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B.i.G.G (Breast Information Growing Guide Lv.2)


But L. after reading this over and over it began seeping through my mind that this approach aromatises our enemy T in E, right where it starts, in the brain the hypothalamus to be specific , And then does it aromatise T in the cells too??
You advised this together with an E supplement...wouldnt that be overkill for some of us? E plus aromatised E?

Then there is the fact that leptin also is a fat burning hormone which you said was good because that will exactly stimulate the hypotalamus to produce estrogen/ body makes a aromatase trick ....So far I seem to understand right?Tongue

And then you lastly mention L-carnitine a.k.a Acetyl-CoA which is a precursor to beta-hydroxy butyrate...........And here comes my question: Is Beta-hydroxy-butyrate the same as an HMB supplement? So do we need both HMB and l-carnitine? I have some minor confusion here lol. But I have to give it to yah, L. this was the most easy to get NBE post you ever wrote for us. Or perhaps al that nbe-E made me smarter. I'm sure you've got some proof for that lol. Thanks again mate!!!!!

And Yaay for prolactin, I truly love our community especially with you in it Big Grin

Cheers guys!!

Hi BN family,

While researching a single herbal product for NBE (which I'll be sharing in the coming days) that eliminates the need for at least a dozen NBE products I found a recently published study by the " Journal of Biomolecular Structure Dynamics " which identifies a specific medicinal plant that helps protects against nCOV-2019. Any guesses?, well it's been called the miracle tree or the tree of life, but many call it amazing...give up?.

It's called Moringa Oleifera. This plant has a host of benefits, most of which you probably already know so I won't bother listing. But in this paper Moringa Oleifera was used because it contains an antiretroviral agent known as Anthraquinone and flavonoid, which serves as an antiviral and antifungals. What's largely not talked about is how powerful flavonoids and flavones (the pigment in plants) are in fighting disease. Here's the most revealing paragraph in this study:

In our study, by using the mass fingerprinting technique, we use Moringa oleifera as an effective inhibitor against nCOV-2019. The extract of this medicinal plant will improve the immune system to produce antibodies against SARS-COV-2 (Figure 1).

nCOV-19 peptides mass fingerprinting identification, binding, and blocking of inhibitors flavonoids and anthraquinone of Moringa oleifera and hydroxychloroquine

So why is this important?, well...building antibodies is how we fight infections, that's all lol. But, I encourage you to review this earth shattering study and see for yourself. 

One caveat though, it's helpful if you have a working knowledge (but not necessary) of the following:

Molecular docking 
Molecular Dynamics
Dalton and Lipinski rule
Thermodynamics (as in Gibbs free energy).

Going forward, if you'll be sourcing a moringa oleifera product please make it organic, free of lead and other contaminants, you'll thank me later (I think). Also in the coming days, I'll be posting other herbal antiviral products that're just as powerful as moringa, but completely of the radar.

Apologies Hannah for not responding, the new info I'll be sharing will supersede hydroxybutyrate.

On a side note, Fenugreek doesn't make you fat all over, scientific studies disproves this notion.

I'm a huge fan of HMB! But, why use l-carnitine? As far as I know it helps with fat oxidation, right?


(30-06-2020, 13:33)sweetorange Wrote:  

I'm a huge fan of HMB! But, why use l-carnitine? As far as I know it helps with fat oxidation, right?

Hannah, I prepared this post sometime ago and never got around to posting it, again, apologies. 

Hannah, I'm glad you're picking up the science, and believe me's incredibly difficult breaking down the science aspect into relatable terms used for NBE. 

Funny, I can look at science abstracts and clearly see what parts are truisms for Other parts I see non-related to NBE (are no less important though) come across as noise. 

Please let me answer your questions by explaining things this way:

HMB is an exogenous (produced outside the body)-ketones supplement.

Endogenous (produced inside the body) βHB (Beta-hydroxy-butyrate) are ketone bodies are produced mainly in the liver, and passed on into the brain and on to the pituitary, where that stimulates the boob growth pathway PKA/JSTAT5. 

βHB catalyzes Acetyl-CoA [acetyl coenzyme A] to produce ATP (the cellular currency....ENERGY) and increase ATP concentration, which triggers the release of aromatase via leptin inside cells. 

