Both oral and skin applications are viable options for NBE. I've updated the following post to include information about pumping and the molecular weight of aloe vera.
(26-02-2017, 06:38)Lotus Wrote: Btw, for those whose domes steam up during pumping I've determined it's a build up humidity, thus water (ambient air-inside the dome) being pulled into the breast. I also believe it's in part relevant to thermogenesis (or heat transfer) aiding synthesis of mitochondria...(I could be wrong though). I also believe after pumping breasts need to be compressed for tissue repair (think collagen matrixing) and so I prefer a sports bra. And when I research tissue repair I find that after breast augmentation surgery the wrap breasts up for tissue adhesion, thus the reason for the sports bra. IMHO this concept works better with B-cup and above. The whole premise of pumping is built around stretching fat cells so as blood enters the fat cell thus carrying nutrients into the fat cell. Well that's all fine dandy, but stretched breasts need to build the necessary collagen matrix.
And here's where aloe vera comes in. Of the 75 compounds collagen is one of them, and I explain how it can be used for NBE.
Collagen is the major protein in the extracellular matrix (ECM) of various connective tissues. It was observed that aloe vera increases the collagen content of the granulation tissue as well as its degree of crosslinking [13]. Aloe vera stimulates fibroblasts for regeneration in a synovial model [17], and enhances tensile strength and collagen turnover in damaged tissues [61]. In another trial using topical application, aloe vera gel stimulated fibroblast activity and collagen proliferation [16].
Aloe Vera for Tissue Engineering Applications
The 500 Dalton rule for the skin penetration of chemical compounds and drugs
* Jan D. Bos, Marcus M. H. M. Meinardi
* First published: June 2000Full publication history
* DOI: 10.1034/j.1600-0625.2000.009003165.xView/save citation
* Cited by: 370 articles
Jan D. Bos, Department of Dermatology A0-235, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, P.O. Box 22700, 1100 DE Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tel.: +31 20 566 2587. Fax: +31 20 696 0076 e-mail: j.d.bos@amc.uva.nl
Abstract: Human skin has unique properties of which functioning as a physicochemical barrier is one of the most apparent. The human integument is able to resist the penetration of many molecules. However, especially smaller molecules can surpass transcutaneously. They are able to go by the corneal layer, which is thought to form the main deterrent. We argue that the molecular weight (MW) of a compound must be under 500 Dalton to allow skin absorption. Larger molecules cannot pass the corneal layer. Arguments for this “500 Dalton rule” are; 1) virtually all common contact allergens are under 500 Dalton, larger molecules are not known as contact sensitizers. They cannot penetrate and thus cannot act as allergens in man; 2) the most commonly used pharmacological agents applied in topical dermatotherapy are all under 500 Dalton; 3) all known topical drugs used in transdermal drug-delivery systems are under 500 Dalton. In addition, clinical experience with topical agents such as cyclosporine, tacrolimus and ascomycins gives further arguments for the reality of the 500 Dalton rule. For pharmaceutical development purposes, it seems logical to restrict the development of new innovative compounds to a MW of under 500 Dalton, when topical dermatological therapy or percutaneous systemic therapy or vaccination is the objective.
Molecular Weights: (g/mol)
Aloe Vera- 270.24
Palmitic- 270.46
Stearic - 298.52
Oleic - 282.46
Linoleic - 298.48
Almond oil - 106.12
Estradiol - 272.4
Soybean oil -292.2
I just realised this may be the reason why my boobs were so perky after 7 months post-noogling for the first time. I used aloe vera gel 100% pure after pumping.
When I say perky, I mean, SOO PERKY " alt="
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(04-07-2020, 17:52)sweetorange Wrote:Lol sweetorange, that's exactly how I describe using aloe vera…" perky ".I just realised this may be the reason why my boobs were so perky after 7 months post-noogling for the first time. I used aloe vera gel 100% pure after pumping.
When I say perky, I mean, SOO PERKY
" alt="
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The following info is for all. l can't see myself pumping till the cows come home, or to the wee hours of morning, whichever comes first lol. Nor can I see myself massaging till I develop carpal tunnel. Think about it, once breasts are stimulated by either pump or massage does it make sense to keep it going for long periods of time?, it's redundant, their well past stimulated.
What makes more sense is the pre and post protocol, and here's my protocol.
An hour before each session (albeit pump or massage) it's necessary to get your resting heart rate in a fat burning or cardio zone, and I'll explain. Oxygenated blood carries nutrients to breasts (and other parts of the body too) and these two zones accommodate just that. I find taking aloe vera capsules (organic) vitamin D3 (in organic olive oil) AND on an empty stomach (with a full glass of filtered water) works best for me. Alternatively, you can use aloe vera and olive oil during a pump session. Use good quality organic extra virgin oil, not the cheap stuff, it does make a difference.
