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Louise - Veggie NBE with Brava


Jun 17, 2007#1
My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
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Unread postJun 19, 2007#2
Measurements - no significant change, get slight differences day to day as really hard to keep the tape measure level all the way round.

After 3 days of WU possibly had some tingling at night, then since day 4 definite weird boob feeling pretty much constantly and last night right boob-armpit area quite achey, feels ok now.

4 days till I start Brava!


Unread postJun 20, 2007#3
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Still on WU only, boobs feel pretty normal today.


Unread postJun 21, 2007#4
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Spoke too soon! L>R boobs and armpit area really achey.

Think I'm getting fat but haven't got any weighing scales at the moment so will have to check at the weekend.


Unread postJun 25, 2007#5
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Still on WU 2 tablets 3x daily (6 total).

Got Brava system 2 days ago, Brava recommend wearing for 2 hours first day then increasing by 2 hours per day until you can do 10-12 and not to do more than 11 hours for first 2 weeks. I need to see some decent swelling next weekend so did 3 hour trial session (and actually did get noticeable swelling of about 0.5-1 inch) then left off for about 5 hours to recover. Did 9 hours that night and 12 hours last night. Taped nipples last night which is a definite improvement (don't look so big and white, slightly hard but back to normal in under an hour). Whole boobs white in the morning and about 1 cupsize swelling.

Brava hurts and itches and I'm worried it's cumulative as for best effects you need longer wear times and shorter recovery times. After removing domes have washed boobs with Simple facewash then used Corium 21 cream. Still sore and slightly bruised above boobs approx 9.5 hours after removal - hopefully you get used to it!

Want to try 12-14 hours tonight depending how long I can stand it.


Unread postJun 26, 2007#6
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Did 14 hours last night - mind over matter! Itched like mad! Can take quite a lot of suction and have almost evened out the difference in the suction of the two domes by poking a screwdriver through the hole in the right one to make it as big as the left to give same size boobs in the morning.

Started off 32A/B (was full 34A when I was fatter), was small 32C yesterday after 12 hours and small 32D this morning after 14 hours. Will try to keep increasing wear time to see the effect while I'm not at work as when I go back I'll probably only be able to do 12 hours.

Intend to get an airlock tomorrow and thinking about filling the Brava with water like someone else did - hope it doesn't wet the bed!


Unread postJun 28, 2007#7
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Did 16 hours Brava on night 4, was less itchy as I think I used less suction, also used surgical tape to protect skin as recommended by Brava down the middle, but thought I'd try round the sides too - couldn't get a seal, gave up after an hour then peeling the tape off my skin sore so gave it couple of hours rest before trying again. Managed to get a seal with midline taped (still taping nipples). Didn't really get any better swelling than day before depite wearing for 2 hours extra. Having removed domes boobs are really itchy and think I'm allergic to the tape because where it's been has left a rash so leaving Brava off to recover as I'd rather lose all progress now than later when I may have more to lose. Main point is to really pump up on the weekend then will start program sensibly.

30 hours after removing domes, still itchy but redness just about gone.


Unread postJun 30, 2007#8
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Want max swelling tomorrow evening so after 2 days rest I did 16 hours last night, including a few waking hours with water for extra suction. Was itchy while wearing and itchy when removed but after few hours felt better. Best swelling only lasts a couple of hours and it takes longer than that for the skin to look normal! Skin feels best when using cocoa butter with vitmin E and savlon antiseptic cream. May give up on the corium 21. Still taking WU 6x daily. Have got borage oil and stinging nettle but the capsules are huge so not started yet.

With break I did notice that boobs weren't absolutely back to normal size for about 36 hours.

So far best swelling is up to 33.5 around bust but although this doesn't sound like much it looks a lot different, a reasonable C from A / small B.



Unread postJul 11, 2007#9
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
On the evening in question managed to get up to nearly 35 around bust which looked pretty good after about 48 hours with only total break time of about 3 hours.

Skin very itvhy so will have a few days off before starting sensible regular 12 hours per day.

Unread postJul 11, 2007#10
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Ordered more Wonderup - still taking 6 per day although think I've taken 4 on 3 days and 8 twice by accident.

Started borage oil and stinging nettle today. Borage oil packaging says to take 1x520mg per day but on the forum I've been advised to take 1000-2000mg daily. Nettle packaging says to take 4x275mg daily but on the forum I've been advised to take 500mg daily.

Programme for next few months:

Wonderup 6x daily
Borage oil 1x 520mg daily
Nettle 2x 275mg daily

Continuing with Brava, averaging about 11.5 hours over the last week, ditched the corium cream and the nipple tape (they're back to normal in less than 30 mins - must be super flexible!)

Intend to start spearmint tea.

Measurements before Brava time:

Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 32
Bust leaning 33

Not well so only taking WU as they're easy to swallow, considering marine collagen.

Brava hours for last 2 weeks:

1) 11.5,11,12,11,12,13,14, total 84.5, Average 12.07
2) 13,12,13,14,12,14,15 total 93, Average 13.28

Last night did 18 hours therefore swelling lasted longer than usual but nipples still back to normal in about 20mins!

Skin feeling better and generally more comfortable.

Gave myself fantastic crescent shaped hickey-like bruises above both boobs, not absolutely sure how as athough I did suck quite a lot of air out it didn't hurt and wasn't as much as with water.

12-14 hours gives similar swelling, 15+ noticeably more but not loads, water with extra suction also gives more.


Unread postJul 26, 2007#12
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
New stats (not sure if this is genuine growth / residual swelling / measuring error)

Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 32.5
Bust bending 33.5
Weight 112 lb

Brava hours this week: 18/12/14/15/13/18/20 total:110, average:15.71

Total so far:287.5 Average: 13.7

Best swelling:34 (bending:35)

Swelling usually to a full C but after 20 hour session got a full D!!

Still taking WU 6x daily, BCP, borage oil intermittently, stopped nettle as turns out I should've bough root not leaves! Diet 2x slim fast bars and egg sandwich with a few snacks and a few cheats per week.

Unread postAug 03, 2007#13
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Ok, have not been able to put in as many hours this week and really starting to wonder about my measuring technique as smallest bust measurement when swollen was 33.25 and I'm usually 33 when I put them on and they definitely always look a lot bigger even if not huge, at least a C.

Brava hours this week: 15/12.25/13.5/14/13/15.5/20 total:103.25, average:14.75

Total so far: 390.75 Average: 13.96

So according to Brava's original claim of 10hrs x 10wks I've passed the halfway mark.

Smallest bust measurement before domes: 32.5 (usually 33)

Best swelling:34.25 (bending:35.25)

Touching all round sides of domes and nipples touching, domes full except for 3/4 inch gap at the top after 9 hours with water.

Weight 110 lbs and have been eating quite a lot.

Haven't ordered nettle root yet, still not taken much borage oil and only took collagen once after which had bad indigestion. Still taking WU 6x daily.

The question is have I got the guts to wear Brava on my long train journey tomorrow?



