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Annie2's Program


Aug 29, 2006#1
My Stats
Age 25
Weight 114lbs
Waist 26
Bust 34
Under bust 28
Bra 34b
One Daughter which i breast fed.

Rountine Started on 12/8/2006

7-8am 2 Wu woith cereal bar and a glass of water.

9-10am breakfast eggs with soymilk and toast or oatmeal or cereal.
I Epo 1 Multivitamin 1 vit E

2 Wu
1 Epo

1 FLaxseed oil cap 1000mg
1SP 575mg

massage 2-3 times a day when i'm not lazy. Morning massage with Wild Yam Cream with borage oil

Afternoon massage with EPO and Aloe gel
Night massage with Wu Cream then 15 mins of heat
Chi massage and sometimes pressure points massage.

I'm feeling pain mostly in the left boob which is the bigger one, also i'm feelin a bit fuller.

Any input will be apprecited. Thank you
will keep u all updated .

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Unread postAug 29, 2006#2
It's been 18 days since on Wu and i'm still feeling pains and warmness in boobs.

Unread postAug 29, 2006#3
Quote:My Stats
Age 25
Weight 114lbs
Waist 26
Bust 34
Under bust 28
Bra 34b
One Daughter which i breast fed.

Rountine Started on 12/8/2006

7-8am 2 Wu woith cereal bar and a glass of water.

9-10am breakfast eggs with soymilk and toast or oatmeal or cereal.
I Epo 1 Multivitamin 1 vit E

2 Wu
1 Epo

1 FLaxseed oil cap 1000mg
1SP 575mg

massage 2-3 times a day when i'm not lazy. Morning massage with Wild Yam Cream with borage oil

Afternoon massage with EPO and Aloe gel
Night massage with Wu Cream then 15 mins of heat
Chi massage and sometimes pressure points massage.

I'm feeling pain mostly in the left boob which is the bigger one, also i'm feelin a bit fuller.

Any input will be apprecited. Thank you
will keep u all updated .

and iu drink 2 Litres of water throughout the day.

Unread postSep 12, 2006#4
Quote:My Stats
Age 25
Weight 114lbs
Waist 26
Bust 34
Under bust 28
Bra 34b
One Daughter which i breast fed.

Rountine Started on 12/8/2006

7-8am 2 Wu woith cereal bar and a glass of water.

9-10am breakfast eggs with soymilk and toast or oatmeal or cereal.
I Epo 1 Multivitamin 1 vit E

2 Wu
1 Epo

1 FLaxseed oil cap 1000mg
1SP 575mg

massage 2-3 times a day when i'm not lazy. Morning massage with Wild Yam Cream with borage oil

Afternoon massage with EPO and Aloe gel
Night massage with Wu Cream then 15 mins of heat
Chi massage and sometimes pressure points massage.

I'm feeling pain mostly in the left boob which is the bigger one, also i'm feelin a bit fuller.

Any input will be apprecited. Thank you
will keep u all updated .

Today mark the 33rd day i'm on Wu, my boobs are very sore and hurts when touched.
My EPO is finished so i'm taking 1 1000mg borage oil caps in stead after dinner.
Hope this will lead to dome growth or firmness.Doing light rotations for massage ATM.

Booy blessing to all.

Unread postSep 16, 2006#5
Quote:My Stats
Age 25
Weight 114lbs
Waist 26
Bust 34
Under bust 28
Bra 34b
One Daughter which i breast fed.

Rountine Started on 12/8/2006

7-8am 2 Wu woith cereal bar and a glass of water.

9-10am breakfast eggs with soymilk and toast or oatmeal or cereal.
I Epo 1 Multivitamin 1 vit E

2 Wu
1 Epo

1 FLaxseed oil cap 1000mg
1SP 575mg

massage 2-3 times a day when i'm not lazy. Morning massage with Wild Yam Cream with borage oil

Afternoon massage with EPO and Aloe gel
Night massage with Wu Cream then 15 mins of heat
Chi massage and sometimes pressure points massage.

I'm feeling pain mostly in the left boob which is the bigger one, also i'm feelin a bit fuller.

Any input will be apprecited. Thank you
will keep u all updated .

Well yesterday i had my frist period on WU. I skipped all herbs and start taking the them on the 16/9/2006.
Most of the soreness has gone, my period seems to be normal on the frist day i had cramps ,but not much today. And i'm feeling slight pains in the smaller boob, the right one.

Hopefully my second cycle i will get some growth. Finger xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Unread postSep 28, 2006#6
Quote:My Stats
Age 25
Weight 114lbs
Waist 26
Bust 34
Under bust 28
Bra 34b
One Daughter which i breast fed.

