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My noogleberry experience including numbness and overpumping


Hey guys,
Have been researching here since November 2018. I bought some kangzhu large suction cups for breasts as they were cheap £10 from Amazon. Compared to noogleberry. I used these and at first got a bit excited and overpumped. I woke up with purple dots all over my breasts and it was clear several capillaries had ruptured. I read that to avoid this you shouldn't let your breasts change colour however mine seemed to change colour on very low settings. I began using the 7:2 method and on the second half of my cycle I noticed dramatic swelling whereas the first half was no swelling at all and easily changed colour which was a bad sign.
With the kangzhu I definitely noticed an increase in width and I quickly filled out the cups width wise but my swelling to the end of the cup was very changeable, sometimes I would swell 2cm from the end nearly filling the cup, and other times I would barely swell in that direction at all and would be about 3 inches from the end. Anyways I decided I needed bigger cups as the width was no longer sufficient. So I went on to buy noogleberry XL cups from eBay at about £44 I think, it came 1st hand with an instruction leaflet and the bag. These were much much wider so I was happy however they were so wide I could fit both of them on my chest! It took some time to figure out but I eventually realised that if I use one cup and a time, and bend the other tubing (as mentioned in the instructions leaflet) then I could get suction. Although I have to put this one cup really far into my chest on and past my sternum.
I tape my nipples using one tape lengthways and one across as I had puffy nipples but they have improved since using noogleberry and are now more normal but can still go a bit puffy.
My nipples sensation has improved, I used to feel nothing and now I feel much more as they're more sensitive.
I have had some numbness with noogleberry and a few occasions with the larger cups where I experienced a lack of vision and light-headedness which was scary. I think I was hitting a blood vessel that is normally connected to my eye and my eye had a lack of oxygen which is really bad so I struggled to see. It was more blurred vision and slow reaction time than anything like blackouts. Almost like being drunk.
I have experienced some numbness in my legs but I know I have poor circulation there anyway so I tried a technique that helps people with chronically cold feet by stimulating their thyroid the video is here:
After the poor eyesight I began experiencing a faster heart rate and what seemed to be a poor circulation system. I read somewhere on here that noogleberry can weaken the valves of the blood vessels which prevent blood backflow. And if these valves are damaged by suction of noogleberry (which pulls blood toward the pressure rather than letting it go to the brain and head) then your heart has to work harder to pump blood around your body. I was experiencing a resting HR of 96bpm which is too high for resting. I took a break from noogleberry and my resting HR sits around 70bpm now which is much better.
HOWEVER, other factors must be considered that could have caused this.
I was diagnosed with fibrocystic breast disease which is lumpiness of the breast and I did my research and decided to supplement with Lugol's iodine 12% solution. I covered each of my breasts in this (about 5-8 drops per breast) and would wake up and all the cysts had shrunk but so had my boobs!! I was really upset as my boobs now appeared very pointy and lacked round fullness that these cysts had been giving them. I quit the iodine then experienced return of the cysts and did further research and decided that I needed to clean out my breasts of these cysts using iodine which would then give me a clean slate to grow from.
Iodine deficiency is very common and the main cause of fibrocystic breast disease. Iodine helps clear out the lymph nodes and helps with drainage, it also clears out the estrogen/progesterone receptors so that they can receive new stimulation from recently produced hormones, rather than get clogged up with old hormones and thus lack optimal and potential growth. Estrogen and progesterone share the same receptors which is why it is so important to clean out the lymph so they can also clear up. If estrogen is not cleared out of the receptors then on the second half of your cycle when progesterone peaks, there are very few receptors to receive the progesterone and thus your breast lacks this hormone stimulation and the growth it would entail. I believe this to be the reason for my somewhat pointy breast shape.
Now, the reason I brought up iodine supplementation as a potential cause of my increased HR is because the solution I bought was 12%, this is very high and your body does not need that much at all and I was putting up to 30 drops on my skin a day!!! I was in iodine overload! So after reading the benefits of iodine I highly suggest you get a much lower solution, Lugol's iodine is the best and easy to get on Amazon but get like a 2% or 6% solution and use 4 drops daily if you are deficient. There are articles that recommend the better dosage, some suggest that just one drop of Lugol's 12% solution is more than you need. Check your countries RDA for iodine as well as what foods are high in iodine to see if your diet is lacking or not and then see which solution will get you to that RDA but not above! As too much iodine actually causes an overactive thyroid and an increased HR which is exactly what happened to me.
So now I put three drops iodine 12% solution on my left inner arm every 3 days or so. And my HR remains at 70bpm roughly.
Now, I do believe that the poor eyesight is definitely related to noogleberry as the cups are so wide on me and pull too much on the blood vessels in the armpits which is something sweetorange mentioned.
I am noogling again now for past 3 weeks or so and have incorporated a method learnt from bosom beauty technique.
Bosombeauty is similar to noogleberry but is automated and comes with a bra, similar to brava but cheaper. They claim to be better than noogleberry because of the system that pulls and releases continuously which allows for fresh blood to come into the breast rather than pump and hold whereby the blood becomes stake and deoxygenated. So since reading this I decided to incorporate this, I suction my breast up then let it sit for about a minute then I press the button on the noogleberry pump to release some air but not all like in 7:2 pump and release, then I sit for 10 seconds and repump up to where is comfortable. I suggest you all play around with this technique knowing the intention is for fresh blood and see what you come up with ( I change timings all the time, sometimes it's immediately pump 2x release one then pump again straight away etc)
I haven't experienced much growth on this or swelling so I will be trying 7:2 again and the incorporating that technique towards the end of my hour for fresh blood.
The bosombeauty starts on level 1 for your breasts to get used to pressure and be ready to increase up from level 2-9 depending on the person.

I hope this is helpful! I used to have mild tubular breasts and very puffy nipples and now I have mainly rounder but still pointy breasts with erect nipples most of the time and I do tape my nipples! Sometimes I leave tape on for a few days and sleep with it (saves money rather than cutting new tape every day) and this helped my roundness a lot, I think because my breast tissue physically could not migrate into the nipple it was forced to the rest of my breast and I had great shape! Unfortunately this went away with my periods passing however I still had flatter areola and slightly raised nipples so that's great! Plus they're so much more sensitive!

I am seed cycling for hormones and have ordered some MSM, Gingko biloba for circulation, and collagen pills as recommended by chiyomilks routine.
I will post more about these on the herbal forum as well as my growth with massage on the massage forum!
Attached is an image of my breasts now you can clearly see how much better shape is compared to tuberous breasts and puffy nipples!

Hi Fullerlook.
Thanks for the great report on your experience with the suction devices.
I'm glad you were able to come up with a safe method for your Noogleberry.
The numbness seems to be an on going issue, but one thats manageable with better attention to how you use them.
Thanks again.
By the way your pics didnt show up

(29-04-2019, 15:36)Happyme Wrote:  Hi Fullerlook.
Thanks for the great report on your experience with the suction devices.
I'm glad you were able to come up with a safe method for your Noogleberry.
The numbness seems to be an on going issue, but one thats manageable with better attention to how you use them.
Thanks again.
By the way your pics didnt show up