Unread postAug 09, 2007#14
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Really put in maximum hours this week, still don’t seem to be retaining anything but spoke to Brava and they said that starts around week 8-10.

Brava hours this week: 15.25/15.25/16.25/15/13.5/22.5/17
Total: 114.75, Average: 16.39
Total so far: 505.5 Average: 14.44

Bust measurement before domes: 32.5-33

Best swelling: 35.5 (bending: 36.25)

Have found better technique for increased swelling and no bruising – airlock just slightly tight to start and suck a bit more out every couple of hours. Have been doing this for last two days and have put in long hours but at the end of the session have been touching the sides of the domes with just the smartbox and just about completely filling them with extra suction. Have ordered narrow XL domes, may start sessions in the large and move up after few hours.

Still haven't ordered nettle root or taken much borage oil or collagen.
Still taking WU 6x daily and eating fairly well.

(Did wear Brava on the train journey – really not that obvious when sitting down in loose clothes and only got 3 funny looks in the street, this allowed me about 5hrs extra)


Unread postAug 16, 2007#15
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Went out to buy a non padded wonderbra and found that I had a fair amount of cleavage in a 32C about 4.5 hours after removal (bet they make wonderbras really small though to make you feel better!). At the end of the day and after doing only 13hrs the night before I fit into a non padded 34B, was a full 32B (padded). I don't know that there's much difference in size between 32A, 32B, 34A and 34B - need to try on my old 34As to assess growth compared to when I was fat. Yesterday 4 hours after 21 hours session still had decent boobs, alhamdulillah! Counting down till hubby comes home....really hope he can come round to see them.

Brava hours this week: 15.5/13.5/14.5/15.25/13/21/19
Total: 111.75, Average: 15.96
Total so far: 617.25 Average: 14.69

Bust measurement before domes: 33 (34 once)

Best swelling: 35 (bending: 36.25)

Still using a lot of manual suction, increasing slowly over the session and had touch all round the domes and just about nipples touching by end of sessions. Got XL domes yesterday and touching round the sides but about an inch to go to the ends. (With extra suction could fill the large completely which interestingly takes the pressure off the nipples and they don't swell).

Just about managing to take WU, really hard to remember to do on an empty stomach.

Next week's target is maintaining the swelling

Unread postAug 23, 2007#16
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Highlight of this week was another fun train journey with domes. Wore the large as the XL look so ridiculous – at least 2 inches deeper. All was fine until I reached in my bag and the domes let out a huge farting noise. Luckily there were only 3 other people in my end of the carriage and it’s not like I’ll see them again but was still a red-faced moment as I stared out the window pretending nothing happened.

Filled a 32DD and wearing 36D (almost full) for comfort since Brava advised not to go braless. Definitely too big for 34C. Really hope hubby can see them. Incidentally have also mastered the Danish pastry…feel v proud of this home baking achievement!

Brava hours this week: 14.5/16/16.25/14.75/13.5/27.75/15.25
Total: 117.75, Average: 16.82
Total so far: 735, Average: 15

Bust measurement before domes: 33-33.5 (34 once)

Best swelling: 36 (bending: 36.75)

Hopefully getting medical hormone testing this afternoon. Really hope they find something fixable. Hope to start maintaining something in the next 2 weeks. Have passed the total hours for 10 hours x 10 weeks.

Was still full C / small D 3.5 hours after removing domes (following 36.75 hours wear).

No luck with hormone testing as would have to come off the pill for results to be reliable, doctor also wants to rescan for PCO.

Have some time off next week so hoping for max Brava time.

Unread postAug 31, 2007#17
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Bit complicated this week as have had domes on almost constantly for 5 days and that includes merging the end of week 8 and the beginning of week 9. Trying to measure hours per session not in a 24 hour period therefore can do more than 24 hours – I think this will help me more when I look back at my nerdy spreadsheet to assess results. Don’t seem to be getting any extra swelling and difficult to tell if I’m maintaining any better as not left domes off much. The biggest initial swelling (E cup) only lasts about an hour then maybe D cup for 2-4 more hours then C cup. Did get to within about 0.5 cm of touching end of XL domes but don’t want to rush and end up in hospital getting boobs drained! Can suck hard to get left nipple to touch, but can't keep up this much suction and gave myself a bruise doing it. May also consider buying another check valve so can use more suction on the right. Both look similar when swollen but left bigger at end of the day.

Brava hours this week: 14.5/13/12.75(3+9.75)/14.5/29/19/37.5
Total: 140.25, Average: 20.04
Total so far: 875.25, Average: 15.63

Bust measurement before domes: 33.5-34 (but often only left off for 2-3 hours)

Best swelling: 36 (bending: 37)

Giving more thought to herbs. Considering that I’m small and I had feelings after only 4 days with WU, thinking maybe I’d be better with lower dose. I also have really quite a lot of slim fast for protein and that gets its protein from soy which is eostrogenic. So I will wait another couple of days to get definitely into the luteal phase then come off WU for a stall test. If I get any feelings I’ll ramp back up starting maybe at 2 tablets and going up to keep with the feelings. Also thinking about changing bcp to dianette as it is recommended for androgen blocking, or possibly getting propecia – scary!

Have tried putting the borage oil into fruit yoghurt – not too bad, must try to keep up with this. Must try to find something to disguise the disgusting sticky texture of the collagen. Must try to drink more water. Must keep up new regime of thigh exercises. Will judge nest week how well I managed and see if I can award myself a gold star.

Unread postSep 01, 2007#18
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Just to note that long sessions with high suction did just about result in touching ends of XL domes with both nipples but gave me a few pimples, although this may have been started by waxing chest hair. Sternum is puffy with avengence today which I suppose is fair after the hours I've been putting in (100 hours in 4 sessions!). Was reasonable 32C in non-padded bra after domes off for 12 hours, 34C only slightly wrinkled. God I hope I can keep it, inshaAllah.

Interesting to remember the Brava coach said that you start to maintain swelling after 8-10 weeks.

Boobs didn't look super-impressive as used to DDs and with swollen sternum not much cleavage. Also have to remember that swelling probably drains slower after a super-session. Obviously natural boobs are kind of bean bag shaped not football shaped so again look smaller but not too bad with a bra...long term plan may include Ripplu bra after measurements stabilise.

Unread postSep 05, 2007#19
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Still having skin trouble so only short hours this week. What started out as a few spots is now a rash at the tops and bottoms of where the domes sit. The midline’s getting a bit better and the actual spots are gone. Have tried various things I think witch hazel followed by zinc cream is probably second best to just binning the domes. Will continue with short hours and try to go topless or at least open shirt at home to get some fresh air.

Brava hours this week:

26.75 (over 2 days with no break)/13/15/12.25/12/12.75
Total: 91.75, Average: 13.11
Total so far: 967, Average: 15.35

Bust measurement before domes: 33.5-34 (even after 15 hours!)