Rountine Started on 12/8/2006

7-8am 2 Wu woith cereal bar and a glass of water.

9-10am breakfast eggs with soymilk and toast or oatmeal or cereal.
I Epo 1 Multivitamin 1 vit E

2 Wu
1 Epo

1 FLaxseed oil cap 1000mg
1SP 575mg

massage 2-3 times a day when i'm not lazy. Morning massage with Wild Yam Cream with borage oil

Afternoon massage with EPO and Aloe gel
Night massage with Wu Cream then 15 mins of heat
Chi massage and sometimes pressure points massage.

I'm feeling pain mostly in the left boob which is the bigger one, also i'm feelin a bit fuller.

Any input will be apprecited. Thank you
will keep u all updated .


well my boobs was swollen and sore, but since my period came on the 15th of septempber it all went away.

Cycle 2 on WU: skipped day 1of cycle i lost all the fullness i got from cycle1. so sad!!!!!!!!
I decied to stop SP for now and see if the Wu by itself will still bring pain and to my surprise i'm feeling strong pain and warmness throughout the day.
SO my Routine is i like this.

1flaxseed oil
2 10grains of gelatin
1vitamin E

About an hour after breakfast
1 borage oil 1000mg
1royal jelly 500mg

1royal jelly
1borage oil

night before bed
1Royal jelly
1borage oil

Will start massage with EPO tomarrow, iv'e been out for awhile now.Also i foung a palmer's coco butter massage cream with collegen will try it also.

feeling alot of pain hopefully this cycle will be a better one.
Finger crossed.

Well here i go again. signed up for the free trail at grow yours,started this morning. boobs are warm all day today, but my hands get so tired from doing all those exercise. LOL.

I'm now 26
weight:116 put on lots of weight on WU still not at my ideal weight just acouple more pounds to go.
Bust @ nipple: 33'
Underbust 29"
Waist 27"
collar bone to middle of nipple 8"
across chest @nipple below breast 3.5"

Hopefully i get some increase,i'll be happy with them just filling out mostly on tops.

Thinking of adding herbs ,not quite sure what i have alot of herbs on hand.
Milk Thislte(did one week of cleasne before period period finish on sunday)
I don't know...........


Unread postApr 21, 2007#8
Quote:My Stats
Age 25
Weight 114lbs
Waist 26
Bust 34
Under bust 28
Bra 34b
One Daughter which i breast fed.

Rountine Started on 12/8/2006

7-8am 2 Wu woith cereal bar and a glass of water.

9-10am breakfast eggs with soymilk and toast or oatmeal or cereal.
I Epo 1 Multivitamin 1 vit E

2 Wu
1 Epo

1 FLaxseed oil cap 1000mg
1SP 575mg

massage 2-3 times a day when i'm not lazy. Morning massage with Wild Yam Cream with borage oil

Afternoon massage with EPO and Aloe gel
Night massage with Wu Cream then 15 mins of heat
Chi massage and sometimes pressure points massage.

I'm feeling pain mostly in the left boob which is the bigger one, also i'm feelin a bit fuller.

Any input will be apprecited. Thank you
will keep u all updated .

Acne pimple sitting on my cheesk and chin area saying, "hey we're here, what r gonna do about us" I don't know what to do anymore and the sad part is they leave scar behind.):


Unread postApr 22, 2007#9
Quote:My Stats
Age 25
Weight 114lbs
Waist 26
Bust 34
Under bust 28
Bra 34b
One Daughter which i breast fed.

Rountine Started on 12/8/2006

7-8am 2 Wu woith cereal bar and a glass of water.

9-10am breakfast eggs with soymilk and toast or oatmeal or cereal.
I Epo 1 Multivitamin 1 vit E

2 Wu
1 Epo

1 FLaxseed oil cap 1000mg
1SP 575mg

massage 2-3 times a day when i'm not lazy. Morning massage with Wild Yam Cream with borage oil

Afternoon massage with EPO and Aloe gel
Night massage with Wu Cream then 15 mins of heat
Chi massage and sometimes pressure points massage.

I'm feeling pain mostly in the left boob which is the bigger one, also i'm feelin a bit fuller.

Any input will be apprecited. Thank you
will keep u all updated .