Hey Bobbi! Thanks so much for replying.
I will try to upload again

(29-04-2019, 13:04)fullerlook Wrote:  Hey guys,
Have been researching here since November 2018. I bought some kangzhu large suction cups for breasts as they were cheap £10 from Amazon. Compared to noogleberry. I used these and at first got a bit excited and overpumped. I woke up with purple dots all over my breasts and it was clear several capillaries had ruptured. I read that to avoid this you shouldn't let your breasts change colour however mine seemed to change colour on very low settings. I began using the 7:2 method and on the second half of my cycle I noticed dramatic swelling whereas the first half was no swelling at all and easily changed colour which was a bad sign.
With the kangzhu I definitely noticed an increase in width and I quickly filled out the cups width wise but my swelling to the end of the cup was very changeable, sometimes I would swell 2cm from the end nearly filling the cup, and other times I would barely swell in that direction at all and would be about 3 inches from the end. Anyways I decided I needed bigger cups as the width was no longer sufficient. So I went on to buy noogleberry XL cups from eBay at about £44 I think, it came 1st hand with an instruction leaflet and the bag. These were much much wider so I was happy however they were so wide I could fit both of them on my chest! It took some time to figure out but I eventually realised that if I use one cup and a time, and bend the other tubing (as mentioned in the instructions leaflet) then I could get suction. Although I have to put this one cup really far into my chest on and past my sternum.
I tape my nipples using one tape lengthways and one across as I had puffy nipples but they have improved since using noogleberry and are now more normal but can still go a bit puffy.
My nipples sensation has improved, I used to feel nothing and now I feel much more as they're more sensitive.
I have had some numbness with noogleberry and a few occasions with the larger cups where I experienced a lack of vision and light-headedness which was scary. I think I was hitting a blood vessel that is normally connected to my eye and my eye had a lack of oxygen which is really bad so I struggled to see. It was more blurred vision and slow reaction time than anything like blackouts. Almost like being drunk.
I have experienced some numbness in my legs but I know I have poor circulation there anyway so I tried a technique that helps people with chronically cold feet by stimulating their thyroid the video is here:
After the poor eyesight I began experiencing a faster heart rate and what seemed to be a poor circulation system. I read somewhere on here that noogleberry can weaken the valves of the blood vessels which prevent blood backflow. And if these valves are damaged by suction of noogleberry (which pulls blood toward the pressure rather than letting it go to the brain and head) then your heart has to work harder to pump blood around your body. I was experiencing a resting HR of 96bpm which is too high for resting. I took a break from noogleberry and my resting HR sits around 70bpm now which is much better.
HOWEVER, other factors must be considered that could have caused this.
I was diagnosed with fibrocystic breast disease which is lumpiness of the breast and I did my research and decided to supplement with Lugol's iodine 12% solution. I covered each of my breasts in this (about 5-8 drops per breast) and would wake up and all the cysts had shrunk but so had my boobs!! I was really upset as my boobs now appeared very pointy and lacked round fullness that these cysts had been giving them. I quit the iodine then experienced return of the cysts and did further research and decided that I needed to clean out my breasts of these cysts using iodine which would then give me a clean slate to grow from.
Iodine deficiency is very common and the main cause of fibrocystic breast disease. Iodine helps clear out the lymph nodes and helps with drainage, it also clears out the estrogen/progesterone receptors so that they can receive new stimulation from recently produced hormones, rather than get clogged up with old hormones and thus lack optimal and potential growth. Estrogen and progesterone share the same receptors which is why it is so important to clean out the lymph so they can also clear up. If estrogen is not cleared out of the receptors then on the second half of your cycle when progesterone peaks, there are very few receptors to receive the progesterone and thus your breast lacks this hormone stimulation and the growth it would entail. I believe this to be the reason for my somewhat pointy breast shape.
Now, the reason I brought up iodine supplementation as a potential cause of my increased HR is because the solution I bought was 12%, this is very high and your body does not need that much at all and I was putting up to 30 drops on my skin a day!!! I was in iodine overload! So after reading the benefits of iodine I highly suggest you get a much lower solution, Lugol's iodine is the best and easy to get on Amazon but get like a 2% or 6% solution and use 4 drops daily if you are deficient. There are articles that recommend the better dosage, some suggest that just one drop of Lugol's 12% solution is more than you need. Check your countries RDA for iodine as well as what foods are high in iodine to see if your diet is lacking or not and then see which solution will get you to that RDA but not above! As too much iodine actually causes an overactive thyroid and an increased HR which is exactly what happened to me.
So now I put three drops iodine 12% solution on my left inner arm every 3 days or so. And my HR remains at 70bpm roughly.
Now, I do believe that the poor eyesight is definitely related to noogleberry as the cups are so wide on me and pull too much on the blood vessels in the armpits which is something sweetorange mentioned.
I am noogling again now for past 3 weeks or so and have incorporated a method learnt from bosom beauty technique.
Bosombeauty is similar to noogleberry but is automated and comes with a bra, similar to brava but cheaper. They claim to be better than noogleberry because of the system that pulls and releases continuously which allows for fresh blood to come into the breast rather than pump and hold whereby the blood becomes stake and deoxygenated. So since reading this I decided to incorporate this, I suction my breast up then let it sit for about a minute then I press the button on the noogleberry pump to release some air but not all like in 7:2 pump and release, then I sit for 10 seconds and repump up to where is comfortable. I suggest you all play around with this technique knowing the intention is for fresh blood and see what you come up with ( I change timings all the time, sometimes it's immediately pump 2x release one then pump again straight away etc)
I haven't experienced much growth on this or swelling so I will be trying 7:2 again and the incorporating that technique towards the end of my hour for fresh blood.
The bosombeauty starts on level 1 for your breasts to get used to pressure and be ready to increase up from level 2-9 depending on the person.

I hope this is helpful! I used to have mild tubular breasts and very puffy nipples and now I have mainly rounder but still pointy breasts with erect nipples most of the time and I do tape my nipples! Sometimes I leave tape on for a few days and sleep with it (saves money rather than cutting new tape every day) and this helped my roundness a lot, I think because my breast tissue physically could not migrate into the nipple it was forced to the rest of my breast and I had great shape! Unfortunately this went away with my periods passing however I still had flatter areola and slightly raised nipples so that's great! Plus they're so much more sensitive!

I am seed cycling for hormones and have ordered some MSM, Gingko biloba for circulation, and collagen pills as recommended by chiyomilks routine.
I will post more about these on the herbal forum as well as my growth with massage on the massage forum!
Attached is an image of my breasts now you can clearly see how much better shape is compared to tuberous breasts and puffy nipples!
Hi Fullerlook

Oh my gosh those all symptoms sounds so horrible, must have been scary for you. I would definitely stop if all of this continued. 

Another thing you could do is go to the doctor and get things checked just to be safe. Don't need to tell him about the pumps, just mention all the things you experienced.

Oh yeah one more thing: I have read that it helps if you move the domes and ensure that they sit on your breast. Sometime they shift into your armpits and that pushes on some of the important nerves and stuff. I have noticed it helps me too. See if that works for you. Also, you might not be very healthy if you are experiencing all this. Right diet, exercise and heaps of water helps with circulation too. 

Another tip would be to become more mindful when you are noogling. Ensure that your domes haven't slid off into your armpits, no boob pain, no numbness during of after pumping and no colour change. If you experience numbness, just release some pressure.

For now just try and get your body use to the pump instead of thinking about swelling. Even if the noogling sessions don't last long, it's okay. Better to go slow and steady rather than doing a lot of damage. 

Hope all of this helped.