No more swelling than previous, less with shorter sessions and less suction, but seem to be maintaining more. Also have to say that after a short session last night they were a really nice shape and size this morning, round full C. The DDs look fake and a bit strange but obviously better than AA! My target bras are non padded 34B, non padded 32C that I used to wear with silicone pads and non padded 34C (optimism!). The 34B is full, 32C almost full and another inch would possibly do the 34C. Full looking swelling measuring 34 filled it very nicely. Hoping and praying.

Came off WU for stall test on Saturday or Sunday, boobs were feeling tingly before and still tingly but had a few aches today. Hope this means something.

Diagnosed with PCO, awaiting hormone test after which doctor wants to start me on metformin (hope I don’t get sick) then the next month start dianette.

Need a telling off RE borage oil, water drinking and exercises – really must try harder. Next week’s main target is to get the rash sorted. Also once I’ve done the hormone test I can go back to WU probably start at 3 tabs daily and will start the metformin. May also buy blood sugar self test.


Unread postSep 06, 2007#20
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
I have to say, I've immensely enjoyed reading your program page! I laughed out loud over your train trips and you had me on the edge of my seat waiting to see how it went with your measurements and seeing if you retain anything. I'm wishing you all the best dear, do please keep us posted as to how things work out!

Hi Tesa,

Thanks for the encouragement, had some really loud brava 'farts' when I was on the phone to my accountant this morning! I told him I had this 'rubber thing' that kept making funny noises but was still embarassed. Think I got past it by not sounding too flustered. Not sure which I should be ashamed of - booby problem or fart noise!

Unread postSep 13, 2007#22
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
I am actually retaining some now, not loads but not measured under 33 for a long time and the swelling lasts longer than it did a few weeks ago so hopefully the growth starts here. If I really breathe out as far as I can I get 32.5 (when I first started this was 31-31.5 so hopefully something's happening). Have been keeping the hours short and really looking after my skin. After going topless indoors covered in hydrocortisone to no effect on my last day off I really felt that I wanted to use my natural face products for the rash and they fixed it in about 3 days without missing a Brava session, alhamdulillah. I just washed with water (no soap) after taking the domes off then used: ... 25640.html ... 25636.html

In the evenings I just rubbed away excess cream with a cloth and used Brava skin prep before putting domes on (no washing). The build up of zinc cream on the domes rubs off quite easily.

Brava told me it is normal to get less swelling after a while as your body gets used to the tension but I still get a lot more after a long session and/or more suction. Still need to be careful with the addictive suction to avoid further rash and skin a bit itchy along the far sides.

Brava hours this week:


Total: 95.75, Average: 13.68
Total so far: 1062.75, Average: 15.18

Bust measurement before domes: 33.25-33.75

Waist: 25, Weight: 109 lbs

Have been absolutely fine with the metformin - thank God! Have granary toast for breakfast and take them after. Have started nerdy diet diary and actually not doing badly, eating more protein than I thought, possibly slightly more fat and sugar but fairly low carbs and fairly low calories. Intend to start vitamin supplements but a bit worried as a lot of them contain a lot of C which apparently affects progesterone. Will start the WU at the weekend when I've finished my 7-day BCP break, then at the end of the next pack will go over to Dianette. Had blood tests for testosterone, SHBG, thyroid and liver function. Will wait for result and then consider kelp for circulation if I'm not low enough thyroid to go on thyroxine. If I do get thyroxine as well as metformin my dieting days might be over! Still thinking about Goat's Rue.

Must drink more water and why can't I force myself to exercise?

Going to HK on Sunday to visit hubby so will have domes off for about 28 hours...a cliffhanger till next week then to see if I retain any!

Unread postSep 13, 2007#23
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Have been feeling pretty rough since about 3.45pm. Came over funny Barclays bank. Not sure if it was the metformin or taking too many vitamins with only a slim fast before going out. Was sweaty and dizzy, indigestion, abdominal pain and feeling like I was about to get diarrhoea (which I didn't). Have felt the same on and off since. I think it could be caused by lack of food maximising the disturbance to the stomach lining but have also read online that eating anything sweet or fatty can play it up. Will try to persevere. Also have a slight headache but that could be stress.

Unread postSep 13, 2007#24
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Also been doing Andrew Dobson's breast enlargement hypnosis but have fallen asleep nearly every actually v good for knocking me right out!

Unread postSep 14, 2007#25
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Wasn't too bad today, just ate bread and crackers. Think it could've been either the sweetness of the slim fast or too many vitamin tablets at once that did it yesterday.


Unread postSep 21, 2007#26
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
In HK, not been recording hours, will have to think hard. Internet not working in hotel so sitting in internet cafe - just made loud farting noise but such is life!



Unread postOct 01, 2007#27
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Went on hols which has messed with my Brava time - have got quite a few hours in but in several sessions and had couple of missed nights. Also not been keeping good records so hours are a bit approximate. Not been measuring much either and eaten crap for a fortnight.

Brava hours this week:

19.5 (5+14.5)
19 (2.5+16.5)
20 (2+18)

Total: 97.25
Average: 13.89

Total so far: 1160l.25, Average: 15.07

Did leave domes off from 8am Sunday till about 9pm Monday (+7 hour time difference) so about 32 hours. Measured about 32.75 after that, so although not great there does seem to be some residual growth.

No more probs with metformin, choked on a tablet so not been taking vitamins or WU but must get back to them. Thigh excercises may be having slight effect - more in terms of muscle feels firm than looking better. Just passed the 2 stone weight loss mark.

Unread postOct 01, 2007#28
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Brava hours this week:

17 (2.5+2+11.5)
20 (3+17)
17 (3+14)
19 (1.5+17.5)
12.5 (2.75+9.75)
5.5 (3+2.5)

Total: 104, Average: 14.86
Total so far: 1264.25, Average: 15.05

Back from hols now (halfway through week 13). Not sure whether to start WU now or wait until after I double the metformin or until I start dianette. Again had about 20 hours without domes and was 32.25-33 depending on repeat measurements - hopefully there is some growth as I'm nearly at the halfway point. Noticed more than anything that bras are more full. Haven't actually put on any weight in last 2 weeks.


Unread postOct 06, 2007#29
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Computer is broken, think I remembered last week's total hours and have calculated average. No missed nights but left on for quite a while on day off (22 hours) and gave redness like a burn where the domes sit - have been keeping to low hours and using various creams and almost gone.

New total: 1362.25
Average: 14.97

Start dianette tomorrow and metformin up to 2x daily from next week. Will probably start WU again tomorrow too. When finished fasting will worry about protein and vitamins and water etc.

33.75 (34.5 bending) after 12+ hours domes off so hopefully making progress. Listening to Andrew Dobson 2x daily and got tingles nearly all the time. Thinking about trying Noogleberry after Brava session finishes.



Unread postOct 08, 2007#30
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
1st Dianette yesterday, upping metformin in 2 days. Will go back on WU to tonight. Been using PM cream nearly every day after taking domes off and sometimes a little bit inside the domes. Still falling asleep or failing to concentrate with Andrew Dobson.

