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Need a good NBE diet


Ok. So, I started NBE in January and went from a 32A to a 34C in 3 months. Only problem is that I also gained 30 pounds!!

Well, I spent the last 6 weeks dieting, exercising and I did the Master Cleanse. I've managed to shed almost all of the unwanted pounds.

For the past month, I took time off from anything that would affect my hormones. Surprisingly, I didn't lose any of my growth. I continued with my pump, my massaging, binaural beats and volufilline.

I am very happy with how I look, but I've got a huge concern. I am about to resume my NBE. I use BO tincture. I'm scared that I will gain all of the weight back if I don't know what I'm doing with my diet.

Please help.

What ever you were doing, you did very well, and to shed most of your extra weight and not lose any growth is wonderful.
All that says a lot for Noogle, massage and binaural beats.
If your happy with how you look I'd focus on the noogle and massage, and reduce the BO by 1/2 of what you were taking.
Monitor your weight and take a BO break if it starts to climb by 5 lbs that is not explained by other events.

My favorite BO success story found that taking all her daily BO in the evening worked best for her. Give that a try, and let us know how things are going.

(07-05-2018, 21:23)Tinytown Wrote:  Ok. So, I started NBE in January and went from a 32A to a 34C in 3 months. Only problem is that I also gained 30 pounds!!

Well, I spent the last 6 weeks dieting, exercising and I did the Master Cleanse. I've managed to shed almost all of the unwanted pounds.

For the past month, I took time off from anything that would affect my hormones. Surprisingly, I didn't lose any of my growth. I continued with my pump, my massaging, binaural beats and volufilline.

I am very happy with how I look, but I've got a huge concern. I am about to resume my NBE. I use BO tincture. I'm scared that I will gain all of the weight back if I don't know what I'm doing with my diet.

Please help.

I also purchased the tincture you are using. What was your daily routine using it? How many drops do you use? Did you use it sublingually and wait for it to absorb or directly on your tongue and swallow the leftovers?

(09-05-2018, 20:53)Khoward93 Wrote:  
(07-05-2018, 21:23)Tinytown Wrote:  Ok. So, I started NBE in January and went from a 32A to a 34C in 3 months. Only problem is that I also gained 30 pounds!!

Well, I spent the last 6 weeks dieting, exercising and I did the Master Cleanse. I've managed to shed almost all of the unwanted pounds.

For the past month, I took time off from anything that would affect my hormones. Surprisingly, I didn't lose any of my growth. I continued with my pump, my massaging, binaural beats and volufilline.

I am very happy with how I look, but I've got a huge concern. I am about to resume my NBE. I use BO tincture. I'm scared that I will gain all of the weight back if I don't know what I'm doing with my diet.

Please help.

I also purchased the tincture you are using. What was your daily routine using it? How many drops do you use? Did you use it sublingually and wait for it to absorb or directly on your tongue and swallow the leftovers?

I was using the capsules and had been taking 6 capsules, so I felt pretty confident taking 20 drops 3 times daily.

I usually mix it with either juice or my protein drink. Did you get yours from Fertility Queen? She's really good and very helpful. I sent her an email and she responded right away.

I'm still a newbie to NBE and BO. I just started in January, so I don't want to lead anyone astray. But, I will share what my routine is thus far

Upon waking:

1/2 teaspoon of MSM
20 drops of BO tincture 
5 drops of fucus tincture*
1 drop of lavender tincture 

With breakfast I take a multivitamin 

I use curves breast enhancement cream, do the fat transfer massage by Choimilk*, and then use my Bosom Beauty breast pump for an hour (on the lowest setting) while listening to binaural beats*

20 drops of BO tincture and 1 drop of lavender mid day

After Dinner 
1/2 teaspoon of MSM 
20 drops of BO tincture 
1 drop of lavender 
1 pituitary gland capsule

Before Bed
1 GABA capsule
Magnesium supplement 
10 minutes breast massage (basically rubbing breasts in a circular motion about 360 times) with curves breast enhancement cream 

I usually stop the MSM, BO, lavender, and pituitary glandular during my cycle.