(01-05-2019, 00:27)Dark_Swan Wrote:  
(29-04-2019, 13:04)fullerlook Wrote:  Hey guys,
Have been researching here since November 2018. I bought some kangzhu large suction cups for breasts as they were cheap £10 from Amazon. Compared to noogleberry. I used these and at first got a bit excited and overpumped. I woke up with purple dots all over my breasts and it was clear several capillaries had ruptured. I read that to avoid this you shouldn't let your breasts change colour however mine seemed to change colour on very low settings. I began using the 7:2 method and on the second half of my cycle I noticed dramatic swelling whereas the first half was no swelling at all and easily changed colour which was a bad sign.
With the kangzhu I definitely noticed an increase in width and I quickly filled out the cups width wise but my swelling to the end of the cup was very changeable, sometimes I would swell 2cm from the end nearly filling the cup, and other times I would barely swell in that direction at all and would be about 3 inches from the end. Anyways I decided I needed bigger cups as the width was no longer sufficient. So I went on to buy noogleberry XL cups from eBay at about £44 I think, it came 1st hand with an instruction leaflet and the bag. These were much much wider so I was happy however they were so wide I could fit both of them on my chest! It took some time to figure out but I eventually realised that if I use one cup and a time, and bend the other tubing (as mentioned in the instructions leaflet) then I could get suction. Although I have to put this one cup really far into my chest on and past my sternum.
I tape my nipples using one tape lengthways and one across as I had puffy nipples but they have improved since using noogleberry and are now more normal but can still go a bit puffy.
My nipples sensation has improved, I used to feel nothing and now I feel much more as they're more sensitive.
I have had some numbness with noogleberry and a few occasions with the larger cups where I experienced a lack of vision and light-headedness which was scary. I think I was hitting a blood vessel that is normally connected to my eye and my eye had a lack of oxygen which is really bad so I struggled to see. It was more blurred vision and slow reaction time than anything like blackouts. Almost like being drunk.
I have experienced some numbness in my legs but I know I have poor circulation there anyway so I tried a technique that helps people with chronically cold feet by stimulating their thyroid the video is here:
After the poor eyesight I began experiencing a faster heart rate and what seemed to be a poor circulation system. I read somewhere on here that noogleberry can weaken the valves of the blood vessels which prevent blood backflow. And if these valves are damaged by suction of noogleberry (which pulls blood toward the pressure rather than letting it go to the brain and head) then your heart has to work harder to pump blood around your body. I was experiencing a resting HR of 96bpm which is too high for resting. I took a break from noogleberry and my resting HR sits around 70bpm now which is much better.
HOWEVER, other factors must be considered that could have caused this.
I was diagnosed with fibrocystic breast disease which is lumpiness of the breast and I did my research and decided to supplement with Lugol's iodine 12% solution. I covered each of my breasts in this (about 5-8 drops per breast) and would wake up and all the cysts had shrunk but so had my boobs!! I was really upset as my boobs now appeared very pointy and lacked round fullness that these cysts had been giving them. I quit the iodine then experienced return of the cysts and did further research and decided that I needed to clean out my breasts of these cysts using iodine which would then give me a clean slate to grow from.
Iodine deficiency is very common and the main cause of fibrocystic breast disease. Iodine helps clear out the lymph nodes and helps with drainage, it also clears out the estrogen/progesterone receptors so that they can receive new stimulation from recently produced hormones, rather than get clogged up with old hormones and thus lack optimal and potential growth. Estrogen and progesterone share the same receptors which is why it is so important to clean out the lymph so they can also clear up. If estrogen is not cleared out of the receptors then on the second half of your cycle when progesterone peaks, there are very few receptors to receive the progesterone and thus your breast lacks this hormone stimulation and the growth it would entail. I believe this to be the reason for my somewhat pointy breast shape.
Now, the reason I brought up iodine supplementation as a potential cause of my increased HR is because the solution I bought was 12%, this is very high and your body does not need that much at all and I was putting up to 30 drops on my skin a day!!! I was in iodine overload! So after reading the benefits of iodine I highly suggest you get a much lower solution, Lugol's iodine is the best and easy to get on Amazon but get like a 2% or 6% solution and use 4 drops daily if you are deficient. There are articles that recommend the better dosage, some suggest that just one drop of Lugol's 12% solution is more than you need. Check your countries RDA for iodine as well as what foods are high in iodine to see if your diet is lacking or not and then see which solution will get you to that RDA but not above! As too much iodine actually causes an overactive thyroid and an increased HR which is exactly what happened to me.
So now I put three drops iodine 12% solution on my left inner arm every 3 days or so. And my HR remains at 70bpm roughly.
Now, I do believe that the poor eyesight is definitely related to noogleberry as the cups are so wide on me and pull too much on the blood vessels in the armpits which is something sweetorange mentioned.
I am noogling again now for past 3 weeks or so and have incorporated a method learnt from bosom beauty technique.
Bosombeauty is similar to noogleberry but is automated and comes with a bra, similar to brava but cheaper. They claim to be better than noogleberry because of the system that pulls and releases continuously which allows for fresh blood to come into the breast rather than pump and hold whereby the blood becomes stake and deoxygenated. So since reading this I decided to incorporate this, I suction my breast up then let it sit for about a minute then I press the button on the noogleberry pump to release some air but not all like in 7:2 pump and release, then I sit for 10 seconds and repump up to where is comfortable. I suggest you all play around with this technique knowing the intention is for fresh blood and see what you come up with ( I change timings all the time, sometimes it's immediately pump 2x release one then pump again straight away etc)
I haven't experienced much growth on this or swelling so I will be trying 7:2 again and the incorporating that technique towards the end of my hour for fresh blood.
The bosombeauty starts on level 1 for your breasts to get used to pressure and be ready to increase up from level 2-9 depending on the person.

I hope this is helpful! I used to have mild tubular breasts and very puffy nipples and now I have mainly rounder but still pointy breasts with erect nipples most of the time and I do tape my nipples! Sometimes I leave tape on for a few days and sleep with it (saves money rather than cutting new tape every day) and this helped my roundness a lot, I think because my breast tissue physically could not migrate into the nipple it was forced to the rest of my breast and I had great shape! Unfortunately this went away with my periods passing however I still had flatter areola and slightly raised nipples so that's great! Plus they're so much more sensitive!

I am seed cycling for hormones and have ordered some MSM, Gingko biloba for circulation, and collagen pills as recommended by chiyomilks routine.
I will post more about these on the herbal forum as well as my growth with massage on the massage forum!
Attached is an image of my breasts now you can clearly see how much better shape is compared to tuberous breasts and puffy nipples!
Hi Fullerlook

Oh my gosh those all symptoms sounds so horrible, must have been scary for you. I would definitely stop if all of this continued. 

Another thing you could do is go to the doctor and get things checked just to be safe. Don't need to tell him about the pumps, just mention all the things you experienced.

Oh yeah one more thing: I have read that it helps if you move the domes and ensure that they sit on your breast. Sometime they shift into your armpits and that pushes on some of the important nerves and stuff. I have noticed it helps me too. See if that works for you. Also, you might not be very healthy if you are experiencing all this. Right diet, exercise and heaps of water helps with circulation too. 

Another tip would be to become more mindful when you are noogling. Ensure that your domes haven't slid off into your armpits, no boob pain, no numbness during of after pumping and no colour change. If you experience numbness, just release some pressure.

For now just try and get your body use to the pump instead of thinking about swelling. Even if the noogling sessions don't last long, it's okay. Better to go slow and steady rather than doing a lot of damage. 

Hope all of this helped.
Hi  Dark_Swan

Thanks so much for your advice.
When you say placed on the breast, do you mean even where the tissue is? So say for example the top of the breast tissue but the cup ring is in the middle of that? Surely you want to make sure all breast tissue is in the cup for suction, and putting the ring on the breast might cause a dent in the breast. Idk, but I have put the run on some of the top of my breast tissue before in order to gain more growth at the base which has always been very lacking but is starting to build up now, still a long way to go!
In general I have been keeping the cup very far into my chest wall and away from my armpits, so much so that it's now on my other breast lol! I don't think I have a small frame, my underbust measurement is 29/30 inches, idk if this is petite or not.

Also, regarding health I am actually very healthy lol! I was training for track competitions over a year ago but unfortunately had some bad injuries which set me back and I've since lost a lot of muscle mass and gained fluffy fat around the muscle. But it's still not overweight. I know that lack of exercise has made me eat less and stress of exams and studying has make me snack on a lot of fruit and chocolate raisins but even still it's not that unhealthy, more sugar than ideal but overall not at all bad compared to fast food etc.

I do have poor circulation but that's from low blood pressure I think. I've got some Gingko biloba coming today from Amazon which increase blood flow I believe so hopefully will see some results to add to the forum. I will try and incorporate some daily workouts and circuit training like I used to do at track.

Yeah I will be mindful. Noogled my right breast yesterday and was seeing frequent colour change so kept having to loosen up the pressure. Really need to work out how I got so much growth last time.

