Hi all! Hoping someone can answer this so today I pulled my neck (yet again my muscles are always tense due to stress) and was about to pop some paracetamol when I thought to myself is it possible that anti inflammatory drugs can inhibit NBE by reducing swelling in your boobs from massage routines and so on? If anyone has an answer please let me know I am genuinely curious as obviously pain killers do not pick and choose what "swelling" to target.
Good question.
I think the swelling in your breast is much different than the inflammation in your neck.
If the pain reliever is needed take it and worry the NBE later. If you need the noninflammatory so long that you it does effect your NBE than you need to change your life style.
Meditate, Change your pillow, and Chill out.
(22-10-2020, 14:52)Happyme Wrote:Good question.
I think the swelling in your breast is much different than the inflammation in your neck.
If the pain reliever is needed take it and worry the NBE later. If you need the noninflammatory so long that you it does effect your NBE than you need to change your life style.
Meditate, Change your pillow, and Chill out.
Thanks Bobbi!! You are always here with the good advice haha you are right I need to start meditating more I used to with incense and it really helped, hugs.
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