I don't spend more than 10-15 min on my protocol, and I haven't pumped in over 2 years, I don't feel the need with my size, I might even toss those old domes out anyways lol. The massage protocol requires 2-3 parts aloe vera gel with .5 part of olive oil. Now I'll add a drop or two of either red clover or lavender oil to the mixture depending how I'm feeling the need for either, but generally it's just aloe and olive oil. Red clover stimulates progesterone receptors and estrogen receptor alpha ER-a (the boob growth receptor). So, you can lose the progesterone cream, unless you use it for balance.
Red clover and a structurally similar flavonoid, apigenin, bound to PR and induced progestogenic activity and P4 regulated genes in breast epithelial cells and human endometrial stromal cells
Lavender oil stimulates breast growth and has anti-androgen properties.
Either way works, or go without those two and use aloe and olive oil only. The mixture dries in about 10-15 minutes and it's on it's way into the bloodstream. Then shower, or if short on time use some hypoallergenic baby wipes to clean any left over residue, it doesn't take long for this combination because the molecular weight is around 270- 289, well below the 500 Dalton rule. And then put them boobies in a tight fitting sports or bandeau bra for a few hours and see how it works for you. But absolutely don't take aloe vera capsules (or any other dry herb) and mix with oil, it'll never make it past the dermis. I've found this combination to work best over all oils I've tried over the past 8 years, including fenugreek and flaxseed oil.
And so the aloe vera olive mixture leaves a nice sheen on the breasts lol. For an added bonus use this combo before going on a hot date, or just for confidence, it'll give the girls an extra pop and/or a ping lol, really I just think it comes down to a subtle increase in weight and volume of the breasts. But really were looking for a cumulative impact on sustainable growth.
The cost of the massage protocol is fairly inexpensive. The problem with pumping is wanting to over do it, and then you're faced with red dots, pain, bruising or flat out long term tissue and nerve damage, it's your call. I only wish you safe growing..
(03-07-2020, 03:09)Lotus Wrote:That’s really interesting re the morninga! I feel stupid I have some organic morninga here I’ve been forgetting to take !(02-07-2020, 08:19)EllaC Wrote: So glad to hear from you xxxx
Awe thanks, and so glad to hear from you Ella, hugs.
You remember Bustybride? She had huge bosom. Remember her secret.. Aloe

Question is there any benefit to adding fenugreek as James says to the Aloe?
Is there any benefit to suction therapy to AID the aloe? or the Aloe more aids in repair after suction?
Looking forward to hearing the rest of your research re the antivirals . It would be so good if instead of global suppressing of natural health we were given the chance to learn about natural antivirals and let the world get on with it instead of locking us all away.
(04-07-2020, 21:19)EllaC Wrote:(03-07-2020, 03:09)Lotus Wrote:(02-07-2020, 08:19)EllaC Wrote: So glad to hear from you xxxx
Awe thanks, and so glad to hear from you Ella, hugs.
That’s really interesting re the morninga! I feel stupid I have some organic morninga here I’ve been forgetting to take !
You remember Bustybride? She had huge bosom. Remember her secret.. Aloe
Question: Is there any benefit to adding fenugreek as James says to the Aloe?
Is there any benefit to suction therapy to AID the aloe? or the Aloe more aids in repair after suction?
Looking forward to hearing the rest of your research re the antivirals . It would be so good if instead of global suppressing of natural health we were given the chance to learn about natural antivirals and let the world get on with it instead of locking us all away.
Hi Ella, pull up a chair, grab some popcorn cause this thread is deep. I apologize in advance for the complexity of this post.
I do remember bustybride, and to her credit and tenacity using aloe vera paid off for her.
As far as antivirals go the polysaccharides in aloe along with its anthraquinones are in fact " antivirals ".
kaempferol (flavonoid) is –6.2 kcal/mol, and for anthraquinone –6 kcal/mol. Visualization of the docking complex, important effects are observed regarding the binding of peptides to drug compounds. In conclusion, it is proposed that these compounds are effective antiviral agents against COVID-19 and can be used in clinical trials.