Hey Annie
I know I'm all up in your buisiness right now. But i love reading programs pages to see how people are doing and i just read yours, and I know how you feel. i have had terrible acne since i was 19 (perfect skin before that?). anyway, i used proactiv for years which helped, but not really.
i found this site where girls go and share tips (kinda like this forumn but for beauty. I found my acne and scar cures on here. this is the site ... n=popular/
what has worked like a dream for me is the asprin mask, and the apple cider toner
this is home made cheap stuff, that hunderes of dollars in products could not do!
take a look around there if you have time and see if anything looks good to you.
after the asrpin mask helped clear my breakouts, i used the AHA soufle cream on my face at nite, and the scars are fading.
it's pretty amazing and so so cheap.

sorry to post on your programs page-let me know if that is not cool with you!
but if you have any questions, ask away. t


Unread postApr 23, 2007#10
Quote:My Stats
Age 25
Weight 114lbs
Waist 26
Bust 34
Under bust 28
Bra 34b
One Daughter which i breast fed.

Rountine Started on 12/8/2006

7-8am 2 Wu woith cereal bar and a glass of water.

9-10am breakfast eggs with soymilk and toast or oatmeal or cereal.
I Epo 1 Multivitamin 1 vit E

2 Wu
1 Epo

1 FLaxseed oil cap 1000mg
1SP 575mg

massage 2-3 times a day when i'm not lazy. Morning massage with Wild Yam Cream with borage oil

Afternoon massage with EPO and Aloe gel
Night massage with Wu Cream then 15 mins of heat
Chi massage and sometimes pressure points massage.

I'm feeling pain mostly in the left boob which is the bigger one, also i'm feelin a bit fuller.

Any input will be apprecited. Thank you
will keep u all updated .

Hi Sara, it's quite cool to post on my program page, i flattered that someone actually reads it LOL. That forum is kool, i'd checked it out last night, very interesting stuff. Thanks for sending the link, will definetly try one of those home remedy. will be checking it out some more later tonight. Busy today,
my Fiance brother is coming to visit for a week and i'm doing a bit of cleaning up. hopefully i can find the time to massage while he's here.

Ok so today is day 4 on Grow Yours. boobs are sore and feeling abit heavy. finger and wrist get so tired sand sore during the massage .

Will definetly keep u posted.
Talk to u soon.
Take Care

Day 5, boobs are still sore and are filling out and getting round. Also i measured 1 inch gain across nipple. so measurement areas fllows
At nipple 33-34
3inch above nipple was 31-32

Hope you are good, congrats on your growth! Hope you are managing to get time in for your massage while your fiance's brother is in town+

Ya, I love that makeupalley site too. Haven't been on there for a while-but such good home remedy recipes!


Hey Sara gurl,yeah i'm good like that..........Smile. It's wonderful u start the GY ,i'm sure u will see a difference real soon. Well i locked myself in the bathroom for 45mins at night and in the day time , they both go diving so i have to house for myself . So far it working out prefect. Alos at nights i massage in bed, my fiance brother sleeps in the same room ,becoz it's the only room with AC. U should see me massage under the sheets, while we all watch a movie,LOL. I wonder if he notice any thing .All is well though. I hope ur doing well also in all aspect of life.


Busta @ nipple 33-34.5
Below Breast 29-30.5
11/2"above nipple 32-33
3'above nipple 33

So i'm gaining all over the breast which is great. Boobs feel heavy and r bfilling out . I'm so excited lets see what next week brings my way

Oh i'm on day 8.

LOL! YOu crack me up girl! Now that is some seriose dedication! For real though, I think massaging while watching tv or a movie ois the way to go. does your fiance know? my b/f knows, but i still try and hide it from him. but i am over it, put on a movia and pass the oil!
you have gotten awesome results-so cool! congrats and keep it up! where do you live> diving sound nice! i'm in cali now, but an east coast girl at hearst+

have a great weekend honey!

Hi Sara, Fruit cake!!!!!!!!!! yeah it's quite funny. The Fiance Brother have left the building....... He's gone back to vegas. I'm in Jamaica it's a small Carbbean country, my Fiance is From Miami. So i have to order all my NBE stuff and have someone bring it down or when my Fiance goes up for a visit. That's why i haven't started the Gaba as yet. I finally got the Collagen yesterday from BIO LAB, but i'm concernd as to taking it coz on the bottle say dno't take while lactating. Since GRow YOur =s gonna bring on lactation or near to lactation . I don't know ):

Yeah my fiance knows i'm doing it ,but i still hide from him sometimes.

Day 14 on GY........ Boobs are still sore, im in luteal phase of my cycle, hopefully i will gain another inch. Still at the 1.5 inch mark. I think i'm slacking on massage with pressure will start doing it aggresively again, but my hands get so tired......... Also i'm feeling pain in boobs just like when i was on hebs, hope that's a good sign.