I've also been experimenting with some new stuff:

During cycle- I've been massaging a homemade Pureria murifica cream into my breasts at night.

During luteal phase - I've been adding 1 drop of vitex tincture 3 times a day with the BO, and using (progesterone) progestelle topical serum at night.

I'm also thinking of adding peony tea - I am very hairy and muscular so I'm constantly worried about DHT.

I gained a lot of weight, so I've temporarily stopped taking maca. But I'm trying to find a good adaptogen. I might go back to the maca. I'm just not sure right now.

-I get my liver shield from info wars store
- I get the fucus tincture from a homeopath (it's for iodine)
-If you google choimilk breast enhancement, you should be able to find her YouTube videos.
-go to YouTube and search for binaural beats for breast enhancement 

Hope the info is helpful. Please get help from people who've been doing this longer than me. It seems like a lot depends on your own body and unique hormone situation.

There's an ebook called super Bazongas that's really helpful in explaining a lot of stuff, too.

Keep your proteins up! Tongue

So I've made some changes:

I take my MSM all by itself with water on an empty stomach.  I read something recently that said that if you take MSM with other things it will make it less effective.

30 minutes after I take my MSM, I take my BO, my other glandulars, herbs and supplements with either juice, almond milk or my protein drink.

I also stopped using the lavender.  I am not sure if the lavender caused it, but my skin broke out in a rash right around the same time I was using it.  So, I just stick to peony.  It seems to be working just fine.

I also added some herbs to my plan.  But, I'm being EXTREMELY careful because I don't want to desensitize my receptors.  I'm using the Super Bazongas eBook to help guide me and I'm paying close attention to how my body is responding.  I started day three this morning, and so far I'm feeling a lot of changes in my breasts.

(19-05-2018, 01:12)Tinytown Wrote:  
(09-05-2018, 20:53)Khoward93 Wrote:  
(07-05-2018, 21:23)Tinytown Wrote:  Ok. So, I started NBE in January and went from a 32A to a 34C in 3 months. Only problem is that I also gained 30 pounds!!

Well, I spent the last 6 weeks dieting, exercising and I did the Master Cleanse. I've managed to shed almost all of the unwanted pounds.

For the past month, I took time off from anything that would affect my hormones. Surprisingly, I didn't lose any of my growth. I continued with my pump, my massaging, binaural beats and volufilline.

I am very happy with how I look, but I've got a huge concern. I am about to resume my NBE. I use BO tincture. I'm scared that I will gain all of the weight back if I don't know what I'm doing with my diet.

Please help.

I also purchased the tincture you are using. What was your daily routine using it? How many drops do you use? Did you use it sublingually and wait for it to absorb or directly on your tongue and swallow the leftovers?

I was using the capsules and had been taking 6 capsules, so I felt pretty confident taking 20 drops 3 times daily.

I usually mix it with either juice or my protein drink. Did you get yours from Fertility Queen? She's really good and very helpful. I sent her an email and she responded right away.

I'm still a newbie to NBE and BO. I just started in January, so I don't want to lead anyone astray. But, I will share what my routine is thus far

Upon waking:

1/2 teaspoon of MSM
20 drops of BO tincture 
5 drops of fucus tincture*
1 drop of lavender tincture 

With breakfast I take a multivitamin 

I use curves breast enhancement cream, do the fat transfer massage by Choimilk*, and then use my Bosom Beauty breast pump for an hour (on the lowest setting) while listening to binaural beats*

20 drops of BO tincture and 1 drop of lavender mid day

After Dinner 
1/2 teaspoon of MSM 
20 drops of BO tincture 
1 drop of lavender 
1 pituitary gland capsule

Before Bed
1 GABA capsule
Magnesium supplement 
10 minutes breast massage (basically rubbing breasts in a circular motion about 360 times) with curves breast enhancement cream 

I usually stop the MSM, BO, lavender, and pituitary glandular during my cycle.