Yes you're so right! Just gotta keep trying but stay safe.
Thanks again

(01-05-2019, 12:08)fullerlook Wrote:  
(01-05-2019, 00:27)Dark_Swan Wrote:  
(29-04-2019, 13:04)fullerlook Wrote:  Hey guys,
Have been researching here since November 2018. I bought some kangzhu large suction cups for breasts as they were cheap £10 from Amazon. Compared to noogleberry. I used these and at first got a bit excited and overpumped. I woke up with purple dots all over my breasts and it was clear several capillaries had ruptured. I read that to avoid this you shouldn't let your breasts change colour however mine seemed to change colour on very low settings. I began using the 7:2 method and on the second half of my cycle I noticed dramatic swelling whereas the first half was no swelling at all and easily changed colour which was a bad sign.
With the kangzhu I definitely noticed an increase in width and I quickly filled out the cups width wise but my swelling to the end of the cup was very changeable, sometimes I would swell 2cm from the end nearly filling the cup, and other times I would barely swell in that direction at all and would be about 3 inches from the end. Anyways I decided I needed bigger cups as the width was no longer sufficient. So I went on to buy noogleberry XL cups from eBay at about £44 I think, it came 1st hand with an instruction leaflet and the bag. These were much much wider so I was happy however they were so wide I could fit both of them on my chest! It took some time to figure out but I eventually realised that if I use one cup and a time, and bend the other tubing (as mentioned in the instructions leaflet) then I could get suction. Although I have to put this one cup really far into my chest on and past my sternum.
I tape my nipples using one tape lengthways and one across as I had puffy nipples but they have improved since using noogleberry and are now more normal but can still go a bit puffy.
My nipples sensation has improved, I used to feel nothing and now I feel much more as they're more sensitive.
I have had some numbness with noogleberry and a few occasions with the larger cups where I experienced a lack of vision and light-headedness which was scary. I think I was hitting a blood vessel that is normally connected to my eye and my eye had a lack of oxygen which is really bad so I struggled to see. It was more blurred vision and slow reaction time than anything like blackouts. Almost like being drunk.
I have experienced some numbness in my legs but I know I have poor circulation there anyway so I tried a technique that helps people with chronically cold feet by stimulating their thyroid the video is here:
After the poor eyesight I began experiencing a faster heart rate and what seemed to be a poor circulation system. I read somewhere on here that noogleberry can weaken the valves of the blood vessels which prevent blood backflow. And if these valves are damaged by suction of noogleberry (which pulls blood toward the pressure rather than letting it go to the brain and head) then your heart has to work harder to pump blood around your body. I was experiencing a resting HR of 96bpm which is too high for resting. I took a break from noogleberry and my resting HR sits around 70bpm now which is much better.
HOWEVER, other factors must be considered that could have caused this.
I was diagnosed with fibrocystic breast disease which is lumpiness of the breast and I did my research and decided to supplement with Lugol's iodine 12% solution. I covered each of my breasts in this (about 5-8 drops per breast) and would wake up and all the cysts had shrunk but so had my boobs!! I was really upset as my boobs now appeared very pointy and lacked round fullness that these cysts had been giving them. I quit the iodine then experienced return of the cysts and did further research and decided that I needed to clean out my breasts of these cysts using iodine which would then give me a clean slate to grow from.
Iodine deficiency is very common and the main cause of fibrocystic breast disease. Iodine helps clear out the lymph nodes and helps with drainage, it also clears out the estrogen/progesterone receptors so that they can receive new stimulation from recently produced hormones, rather than get clogged up with old hormones and thus lack optimal and potential growth. Estrogen and progesterone share the same receptors which is why it is so important to clean out the lymph so they can also clear up. If estrogen is not cleared out of the receptors then on the second half of your cycle when progesterone peaks, there are very few receptors to receive the progesterone and thus your breast lacks this hormone stimulation and the growth it would entail. I believe this to be the reason for my somewhat pointy breast shape.
Now, the reason I brought up iodine supplementation as a potential cause of my increased HR is because the solution I bought was 12%, this is very high and your body does not need that much at all and I was putting up to 30 drops on my skin a day!!! I was in iodine overload! So after reading the benefits of iodine I highly suggest you get a much lower solution, Lugol's iodine is the best and easy to get on Amazon but get like a 2% or 6% solution and use 4 drops daily if you are deficient. There are articles that recommend the better dosage, some suggest that just one drop of Lugol's 12% solution is more than you need. Check your countries RDA for iodine as well as what foods are high in iodine to see if your diet is lacking or not and then see which solution will get you to that RDA but not above! As too much iodine actually causes an overactive thyroid and an increased HR which is exactly what happened to me.
So now I put three drops iodine 12% solution on my left inner arm every 3 days or so. And my HR remains at 70bpm roughly.
Now, I do believe that the poor eyesight is definitely related to noogleberry as the cups are so wide on me and pull too much on the blood vessels in the armpits which is something sweetorange mentioned.
I am noogling again now for past 3 weeks or so and have incorporated a method learnt from bosom beauty technique.
Bosombeauty is similar to noogleberry but is automated and comes with a bra, similar to brava but cheaper. They claim to be better than noogleberry because of the system that pulls and releases continuously which allows for fresh blood to come into the breast rather than pump and hold whereby the blood becomes stake and deoxygenated. So since reading this I decided to incorporate this, I suction my breast up then let it sit for about a minute then I press the button on the noogleberry pump to release some air but not all like in 7:2 pump and release, then I sit for 10 seconds and repump up to where is comfortable. I suggest you all play around with this technique knowing the intention is for fresh blood and see what you come up with ( I change timings all the time, sometimes it's immediately pump 2x release one then pump again straight away etc)
I haven't experienced much growth on this or swelling so I will be trying 7:2 again and the incorporating that technique towards the end of my hour for fresh blood.
The bosombeauty starts on level 1 for your breasts to get used to pressure and be ready to increase up from level 2-9 depending on the person.

I hope this is helpful! I used to have mild tubular breasts and very puffy nipples and now I have mainly rounder but still pointy breasts with erect nipples most of the time and I do tape my nipples! Sometimes I leave tape on for a few days and sleep with it (saves money rather than cutting new tape every day) and this helped my roundness a lot, I think because my breast tissue physically could not migrate into the nipple it was forced to the rest of my breast and I had great shape! Unfortunately this went away with my periods passing however I still had flatter areola and slightly raised nipples so that's great! Plus they're so much more sensitive!

I am seed cycling for hormones and have ordered some MSM, Gingko biloba for circulation, and collagen pills as recommended by chiyomilks routine.
I will post more about these on the herbal forum as well as my growth with massage on the massage forum!
Attached is an image of my breasts now you can clearly see how much better shape is compared to tuberous breasts and puffy nipples!
Hi Fullerlook

Oh my gosh those all symptoms sounds so horrible, must have been scary for you. I would definitely stop if all of this continued. 

Another thing you could do is go to the doctor and get things checked just to be safe. Don't need to tell him about the pumps, just mention all the things you experienced.

Oh yeah one more thing: I have read that it helps if you move the domes and ensure that they sit on your breast. Sometime they shift into your armpits and that pushes on some of the important nerves and stuff. I have noticed it helps me too. See if that works for you. Also, you might not be very healthy if you are experiencing all this. Right diet, exercise and heaps of water helps with circulation too. 

Another tip would be to become more mindful when you are noogling. Ensure that your domes haven't slid off into your armpits, no boob pain, no numbness during of after pumping and no colour change. If you experience numbness, just release some pressure.

For now just try and get your body use to the pump instead of thinking about swelling. Even if the noogling sessions don't last long, it's okay. Better to go slow and steady rather than doing a lot of damage. 

Hope all of this helped.
Hi  Dark_Swan

Thanks so much for your advice.
When you say placed on the breast, do you mean even where the tissue is? So say for example the top of the breast tissue but the cup ring is in the middle of that? Surely you want to make sure all breast tissue is in the cup for suction, and putting the ring on the breast might cause a dent in the breast. Idk, but I have put the run on some of the top of my breast tissue before in order to gain more growth at the base which has always been very lacking but is starting to build up now, still a long way to go!
In general I have been keeping the cup very far into my chest wall and away from my armpits, so much so that it's now on my other breast lol! I don't think I have a small frame, my underbust measurement is 29/30 inches, idk if this is petite or not.

Also, regarding health I am actually very healthy lol! I was training for track competitions over a year ago but unfortunately had some bad injuries which set me back and I've since lost a lot of muscle mass and gained fluffy fat around the muscle. But it's still not overweight. I know that lack of exercise has made me eat less and stress of exams and studying has make me snack on a lot of fruit and chocolate raisins but even still it's not that unhealthy, more sugar than ideal but overall not at all bad compared to fast food etc.