Now you see kaempferol named in that study right?, well...Red Clover has kaempferol. There's a 94.6% (or higher in some studies) homology from SARS-CoV to SARS-CoV-2...which is now named nCOV-2019. And if you remember from the earlier post this link:
nCOV-19 peptides mass fingerprinting identification, binding, and blocking of inhibitors flavonoids and anthraquinone of Moringa oleifera and hydroxychloroquine
And so I see hydroxychloroquine HCQ a derivative of Chloroquine prescribed for the treatment of autoimmune diseases and anti-inflammatory agents is more virulent than chloroquine (in layman's terms it comes with side effects). But given a choice (personally) I'd choose the herbal anthraquinone (aloe, moringa, quercetin, etc) over hydroxychloroquine, but that's just me. But, anthraquinone needs to be taken on an empty stomach, it's gonna make you poop..a lot, but hey guess what?, so does consuming (soaked) fenugreek seeds (and the tea form too).
A protein sequence analysis showed that the amino acid similarity of the seven conserved nonstructural proteins between SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV was 94.6%, suggesting that they might belong to the same species.
A partial listing of herbal and food antivirals:
Rhubarb (stems)
Baicalein (sweet basil)
Luteolin (like in tangerine or from hesperetin)
Among the various active components of Aloe are anthraquinones; chromones; monosaccharides; polysaccharides; vitamins B1, B2, B6, and C; niacinamide; choline and enzymes like acid and alkaline phosphatase; amylase; lactate dehydrogenase; lipase; and many inorganic ingredients, but most important among them is the long chain of acetylated mannose (Hayes 1999; Djeraba and Quere 2000).
Anthraquinones modulate autophagy, and if you're unfamiliar with autophagy, its description simply means it's the body's way of cleaning out damaged cells, in order to regenerate newer ones. Now normally you have to fast for 18-20 hours before autophagy kicks in and goes into high gear at 48 to 72 hours. Does this mean autophagy is useful for covid19?, it certainly doesn't hurt cleaning out damaged cells. What the science is saying that taking antivirals (e.g. anthraquinones) helps to minimize the risks of contracting covid19.
Anthraquinones and autophagy – Three rings to rule them all?
The anticancer activity of A. vera gel cnamely glycoproteins present in the gel, have antiulcer and antitumor activities (Yagi et al. 2003).
Fenugreek is useful for not just NBE, but for diabetics too. See the compounds in Fenugreek lowers blood sugar...and quite fast too. So by lowering blood sugars it helps people lose weight because insulin is lowered. So this is a two fold process with any insulining lowering agent. First, insulin is lowered which stems the tide of Testosterone production from insulin spikes. Metformin does exactly that, lowers insulin and inhibits T. But it also triggers AMPK production which helps in reducing belly fat and increases ATP to the mitochondria...and that's exactly what we want in breast growth (increasing ATP production). But...PDE (Phosphodiesterase) inhibits the increased ATP production synthesis. So I prefer Forskolin because it inhibits PDE production, lowers blood sugar, so if you have hashimoto's it has the potential to reverse it like it did for me. Plus its pro-aromatase stemming from the lowering of insulin (through the above described scenario).
So, I see fenugreek as a lesser herbal version of metformin. It's useful for NBE, just not in my protocol.
(05-07-2020, 02:53)Lotus Wrote:Ok thanks. Yes. Take aloe internally anyway for gut health and swill it for gum inflammation. Re fenugreek do we add it to aloe Vera for breast massage? I understand you said it’s not in your protocol but for us you think useful or not? (As you know I can’t do fenugreek internally) .(04-07-2020, 21:19)EllaC Wrote:(03-07-2020, 03:09)Lotus Wrote:(02-07-2020, 08:19)EllaC Wrote: So glad to hear from you xxxx
Awe thanks, and so glad to hear from you Ella, hugs.
That’s really interesting re the morninga! I feel stupid I have some organic morninga here I’ve been forgetting to take !
You remember Bustybride? She had huge bosom. Remember her secret.. Aloe
Question: Is there any benefit to adding fenugreek as James says to the Aloe?
Is there any benefit to suction therapy to AID the aloe? or the Aloe more aids in repair after suction?
Looking forward to hearing the rest of your research re the antivirals . It would be so good if instead of global suppressing of natural health we were given the chance to learn about natural antivirals and let the world get on with it instead of locking us all away.
Hi Ella, pull up a chair, grab some popcorn cause this thread is deep. I apologize in advance for the complexity of this post.
I do remember bustybride, and to her credit and tenacity using aloe vera paid off for her.
As far as antivirals go the polysaccharides in aloe along with its anthraquinones are in fact " antivirals ".
kaempferol (flavonoid) is –6.2 kcal/mol, and for anthraquinone –6 kcal/mol. Visualization of the docking complex, important effects are observed regarding the binding of peptides to drug compounds. In conclusion, it is proposed that these compounds are effective antiviral agents against COVID-19 and can be used in clinical trials.