Fixed computer - turned out the charger had overheated as I always leave it plugged in - whoops!

Total: 98.5 Average: 14.07

Total so far: 1362.75
Average: 14.98

Started Dianette on 07/10/07. Went back to WU 2 days ago but only been managing 2 tablets 2x daily as fasting. Been a bit nutritionally poor while fasting too, trying to drink water, excercises have got forgotten. Put 2tsp flax seed oil in pasta yesterday - will try t get some borage oil too then use a teaspoon of one or the other in my dinner or yoghurt each day. If I'm feeling brave may give the collagen another go in some peanut butter.


Unread postOct 10, 2007#32
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Brava 15 hours per day average, will add 2-3 weeks on after 26 to make up for missed nights

PM cream with no massage 1-2x daily

Metformin 2x daily, Dianette 1x daily 21 day cycle

WU 6x daily
5ml (approx 4.8mg) borage oil / flax seed oil - alternating each day
60g protein (may try to increase this)
1.5-2 litres water

Various vitamins later

Leg excercises and may add crunches

Blaketalk hypnosis 3 month programme before bed
Andrew Dobson hypnosis in the morning


After 3 months may add Goat's Rue or Motherlove More Milk
When Brava session finished will be trying Noogleberry and some massage techniques.



Weight: 107 lbs
Waist: 25
Hips: 35.5
Underbust: 27.5
Bust: 32.75 (lowest seen)
Bra: Full 32B, average 34B, loose 32C


Weight: 105 lbs
Waist: 24
Bust: 34
Bra: Full 34C, 32D

Unread postOct 13, 2007#33
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Brava hours this week:

Total: 108.75 Average: 15.54

Total so far: 1471.5
Average: 15.02

Just doubled the Metformin, don't feel too bad if only eat bland food, little and often, not been taking WU, had 1 week of Dianette. Not been bad with the flax seed oil, need to order borage oil. Thinking about DMSO for skin absorption and DMSO + Yohimburn for thighs.....will I ever wobble more on the chest than the legs?

p.s. This Borage cream has been a nice substitute for the zinc cream while the skin is comfortable - think it's more moisturising and there's less build up on the domes. Skin gets very dry on dome footprints. ... -30ml.html


Unread postOct 17, 2007#34
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Brava hours this week:

Total: 111.5 Average: 15.93

Total so far: 1583 Average: 15.08

Possibly retaining slightly more, skin is good and comfortable when domes are off. Got to full C / small D in 2.5 hours - don't usually take them off to check but this may be good news in terms of the future with Noogleberry.

Been thinking very hard about what to try after Brava finishes and think the main thing is massage, as that's what I've been missing so far. Just need to decide exactly what to put in the massage lotion. May give MP a chance too as it's really cheap and supposed to work fast so if it doesn't work after say 3 months could ditch it. Still not taking WU. Not been so good at flax and must devise proper excercise routine (and stick to it!). Possibly drinking more water and have the exciting achievement that I can take my meds with only a slimfast meal and not feel too sick to go to work. Been adding a teaspoon of protein powder to everything I can. Think I may start having slimfast for breaskfast, low fat egg sandwich for lunch and some sort of booby meals that I'm thinking up (various wet things that can put protein powder in) for dinner. Also I think all this 'herbs ar more effective on an empty stomach' thing may bot be the case as WU says on the bottle to take with food, Eve took herbs with food and the Asian girls are just using food - maybe because it's the digestive process that acivates the phytoestrogen...some food for thought! (For anyone else reading that, I apologise for the very bad pun!)

Determined for boobs

p.s. the sexual stuff in the blaketalks hypnosis put me off so going back to Andrew Dobson tonight

Unread postOct 17, 2007#35
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Have got a couple of spots on face - maybe this is the Dianette kicking in? Halfway through first pack, so about 2 weeks before I know if I'll get my period as normal.

Unread postOct 25, 2007#36
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Brava hours this week:


Total: 112 Average: 16

Total so far: 1695
Average: 15.13

Think I'm maintaining slightly more, alhamdulillah! Now 12 hours after removing domes I'm overflowing a non-padded 32B and most of the 32Cs are filled properly. Have bought the same style bras in a few sizes to monitor growth. Gone back to Andrew Dobson nightly, diet reasonable but will get back to that when finished fasts next week. Taking WU again. Skin almost clear. I think one crop of spots at the time of changing brands is fine but will keep a close lookout for acne and weight gain. Got gynaecology review in a few weeks, not sure if I'm brave enough to ask about boobs but will see if I have to take metformin 3x from then and will ask how often I have to have liver function tests.

Measuring 27.5ish underbust
Minimum 33 bust, 34.25 breathing in, 32 breathing out, 34-34.5 bending
Hips 35.5-36
Waist 24.5-25
Weight 107 lbs

Unread postNov 01, 2007#37
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Brava hours this week:


Total: 106 Average: 15.14

Total so far: 1801
Average: 15.13

Measuring 27.5ish underbust
Forgot to take many bust measurements without swelling but haven't seen less than 33
Hips 35-35.5
Waist 24.5-25
Weight 106 lbs is the best I've seen

Took more photos.

Pissed off with customs, parcelforce, the post office, the noogleberry cups that aren't deep but are far too wide, vaguely annoyed with the BB cups that fit on but are full in 25mins and ?reduced my brava swelling. Will just carry on with brava for now and worry about BB later. After I've finished and have lost all the swelling the M BB cups will probably do for a while anyway. It is quite strong!

Have resorted to a personal trainer for thighs, £47 for initial session which was just showing me what excercises to do, about £60 for gym ball and leg weights that now have to come through the post (i.e. be picked up from the damn sorting office), £260 for 5 further sessions as you can only block book. This is steadily approaching £2000!!! Will be worth it if it works inshaAllah - really pray that I can improve the shape and look of my legs even if not the size without losing my boobs.

Only good thing about NB and BB is that I can sell them if they don't fit as no reason it won't work for someone larger.

Stomach pretty much settled, and may try eating 2 slim fast bars in the morning, egg sandwich for lunch and warm booby-meal for dinner as want to consume more calories if I'm going to burn more to avoid losing boobs. Doing better in terms of drinking water and taking vitamins, lax with the oils. Liquid oxygen arrived. Trainer has given me diet and excercise diary.

Unread postNov 08, 2007#38
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Brava hours this week:


Total: 108 Average: 15.43

Total so far: 1909 Average: 15.15

Measurements pretty much the same and took yet more photos on cycle day 6 at about 11.5 hours after removing domes. Have had a few measurement scares as it seems to really depend on how I stand, lung inflation and tape position. Been doing excercises, stomach is feeling quite toned. Been adding protein powder to anything I can and about 1g soy to my dinner. Made booby tea out of 1g goats rue, 1g barley grass, 1g papaya, 1 spearmint and chamomile tea bag - think the papaya played my stomach up a bit. DMSO going to be another 2 weeks so might have to extend the Brava period. Did get my period normally and skin's ok. Don't know if training will affect boobs as don't thin they're very fatty - whole top half is starting to look distinctly bony. Think I need to concentrate more on the legs at the moment then hopefully if I can get rid of the saddlebags I can try to increase the fat in my diet and see if I can get some to stick on the top half. Just need a couple more ingredients to do a thigh wrap.

