Hello all! I have very asymmetrical breasts and it seems like I just stopped growing in the middle of puberty. I did undergo a lot of emotional stress and trauma during this time, as well as a lot of body shame. I want to reactivate puberty for myself and was wondering if anyone has any experience such as mine or know of any programs that will finally help me grow both evenly! My blood tests show normal hormone levels which is even weirder and difficult for me to figure out what will work best for me.
I am thinking about following this program: Fenugreek, Wild Yam, Saw Palmetto, Bovine Ovary, PG cream under belly button, and breast massages and subliminal.
For dietary, I am planning on taking flaxseed and soy flour in addition to collagen and MSM.
*Also, do any of those supplements I am taking counteract each other? It's quite confusing no matter how long I've spent reading about everyone's experiences since people take on different programs.*
Anyway, please let me know if this issue is one you’ve heard of as I’m really wanting to even my breasts out and grow them. Thanks so much.
For some reason, this forum won't let me post my photos so here's a link:
1) https://imgur.com/a/sjHPEOH
2) https://imgur.com/a/NshG42f