I do have poor circulation but that's from low blood pressure I think. I've got some Gingko biloba coming today from Amazon which increase blood flow I believe so hopefully will see some results to add to the forum. I will try and incorporate some daily workouts and circuit training like I used to do at track.

Yeah I will be mindful. Noogled my right breast yesterday and was seeing frequent colour change so kept having to loosen up the pressure. Really need to work out how I got so much growth last time.

Yes you're so right! Just gotta keep trying but stay safe.
Thanks again

Same trouble i had with NB, didnt matter what method i used and even at low pressure id experience colour changes (deep reds n purples) & busted capillaries. And i had gauge, i couldnt even get half pressure others were suggesting at time.  

I too have low blood pressure naturally which in turn causes circulation issues. I have to drink lots of fluids to starve off dizziness.

I kept at it with low pressure for 6-8 months but seen little growth, maybe a wider base. Used heat pack, lots of oils, took it off every so often, massaged, moved cup positions but wasn't successful with it.

In the end i guess low bp was hindering any progress and sold it, i even brought another brand that was motorised and did pump and release for you but no joy.

I wonder if your situation is same, less to do with technique and more to do with body composition.

(01-05-2019, 20:14)Bonny Wrote:  
(01-05-2019, 12:08)fullerlook Wrote:  
(01-05-2019, 00:27)Dark_Swan Wrote:  
(29-04-2019, 13:04)fullerlook Wrote:  Hey guys,
Have been researching here since November 2018. I bought some kangzhu large suction cups for breasts as they were cheap £10 from Amazon. Compared to noogleberry. I used these and at first got a bit excited and overpumped. I woke up with purple dots all over my breasts and it was clear several capillaries had ruptured. I read that to avoid this you shouldn't let your breasts change colour however mine seemed to change colour on very low settings. I began using the 7:2 method and on the second half of my cycle I noticed dramatic swelling whereas the first half was no swelling at all and easily changed colour which was a bad sign.
With the kangzhu I definitely noticed an increase in width and I quickly filled out the cups width wise but my swelling to the end of the cup was very changeable, sometimes I would swell 2cm from the end nearly filling the cup, and other times I would barely swell in that direction at all and would be about 3 inches from the end. Anyways I decided I needed bigger cups as the width was no longer sufficient. So I went on to buy noogleberry XL cups from eBay at about £44 I think, it came 1st hand with an instruction leaflet and the bag. These were much much wider so I was happy however they were so wide I could fit both of them on my chest! It took some time to figure out but I eventually realised that if I use one cup and a time, and bend the other tubing (as mentioned in the instructions leaflet) then I could get suction. Although I have to put this one cup really far into my chest on and past my sternum.
I tape my nipples using one tape lengthways and one across as I had puffy nipples but they have improved since using noogleberry and are now more normal but can still go a bit puffy.
My nipples sensation has improved, I used to feel nothing and now I feel much more as they're more sensitive.
I have had some numbness with noogleberry and a few occasions with the larger cups where I experienced a lack of vision and light-headedness which was scary. I think I was hitting a blood vessel that is normally connected to my eye and my eye had a lack of oxygen which is really bad so I struggled to see. It was more blurred vision and slow reaction time than anything like blackouts. Almost like being drunk.
I have experienced some numbness in my legs but I know I have poor circulation there anyway so I tried a technique that helps people with chronically cold feet by stimulating their thyroid the video is here:
After the poor eyesight I began experiencing a faster heart rate and what seemed to be a poor circulation system. I read somewhere on here that noogleberry can weaken the valves of the blood vessels which prevent blood backflow. And if these valves are damaged by suction of noogleberry (which pulls blood toward the pressure rather than letting it go to the brain and head) then your heart has to work harder to pump blood around your body. I was experiencing a resting HR of 96bpm which is too high for resting. I took a break from noogleberry and my resting HR sits around 70bpm now which is much better.
HOWEVER, other factors must be considered that could have caused this.
I was diagnosed with fibrocystic breast disease which is lumpiness of the breast and I did my research and decided to supplement with Lugol's iodine 12% solution. I covered each of my breasts in this (about 5-8 drops per breast) and would wake up and all the cysts had shrunk but so had my boobs!! I was really upset as my boobs now appeared very pointy and lacked round fullness that these cysts had been giving them. I quit the iodine then experienced return of the cysts and did further research and decided that I needed to clean out my breasts of these cysts using iodine which would then give me a clean slate to grow from.
Iodine deficiency is very common and the main cause of fibrocystic breast disease. Iodine helps clear out the lymph nodes and helps with drainage, it also clears out the estrogen/progesterone receptors so that they can receive new stimulation from recently produced hormones, rather than get clogged up with old hormones and thus lack optimal and potential growth. Estrogen and progesterone share the same receptors which is why it is so important to clean out the lymph so they can also clear up. If estrogen is not cleared out of the receptors then on the second half of your cycle when progesterone peaks, there are very few receptors to receive the progesterone and thus your breast lacks this hormone stimulation and the growth it would entail. I believe this to be the reason for my somewhat pointy breast shape.
Now, the reason I brought up iodine supplementation as a potential cause of my increased HR is because the solution I bought was 12%, this is very high and your body does not need that much at all and I was putting up to 30 drops on my skin a day!!! I was in iodine overload! So after reading the benefits of iodine I highly suggest you get a much lower solution, Lugol's iodine is the best and easy to get on Amazon but get like a 2% or 6% solution and use 4 drops daily if you are deficient. There are articles that recommend the better dosage, some suggest that just one drop of Lugol's 12% solution is more than you need. Check your countries RDA for iodine as well as what foods are high in iodine to see if your diet is lacking or not and then see which solution will get you to that RDA but not above! As too much iodine actually causes an overactive thyroid and an increased HR which is exactly what happened to me.
So now I put three drops iodine 12% solution on my left inner arm every 3 days or so. And my HR remains at 70bpm roughly.
Now, I do believe that the poor eyesight is definitely related to noogleberry as the cups are so wide on me and pull too much on the blood vessels in the armpits which is something sweetorange mentioned.
I am noogling again now for past 3 weeks or so and have incorporated a method learnt from bosom beauty technique.
Bosombeauty is similar to noogleberry but is automated and comes with a bra, similar to brava but cheaper. They claim to be better than noogleberry because of the system that pulls and releases continuously which allows for fresh blood to come into the breast rather than pump and hold whereby the blood becomes stake and deoxygenated. So since reading this I decided to incorporate this, I suction my breast up then let it sit for about a minute then I press the button on the noogleberry pump to release some air but not all like in 7:2 pump and release, then I sit for 10 seconds and repump up to where is comfortable. I suggest you all play around with this technique knowing the intention is for fresh blood and see what you come up with ( I change timings all the time, sometimes it's immediately pump 2x release one then pump again straight away etc)
I haven't experienced much growth on this or swelling so I will be trying 7:2 again and the incorporating that technique towards the end of my hour for fresh blood.
The bosombeauty starts on level 1 for your breasts to get used to pressure and be ready to increase up from level 2-9 depending on the person.

I hope this is helpful! I used to have mild tubular breasts and very puffy nipples and now I have mainly rounder but still pointy breasts with erect nipples most of the time and I do tape my nipples! Sometimes I leave tape on for a few days and sleep with it (saves money rather than cutting new tape every day) and this helped my roundness a lot, I think because my breast tissue physically could not migrate into the nipple it was forced to the rest of my breast and I had great shape! Unfortunately this went away with my periods passing however I still had flatter areola and slightly raised nipples so that's great! Plus they're so much more sensitive!

I am seed cycling for hormones and have ordered some MSM, Gingko biloba for circulation, and collagen pills as recommended by chiyomilks routine.
I will post more about these on the herbal forum as well as my growth with massage on the massage forum!
Attached is an image of my breasts now you can clearly see how much better shape is compared to tuberous breasts and puffy nipples!
Hi Fullerlook

Oh my gosh those all symptoms sounds so horrible, must have been scary for you. I would definitely stop if all of this continued. 

Another thing you could do is go to the doctor and get things checked just to be safe. Don't need to tell him about the pumps, just mention all the things you experienced.