Unread postNov 15, 2007#39
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Brava hours this week:


Total: 106.75 Average: 15.25

Total so far: 2015.75 Average: 15.16

Was still 33.5 after nearly 12 hours last night alhamdulillah, really think it's working just need to maintain it now. Still no DMSO. Ordered a smoothie machine to see if I can make a fruit-ased protein drink. Have been feeling sick quite a lot.

Feels like exercises may be working in terms of making my body feel hard but not measuring any smaller. Having a go with a wrap tonight.

Unread postNov 15, 2007#40
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Did the wrap on my thighs, possibly slightly more toned but no measurable shrinkage - will continue while I have the ingredients, and as long as the bathroom carpet can take it!

Had the personal trainer today, turns out I don't just need to do a little set of each and enjoy it I need to do each excerise until 'fatigue' i.e. until it hurts! Apparently doesn't matter if I don't get through all of them every day...and no more breaks in between with my feet up on the gym ball. Hope I can walk straight tomorrow.

Changes to program:

Still doing Brava 15 hours daily but probably now for total 30 weeks.
Using EPO instead of dome prep.

Still taking WU x 6 daily

Added 1000mg soy, SOY=SUCCESS!


1200mg hops
400mg barley
800mg oats

(I'm short of what Eve took by these amounts)

Will try with the oils but don't like them, also going to try more protein powder and soy milk in smoothies and got powdered flax seeds.

Doing better at drinking more water...just need to find something to settle my stomach.

Doing personal trainer workouts and trying to stick to 1350 calories as recommended by Waxingmoon.

Seeing the gynaecologist next week to review POMs.

Unread postNov 21, 2007#42
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Consultant seems pleased, so no need to increase the metformin and wants me to take another 6 months of Dianette before going onto a different brand.

Difficult to get small enough quantities of the dry herbs with a spoon as they're strong extracts, so just using the minimum and will be every other day with porridge and a slim fast for dinner to keep my weight down.

DMSO arrived today so will begin my science project on Thursday evening when I start Brava week 21.

Waist down to 24.5 the last two days and weight around 106-107 lbs. Butt toning up fast, abs possibly, thighs - fatty bit may be higher up and the rest feels harder if not any smaller. Only been two weeks.

Unread postNov 21, 2007#43
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Brava hours this week:


Total: 101 Average: 14.43

Total so far: 2116.75 Average: 15.12

Looking better and better in the evenings but Lexy's post has worried me, frustrating to not be able to tell until after I'm done but will stick with it for 10 more weeks then try the new labour intensive regime of chi massage, pansyclub massage, lobe massage, BB, possibly magnets.

Unread postNov 23, 2007#44
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
15 hours Brava average
DMSO solution, then EPO to moisturise straight after
30 mins BB session every evening with DMSO solution in BB cups, then rinse before back to Brava.

6x Wonderup
0.5 tsp EPO / borage oil
1g Soy 10% isoflavones
1x Dianette in cycle
2x Metformin

3-4x weekly porridge + slim fast for dinner with approx. 500mg barley, 200mg avena sativa and hops

Training program every day including 10 mins cardio 3-4x weekly

40-70g Protein and 2 litres water daily

Measurements: Actual (Target)

Bust: 33-33.5 (33.5-34)
Leaning: 34-34.5 (35)
Minimum: 32-32.5 (32.5-33)
Underbust: 27-28 (27)
Waist: 24.5 (24)
Hips: 35.5-36 (35-35.5)
Thigh: 21 (19)
Weight: 106-108 (105)


Unread postNov 24, 2007#45
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Just done 1/2 hour BB session, found 4-5 small lumps like half a pea but white along both right and left cleavage sides near the top. Not soft like blisters so not sure what they are. Also not sure if I'm getting a rib ridge under the right boob, at least it's not visible. Maintained pretty much same size after 13.25 hours domes off.

Unread postNov 29, 2007#46
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
The BB lumps have gone, not sure what they were, managing half hour before each Brava session. Using 'suck' on 10-11 o'clock but can feel the suction getting easier and don't need any silicone sheeting. Been using the soy tincture twice daily.

Thought I was about to get a rash as I did 23 hours with really quite hard suction and had lots of little bumps like raised red pinpricks when I took the domes off, but they were gone a few hours later. Had massive sternum swelling though after this longer session - almost 1cm!!! Took it easy on suction today and all is back to normal alhamdulillah.

Brava hours this week:


Total: 109.75 Average: 15.68

Total so far: 2226.5 Average: 15.15

Next 3 weeks I'm going to be mega busy with 6 days at work and mortgage-related stuff on days off so may not get great hours. Will be good opportunity to take pics and measurements when I should have less swelling.

Diet ok, been working out but knee was bad so got a bit lazy last weekend, back into it now though and hope to give the Callenetics a go. Just about managing to take approx 3g either borage oil or EPO every day now, it's really not so bad. Still taking the WU + the extra Eve herbs. Stomach feels much better alhamdulillah, think it's all the porridge so will keep that up too.


Unread postDec 05, 2007#47
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Been doing the BB with the herbal solution for 30 mins each evening and do get a little swelling and a bit of a lift but the last few nights the lumps were back but instead of being like lentils the'd coalesced into a rough edged strip (approx 2cm wide) down the cleavage side of each boob, then last night I noticed my boobs looked a bit weird a little while after I put the domes on so I tok them off for a closer look and was horrified! They were both purple and veiny and covered in blotchy fatty bits that were pale and very slightly raised - not sure if this is how swelling begins and I've just not noticed before but put the domes back on and carried on and it looked ok a couple of hours later. Haven't used the BB today and have possibly been using too high a setting. Started using the magnets while at work. 2x DA2 for each nipple on positive, haven't tried the energising or CVS yet. Shorter hours for next few weeks as working 6 days.

Brava hours this week:


Total: 101 Average: 14.43

Total so far: 2327.5 Average: 15.11

Got to the target points of waist 24, underbust 27, weight 105 and I think the thighs may be improving slightly possibly due to the exciting combination of porridge for dinner and lots of exercise. Knee been a bit achey.


Unread postDec 11, 2007#48
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Hi Louise,
congrats on your well-informed program page!
I understand that you live in the UK so I would really appreciate your advice on a reputable site (with low shipping costs for europeans)from which I could order my herbs.
Best of luck to you,


Unread postDec 11, 2007#49
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
I got a really good service, and good value for money in terms of product (and they have everything) from is US however their international shipping cost is a flat rate so make sure you order in bulk. Also you need to consider import taxes in your own country - it ended up costing me about £100 in shipping and taxes which was more than I spent on the herbs!

