no point in letting all that negativity get to me. I always feel sad on my birthday for some reason and then feel better after a couple of days. 

Feeling better now also I got the noogleberry as a present for myself, so I will get some boobies :Big Grin xx That's a freaking awesome present.

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