Oh yeah one more thing: I have read that it helps if you move the domes and ensure that they sit on your breast. Sometime they shift into your armpits and that pushes on some of the important nerves and stuff. I have noticed it helps me too. See if that works for you. Also, you might not be very healthy if you are experiencing all this. Right diet, exercise and heaps of water helps with circulation too. 

Another tip would be to become more mindful when you are noogling. Ensure that your domes haven't slid off into your armpits, no boob pain, no numbness during of after pumping and no colour change. If you experience numbness, just release some pressure.

For now just try and get your body use to the pump instead of thinking about swelling. Even if the noogling sessions don't last long, it's okay. Better to go slow and steady rather than doing a lot of damage. 

Hope all of this helped.
Hi  Dark_Swan

Thanks so much for your advice.
When you say placed on the breast, do you mean even where the tissue is? So say for example the top of the breast tissue but the cup ring is in the middle of that? Surely you want to make sure all breast tissue is in the cup for suction, and putting the ring on the breast might cause a dent in the breast. Idk, but I have put the run on some of the top of my breast tissue before in order to gain more growth at the base which has always been very lacking but is starting to build up now, still a long way to go!
In general I have been keeping the cup very far into my chest wall and away from my armpits, so much so that it's now on my other breast lol! I don't think I have a small frame, my underbust measurement is 29/30 inches, idk if this is petite or not.

Also, regarding health I am actually very healthy lol! I was training for track competitions over a year ago but unfortunately had some bad injuries which set me back and I've since lost a lot of muscle mass and gained fluffy fat around the muscle. But it's still not overweight. I know that lack of exercise has made me eat less and stress of exams and studying has make me snack on a lot of fruit and chocolate raisins but even still it's not that unhealthy, more sugar than ideal but overall not at all bad compared to fast food etc.

I do have poor circulation but that's from low blood pressure I think. I've got some Gingko biloba coming today from Amazon which increase blood flow I believe so hopefully will see some results to add to the forum. I will try and incorporate some daily workouts and circuit training like I used to do at track.

Yeah I will be mindful. Noogled my right breast yesterday and was seeing frequent colour change so kept having to loosen up the pressure. Really need to work out how I got so much growth last time.

Yes you're so right! Just gotta keep trying but stay safe.
Thanks again

Same trouble i had with NB, didnt matter what method i used and even at low pressure id experience colour changes (deep reds n purples) & busted capillaries. And i had gauge, i couldnt even get half pressure others were suggesting at time.  

I too have low blood pressure naturally which in turn causes circulation issues. I have to drink lots of fluids to starve off dizziness.

I kept at it with low pressure for 6-8 months but seen little growth, maybe a wider base. Used heat pack, lots of oils, took it off every so often, massaged, moved cup positions but wasn't successful with it.

In the end i guess low bp was hindering any progress and sold it, i even brought another brand that was motorised and did pump and release for you but no joy.

I wonder if your situation is same, less to do with technique and more to do with body composition.

Oh Im so sorry Bonny that NBE hasn't worked out for you Sad
What is your average resting blood pressure? Mine is about 87/60 usually 
Thing is, I have experienced a lot of swelling but it was just this one time, I'll have to start making a diary of different techniques and external factors that might come into play to see why that was that I had so much swelling. Maybe it was the warm weather lol idk, where do you live? Is it usually colder or warmer?
In order to increase circulation you can exercise and do some yoga and in fact I do believe that I was in the middle of my 30 day challenge to do 60mins of deep stretching through this yoga channel called five parks yoga so I wonder if that increased circulation had anything to do with it. I will start the challenge again and see the results with noogling. I initially thought it was due to my luteal phase but I tried noogling then again but haven't regained that swelling yet. 
Also I have started taking ginkgo biloba 6000mg a day since yesterday which are supposed to increase circulation. Hopefully I will figure out the trick.

OH ALSO, I started yoga again last night and I went back to my Kangzhu Large (but actually small) cups and did experience fullness and roundness with minor swelling, I couldn't keep them on for more than a minute before needing to release again but I did have SOME swelling. unfortunately all has left this morning and my boobs are pointy and wide as ever lol, sometimes i sleep with tape to hold them down to be round.

Yeah so hopefully I will find the trick, in the meantime you should try some stretching to get blood flowing and do some massage on your breasts, both are super healthy with no side-effects (unless you have bad knees in which case modify poses in yoga) and massage is successful for many people.

(01-05-2019, 12:08)fullerlook Wrote:  
(01-05-2019, 00:27)Dark_Swan Wrote:  
(29-04-2019, 13:04)fullerlook Wrote:  Hey guys,
Have been researching here since November 2018. I bought some kangzhu large suction cups for breasts as they were cheap £10 from Amazon. Compared to noogleberry. I used these and at first got a bit excited and overpumped. I woke up with purple dots all over my breasts and it was clear several capillaries had ruptured. I read that to avoid this you shouldn't let your breasts change colour however mine seemed to change colour on very low settings. I began using the 7:2 method and on the second half of my cycle I noticed dramatic swelling whereas the first half was no swelling at all and easily changed colour which was a bad sign.
With the kangzhu I definitely noticed an increase in width and I quickly filled out the cups width wise but my swelling to the end of the cup was very changeable, sometimes I would swell 2cm from the end nearly filling the cup, and other times I would barely swell in that direction at all and would be about 3 inches from the end. Anyways I decided I needed bigger cups as the width was no longer sufficient. So I went on to buy noogleberry XL cups from eBay at about £44 I think, it came 1st hand with an instruction leaflet and the bag. These were much much wider so I was happy however they were so wide I could fit both of them on my chest! It took some time to figure out but I eventually realised that if I use one cup and a time, and bend the other tubing (as mentioned in the instructions leaflet) then I could get suction. Although I have to put this one cup really far into my chest on and past my sternum.
I tape my nipples using one tape lengthways and one across as I had puffy nipples but they have improved since using noogleberry and are now more normal but can still go a bit puffy.
My nipples sensation has improved, I used to feel nothing and now I feel much more as they're more sensitive.
I have had some numbness with noogleberry and a few occasions with the larger cups where I experienced a lack of vision and light-headedness which was scary. I think I was hitting a blood vessel that is normally connected to my eye and my eye had a lack of oxygen which is really bad so I struggled to see. It was more blurred vision and slow reaction time than anything like blackouts. Almost like being drunk.
I have experienced some numbness in my legs but I know I have poor circulation there anyway so I tried a technique that helps people with chronically cold feet by stimulating their thyroid the video is here:
After the poor eyesight I began experiencing a faster heart rate and what seemed to be a poor circulation system. I read somewhere on here that noogleberry can weaken the valves of the blood vessels which prevent blood backflow. And if these valves are damaged by suction of noogleberry (which pulls blood toward the pressure rather than letting it go to the brain and head) then your heart has to work harder to pump blood around your body. I was experiencing a resting HR of 96bpm which is too high for resting. I took a break from noogleberry and my resting HR sits around 70bpm now which is much better.
HOWEVER, other factors must be considered that could have caused this.
I was diagnosed with fibrocystic breast disease which is lumpiness of the breast and I did my research and decided to supplement with Lugol's iodine 12% solution. I covered each of my breasts in this (about 5-8 drops per breast) and would wake up and all the cysts had shrunk but so had my boobs!! I was really upset as my boobs now appeared very pointy and lacked round fullness that these cysts had been giving them. I quit the iodine then experienced return of the cysts and did further research and decided that I needed to clean out my breasts of these cysts using iodine which would then give me a clean slate to grow from.
Iodine deficiency is very common and the main cause of fibrocystic breast disease. Iodine helps clear out the lymph nodes and helps with drainage, it also clears out the estrogen/progesterone receptors so that they can receive new stimulation from recently produced hormones, rather than get clogged up with old hormones and thus lack optimal and potential growth. Estrogen and progesterone share the same receptors which is why it is so important to clean out the lymph so they can also clear up. If estrogen is not cleared out of the receptors then on the second half of your cycle when progesterone peaks, there are very few receptors to receive the progesterone and thus your breast lacks this hormone stimulation and the growth it would entail. I believe this to be the reason for my somewhat pointy breast shape.
Now, the reason I brought up iodine supplementation as a potential cause of my increased HR is because the solution I bought was 12%, this is very high and your body does not need that much at all and I was putting up to 30 drops on my skin a day!!! I was in iodine overload! So after reading the benefits of iodine I highly suggest you get a much lower solution, Lugol's iodine is the best and easy to get on Amazon but get like a 2% or 6% solution and use 4 drops daily if you are deficient. There are articles that recommend the better dosage, some suggest that just one drop of Lugol's 12% solution is more than you need. Check your countries RDA for iodine as well as what foods are high in iodine to see if your diet is lacking or not and then see which solution will get you to that RDA but not above! As too much iodine actually causes an overactive thyroid and an increased HR which is exactly what happened to me.
So now I put three drops iodine 12% solution on my left inner arm every 3 days or so. And my HR remains at 70bpm roughly.
Now, I do believe that the poor eyesight is definitely related to noogleberry as the cups are so wide on me and pull too much on the blood vessels in the armpits which is something sweetorange mentioned.
I am noogling again now for past 3 weeks or so and have incorporated a method learnt from bosom beauty technique.
Bosombeauty is similar to noogleberry but is automated and comes with a bra, similar to brava but cheaper. They claim to be better than noogleberry because of the system that pulls and releases continuously which allows for fresh blood to come into the breast rather than pump and hold whereby the blood becomes stake and deoxygenated. So since reading this I decided to incorporate this, I suction my breast up then let it sit for about a minute then I press the button on the noogleberry pump to release some air but not all like in 7:2 pump and release, then I sit for 10 seconds and repump up to where is comfortable. I suggest you all play around with this technique knowing the intention is for fresh blood and see what you come up with ( I change timings all the time, sometimes it's immediately pump 2x release one then pump again straight away etc)
I haven't experienced much growth on this or swelling so I will be trying 7:2 again and the incorporating that technique towards the end of my hour for fresh blood.
The bosombeauty starts on level 1 for your breasts to get used to pressure and be ready to increase up from level 2-9 depending on the person.