Otherwise vortex heath is in Europe and has quite a few herbs, I have only bought wonderup from them and have been pleased with the service. I don't use their other herbs as they come in gelatine capsules and I'm veggie. Arkopharma have some things like borage (AKA starflower) oil in vegecaps or actually I bought the liquid borage and evening primrose oils (just a bottle of liquid, I take 1 teaspoon) from Power Health and have been very pleased with the service and the price. My mum bought the flaxseed oil from but I think it tastes quite strong so I use the ground up flax seeds (6 teaspoons ground = 1 teaspoon oil) in porridge 3x per week. The grounds have a nice bran taste.

It always amazes me that anyone would read all my ramblings! Good luck with your program x


Unread postDec 15, 2007#50
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Still getting this mushy fatty bit down the cleavage area after BB but also getting bigger swelling and more fullness, from C to full C. Also as the left cup is filled quite quickly the right boob gets a better workout so I get more swelling on the right - hopefully this may help even them up a bit.

Been slacking with herb porridge, added soy, oils, water.....naughty naughty! Just about managing 6x WU daily. Also been eating more fatty food as I'm really stressed about whole mortgage thing. Hairdresser appointment next Friday is all that keeps me going! Seem to be about 33-33.25 and underbust 26.75-27. Just can't wait to get finished now, see what my result is and get on to the next cycle. Also I always phase out / fall asleep during the hypnosis - will try to address this once the house stuff is sorted.

Brava hours this week:


Total: 102 Average: 14.57

Total so far: 2429.5 Average 15.09

Started Callanetics 30 day program today. Doing hips, buttocks and outer thighs but it only took about 15mins and that was while reading the instructions so may add one stomach exercise and a couple of inner thigh exercises....really hope I can stick to it do the 30 days ASAP. Also driy brushed just the thighs briefly this evening and very briefly this morning and have added 2 stacked DA2s on either saddlebag. Skin feels a bit dry and irritated from 2 mins dry brushing, have also rubbed in my reduction mix. 29 days to go!

Unread postDec 21, 2007#52
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Been ill so not been eating too good and not exercising, just about managing the WonderUp. Still doing BB, ordered the large domes but using medium this week. Just worked 8 days in a row so Brava hours not been great either. Also think I may have lost the seal at about 4am the other night - the good news is that if I only did 9.75 hours that still doesn't count as a missed night and I was still a 32C that evening which may have been 14 hours after a short session.

Brava hours this week:

14/14/14.25/14.5/12.5/12.75 (? -3)/13.75

Total: 95.75 Average: 13.68

Total so far: 2525.25 Average: 15.03

Most important thing for next week is not to slack on my exercises....looking forward to getting my hair done. Also ideally should improve ccompliance with oils and extra Eve herbs.

Unread postDec 27, 2007#53
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Had hair done and it does look great, think the cut was better last time but the colour's nice. Have done phase 1 of the Callanetics Countdown which is about 15 mins on four occasions, most of me is pretty firm anyway but I feel it's improved my posture, really realy hope I start to shrink soon. Also did the Beginning Callanetics video fully yesterday and slightly less fully today, need to learn the exercises (definitely easier from the video than the book) then can do some at work and some in the evenings, there isn't really enough time to do many reps with the video and the batteries in the remote don't work!

Have eaten the most disgusting amount of fat this week, one box of chocolates left for my bday then will have to have a couple of weeks on slim fast and porridge to fix up, don't seem o be any larger but a bit heavier on the scales and worrying it'll deposit at any moment and leave me a fat blob!

Brava hours this week:


Total: 114.5 Average: 16.36

Total so far: 2639.75 Average: 15.08

Got the large BB domes, it does seem to suck stronger when there's more space and I get more like 1 cup than half a cup swelling in 30 mins. Does hurt my ribs a bit but seeing if I can get the silicone sheets from Lucy at Noogleberry. Amazed I got a seal at all, they do look almost big enough to get my knees in! Really getting sick of Brava now, not that it's hassle or too uncomfortable more that I want to see what result I've got. I filled the large domes in 20 mins today and that's the first time I've been able to use the large since I got the large BB domes.

Think I'll have to bite the bullet and make the next session BB only 1 hour morning and evening - may airlock off after the evening session or do 60 mins before and after work and then 30 mins before bed....will mean getting up an hour earlier for at least 3 months.

Haven't listened to Andrew Dobson for over a week so may get back to that at some point but main thing is to improve diet and take oils. Not sure whether to increase WU to 7 tablets daily as I'm not very good at taking additional herbs or whether I should make a big batch of extra herb mix so it's less hassle. Will also try the sweety papaya drink 2x daily after I stop my period.


Unread postDec 28, 2007#54
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Have a small area of broken skin, been there for about 3 days, probably where I scratched it. Approx 7x3mm near armpit area, right where BB domes pulls skin and where Brava cushion is squashed. Using Dettol + Savlon + zinc cream. Coated it in zinc cream and stuck a tiny piece of tissue onto it by soaking in EPO before putting domes on - definitely more comfortable.

Skin did get a bit itchy and peeled when I scratched it, assume this was from DMSO (about 2 weeks ago) so not used any tinctures since. MAy get back to it - really need to do more internally I think but worried about stalling.

Unread postDec 31, 2007#55
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Just about fixed, there's still a mark but it's not open / bleeding / sore.

Also, just tried a 30D bra and that's probably the best fit I've got, alhamdulillah! Will probably get the same bra in 30DD for a new target....must remember to take a photo in it....might even get the E but think that may be a bit optimistic!

Unread postJan 03, 2008#56
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Brava hours this week:


Total: 110 Average: 15.71

Total so far: 2749.75 Average: 15.11

Skin patch almost cleared up but a bit worse today as have had a few days off and been putting a lot of hours in. 6 days at work next week so probably won't do so well next week. Trying to keep up with the Callanetics but whatever exercise program I have I just never feel like doing it - must try harder! Think I will stick with 6x WU until after my BB session in May then when I'm using no suction I will spend more time experimenting with herbs.

Actual Measurements (Best):

Weight: 105 lbs
Waist: 23.5
Hips: 35
Thighs: 20.25 / 20.75
Underbust: 26.5
Bust: 33.25
Bra: 30D

Didn't manage to get to 30DD but did get the E, when I've got less swelling I will start to take pics in the 30E. I think a small E would be enough, full E looks a bit much. Really weird to buy bras with a cup that is obviously convex and then to actually fill it!

Tried papaya tea drink - was disgusting! Really don't know whether I can stomach that 2x daily for a week. May try again after next period or after BB session. I don't get cycle swelling anyway. Have not dry brushed since about 4 days after I bought it. Still wearing magnets. Thought it might be a good idea (again when I'm done with suction) to do a proper massage in bed in the morning then use the massager for 15 mins 2-3x during work, then a proper massage when I get in and again before bed. Not sure if the magnets will mess the massager up but I guess I could wear the magnets over night following the final massage. Not been eating well recently. Trying to use BB for 30 mins on 'suck' 10-11 o'clock position before each session but can't use it when I do long sessions on days off as the swelling hasn't gone down.