Unread postMay 12, 2007#17
Quote:My Stats
Age 25
Weight 114lbs
Waist 26
Bust 34
Under bust 28
Bra 34b
One Daughter which i breast fed.

Rountine Started on 12/8/2006

7-8am 2 Wu woith cereal bar and a glass of water.

9-10am breakfast eggs with soymilk and toast or oatmeal or cereal.
I Epo 1 Multivitamin 1 vit E

2 Wu
1 Epo

1 FLaxseed oil cap 1000mg
1SP 575mg

massage 2-3 times a day when i'm not lazy. Morning massage with Wild Yam Cream with borage oil

Afternoon massage with EPO and Aloe gel
Night massage with Wu Cream then 15 mins of heat
Chi massage and sometimes pressure points massage.

I'm feeling pain mostly in the left boob which is the bigger one, also i'm feelin a bit fuller.

Any input will be apprecited. Thank you
will keep u all updated .

Hey sweetie! I just saw this message-haven't checked the programs page in a bit...
Wow, Jamaica sopunds amazing to me right now+ I have always wanted to visit the Carabeann++
I hope you are feeling great honey. I saw your post somewhere else about finishing the herbs you have and continuing with massage.. I have been considering the same-just finishing the herbs I have and maybe trying something else.

I know I am not going ful force with GY, but I am happy with learning it-I like the fullness I get with those massages. The massage is so important for all this! Anyway, I am not as obsessed as I was before, just happy I got some result.
Its cool your fiance is from Miami, I have always wanted to go there too, I think I''d love it. The rest of Florida is no fun really!

Wishing you the best sweetie pie+++ Hope you have an awesoem weekend Smile


Unread postMay 22, 2007#18
Quote:My Stats
Age 25
Weight 114lbs
Waist 26
Bust 34
Under bust 28
Bra 34b
One Daughter which i breast fed.

Rountine Started on 12/8/2006

7-8am 2 Wu woith cereal bar and a glass of water.

9-10am breakfast eggs with soymilk and toast or oatmeal or cereal.
I Epo 1 Multivitamin 1 vit E

2 Wu
1 Epo

1 FLaxseed oil cap 1000mg
1SP 575mg

massage 2-3 times a day when i'm not lazy. Morning massage with Wild Yam Cream with borage oil

Afternoon massage with EPO and Aloe gel
Night massage with Wu Cream then 15 mins of heat
Chi massage and sometimes pressure points massage.

I'm feeling pain mostly in the left boob which is the bigger one, also i'm feelin a bit fuller.

Any input will be apprecited. Thank you
will keep u all updated .

Thanks Sara ur such a sweet heart +++ LOL. I'm not doing the grow yours full fore either. too lazy my hands hurts too much during massages. ): I went up to 35" just before my period and 3 daqys in, i lost it sigh>>>>>>>>>>> ): my boobs are not so wonderful at the moment i feel like nothing is ever gonna work for me. Really i'm not motivated to take anyherbs or even massage ,but i'm gonna try again. This always happen it's like a yo yo ,up aqdn then down.

I hope ur in good health as well Sara.

Saty as sweet as u r

Just a note to me. Back ate 34 and feeling really empty at the moment. sometimes i feel i'm massaging away any little fat that's in my boobs.
Oh well.


Unread postMay 26, 2007#19
Quote:My Stats
Age 25
Weight 114lbs
Waist 26
Bust 34
Under bust 28
Bra 34b
One Daughter which i breast fed.

Rountine Started on 12/8/2006

7-8am 2 Wu woith cereal bar and a glass of water.

9-10am breakfast eggs with soymilk and toast or oatmeal or cereal.
I Epo 1 Multivitamin 1 vit E

2 Wu
1 Epo

1 FLaxseed oil cap 1000mg
1SP 575mg

massage 2-3 times a day when i'm not lazy. Morning massage with Wild Yam Cream with borage oil

Afternoon massage with EPO and Aloe gel
Night massage with Wu Cream then 15 mins of heat
Chi massage and sometimes pressure points massage.

I'm feeling pain mostly in the left boob which is the bigger one, also i'm feelin a bit fuller.

Any input will be apprecited. Thank you
will keep u all updated .

Hey honey+
I know what you mean, it's just seems like a cycle of swelling up and going back down.

I have been thinking about taking a break, but I keep going back and forth on the idea. I am trying to just now worry too much about it-but it's hard not getting excited when they start swelling up!

Are you think of taking a break and seeing how you feel?
I should check your program to see what herbs you are taking.
How do ytou feel on the herbs?

Sometimes I'm okay, but I think I am getting new pms symptoms, just super irratable and emotional. the last thing i really need lol!

