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My progress thread was deleted...


Some spammers posted on my progress thread and it got deleted. I'm really sad because that's the one thread I was using to document my progress.

Is there any way I can get it back? It was in NBE General Discussion called "Acknowledging my progress"...

I had just written something positive about my development that I was excited to share too and nobody saw it.


Sorry to hear that. Try sending Eve a PM. She’s the owner of this forum. I don’t know if she moderates this forum entirely on her own, but I think she does. I think she is from the UK, so I assume she’s not celebrating Thanksgiving.


I'm terribly sorry about your thread. Unfortunately the forum was so terribly infested with spam yesterday morning that I was in a bit of a panic trying to remedy the situation. I obviously deleted something genuine and I'm so sorry about that. Unfortunately the spammers are driving me out of my mind. I'll do my best to restore the thread for you and I can only apologise again for its accidental deletion.

I'm pleased to say that the missing thread has now been restored.

Thanks so much!! I'm sorry if I wasted any of your time at all, I know maintaining this forum must be a big job.


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