Next four weeks:

Finish Callanetcs 30 day program
Keep up Brava average 15 hours
Use BB 30 mins before Brava (may be able to use more suction once I get some sort of padding)
WU 6x daily
Dry brush 50 strokes 2x daily
Try to take oils
Watch diet / devise new diet

I've definitely eaten worse recently but don't seem to be fatter, maybe that's Callanetics?


Unread postJan 03, 2008#57
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
I'm up to day 8 on the Countdown and my body is now pretty firm all over and further decrease off the waist. Tried size 6 trousers on yesterday (US 2) and they fitted! Weren't very flattering to my chunky thighs but I've lost 2-3 dress sizes since last February. Hopefully the inch loss of the thighs starts here inshaAllah! (Have done a total of approximately 5 hours Callanetics so far).


Unread postJan 10, 2008#58
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Hey Louise,

Did you manage to get the silicone sheets from Noogleberry---- And if so, do they help? I've decided I'm going to get BB and use on breaks from Brava as well as random intervals when I feel like it. =)


Unread postJan 10, 2008#59
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Hi Alcest,

Instead of silicone they're using rubber - I have tried it but the sheet is very thick, it is definitely more comfortable but harder to get a seal and because the material is stiff it feels sharp and leaves an indentation, so not sure if I'll end up sore somewhere else! It may be better if I enlarge the hole so it's almost the same size as the opening on the dome but haven't palyed around with it much yet. They are also having a go with latex to make a rubber ring that you fit over the edge of the cup - I think this may be better. The BB domes are curved to fit against your chest, the opening is narrower and the dome deeper so I think they are better for smaller people than the NB domes. If you want the BB, I can recommend the service and the price from Mark at I only got the domes from him and got the machine second hand. Make sure you don't use your Brava domes with the BB as it'll damage them even though they're a lot more comfortabe. Also make sure you only use the left hand port on the BB - the middle one will rip them off!

Unread postJan 10, 2008#60
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Brava hours this week:


Total: 107.75 Average: 15.39

Total so far: 2857.5 Average: 15.12

Up to Day 11 Callanetics - why am I such a slacker? Sort of eating better. Not been taking oils, just about managing WU. Should be getting more protein, probably getting about 45g most days. Still wearing magnets to work but also been doing the energising treatment for about 5-10mins while getting ready in the morning. Possibly lost half inch of thighs, need about another 2 inches preferably. Still wearing negative magnets on saddlebags. Used BB more this week and did touch the end once. Hopefully using for longer and in the mornings will help with that. Tried making the green papaya drink but it was NASTY! Will have to consider putting something else in to hide the taste next cycle. Interestingly I'll finish Brava at around the time I finish my next period so maybe that's an important time for papaya to help maintain what I've got. Getting better at remembering the dry brushing. Can't wait to be finished!

Brava hours this week:


Total: 102 Average: 14.57

Total so far: 2959.5 Average: 15.10

After 13.5 hours domes off:

Bust: 33.25
Bending: 34-34.25

Best measurements:

Weight: 105
Hips: 35
Waist: 23.5
Thighs: 20.5/21
Underbust: 26.5

I now have a tiny gap where my flabby thighs no longer meet, hopefully this is the start of the shrinkage but I've been pretty rubbish about doing exercises, just not got fat because I keep being to lazy to eat dinner.

Have found exciting low fat cheese which has a lot of protein so will worry more about diet after my two week break. Must take those oils! Will try to just eat a small quantity of porridge every other day to put the extra herbs in as I can use the protein powder like powdered milk.


Unread postJan 24, 2008#62
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Brava hours this week:


Total: 99.25 Average: 14.18

Total so far: 3058.75 Average: 15.07

Passed 3000 hours this week, have been possibly seeing more in the evenings but not sure. Still using BB for 30 mins before Brava for the 5 days I'm at work. Sore skin patch near right armpit is pretty much fixed after applying a lot of borage cream or savlon then putting a piece of plastic bag over the sore bit under the domes. Developing another sore bit bottom cleavage side of left boob where I've overdone the suction a bit which gave me a pimple and I've picked at it! Got another bit of plastic on to see if that helps but only seven more nights to go - feels like it's only been a couple of weeks but that will have been a full seven months! Will be really weird to leave it off won't know what to do with myself, hoping sleeping normally doesn't squash them back in! Technically any growth after a couple of days should be real boob growth and only affected by weight loss - amazing! Haven't been getting such great hours the last couple of weeks but I think at this late stage a few minuted here or there isn't going to make much difference. Aiming to take the domes off next Thursday (31.01.08) at 7.30am then I can measure and take pics after 12,24,36,48,72 hours then at the 1 week and 2 week points. Then onto BB......

Been doing a bit better with exercises although been eating worse and worse, weight and measurements are ok though, giving myself a bit of a diet break as the BB diet and getting up an hour earlier to put the thing on is going to be hard going.

Unread postJan 31, 2008#63
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Brava hours this week:


Total: 96.25 Average: 13.75

Total so far: 3155 Average: 15.02

Laptop not working so on Dad's PC in the middle of the night. Have been slacking with hours a bit the last couple of weeks because feel like what I get is already determined. Will take off finally at 7am today then keep checking I still have boobs every 12 hours.

Will have to add lovehandle circumference at belly button as another measure as think I may have put on a tiny bit of weight but just finished my period so not sure.

Unread postFeb 01, 2008#64
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Initial Measurements 17.06.07 Recap:

Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Underbust breathing out 26.5
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

12 Hours Post-Brava:

Underbust 27.5
Bust 33.5
Bust bending: 34.25

24 Hours Post-Brava:

Height 5'1
Weight 105lbs
Hips 35.5
Waist 24
Underbust 26.5
Underbust breathing out 25.5 (2 inches too small for Brava - show's what they know!)
Bust 33
Bust bending 34.25

36 Hours Post-Brava:

Underbust 26.75
Bust 33
Bust bending: 34.25

So far so good, looks like the recoil has been minimal. The oldest 32C bra fits well, the other 32Cs are tight, most 32Ds are full / almost full. 30D too small, 30E still got a bit of room. 34B cups fit but band huge, 34C good fit in padded style, cups pretty full in non-padded but band huge. I think I'm either a 30DD or 31D. Looks like I gained about 1.5-2 cups.

Went from a difference between the underbust and bust measurements being 3-4 inches (equivalent to AA-A) to 6-6.5 inches (equivalent to C-C/D).

Will keep measuring. Need to work on thighs and have a general break from suction for 2 weeks to get a permanent Brava result. Want to introduce extra herbs from middle of my cycle going forwards and at the same time start the high protein diet. Hope to begin BB in 2 weeks....roll on the D cup!

