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Raw Female BO/Uterine!!


So today my Bovine ovarian and uterine glandular arrived!! Meaning from today my experiment starts and some of my herbal supplements take a back seat for now to see what I can get out of this. The capsules are 430mg of freeze dried powdered ovarian and uterine tissue unlike what I thought meaning I can use them as a BO nipple cream aswell! I will be intaking 300mg of PM twice a day as usual along with 1 capsule of raw female aswell as the nipple cream daily plus my usual massage with my herbal infused oil and we will see! So in the meantime my Aguaje, fennel and goats rue will be on hold. I remember seeing a recent video of the NBE queen tibetan/fertility queen stating she is now on PM and believes she would have had even better results if she paired BO with PM so here we go! I will be updating  Big Grin" alt="Big Grin" title="Big Grin"> Tongue" alt="Tongue" title="Tongue">


So Raw female IS in fact suitable as a nipple cream as well? Read in another thread that it might not have the right molecular weight due to being mixed with Damiana and zinc.

I ended up buying Raw Female myself since swanson was sold out and I really hope I can use it as a nipple cream as well. I discovered raw female is from free range antibiotic-free cows which makes for a great product. I’ve used it for two days and my body reacted to it immediately with swelling and aching breasts which was VERY surprising as the dosage was actually lower than what I usually take. If swansons wasn’t sold out I would have ordered that instead but Raw Female seems very promising and might become my go to BO.


(14-12-2020, 21:11)Nefertity Wrote:  

So Raw female IS in fact suitable as a nipple cream as well? Read in another thread that it might not have the right molecular weight due to being mixed with Damiana and zinc.

I ended up buying Raw Female myself since swanson was sold out and I really hope I can use it as a nipple cream as well. I discovered raw female is from free range antibiotic-free cows which makes for a great product. I’ve used it for two days and my body reacted to it immediately with swelling and aching breasts which was VERY surprising as the dosage was actually lower than what I usually take. If swansons wasn’t sold out I would have ordered that instead but Raw Female seems very promising and might become my go to BO.

I’ve read that any molecule that’s smaller than 500 daltons can theoretically be absorbed, but some small molecules absorb much more easily than other small molecules for reasons I’m too stupid to understand. It’s also important to keep in mind that just because something is able to penetrate INTO the skin, that doesn’t mean that it can penetrate all the way THROUGH the skin into the underlying fat or into systemic circulation. Some molecules remain in the skin, others get concentrated in local fat cells, and others just go straight into systemic circulation without having a localized effect. Again, the reasons for this are too complicated for me to understand, let alone explain. Even if the powder contains a lot of larger molecules that won’t absorb, the smaller molecules can theoretically still make it through. So it might not even really matter if the damiana and zinc don’t penetrate the skin. The carrier obviously also matters. Some carriers do a better job at transporting certain types of molecules. I don’t understand which ones or why, but I have seen posts by skincare and medical industry insiders on other forums who say that aloe and alcohol gel are the best easily available transdermal carriers for hormones and hormone like substances. The main thing I would be concerned about is that a lot of the hormones might remain “trapped” in the powder if they’re not extracted into a liquid first. On the other hand, if people are getting growth just by applying powdered BO and aloe, there’s no problem to fix. I guess enough hormones must be able to seep out of the powder and into the skin over the course of the day.


(14-12-2020, 21:11)Nefertity Wrote:  

So Raw female IS in fact suitable as a nipple cream as well? Read in another thread that it might not have the right molecular weight due to being mixed with Damiana and zinc.

I ended up buying Raw Female myself since swanson was sold out and I really hope I can use it as a nipple cream as well. I discovered raw female is from free range antibiotic-free cows which makes for a great product. I’ve used it for two days and my body reacted to it immediately with swelling and aching breasts which was VERY surprising as the dosage was actually lower than what I usually take. If swansons wasn’t sold out I would have ordered that instead but Raw Female seems very promising and might become my go to BO.

Yep and everything Shela said, I dont know why the other person said that but unless they are a scientist I would take it with a grain of salt, it works this morning my areolas are extremely swollen and sore!!   Big Grin" alt="Big Grin" title="Big Grin">  it contains both ovary and uterine plus some other important things like vitamin e, Im starting on just one a day with PM and I can say I had some weird tingles and aching in my boobs yesterday!



I just went for my shower and took the nipple covers off my nipples are sore and a warning if you are using non silicone covers like I am the BO cream mixture when dried will make the covers stick to your nipples like glue boy oh boy was it painful taking them off eeeekkk!!!  Sad" alt="Sad" title="Sad">


So I probably should have mentioned I was a fully strict vegetarian since 12 years old up until a couple years ago when I started incorporating chicken back into my diet only very seldomly still no red meat no seafood(ick lol) and so on so it took till this point to be okay with myself ingesting BO and boy is my stomach sensitive to it I have been having bad cramps and upset stomach since yesterday since starting BO hopefully my tummy gets used to this otherwise I will have to go back to the tried and trusted herbal route that was working for me anyways. Breasts look very full today nipples/areolas extra swollen too? A good sign I guess once I am out of my current PM capsules I will be switching to a 500mg capsule once a day instead of 300mg twice a day from another brand here in Australia that I very much trust, they get their PM directly from a botanist in Thailand so its quality sourced and trusted.