Production of endogenous KB (ketone bodies) can take several weeks for some via the keto diet or HIIT (high intensity interval training). 

We hypothesized that exogenous ketone supplements could produce sustained hyperketonemia (>0.5 mM) without dietary restriction and without negatively influencing metabolic biomarkers, such as blood glucose, total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and triglycerides.

(from the study):
hormone is amplified as the signaling pathway progresses. The binding of a hormone at a single receptor causes the activation of many G-proteins, which activates adenylyl cyclase. Each molecule of adenylyl cyclase then triggers the formation of many molecules of cAMP.

Sweetorange, my thought on using HMB with L-carnitine together is that they improve fat mobilization versus single use. But let's focus on Mitochondria Dysfunction for a minute shall we?. If I recall sweetorange you battle PCOS, which is basically mitochondria dysfunction. 

When you have mitochondrial dysfunction you lose (or lack) the essential parts from nutrients to produce energy (ATP to be exact), and it could be caused by quite a few things, e.g. reactive oxygen species (ROS) as by-products, microbiome, adrenal, thyroid and/or other issues. Or you're missing a part of a gene inside the mitochondria, but recent advances in gene therapy look real promising. But when you have dysfunction you lose protein synthesis and the Krebs Cycle no longer works during the Citric Acid Cycle, and that's not good, meaning the cells die. 

So, what does all this mean?, we need ATP (tons of it) for what's known as cellular respiration, and when there's dysfunction in the mitochondria, you'll get fatigued, develop diseases (like Parkinson's), and or brain fog, crappy food get the picture.
I can talk more about this topic later as it is related specifically to NBE.

Wow, pretty interesting, Lotus!

Finally my Dr ruled out PCOS but explained to me what I suffer is a type of androgen excess issue also known as Adrenal PCOS - I have my periods monthly, I have normal insulin levels and normal LH but seems my stress messes up the adrenal glands -.-' Currently I am on Zinc+DIM+Vitex.


Also Lotus: l-carnitine requires to do exercise on a daily basis for its goals. So how would you approach this? Taking these supplements around the time you workout?


Greetings BN, 

The NBE product I wanted to share information about is Aloe Vera. This medicinal plant has amazing properties that's well suited for NBE. I'll attempt to share all information necessary for all to consider regarding Aloe use for NBE. I see two versions of Aloe Vera available for NBE use. 

  1. Skin Application
  2. Oral consumption 
And of the oral route there's two versions of that available lol, one with the laxative effect stripped out and one with it (laxative). And I'll explain the difference between the two asap. 

What makes Aloe Vera attractive for NBE is what it does in the mitochondria inner membrane (matrix). Specifically inside what's called the " Citric Acid Cycle ". In other words, of the compounds in Aloe Vera that's needed during the citric acid cycle (that spins essential nutrients twice around) a majority of the components needed for Breast Growth is in aloe vera, and how cool is that?. 

Aloe Vera- aka-the lily of the desert 

75 total compounds
Growth Hormone
Type I & Type III collagen
Hyaluronic Acid
Tissue re-engineering (wound healing)
UV and gamma radiation protection 
Immune protection
Fatty acids (carrier transport)
20 of the 22 human required amino acids and 7 of the 8 essential amino acids.
Lignin-enhances skin penetration 
Minerals (9)
Enzymes (8)
Vitamins (6)

Of the 75 compounds in aloe here's (just some of the benefits) info pulled from the research on aloe vera:

Acemannan also plays an important role in cellular metabolism by regulating the flow of nutrients and wastes. Polymer extracts of aloe vera have potential to be used as biomaterials in tissue engineering due to numerous advantages such as biodegradability, oxygen permeability, antioxidant action, and cell proliferation and regeneration.

Polymers improve DNA sequencing and it's synthesis

Aloe vera stimulates fibroblasts for regeneration in a synovial model [17], and enhances tensile strength and collagen turnover in damaged tissues,
aloe vera gel stimulated fibroblast activity and collagen proliferation.
Aloe vera gel increases levels of hyaluronic acid and dermatan sulfate.
Glucomannan, a mannose-rich polysaccharide, and gibberellin, a growth hormone, interact with growth factor receptors on the fibroblast, thereby stimulating its activity and proliferation.


