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Coffeegirl77's program


ul 11, 2006#1
On my first month of NBE I took:
Saw Palmetto berry 1100mg
Fenugreek seed 1220mg
DHA, EPA (Omega 3) 740mg

on my second month:
Saw Palmetto berry 1650 mg
Fenugreek seed 1830mg
EPO 500 mg
Womans blend multi-vit-- lots of stuff =)
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Unread postJul 11, 2006#2
Sorry, forgot to post my stats:
Age: 29
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 120
bra size: 34B
I would like to idealy get to a full C cup.

Unread postJul 21, 2006#3
Quote:On my first month of NBE I took:
Saw Palmetto berry 1100mg
Fenugreek seed 1220mg
DHA, EPA (Omega 3) 740mg

on my second month:
Saw Palmetto berry 1650 mg
Fenugreek seed 1830mg
EPO 500 mg
Womans blend multi-vit-- lots of stuff =)
I switched from Palmers cocoa butter (I am uncomfortable with the amount of mineral oil) to The Body Shop's cocoa butter body butter. It's, like, $16 a jar though (for 6 oz), so I don't know that I will buy it again unless I grow to love the stuff. I have been doing massage once a day (I need to ramp that up I think) after my shower. Nothing really specific, just a basic massage based on the chi massage, but I also have been massageing the limphnodes under my arms too. I have been experiencing some mild tingles on the outsides of my breasts over the past couple of days (yay!!), so I am hopeful that they will begin to grow soon. I beleive I have gained a little extra fullness on the undersides, though that may be a result of them recovering from nursing (I stopped nursing in May of 2006). Since the tingles are so mild, I am going to play with doses for next month. Maybe up my EPO to 1000 instead of the 500 I am at now. Or perhaps switch to Borage. Not sure...

Unread postJul 27, 2006#4
Quote:On my first month of NBE I took:
Saw Palmetto berry 1100mg
Fenugreek seed 1220mg
DHA, EPA (Omega 3) 740mg

on my second month:
Saw Palmetto berry 1650 mg
Fenugreek seed 1830mg
EPO 500 mg
Womans blend multi-vit-- lots of stuff =)
So I needed more Saw Palmetto and they had some at Trader Joe's, so I got it there this time. It's an extract, instead of the herb I was taking before. I decided to go ahead and try it. I read on here to take less than the herb in mg, so I am starting with 320mg a day. It's 2 capsules. The recomended dose on the bottle says 3 pills at 480mg a day, but I think I read that would be too much...? That's probably the recomended amount if a man is taking it for his prostate. We'll see how it works! It also contains olive oil, which I thought was interesting.

Unread postAug 14, 2006#5
Quote:On my first month of NBE I took:
Saw Palmetto berry 1100mg
Fenugreek seed 1220mg
DHA, EPA (Omega 3) 740mg

on my second month:
Saw Palmetto berry 1650 mg
Fenugreek seed 1830mg
EPO 500 mg
Womans blend multi-vit-- lots of stuff =)
Ok, here is my current program:
1 women's mulit-vit (trader joe's brand)
Fenugreek 2,440 mg
Saw Palmetto seed oil (extract) 320mg
EPO (with vit E) 1000mg

Was going to start using Borage oil instead of EPO, but I didn't like the one I saw at the health food store, so I am going to look around for a different brand. I may wait and take it after my break, which I will probably take in a couple of weeks.

I upped my FG dose since I haven't noticed any real changes yet. I thought that I would have an easier time getting results since I have had a couple of kids, but my body is not cooperating!! =) Sigh! I'm trying to up my good fat intake since I don't have a high percentage of body fat. I wouldn't mind gaining a couple of pounds anyway.

Unread postAug 15, 2006#6
Quote:On my first month of NBE I took:
Saw Palmetto berry 1100mg
Fenugreek seed 1220mg
DHA, EPA (Omega 3) 740mg

on my second month:
Saw Palmetto berry 1650 mg
Fenugreek seed 1830mg
EPO 500 mg
Womans blend multi-vit-- lots of stuff =)
I have read about how some others are drinking tea that's for nursing mothers since it has ingredients that help with NBE, so I picked some up today. I don't think I'll be replacing my morning coffee with it or anything, but I figured it couldn't hurt! It contains: Fennel, aniseed, coriander, fenugreek, blessed thistle, spearmint leaf, lemongrass, verbena leaf, and marshmallow root. It's not too bad! Kinda licoricy tasting. Figured I'd try a cup or two a day.