Now you see kaempferol named in that study right?, well...Red Clover has kaempferol. There's a 94.6% (or higher in some studies) homology from SARS-CoV to SARS-CoV-2...which is now named nCOV-2019. And if you remember from the earlier post this link:
nCOV-19 peptides mass fingerprinting identification, binding, and blocking of inhibitors flavonoids and anthraquinone of Moringa oleifera and hydroxychloroquine
And so I see hydroxychloroquine HCQ a derivative of Chloroquine prescribed for the treatment of autoimmune diseases and anti-inflammatory agents is more virulent than chloroquine (in layman's terms it comes with side effects). But given a choice (personally) I'd choose the herbal anthraquinone (aloe, moringa, quercetin, etc) over hydroxychloroquine, but that's just me. But, anthraquinone needs to be taken on an empty stomach, it's gonna make you poop..a lot, but hey guess what?, so does consuming (soaked) fenugreek seeds (and the tea form too).
A protein sequence analysis showed that the amino acid similarity of the seven conserved nonstructural proteins between SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV was 94.6%, suggesting that they might belong to the same species.
A partial listing of herbal and food antivirals:
Rhubarb (stems)
Baicalein (sweet basil)
Luteolin (like in tangerine or from hesperetin)
Among the various active components of Aloe are anthraquinones; chromones; monosaccharides; polysaccharides; vitamins B1, B2, B6, and C; niacinamide; choline and enzymes like acid and alkaline phosphatase; amylase; lactate dehydrogenase; lipase; and many inorganic ingredients, but most important among them is the long chain of acetylated mannose (Hayes 1999; Djeraba and Quere 2000).
Anthraquinones modulate autophagy, and if you're unfamiliar with autophagy, its description simply means it's the body's way of cleaning out damaged cells, in order to regenerate newer ones. Now normally you have to fast for 18-20 hours before autophagy kicks in and goes into high gear at 48 to 72 hours. Does this mean autophagy is useful for covid19?, it certainly doesn't hurt cleaning out damaged cells. What the science is saying that taking antivirals (e.g. anthraquinones) helps to minimize the risks of contracting covid19.
Anthraquinones and autophagy – Three rings to rule them all?
The anticancer activity of A. vera gel cnamely glycoproteins present in the gel, have antiulcer and antitumor activities (Yagi et al. 2003).
Fenugreek is useful for not just NBE, but for diabetics too. See the compounds in Fenugreek lowers blood sugar...and quite fast too. So by lowering blood sugars it helps people lose weight because insulin is lowered. So this is a two fold process with any insulining lowering agent. First, insulin is lowered which stems the tide of Testosterone production from insulin spikes. Metformin does exactly that, lowers insulin and inhibits T. But it also triggers AMPK production which helps in reducing belly fat and increases ATP to the mitochondria...and that's exactly what we want in breast growth (increasing ATP production). But...PDE (Phosphodiesterase) inhibits the increased ATP production synthesis. So I prefer Forskolin because it inhibits PDE production, lowers blood sugar, so if you have hashimoto's it has the potential to reverse it like it did for me. Plus its pro-aromatase stemming from the lowering of insulin (through the above described scenario).
So, I see fenugreek as a lesser herbal version of metformin. It's useful for NBE, just not in my protocol.
Next big question massage with aloe x 1 or twice daily ? I have an organic aloe with as little additives possible. I have an aloe plant but I’d never use that on the bosom. Too much room for contamination around the nipple from dirt. Bacteria etc.
Ps that’s great you’ve found help with your thyroid.
So funny to think I am taking one tbsp of aloe vera daily and vitamin d3 but separated xD I've had stomach issues too, Ella! =/
Then this means, orally or topically, aloe vera is a good NBE supplement, right? I put aloe on my skin just in summer season nowadays; in my case i feel too sticky after using it but now you've mentioned it is all good for boobie growth! " alt="
" title="
"> I will buy more of course.
Ps: it makes A LOT of sense what you explained about over-stimulating the breasts through massage/pumping. Why I haven't thought about it before? " alt="
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(05-07-2020, 11:50)sweetorange Wrote:IBS is the Bain of my life SweetOSo funny to think I am taking one tbsp of aloe vera daily and vitamin d3 but separated xD I've had stomach issues too, Ella! =/
Then this means, orally or topically, aloe vera is a good NBE supplement, right? I put aloe on my skin just in summer season nowadays; in my case i feel too sticky after using it but now you've mentioned it is all good for boobie growth!
" alt="
" title="
"> I will buy more of course.
Ps: it makes A LOT of sense what you explained about over-stimulating the breasts through massage/pumping. Why I haven't thought about it before?
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