Tonight I decided to take another capsule then after my regular massage, making it one in morning one at night which will be my main dosage Im having some SERIOUS DULL ACHES AND PAINS in my boobs like wow I have not had boob pain like this since I started hormones when I was 16....

So current program goes as follows:

Morning: 1x 200mg Bio identical progesterone capsule

2x 1000IU Vitamin D capsules

1x 1000mcg Vitamin B12 tab

1 Hour later: 1x 430mg raw female BO capsule

1x 300mg PM capsule

Night: 1x 200mg Bio identical progesterone capsule

3x 1000mg FSO capsules

1 Hour later: 1x 430mg raw female BO capsule

1x 300mg PM capsule

Massage with herbal infused oil, rotations + fat brushing method

I am also on a 200mg Bio identical estrogen pellet implanted in my abdomen once a year which dissolves slowly constantly over the course of the year I have been on this method for many many years it is better and safer than synthetic. Costs a packet though so does my Bio progesterone but a girls gotta have her mones.


(15-12-2020, 12:20)Bustyprincess Wrote:  


Tonight I decided to take another capsule then after my regular massage, making it one in morning one at night which will be my main dosage Im having some SERIOUS DULL ACHES AND PAINS in my boobs like wow I have not had boob pain like this since I started hormones when I was 16....

So current program goes as follows:

Morning: 1x 200mg Bio identical progesterone capsule

2x 1000IU Vitamin D capsules

1x 1000mcg Vitamin B12 tab

1 Hour later: 1x 430mg raw female BO capsule

1x 300mg PM capsule

Night: 1x 200mg Bio identical progesterone capsule

3x 1000mg FSO capsules

1 Hour later: 1x 430mg raw female BO capsule

1x 300mg PM capsule

Massage with herbal infused oil, rotations + fat brushing method

I am also on a 200mg Bio identical estrogen pellet implanted in my abdomen once a year which dissolves slowly constantly over the course of the year I have been on this method for many many years it is better and safer than synthetic. Costs a packet though so does my Bio progesterone but a girls gotta have her mones.

I’ve read about other girls here who quit BO because of how it affected their stomach, maybe they were also vegetarian or vegan. I have always felt sick when taking zinc on an empty stomach, not painful but I feel like throwing up for about an hour after intake. Same with Raw female that contains 30mg if zinc, it’s so bad I actually set my alarm an hour earlier so I can wake up, take the pills and then sleep through the sickness. Since it’s just sickness and not pain that works for me. Hope your body gets used to it, for me the worst thing when starting BO was my emotions, I’m ready to cry alllll the time.

I was curious about your bio identical progesterone pill, do you purchase yourself or is it prescribed?


(15-12-2020, 13:47)Nefertity Wrote:  

(15-12-2020, 12:20)Bustyprincess Wrote:  


Tonight I decided to take another capsule then after my regular massage, making it one in morning one at night which will be my main dosage Im having some SERIOUS DULL ACHES AND PAINS in my boobs like wow I have not had boob pain like this since I started hormones when I was 16....

So current program goes as follows:

Morning: 1x 200mg Bio identical progesterone capsule

2x 1000IU Vitamin D capsules

1x 1000mcg Vitamin B12 tab

1 Hour later: 1x 430mg raw female BO capsule

1x 300mg PM capsule

Night: 1x 200mg Bio identical progesterone capsule

3x 1000mg FSO capsules

1 Hour later: 1x 430mg raw female BO capsule

1x 300mg PM capsule

Massage with herbal infused oil, rotations + fat brushing method

I am also on a 200mg Bio identical estrogen pellet implanted in my abdomen once a year which dissolves slowly constantly over the course of the year I have been on this method for many many years it is better and safer than synthetic. Costs a packet though so does my Bio progesterone but a girls gotta have her mones.

I’ve read about other girls here who quit BO because of how it affected their stomach, maybe they were also vegetarian or vegan. I have always felt sick when taking zinc on an empty stomach, not painful but I feel like throwing up for about an hour after intake. Same with Raw female that contains 30mg if zinc, it’s so bad I actually set my alarm an hour earlier so I can wake up, take the pills and then sleep through the sickness. Since it’s just sickness and not pain that works for me. Hope your body gets used to it, for me the worst thing when starting BO was my emotions, I’m ready to cry alllll the time.

I was curious about your bio identical progesterone pill, do you purchase yourself or is it prescribed?

Hey Nerfertity! Hmmm maybe it could also be because I am taking it on an empty stomach? I read its best to do that but maybe I should eat with it! Yeh Ive also been getting cramping pain though which is really weird hopefully my stomach gets used to it, omg tell me about it with the crying even without all the nbe I am an emotional mess due to my hrt my partner says its like I go through a period where Im extremely touchy, sensitive and whiney he thinks its cute though..... Sometimes lmao. As for my Bio Progesterone I get it prescribed then send off my script to the city to a compounding pharmacy and they regularly send me the compounded capsules its pricey for sure so is the bio estrogen pellet but its needed my father used to pay for it till the day I could start affording it myself. Atleast here anyway you can only get anything hormonal pharmaceutical wise via prescription


Boobs were seriously FULL today I honestly dont ever remember having all these aches and pains and fullness this early on in other nbe programs Ive tried, decided every second night I will do BO nipple cream as to not overload my system and will mix 1 BO capsule 1 PM capsule and aloe vera gel to make a paste.


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