I hope this is helpful! I used to have mild tubular breasts and very puffy nipples and now I have mainly rounder but still pointy breasts with erect nipples most of the time and I do tape my nipples! Sometimes I leave tape on for a few days and sleep with it (saves money rather than cutting new tape every day) and this helped my roundness a lot, I think because my breast tissue physically could not migrate into the nipple it was forced to the rest of my breast and I had great shape! Unfortunately this went away with my periods passing however I still had flatter areola and slightly raised nipples so that's great! Plus they're so much more sensitive!

I am seed cycling for hormones and have ordered some MSM, Gingko biloba for circulation, and collagen pills as recommended by chiyomilks routine.
I will post more about these on the herbal forum as well as my growth with massage on the massage forum!
Attached is an image of my breasts now you can clearly see how much better shape is compared to tuberous breasts and puffy nipples!
Hi Fullerlook

Oh my gosh those all symptoms sounds so horrible, must have been scary for you. I would definitely stop if all of this continued. 

Another thing you could do is go to the doctor and get things checked just to be safe. Don't need to tell him about the pumps, just mention all the things you experienced.

Oh yeah one more thing: I have read that it helps if you move the domes and ensure that they sit on your breast. Sometime they shift into your armpits and that pushes on some of the important nerves and stuff. I have noticed it helps me too. See if that works for you. Also, you might not be very healthy if you are experiencing all this. Right diet, exercise and heaps of water helps with circulation too. 

Another tip would be to become more mindful when you are noogling. Ensure that your domes haven't slid off into your armpits, no boob pain, no numbness during of after pumping and no colour change. If you experience numbness, just release some pressure.

For now just try and get your body use to the pump instead of thinking about swelling. Even if the noogling sessions don't last long, it's okay. Better to go slow and steady rather than doing a lot of damage. 

Hope all of this helped.
Hi  Dark_Swan

Thanks so much for your advice.
When you say placed on the breast, do you mean even where the tissue is? So say for example the top of the breast tissue but the cup ring is in the middle of that? Surely you want to make sure all breast tissue is in the cup for suction, and putting the ring on the breast might cause a dent in the breast. Idk, but I have put the run on some of the top of my breast tissue before in order to gain more growth at the base which has always been very lacking but is starting to build up now, still a long way to go!
In general I have been keeping the cup very far into my chest wall and away from my armpits, so much so that it's now on my other breast lol! I don't think I have a small frame, my underbust measurement is 29/30 inches, idk if this is petite or not.

Also, regarding health I am actually very healthy lol! I was training for track competitions over a year ago but unfortunately had some bad injuries which set me back and I've since lost a lot of muscle mass and gained fluffy fat around the muscle. But it's still not overweight. I know that lack of exercise has made me eat less and stress of exams and studying has make me snack on a lot of fruit and chocolate raisins but even still it's not that unhealthy, more sugar than ideal but overall not at all bad compared to fast food etc.

I do have poor circulation but that's from low blood pressure I think. I've got some Gingko biloba coming today from Amazon which increase blood flow I believe so hopefully will see some results to add to the forum. I will try and incorporate some daily workouts and circuit training like I used to do at track.

Yeah I will be mindful. Noogled my right breast yesterday and was seeing frequent colour change so kept having to loosen up the pressure. Really need to work out how I got so much growth last time.

Yes you're so right! Just gotta keep trying but stay safe.
Thanks again
Hey girl Smile

I didn't mean the health comment in a negative way. I was just pointing it out in case you hadn't considered it. Sometimes we sadly forget about it in our modern busy lives. 

From what I have read, I think you are placing the domes properly, which is good. As long as they don't push into your armpit, you are all good. Other than that people place them in different areas of their chest.  

Also, what a coincidence, I suffer from low blood pressure too. It's a recent issue. The doctor recommended that I drink 2 to 3 litres of water each day. This helps maintain the blood pressure to a normal level for your body and help with swelling too.

Low blood pressure here too and also pretty bad circulation.