Aloe Vera for Tissue Engineering Applications

What are the benefits of aloe vera?

This information was also shared on my program page:

(02-07-2020, 01:27)Lotus Wrote:  Greetings BN, 

The NBE product I wanted to share information about is Aloe Vera. This medicinal plant has amazing properties that's well suited for NBE. I'll attempt to share all information necessary for all to consider regarding Aloe use for NBE. I see two versions of Aloe Vera available for NBE use. 

  1. Skin Application
  2. Oral consumption 
And of the oral route there's two versions of that available lol, one with the laxative effect stripped out and one with it (laxative). And I'll explain the difference between the two asap. 

What makes Aloe Vera attractive for NBE is what it does in the mitochondria inner membrane (matrix). Specifically inside what's called the " Citric Acid Cycle ". In other words, of the compounds in Aloe Vera that's needed during the citric acid cycle (that spins essential nutrients twice around) a majority of the components needed for Breast Growth is in aloe vera, and how cool is that?. 

Aloe Vera- aka-the lily of the desert 

75 total compounds
Growth Hormone
Type I & Type III collagen
Hyaluronic Acid
Tissue re-engineering (wound healing)
UV and gamma radiation protection 
Immune protection
Fatty acids (carrier transport)
20 of the 22 human required amino acids and 7 of the 8 essential amino acids.
Lignin-enhances skin penetration 
Minerals (9)
Enzymes (8)
Vitamins (6)

Of the 75 compounds in aloe here's (just some of the benefits) info pulled from the research on aloe vera:

Acemannan also plays an important role in cellular metabolism by regulating the flow of nutrients and wastes. Polymer extracts of aloe vera have potential to be used as biomaterials in tissue engineering due to numerous advantages such as biodegradability, oxygen permeability, antioxidant action, and cell proliferation and regeneration.

Polymers improve DNA sequencing and it's synthesis

Aloe vera stimulates fibroblasts for regeneration in a synovial model [17], and enhances tensile strength and collagen turnover in damaged tissues,
aloe vera gel stimulated fibroblast activity and collagen proliferation.
Aloe vera gel increases levels of hyaluronic acid and dermatan sulfate.
Glucomannan, a mannose-rich polysaccharide, and gibberellin, a growth hormone, interact with growth factor receptors on the fibroblast, thereby stimulating its activity and proliferation.


Aloe Vera for Tissue Engineering Applications

What are the benefits of aloe vera?

This information was also shared on my program page:
So glad to hear from you xxxx

Aloe vera juice mhmhm... interesting Big Grin" alt="Big Grin" title="Big Grin">


Hi SweetOrange, 

Supported evidence recommends taking L-carnitine 1 hour before a workout AND on an empty stomach. I take ALCAR (Acetyl L-Carnitine) which has more health benefits than the standard L-carnitine. What's more is how ALCAR (L-carnitine too) is how it's utilized in the Citric Acid Cycle thereby improving mitochondrial respiration (synthesis). Though to fully enhance the citric acid cycle (CAC) – also known as the TCA cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle) we need to match the amino acids used during the cycle. Look at figure 3.0 and see how L-carnitine makes its way through the outer and then onto the inner mitochondrial membrane, truly fascinating stuff lol.

Citric acid cycle


Btw, I forget to mention that with PCOS when insulin spikes it increases testosterone, which correlates with adrenal androgens too. And so " personally " I think a low (or zero) carb diet with 4-6 ounces protein per day and moderate amount of fat and daily caloric total of 1500 to 1800 works best for PCOS and NBE. Do you (or anyone else) notice whenever you eat a heavy carb meal your breasts don't look so good?, lol, it does that way for me, lol...and then it takes hours to get them back up to snuff, or roughly the time insulin is excreted out of one's body. 

But I also believe (with high confidence) that when gastrin is inhibited in stomach acids estrogen will rise, meaning insulin goes down with a corresponding rise in estrogen rise, I doubt you'll find this statement on the web, butttt I could be wrong lol.

Insulin Stimulates Testosterone Biosynthesis by Human Thecal Cells From Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome by Activating Its Own Receptor and Using Inositolglycan Mediators as the Signal Transduction System

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