Anyway, I hope you are fellinmg good and things are well for you sweetie.
Have a lovely weekend Annie Smile

Hey , I was on a long break just before last month when i started the GY. I just start taking herbs again since my period and i lost all i gained from GY.
I get emotional at times too ,more when my period is near. I know it can be fustrating when u gain then u loose what u gained. It can also be discouraged at times. I stopped doing GY for now coz i get discouraged. I'm taking 2WU pills and 800mgs of Vitex, i know that might not be enough just want to get rid of the herbs i had .

Hope u had a fun weekend. I did i went Clubbing and made a delicious dinner on sunday. LOL .

Take care hun....

Hope you're feeling good Smile
Thanks for your reply on the wonderup. I did get more single herbs, but still thinking about giving wonderup a shot later on.

Yeah, the GY can be a bit much. I think the more stress we put on it the less we grow anyways. Just doing what you feel like, enjoying it and being happy are better than pushing yourself too hard to follow something.
I am still massaging, but for about 2 min in the am, and about 10-15 in the pm. that works for me and i don't stress about it.
I do think the herbs are working for me. i take a lot of fenugreek, close to 4,000 mg a day. it's maybe too much! but i like it and don't have any bad effects.

Anyway, i do hope you are really good, and enjoying good times++
clubbing and yummy dinners sound quite right!


Unread postJul 21, 2007#22
Quote:My Stats
Age 25
Weight 114lbs
Waist 26
Bust 34
Under bust 28
Bra 34b
One Daughter which i breast fed.

Rountine Started on 12/8/2006

7-8am 2 Wu woith cereal bar and a glass of water.

9-10am breakfast eggs with soymilk and toast or oatmeal or cereal.
I Epo 1 Multivitamin 1 vit E

2 Wu
1 Epo

1 FLaxseed oil cap 1000mg
1SP 575mg

massage 2-3 times a day when i'm not lazy. Morning massage with Wild Yam Cream with borage oil

Afternoon massage with EPO and Aloe gel
Night massage with Wu Cream then 15 mins of heat
Chi massage and sometimes pressure points massage.

I'm feeling pain mostly in the left boob which is the bigger one, also i'm feelin a bit fuller.

Any input will be apprecited. Thank you
will keep u all updated .

Annie girl+
I have been thinking about you, thought you were taking some time off. I can't believe all you have been going through... I know how hard and strange it is to lose someone close, but I can't imagine having to explain something that doesn't ever make enough sense to your baby girl. I am so sorry honey. If you ever need to talk, lemme know-I can give you me number or my personal email.
You are such a wonderful person, and so strong. I'll keep thinking of you, sending you good wishes honey+
I have been okay, taking a break from the herbs. I actually ordered BO from DNE, and it has arrived today. I think I will start tonight. A little nervous about it actually!
Have you checked the PM board to find a good PM for you? I remember that girl Deborah who sold the Blossoms soap also sold PM, I think she has an ebay store. she seemed nice and reputable.

Let me know if you need anything at all honey+
Take care of yourself++



Unread postJul 22, 2007#23
Quote:My Stats
Age 25
Weight 114lbs
Waist 26
Bust 34
Under bust 28
Bra 34b
One Daughter which i breast fed.

Rountine Started on 12/8/2006

7-8am 2 Wu woith cereal bar and a glass of water.

9-10am breakfast eggs with soymilk and toast or oatmeal or cereal.
I Epo 1 Multivitamin 1 vit E

2 Wu
1 Epo

1 FLaxseed oil cap 1000mg
1SP 575mg

massage 2-3 times a day when i'm not lazy. Morning massage with Wild Yam Cream with borage oil

Afternoon massage with EPO and Aloe gel
Night massage with Wu Cream then 15 mins of heat
Chi massage and sometimes pressure points massage.

I'm feeling pain mostly in the left boob which is the bigger one, also i'm feelin a bit fuller.

Any input will be apprecited. Thank you
will keep u all updated .

Hey Hunni, Thanks for the Good wishes. Things are a better these days.My dauther is doing well also ,but i know she thinks of him sometimes ,coz i do. I'd love to talk with u, email or phone. We could do both! what u think? I think if u click on my user name my email addy will come up.

Ok it's so hard to know what to try next, when u read so many stuff working on the gurls here. i was seriously think of BO ,I think i'll try it next, that way we can share our experiences. i'll order some tonight.

Mt Fiance is leaving for Las vegas on Monday to visit his Mom and brother, so i'll have my BO in 2 weeks time. That way i won't wait until a family member is coming down To JA
XOXOX here's to our dream boob .

P.S looking forward for ur reply.
Take care

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