I've also been experimenting with some new stuff:

During cycle- I've been massaging a homemade Pureria murifica cream into my breasts at night.

During luteal phase - I've been adding 1 drop of vitex tincture 3 times a day with the BO, and using (progesterone) progestelle topical serum at night.

I'm also thinking of adding peony tea - I am very hairy and muscular so I'm constantly worried about DHT.

I gained a lot of weight, so I've temporarily stopped taking maca. But I'm trying to find a good adaptogen. I might go back to the maca. I'm just not sure right now.

-I get my liver shield from info wars store
- I get the fucus tincture from a homeopath (it's for iodine)
-If you google choimilk breast enhancement, you should be able to find her YouTube videos.
-go to YouTube and search for binaural beats for breast enhancement 

Hope the info is helpful. Please get help from people who've been doing this longer than me. It seems like a lot depends on your own body and unique hormone situation.

There's an ebook called super Bazongas that's really helpful in explaining a lot of stuff, too.

Sorry for the late reply ! But thank you so much. I'e never taken capsules I kind of went straight to the tincure.  I wasn' sure if would be effective if I mixed it with something. Have you had any more growth ? What was your starting measureent and where are you now if you don't mind me asking

So, I've made some changes and I am very happy. But, I know you have to monitor your own hormones and age has a lot to do with it. I am over 35 and as you age you produce less hormones so, if you are very young and in your twenties you may not need as much as me.

I have decided to combine BO with herbs. These are my reasons. I am a lot older and my body doesn't naturally produce a lot of hormones which is why I use the BO. I use very small doses of herbs that help stimulate receptors and have a very weak direct effect on receptors. I don't want the herbs blocking the effects of the hormones produced naturally from the BO. (The super Bazongas eBook does a good job explaining different herb choices)

When I began I was a 32A. Now I am a 34C. With my recent addition of herbs (2 weeks ago) I'm experiencing a LOT more tingling and swelling in my breasts.

Latest basic program

Upon waking:
1/2 teaspoon of MSM on an empty stomach with water

30 minutes later 
20 drops of BO tincture with water
5 drops fucus tincture 
Small doses of herbs based on menstruation (see eBook)

30 minutes later
Breakfast with multivitamin 

Midday (make sure it's at least 2 hours after your last meal to make sure you have an empty stomach)
1/2 teaspoon of MSM if possible 

Wait 30 minutes if possible and then take BO with water and small doses of herbs

2 Hours after dinner
1/2 teaspoon of MSM
Wait 30 minutes then BO in water
Small doses of herbs
Pituitary glandular

Before Bed
GABA and magnesium 

I've also added MK-677 during weeks 2 & 3 of my cycle. This helps with growth hormones.

For week 1 & 4, I use HMB. This is supposed to help your body to retain tissue growth.

I also take other things because of my age I don't produce a lot of prolactin nor progesterone. So, I have to compensate for that.

Hope this is helpful  Smile

there are so many good things. there are so many bad things. here’s something good    …. i try ..i’m not always so good ..but, i try to do a few things that i feel keep me in balance and keep my body, mind and breasts happy. i mean, if your body and mind aren’t happy, how can your breasts get from here to there.

something aerobic ..everyday …doesn’t really matter what but i think it’s better if it involves moving your whole body ..all your muscle groups and sustain a higher heart rate for a period ..meditate, at least a little, everyday, and fill your body up with light, visualize your breasts big and healthy, eat some raw food with live enzymes, healthy oils seed, coconut, carlson fish, borage, avocado, olive, etc., hydrate ..add a little good salt and honey to your water ..the minerals from a good salt like pink himalayan and the glucose help the cells transport the water inside and then again into the extracellular matrix to stay hydrated.
breathe deeply, be happy, have sex, love your life, feel the awesome power of your imagination to conjure up something real and wonderful, be patient ..breasts love it when you’re patient and love them and touch them a lot. don’t get addicted to tv. i have this theory that when you eat a good diet but you don’t exercise then your body kinda spreads the fat around in good as well as bad places but when you burn off calories with exercise, the body tends to put fat in the good places first before the bad if there's much left …like, for instance, where your estrogen is directing  it to go  …like, your breasts, hips, bum. then again, it’s possible i don’t know what i’m talking about ..but, at least your healthy body will look good. don’t eat too often because every time you eat something it pumps insulin into your bloodstream. sorry for all my babbling

