I was born small, literally. I was an exceptionally small baby.
As I grew older, my body grew taller but I didn't grow much anywhere else. I was as light as a feather.
When all of the girls started hitting puberty almost nothing happened to me, except the usual negative side effects that come with puberty. The girls who were growing boobs would make fun of my flat chest.
The doctors thought something was wrong with me because I was so small and didn't gain weight. They searched and tested me constantly but found no answer. I was a normal height for a girl my age but everything else was behind. I started to feel something was really wrong with my body.
I still hoped and thought that puberty might give me those boobs I dreamed of eventually but I ended my natural puberty with a depressing very small chest and a small, childish body.
I'm in my mid 20s now and I am regularly mistaken to be a teenager, sometimes 10 years younger than my actual age. This is because I don't have the body of a grown woman.
I'm forcing myself to grow curves for a mature body. This is important for not only my self esteem and image, but fighting against the unfortunate circumstances that my body and life gave me.
Thanks for reading my little life story.