(27-08-2018, 08:06)Cely Wrote: Hey Hannah, short cycle can be a sign of the “only estrogenic cycle”, so, when you don’t ovulate and your progesterone is not produced.
When PG is not produced it can’t inhibit androgens, so you end up to have hyperandrogenism.
Long cycle (over 34 days) is a sign of anovulation too, is the main sign in PCOS. In PCOS women can’t ovulate and have lower PG, so, is not when you have more PG than E.
Before using herbs an hormonal test can be useful.
I wasnt intendingto react but I want to defend my personal advice, Lemon8 will draw her own conclusion anyhow.
But I am sorry to disagree. I understand what you say, but you talk about a syndrome here pcos is a syndrome right? There is a lot more involved in that. What you say is very black and white. I know my answer is complicated but Ill try to explain what I mean.I talk about more normal hormonal imbalances. Hormones can be extremely different in people.
If you have elevated levels of progesterone OR your P levels are higher relative to your other hormones your Luteal Phase is longer so you get a long cycle.(ofcourse there are a thousand million different cases because again everything said here is indicative, if it were facts we'd no longer had to guess, doctors would ve helped and healed all of us without failure).
When your Luteal phase is longer it is posible you dont ovulate/ or you dont have a regular ovulation(hormonal imbalance) so maybe this month you get an ovulation maybe next month you don't or its not day 9 but day 12...OR also possible you release 2 eggs. Many if not every women face hormonal imbalnces at one point in their lives. Nbe CREATES hormonal imbalances. Different ones each case, i have read and followed many threads, lol.
But estrogen, talking mainly about phyto estrogen here because thats what I am very familiar with, can cause you shorter cycles, double egg releases which if it happens too often can cause early menopause, and heavier bleedings bc thicker "uterus lining buildup". Doesnt mean you dont produce progesterone

It only means: A you are sensitive to estrogen atm Or B youre estrogen levels are higher then your p levels. And C many other reasons like syndromes. Thats why 28 days is a NORMAL cycle, with a more normal hormonal balance, you see how suggestive this hormonal thing all is? Youcant just say: hey she has hyperandrogenism or another syndrome..
What I am saying is, symptoms of higher P level could also be interpretated as more sensitive to p. Or as low estrogen which makes Progesterone stand out or as high testosterone relative to the other hormones. It can all lead to the same.Because in every girl the image of hormonal imbalance is different in testing but also different from day to day, minute to minute, then you have how sensitive are you, how many receptors do you have? How many hgh is there whats your current and past life style been like, age. Maybe your uterus is super sensitive to phytoestrogen, causing you heavy cycles straight away. First sign of estrogen level getting raised most mentioned is more cervical slime. But you cant just say evrything is a syndrome?
Maybe I see it all wrong or I dont get what youre saying but this is my conclusion after all my internet reading.