BTW I have been feeling something going on now. I don't see anything, but my boobs have felt achy and there has been some light pins and needles feeling off and on. I really think I needed that boost of Fenugreek that I started a few days ago. It seems to be making a difference!

Unread postOct 09, 2006#7
Quote:On my first month of NBE I took:
Saw Palmetto berry 1100mg
Fenugreek seed 1220mg
DHA, EPA (Omega 3) 740mg

on my second month:
Saw Palmetto berry 1650 mg
Fenugreek seed 1830mg
EPO 500 mg
Womans blend multi-vit-- lots of stuff =)
I've made several changes since my last update: I quit coffee (!!!), which was hard, and I ran out of cocoa butter body butter, so I'm using a variety of different body butters that I picked up in a pack at Costco. The past few days I have been breaking open an EPO with vit. E capsule and mixing it with whatever lotion I'm using that day for my massage. Not sure if this is significant or not, but for the first time since I was a teenager I am having PMS boob pain. I haven't been sore before my period in like 10 years. Maybe that's good? Another change I made about 2 weeks ago (mid-cycle), I am now taking Borage oil internally instead of EPO. It did seem like my pains increased a little when I did that. Today I picked up some Nettle root that I am going to switch to (from SP) once my peroid starts in a couple of days. Also, over the past month or more I have been taking 5 caps of Fenugreek (not all at once, 3 different times a day), and I can say that that seems to be my dose for now! As soon as I started on more Fenugreek I got much more pains, so yay!! I seems to me that it's a lot of little things that help boost things. I have been also drinking herbal tea's. One for nursing, and one that's for promoting hormonal balance.

I am not near my goal yet, but my boobs are looking much much better than when I first started this process. I know people say to take pictures so you can see the progress better, but I can honestly say that it will be etched in my brain forever how my boobs looked and felt last May. I don't need a picture to see and feel the difference.

Also want to add, I feel a difference in the amount of pains when I make sure I do some light chest exercises. I really think it's one of the keys, since it helps keep the girls up where they need to be while they grow. It helps with the circulation. I'm going to try to do better with that this month. I have an out of state wedding in January and am determined to get close to my goal by then.

Unread postOct 13, 2006#8
Quote:On my first month of NBE I took:
Saw Palmetto berry 1100mg
Fenugreek seed 1220mg
DHA, EPA (Omega 3) 740mg

on my second month:
Saw Palmetto berry 1650 mg
Fenugreek seed 1830mg
EPO 500 mg
Womans blend multi-vit-- lots of stuff =)
I have been measuring myself about once a month (at about the same time of the month) since I started, and never had any measurable growth-- until yesterday! I have gained 1/2 an inch in the past month! I know it's not that much for 5 months of work, but heck, I'll take it! I can only assume that the changes I have made are what gave me the boost! My period came yesterday, so I am now taking Nettle root instead of Saw Palmetto. Here is a detailed list of what I'm doing for this next month:
Fenugreek- 2 caps at 610mg each
Borage oil- 1 cap at 500mg

Fenugreek- 1 cap (610mg)
Womens multi-vit- 1 cap

Fenugreek- 2 caps at 610mg each
Borage oil- 1 cap at 500mg
Nettle Root- 1 cap at 300mg

I am also massaging (as described in the post above) and drinking the occational cup of herbal tea (also described in posts above)

Unread postMar 12, 2007#9
Quote:On my first month of NBE I took:
Saw Palmetto berry 1100mg
Fenugreek seed 1220mg
DHA, EPA (Omega 3) 740mg

on my second month:
Saw Palmetto berry 1650 mg
Fenugreek seed 1830mg
EPO 500 mg
Womans blend multi-vit-- lots of stuff =)
It's been a long time since I have posted either on the board or on my update page. I am not on herbs right now. I discovered that the increase in hormones caused a cyst to develop on one of my overies, and when I ovulated one month it burst and hurt quite a bit. So I decided to take a break. When I decided to start again a month or so later, I stupidly tried to start back up with the same dose as I was taking last, and the very sudden hormone boost caused the biggest most massively painful migraine I have EVER had, and I have been having migraines for more than 15 years. I was so sick it was an ordeal to keep even a sip of water down, and forget food. I'm possitive it was the herbs I took that caused it. So, here I am, still small boobed. It's a bummer. I will try again, at a lower dose and with some variations, but honestly, I'm just not sure this is going to work for me personally. If it doesn't, I hate to say it, but I may go ahead and get implants one day when I have the money. I don't mean to be a downer, but I just wanted to post this update for anyone interested. I wish you all lots of luck!!!

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