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I need advice please


I’ve always been flat my entire life and assumed surgery was my only option one day. Except I don’t really want implants. I came across this website so I’m hoping there’s hope for me! I’m 21, 5’1/5’2, 118 pounds, I’m very flat chested as you can see in the photo. I’ve been massaging with olive oil but I just started incorporating fenugreek. I have been scrolling through different threads reading about herbs, breast pumps, and diets. There’s so many options, it’s overwhelming. What would you suggest I first try? I don’t mind gaining weight too


This is such a huge topic, I don’t know where to start. Herbal programs can get very complicated, but they’re usually centered around fenugreek, PM (pueraria mirifica), or both. BO (bovine ovary) is the most popular glandular supplement, but it’s sometimes combined with other glandular supplements like adrenals, placenta, or even thyroid. All these methods are too complicated to explain here, so instead I’ll just recommend the two simplest methods, pumping and massage. If you want a good, easy to follow, overview of typical herbal programs, check out Surferjoe2007’s thread “The comprehensive NBE program”..

Massage is the easiest method of all. There are a lot of theories about how massage causes growth, but I believe it mainly works by increasing prolactin, encouraging the lobules and ducts to grow, and inducing mild lactation. It’s not enough to cause you to leak milk everywhere, or inconvenience you in your day to day life, so you don’t need to worry about that. In my opinion, seeing a small amount of clear or slightly milky liquid come out of your nipples during massage is a good sign that this method is working. Some people get scared and stop massaging when they see a small amount of lactation happening, but I think that’s a mistake if growth is the goal. Inducing lactation is supposedly much easier for someone who has been pregnant before. The more recent the pragnancy, the easier it is. This is called ”relactation” and you should google it for more in depth info. Inducing lactation in someone who has never been pregnant, with massage, is much more difficult, but possible, although I don’t think it will work for everyone. I’ve read that the best way to induce lactation with massage is to focus mainly on the nipple for 10-20 minutes at a time, 6-8 times per day. Of course this is way too inconvenient, for most women, so most people on this forum just do longer massage sessions 2-3 times per day. It seems to me that most people who managed to induce lactation with this method, either accidentally or on purpose, were taking fenugreek. So combining this method with fenugreek may be a good idea. Surferjoe2007 recommends taking a standardized fenugreek extract that has a high percentage of saponins. 

Pumping is almost as simple as message, but it’s much easier to hurt yourself. I very strongly recommend that you buy a pump with a pressure gauge and some decent padding (aka “cup rings”) if you decide to try this method. I think Noogleberry has recommended never going above 20 on their pump gauge. It’s also very important to oil the skin very well before hand to help it to stretch more easily and to allow the skin to slip smoothly into the dome while the pump sucks it in from the sides. Most people who achieved a lot of growth with this method were pumping for 4 hours a day or even more, but this is pretty inconvenient for most people. That’s why I pump while sleeping using an electric “Brava Smartbox” pump I bought off ebay. Unfortunately it’s pretty expensive. Whatever you do, don’t be tempted to pump at high pressure, because it does not give better growth or faster swelling, and it causes lots of issues. In my experience, it’s best to use the absolute lowest amount of pressure that will keep the domes attached to your chest. At such a low pressure, they will start to slip off after a short amount of time time. When that happens, you should re-pump just enough to keep the domes attached, but don’t increase the pressure.


Hi and welcome to the confusing lovely world of NBE! ShelaVenna already mentioned many great things so I´ll just add a few;

1. Ask yourself how much time and money you are willing to invest. When I first found this site I felt confident I would grow boobs in like 4 months (LOL) Now I'm set on going for at least 2 more years. There are the lucky few who find that perfect routine to which their body responds to immediatly but that is rare in my opinion.

2. If you want to try out herbs, get your hormone levels checked first. Without this NBE is a guessing game which can quickly become expensive and even dangerous. For example if you are estrogen dominant you will not grow by putting more estrogens in your body. Also if you start a herbal program, keep a diary where you track your symptoms to each herb you introduce. Body temp, headaches, body hair growth, mood, changes in breast shape are all indicators of hormonal response in the body and I wish I understood this sooner. Here you can read more about herbs:

3. Vacuum pumping is a method that is scientifically proven to grow tissue no matter hormones, male or female. Some respond faster than others but according to a research(i unfortunately can't find anymore) breasts grow about 0,08% per hour pumped. Thats why I recommend this method, it is the most guaranteed to make you grow. Combine with massage for best result.

