I’ve been on BO for 4 months with great boob growth (about 1 cup size growth)
Now me and my boyfriend decided to try to get pregnant. I have PCOS so it might take us a while. I know you’re not supposed to be on any herbs or such when trying to get pregnant but the thing is that BO has definitely increased my fertility. I used to have 37-48 day cycles with very light periods. Since I started BO my cycle is 30 days EXACTLY every time, I get ovulation pains and I notice wetness. (Before BO I never experienced any discharge, now I understand that is not healthy) and my period is “fuller” but in a good way. Less body hair and better skin too.
I obviously have to stop BO now that we are going to try conceive, but honestly I’m afraid that I will go back to before BO with super long cycles and such. I have no scientific data but I swear I’m more fertile since BO.
Has anybody with PCOS here been on BO and then stopped and how did that go?
(((Also just a note: I am NOT saying BO cures PCOS!!! It just happens in my case it regulated my cycles!)))