So I am super new to NBE, have been lurking through the forums trying to understand all the info provided but I need a bit of help.
I am female, currently 105 lbs, 23, + 30C but run more along looking like your idea of a tubular 32a. I measured myself out to find out my "true" bra size through the r/abrathatfits size calculator and was shook finding out I am a c-cup. My boobs seriously look like the ones in my avatar. I can post pics later of my breasts if I see significant progress but will hold back on that for now.
In my initial research before finding out about BreastNexus through a different reddit forum, all articles + sites pointed me to Maca and Fenugreek so I'm currently taking:
-Oregon's Wild Harvest Fenugreek (2 caps at random times in the day, each cap=1500mg)
-NutraChamps Organic Maca(1-2 caps depending on my energy, each cap=500mg)
So I've been reading about how Pueraria Mirifica needs to be cycled so that it doesn't mess up the menses and I still have trouble understanding what in particular needs to be taken during luteal, follicular, + ovulation phases. Because it seems both men & women had success with PM I still feel quite confident that some growth will come and I was reading in a lot of different forums that MSM will help the PM synthesize collagen into the breasts or desired fat areas with exercise. I am slightly underweight so I have been tracking my diet as of recently to take in more healthy calories and fats and in the past week have been averaging 2,636 cals daily so yes, I have been creating an environment where the PM has some fat/carbs to grab from as I know it won't help me magically grow without putting some work/food in.
The brands that I am adding to my routine are:
-Rachaa Pueraria Mirifica (splitting a 500 mg capsule into two to take a 250 mg dose in AM + PM)
-Jarrow Formulas Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane (one 1,000 mg capsule at any point in the day?)
So because I know high doses right away of PM mess people's hormones up badly, I am starting off with one 500 mg capsule split in half for this first week, I started early as I am on the 4th day of my period but I just got too excited when I received the PM in the mail today and want to wean my body into what PM is bringing. I plan to take 500 mg of PM for the next 7-10 days, taking a 250 mg capsule in the morning and night. Then I will stop with the PM for 7 days, and then take it for 7 days again, and so on. But at that point maybe just take the 500 mg all at once instead of splitting it up. I'm also likely going to add:
-Solaray Vitamin C Cherry Chewable (250 mg, I read in several threads that Vitamin C helps the MSM do whatever it needs to better?)
This is what I think is right but I still have some v serious questions:
1. Do I abstain from taking Fenugreek while I am taking PM?
2. Should I take FG while I am not on PM?
3. Do any of these sound like they should not be taken together?
4. These dosages are what I believe are safe for me, I am pretty solid on the PM dosage but do any of the other supplements need higher dosages to be effective? (my BMI is 18.9 which is borderline average/underweight)
5. Should I be strict with my supplement schedule? I kind of just take them whenever I feel like in the day but if there is a better time to take any of these so they have max effectiveness, I'll follow your advice!
6. Should I take all other supplements continuously or should I cycle them as well?
7. I am open to taking PM continuously at my dosage as I know it's small but is that something any of you would recommend? I know I can also cycle by taking it 3 weeks on and 1 week off but I'm not sure if that would work better than what I have planned.