4. Optimize your health. This is vague but my point is that you are trying to grow tissue so no matter what form of NBE you choose you need to give your body the best chance possible and keep a nutricious diet. I will not mention a specific diet becuse there is a lot of debate about which one is the best for boobs where one fact contradicts the other but make sure you're getting essential vitamins, enough protein and if possible try to be on a calorie surplus. Having balanced hormones, normal thyroid function and healthy gut is a good foundation for NBE.

I'll link you some successfull NBErs that insipired me, there are MANY more, I have chosen these because they have great progress pictures and they differ in what method they grew on, I hope it helps you choose your own method. Pay attention to the time it took them too...

JenniferLove used Noogleberry, make sure to check the last posts in this long thread too because her latest pictures are amazing:

SweetOrange great informative thread on pumping:

Noni used massage alone:

TibetanPrincess grew on BO, if you search Fertility Queen on youtube, she has great informative videos on BO:

BonitasDD used varied methods like myself and her growth is stunning:

I would also check out this very informative thread, it gives you a basic understanding about hormones and how to apply herbs: Lotus has the most informative threads I have seen on this forum, I highly recommend checking them out.

So my advice is basically get a pump, massage, reserach a lot before applying any herbs and have patience and faith in the process! It is complicated but possible. Also take pictures of your progress because we tend to turn blind to growth. Best of luck Big Grin" alt="Big Grin" title="Big Grin">


(12-10-2020, 13:15)Nefertity Wrote:  

Hi and welcome to the confusing lovely world of NBE! ShelaVenna already mentioned many great things so I´ll just add a few;

1. Ask yourself how much time and money you are willing to invest. When I first found this site I felt confident I would grow boobs in like 4 months (LOL) Now I'm set on going for at least 2 more years. There are the lucky few who find that perfect routine to which their body responds to immediatly but that is rare in my opinion.

2. If you want to try out herbs, get your hormone levels checked first. Without this NBE is a guessing game which can quickly become expensive and even dangerous. For example if you are estrogen dominant you will not grow by putting more estrogens in your body. Also if you start a herbal program, keep a diary where you track your symptoms to each herb you introduce. Body temp, headaches, body hair growth, mood, changes in breast shape are all indicators of hormonal response in the body and I wish I understood this sooner. Here you can read more about herbs:

3. Vacuum pumping is a method that is scientifically proven to grow tissue no matter hormones, male or female. Some respond faster than others but according to a research(i unfortunately can't find anymore) breasts grow about 0,08% per hour pumped. Thats why I recommend this method, it is the most guaranteed to make you grow. Combine with massage for best result.

4. Optimize your health. This is vague but my point is that you are trying to grow tissue so no matter what form of NBE you choose you need to give your body the best chance possible and keep a nutricious diet. I will not mention a specific diet becuse there is a lot of debate about which one is the best for boobs where one fact contradicts the other but make sure you're getting essential vitamins, enough protein and if possible try to be on a calorie surplus. Having balanced hormones, normal thyroid function and healthy gut is a good foundation for NBE.

I'll link you some successfull NBErs that insipired me, there are MANY more, I have chosen these because they have great progress pictures and they differ in what method they grew on, I hope it helps you choose your own method. Pay attention to the time it took them too...

JenniferLove used Noogleberry, make sure to check the last posts in this long thread too because her latest pictures are amazing:

SweetOrange great informative thread on pumping:

Noni used massage alone:

TibetanPrincess grew on BO, if you search Fertility Queen on youtube, she has great informative videos on BO:

BonitasDD used varied methods like myself and her growth is stunning:

I would also check out this very informative thread, it gives you a basic understanding about hormones and how to apply herbs: Lotus has the most informative threads I have seen on this forum, I highly recommend checking them out.

So my advice is basically get a pump, massage, reserach a lot before applying any herbs and have patience and faith in the process! It is complicated but possible. Also take pictures of your progress because we tend to turn blind to growth. Best of luck Big Grin" alt="Big Grin" title="Big Grin">

Wow, Thats a great collection of threads Nefertity! I will be adding it to my saved collection!

One more for the thin girls

Welcome Aquarius!

It looks like you have a condensed version of all good things NBE at your finger tips!



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