(02-05-2019, 23:53)Dark_Swan Wrote:  
(01-05-2019, 12:08)fullerlook Wrote:  
(01-05-2019, 00:27)Dark_Swan Wrote:  
(29-04-2019, 13:04)fullerlook Wrote:  Hey guys,
Have been researching here since November 2018. I bought some kangzhu large suction cups for breasts as they were cheap £10 from Amazon. Compared to noogleberry. I used these and at first got a bit excited and overpumped. I woke up with purple dots all over my breasts and it was clear several capillaries had ruptured. I read that to avoid this you shouldn't let your breasts change colour however mine seemed to change colour on very low settings. I began using the 7:2 method and on the second half of my cycle I noticed dramatic swelling whereas the first half was no swelling at all and easily changed colour which was a bad sign.
With the kangzhu I definitely noticed an increase in width and I quickly filled out the cups width wise but my swelling to the end of the cup was very changeable, sometimes I would swell 2cm from the end nearly filling the cup, and other times I would barely swell in that direction at all and would be about 3 inches from the end. Anyways I decided I needed bigger cups as the width was no longer sufficient. So I went on to buy noogleberry XL cups from eBay at about £44 I think, it came 1st hand with an instruction leaflet and the bag. These were much much wider so I was happy however they were so wide I could fit both of them on my chest! It took some time to figure out but I eventually realised that if I use one cup and a time, and bend the other tubing (as mentioned in the instructions leaflet) then I could get suction. Although I have to put this one cup really far into my chest on and past my sternum.
I tape my nipples using one tape lengthways and one across as I had puffy nipples but they have improved since using noogleberry and are now more normal but can still go a bit puffy.
My nipples sensation has improved, I used to feel nothing and now I feel much more as they're more sensitive.
I have had some numbness with noogleberry and a few occasions with the larger cups where I experienced a lack of vision and light-headedness which was scary. I think I was hitting a blood vessel that is normally connected to my eye and my eye had a lack of oxygen which is really bad so I struggled to see. It was more blurred vision and slow reaction time than anything like blackouts. Almost like being drunk.
I have experienced some numbness in my legs but I know I have poor circulation there anyway so I tried a technique that helps people with chronically cold feet by stimulating their thyroid the video is here:
After the poor eyesight I began experiencing a faster heart rate and what seemed to be a poor circulation system. I read somewhere on here that noogleberry can weaken the valves of the blood vessels which prevent blood backflow. And if these valves are damaged by suction of noogleberry (which pulls blood toward the pressure rather than letting it go to the brain and head) then your heart has to work harder to pump blood around your body. I was experiencing a resting HR of 96bpm which is too high for resting. I took a break from noogleberry and my resting HR sits around 70bpm now which is much better.
HOWEVER, other factors must be considered that could have caused this.
I was diagnosed with fibrocystic breast disease which is lumpiness of the breast and I did my research and decided to supplement with Lugol's iodine 12% solution. I covered each of my breasts in this (about 5-8 drops per breast) and would wake up and all the cysts had shrunk but so had my boobs!! I was really upset as my boobs now appeared very pointy and lacked round fullness that these cysts had been giving them. I quit the iodine then experienced return of the cysts and did further research and decided that I needed to clean out my breasts of these cysts using iodine which would then give me a clean slate to grow from.
Iodine deficiency is very common and the main cause of fibrocystic breast disease. Iodine helps clear out the lymph nodes and helps with drainage, it also clears out the estrogen/progesterone receptors so that they can receive new stimulation from recently produced hormones, rather than get clogged up with old hormones and thus lack optimal and potential growth. Estrogen and progesterone share the same receptors which is why it is so important to clean out the lymph so they can also clear up. If estrogen is not cleared out of the receptors then on the second half of your cycle when progesterone peaks, there are very few receptors to receive the progesterone and thus your breast lacks this hormone stimulation and the growth it would entail. I believe this to be the reason for my somewhat pointy breast shape.
Now, the reason I brought up iodine supplementation as a potential cause of my increased HR is because the solution I bought was 12%, this is very high and your body does not need that much at all and I was putting up to 30 drops on my skin a day!!! I was in iodine overload! So after reading the benefits of iodine I highly suggest you get a much lower solution, Lugol's iodine is the best and easy to get on Amazon but get like a 2% or 6% solution and use 4 drops daily if you are deficient. There are articles that recommend the better dosage, some suggest that just one drop of Lugol's 12% solution is more than you need. Check your countries RDA for iodine as well as what foods are high in iodine to see if your diet is lacking or not and then see which solution will get you to that RDA but not above! As too much iodine actually causes an overactive thyroid and an increased HR which is exactly what happened to me.
So now I put three drops iodine 12% solution on my left inner arm every 3 days or so. And my HR remains at 70bpm roughly.
Now, I do believe that the poor eyesight is definitely related to noogleberry as the cups are so wide on me and pull too much on the blood vessels in the armpits which is something sweetorange mentioned.
I am noogling again now for past 3 weeks or so and have incorporated a method learnt from bosom beauty technique.
Bosombeauty is similar to noogleberry but is automated and comes with a bra, similar to brava but cheaper. They claim to be better than noogleberry because of the system that pulls and releases continuously which allows for fresh blood to come into the breast rather than pump and hold whereby the blood becomes stake and deoxygenated. So since reading this I decided to incorporate this, I suction my breast up then let it sit for about a minute then I press the button on the noogleberry pump to release some air but not all like in 7:2 pump and release, then I sit for 10 seconds and repump up to where is comfortable. I suggest you all play around with this technique knowing the intention is for fresh blood and see what you come up with ( I change timings all the time, sometimes it's immediately pump 2x release one then pump again straight away etc)
I haven't experienced much growth on this or swelling so I will be trying 7:2 again and the incorporating that technique towards the end of my hour for fresh blood.
The bosombeauty starts on level 1 for your breasts to get used to pressure and be ready to increase up from level 2-9 depending on the person.

I hope this is helpful! I used to have mild tubular breasts and very puffy nipples and now I have mainly rounder but still pointy breasts with erect nipples most of the time and I do tape my nipples! Sometimes I leave tape on for a few days and sleep with it (saves money rather than cutting new tape every day) and this helped my roundness a lot, I think because my breast tissue physically could not migrate into the nipple it was forced to the rest of my breast and I had great shape! Unfortunately this went away with my periods passing however I still had flatter areola and slightly raised nipples so that's great! Plus they're so much more sensitive!

I am seed cycling for hormones and have ordered some MSM, Gingko biloba for circulation, and collagen pills as recommended by chiyomilks routine.
I will post more about these on the herbal forum as well as my growth with massage on the massage forum!
Attached is an image of my breasts now you can clearly see how much better shape is compared to tuberous breasts and puffy nipples!
Hi Fullerlook

Oh my gosh those all symptoms sounds so horrible, must have been scary for you. I would definitely stop if all of this continued. 

Another thing you could do is go to the doctor and get things checked just to be safe. Don't need to tell him about the pumps, just mention all the things you experienced.

Oh yeah one more thing: I have read that it helps if you move the domes and ensure that they sit on your breast. Sometime they shift into your armpits and that pushes on some of the important nerves and stuff. I have noticed it helps me too. See if that works for you. Also, you might not be very healthy if you are experiencing all this. Right diet, exercise and heaps of water helps with circulation too. 

Another tip would be to become more mindful when you are noogling. Ensure that your domes haven't slid off into your armpits, no boob pain, no numbness during of after pumping and no colour change. If you experience numbness, just release some pressure.

For now just try and get your body use to the pump instead of thinking about swelling. Even if the noogling sessions don't last long, it's okay. Better to go slow and steady rather than doing a lot of damage. 

Hope all of this helped.
Hi  Dark_Swan

Thanks so much for your advice.
When you say placed on the breast, do you mean even where the tissue is? So say for example the top of the breast tissue but the cup ring is in the middle of that? Surely you want to make sure all breast tissue is in the cup for suction, and putting the ring on the breast might cause a dent in the breast. Idk, but I have put the run on some of the top of my breast tissue before in order to gain more growth at the base which has always been very lacking but is starting to build up now, still a long way to go!
In general I have been keeping the cup very far into my chest wall and away from my armpits, so much so that it's now on my other breast lol! I don't think I have a small frame, my underbust measurement is 29/30 inches, idk if this is petite or not.

Also, regarding health I am actually very healthy lol! I was training for track competitions over a year ago but unfortunately had some bad injuries which set me back and I've since lost a lot of muscle mass and gained fluffy fat around the muscle. But it's still not overweight. I know that lack of exercise has made me eat less and stress of exams and studying has make me snack on a lot of fruit and chocolate raisins but even still it's not that unhealthy, more sugar than ideal but overall not at all bad compared to fast food etc.

I do have poor circulation but that's from low blood pressure I think. I've got some Gingko biloba coming today from Amazon which increase blood flow I believe so hopefully will see some results to add to the forum. I will try and incorporate some daily workouts and circuit training like I used to do at track.

Yeah I will be mindful. Noogled my right breast yesterday and was seeing frequent colour change so kept having to loosen up the pressure. Really need to work out how I got so much growth last time.

Yes you're so right! Just gotta keep trying but stay safe.
Thanks again
Hey girl Smile

I didn't mean the health comment in a negative way. I was just pointing it out in case you hadn't considered it. Sometimes we sadly forget about it in our modern busy lives. 

From what I have read, I think you are placing the domes properly, which is good. As long as they don't push into your armpit, you are all good. Other than that people place them in different areas of their chest.  

Also, what a coincidence, I suffer from low blood pressure too. It's a recent issue. The doctor recommended that I drink 2 to 3 litres of water each day. This helps maintain the blood pressure to a normal level for your body and help with swelling too.

Haha no worries I get the health thing. I can be a bit of a health nut, just need to get back into exercise ??

Yeah as I mentioned I've been reusing kangzhu large cups which are much smaller than my noogleberry xls and have experienced some swelling, maybe pulling on too big of a surface area is counterproductive.

Yup! I drink like 5litres a day lol! Also you need to have salt (I know everyone says salt is bad but for us with low blood pressure you really need it to raise your blood pressure to a healthy level, also sodium is essential to muscle and nerve function and so much more so don't be afraid to add quite a bit on your food). Electrolytes help too but I guess exercise will really help too.

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