stretch. i like to make a good bone broth and then throw in some green onions, garlic, tomatoes, cilantro, some pepper and have that with some brown rice ..i like to put tahini in my smoothie, frozen cranberries, etc. i grind flax seeds often and mix with water and l-glutamine, msm, nutritional yeast and drink it down. i’m not always so successful but i do try to stay away from highly processed foods, junk, sweets, candy, death bars, xenoestrogens in household cleaning products, especially. i take fenugreek. i use to take more glandulars ..not so much lately, i think it’s good to take a periodic break from them after an interval. i mentioned in another post that, when i was in my crazy period, taking hypothalamus, pituitary, bo, sheep placenta was a some point in my cycle that my breasts swelled up so much it was scarey, they got very hard and leaked ..that lasted for a couple of days and slowly went back to normal.

i also can get a bit obsessive ..i grow wheat and barley grass  and juice a tray every other day …it has so many good things plus a lot of superoxide dismutase and it's so easy. i don’t like to eat a lot of carbs ..but, i do liove good carbs like the rice or potatoes with bone broth. i eat a good bit of tahini, pumpkin seeds, walnuts. anyway, i’m at work right now and just in a typing mood. btw, my breasts have grown ..slowly but they are bigger …a modest C at their biggest. i don’t pump as much as i’d like but i do love myself when i manage a 45minute session, i have some contoured large noogleberry’s ..i massage daily with coconut oil and cocoa butter with lavender essential oil. i like to give a bit of focus to my nipples, too, i think the stimulation is good for the mammary glands. i try to make sure i don’t short my body’s need for protein, vitD, vitC, trace minerals …i use a product called ‘concentrace’. i take reishi, daily, and astralagus. i take lysine quite a lot ..can’t remember why. last night, late, i got a real urge for pasta, so, i made a nice bowl with pasta sauce. i had pasta dreams  ..came dangerously close to a black jaguar and i almost got swept out to sea. i use pro-gest for half a cycle ..not too much. i’ll often take a teaspoon of coconut oil just because i can ..and, i love rubbing it all over.

so, exercise and eat. sleep well and sleep enough. our brains clean themselves during sleep. i see where they don’t have a lymph system like the rest of the body, so, instead, …they dishwash themselves while we sleep. i also, remember reading, somewhere, that breasts like sleep ..maybe, it’s the growth hormone that gets pumped out then. sometimes, i get a little bottle of the velvet deer antler igf liquid. time for me to get back to work ..good luck with your diet. i've been curious about the mk-677 but got scared away when the pict i saw said 'not for human consumption'  ... the gaba is very good ..i take that regularly, too. sorry for all the words ...back to work Smile good luck. oh, also, when you take gelatin or lysine and  proline and glycine aminos sure to take vitamin C your body can convert them into forms to build collagen.

(06-06-2018, 21:49)solome Wrote:  there are so many good things. there are so many bad things. here’s something good    …. i try ..i’m not always so good ..but, i try to do a few things that i feel keep me in balance and keep my body, mind and breasts happy. i mean, if your body and mind aren’t happy, how can your breasts get from here to there.

something aerobic ..everyday …doesn’t really matter what but i think it’s better if it involves moving your whole body ..all your muscle groups and sustain a higher heart rate for a period ..meditate, at least a little, everyday, and fill your body up with light, visualize your breasts big and healthy, eat some raw food with live enzymes, healthy oils seed, coconut, carlson fish, borage, avocado, olive, etc., hydrate ..add a little good salt and honey to your water ..the minerals from a good salt like pink himalayan and the glucose help the cells transport the water inside and then again into the extracellular matrix to stay hydrated.
breathe deeply, be happy, have sex, love your life, feel the awesome power of your imagination to conjure up something real and wonderful, be patient ..breasts love it when you’re patient and love them and touch them a lot. don’t get addicted to tv. i have this theory that when you eat a good diet but you don’t exercise then your body kinda spreads the fat around in good as well as bad places but when you burn off calories with exercise, the body tends to put fat in the good places first before the bad if there's much left …like, for instance, where your estrogen is directing  it to go  …like, your breasts, hips, bum. then again, it’s possible i don’t know what i’m talking about ..but, at least your healthy body will look good. don’t eat too often because every time you eat something it pumps insulin into your bloodstream. sorry for all my babbling

stretch. i like to make a good bone broth and then throw in some green onions, garlic, tomatoes, cilantro, some pepper and have that with some brown rice ..i like to put tahini in my smoothie, frozen cranberries, etc. i grind flax seeds often and mix with water and l-glutamine, msm, nutritional yeast and drink it down. i’m not always so successful but i do try to stay away from highly processed foods, junk, sweets, candy, death bars, xenoestrogens in household cleaning products, especially. i take fenugreek. i use to take more glandulars ..not so much lately, i think it’s good to take a periodic break from them after an interval. i mentioned in another post that, when i was in my crazy period, taking hypothalamus, pituitary, bo, sheep placenta was a some point in my cycle that my breasts swelled up so much it was scarey, they got very hard and leaked ..that lasted for a couple of days and slowly went back to normal.

i also can get a bit obsessive ..i grow wheat and barley grass  and juice a tray every other day …it has so many good things plus a lot of superoxide dismutase and it's so easy. i don’t like to eat a lot of carbs ..but, i do liove good carbs like the rice or potatoes with bone broth. i eat a good bit of tahini, pumpkin seeds, walnuts. anyway, i’m at work right now and just in a typing mood. btw, my breasts have grown ..slowly but they are bigger …a modest C at their biggest. i don’t pump as much as i’d like but i do love myself when i manage a 45minute session, i have some contoured large noogleberry’s ..i massage daily with coconut oil and cocoa butter with lavender essential oil. i like to give a bit of focus to my nipples, too, i think the stimulation is good for the mammary glands. i try to make sure i don’t short my body’s need for protein, vitD, vitC, trace minerals …i use a product called ‘concentrace’. i take reishi, daily, and astralagus. i take lysine quite a lot ..can’t remember why. last night, late, i got a real urge for pasta, so, i made a nice bowl with pasta sauce. i had pasta dreams  ..came dangerously close to a black jaguar and i almost got swept out to sea. i use pro-gest for half a cycle ..not too much. i’ll often take a teaspoon of coconut oil just because i can ..and, i love rubbing it all over.

so, exercise and eat. sleep well and sleep enough. our brains clean themselves during sleep. i see where they don’t have a lymph system like the rest of the body, so, instead, …they dishwash themselves while we sleep. i also, remember reading, somewhere, that breasts like sleep ..maybe, it’s the growth hormone that gets pumped out then. sometimes, i get a little bottle of the velvet deer antler igf liquid. time for me to get back to work ..good luck with your diet. i've been curious about the mk-677 but got scared away when the pict i saw said 'not for human consumption'  ... the gaba is very good ..i take that regularly, too. sorry for all the words ...back to work Smile good luck. oh, also, when you take gelatin or lysine and  proline and glycine aminos sure to take vitamin C your body can convert them into forms to build collagen.

Wow! Awesome! Thanks for the wealth of info. I'm loving everything you're sharing!

Wow! Didn't know about that Mk 677 not being for human consumption. If it's not too much trouble, do you think you can send me more info? I am a info and health junkie and I'd love to read more  Smile

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