Unread postFeb 07, 2008#65
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**

Height 5'1
Weight 106lbs (eating too much!)
Hips 35.5
Waist 24
Underbust 26.75
Bust 33.25
Bust bending 34.25

Have bad skin, worse it's been for ages and starving hungry all the time. Also feeling headachey on and off and grumpy but all of this may be the stress of working 6 days per week, learning to drive, using public transport, buying a house, opening new bank accounts, dealing with the public etc etc....least I've got boobs!

Unread postFeb 10, 2008#66
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Started 7 tablets WU daily from yesterday (cycle day 18). Will be taking 2x around 9am, 2x around 4pm, then 3x + BCP around 10pm.

Been using electronic massager 30mins last few days, it's ok, think it may work well with magnets as they both use a current.

Not taken oils or extra herbs for ages.

Not done any exercise for over a week, been eating rubbish.

Nest Thursday is D-Day, as in D for Diet. Aim to recommence high protein, 1350 calorie diet, Callanetics (want to devise short program to do every day), 20 mins 2x weekly crosstrainer, omega oils, vitamins.....and start BB.

Will leave the extra herbs for another month, then maybe start on cycle day 17 or 18 again so I know I'm in the luteal phase.

If only I can get what I got from Brava in my BB cycle inshaAllah, then will do one more because I'm greedy then work only on the legs. If I can get my bottom half and top half in proportion I could do a really really hardcore diet and exercise program without worrying too much.


Unread postFeb 11, 2008#67
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
I think its amazing that Brava worked so well for you, congrats! In terms of your comments about the luteal phase I have often wondered this would one need to increase the estrogenic herbs? galactogues? good luck with everything, after how much effort you have put into NBE you deserve more than anyone Louise Smile


Unread postFeb 14, 2008#68
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Hey Hopeful,

Thanks for that, let's hope I get the same again from BB.

Unread postFeb 14, 2008#69
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Measurements still pretty much the same:

Underbust: 26.5-27
Bust: 33.25
Bending: 34-34.5

Seems like I've got about 1.5 cups from Brava, alhamdulillah! Definitely a noticeable difference from barely there to almost normal. Haven't managed to do cc measurement as you have to bend too far forwards to get the chest horizontal and I was splashing water everywhere!

Unread postFeb 14, 2008#70
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
New targets:

Weight: 105
Underbust: 26.5-27
Bust: 34-35
Bending: 35+
Waist: 23
Hips: 35
Thighs: 19

Still taking 7x WU daily, will add extra herbs next cycle luteal phase if nothing's happening. Trying to use magnets on and off rather than just on all day but will try to work out a regular regime. Aiming to do BB 60mins 2x daily on massage setting 10-11 o'clock strength.

Think it may take a while to get used to BB as it's on at the moment and not got the huge swelling yet - will keep updating.

First day with BB, damn thing won't seal over any of the padding so my bare ribs are taking a beating! Trying to get some padding from Lucy at NB. Also very hard to get in a comfortable position without the domes falling off, and it hurts! Not a happy bunny! Hope it works. On the plus side I did get about half a cup of swelling and I can wear the large domes although they're not full (which is probably for the best as it gives room for growth).

Just to note had a second visual migraine today, had first one last Monday (11th) - wonder if it could be the Dianette suddenly interfering. Have had a lot of headaches recently but think it's more sinus related.

Unread postFeb 15, 2008#72
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
I've found a fun disadvantage of using 2x daily - your ribs still hurt from last time when you put it on! Also the small red mark that was almost healed where I got a spot from Brava has gone purple! Must be a weak blood vessel or something in there. Nowhere else is discoloured, probably because my ribs hurt if I go beyond 10 o'clock so even on the massage setting I'm being a wimp!


Unread postFeb 15, 2008#73
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Bust at nipple and just below mole on back = 33.25.

Bust just above nipple at the front and mole at the back (upper bust) = 32.

A,B,C measures in same bra each time, slightly different R & L.

Unread postFeb 17, 2008#74
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Using 3x 2mm silicone sheets is a lifesaver! Can take 10-11 o'clock position, nowhere near so uncomfortable and I feel that now it's the boobs that are taking the pressure not the ribs. Could possibly even relax a bit more. It takes longer to get a seal but then they seem better attached so I can lie back a bit more, also getting slightly bigger swelling.

Unread postFeb 17, 2008#75
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Last night's session caused the nipples to go bright purpley-red, this wore off after about 5 mins when I used a warm flannel to soothe them and possibly encourage the circulation a bit.

This morning I noticed a few broken capillary dots on my boobs and lots in the creases on the nipples (funny the nipples didn't hurt at all).

After today's sessions I've had no redness at all and the silicone is still comfortable and I can lie back...hopefully will be able to relax and listen to a nice story on the radio...must be getting old!

Unread postFeb 18, 2008#76
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Had real trouble getting a seal this evening but managed to do most of the session at around 12 o'clock position and definitely got the biggest swelling I've seen to far even though they weren't massive inside the domes. I think lying back so less flesh is in the domes means you get more of a workout. Nipples were purple again but only until I switched it off so that's probably normal. Got to about a full D and had a nice round shape so feeling pretty positive...still surviving the early mornings but find it easiest to get up about 4am do an hour session then go back to bed for a couple of hours before work.

Eating a bit better but really need to get back to Callanetics. Been taking 3x WU and vitamin C powder before bed. Also still using magnets but not really got a proper program as I'm worried about having them near my laptop.


Unread postFeb 18, 2008#77
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
well done my god you put effort in !! sorry to post on your diary Ive written 2 posts on brave and main forum and noticed you'd been on this morning but hadnt responded or missed them ??? I'm hoping I didnt do anything to offend you ??? I looked up your stats and couldnt find the answer I needed re domes so if you could read the postlouise just curious that would be wonderful thankyou and good luck with e cups love jelly


Unread postFeb 23, 2008#78
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Still not doing any exercise, done 60 mins BB 2x daily for just over a week. I think boobs look bigger at the end of the day but the measurements seem smaller! I know Fullness said she went down before she went up because you get a lift too so the measurement at the nipple is slightly different. Haven't had time to take pics for comparison but bras seem ok. Bust measurement 32.5-32.75. But will give it another week and have another look.

Unread postFeb 25, 2008#79
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Ok I'm impatient! Bust measurement 33ish last night and 33-33.5 this morning, 30E still not full but gives nice shape. Can take a bit more suction now, more like 12 o'clock position but sheeting has ripped (still usable) so hopefully Lucy will be sending me some foam soon. Skin still not wonderful and feel fat but maybe that's guilt from no exercise! Really must do Callanetics 60 days thighs but think I need the behind, hips and outer thighs too and don't have time or energy to do much. Have been getting visual migraines, about 5-6x over last 2-3 weeks.

Unread postFeb 29, 2008#80
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Don't look like I'm retaining much but seem to have increased about 1cm nipple-crease (and didn't even have crease when I first started!). Suction is really variable, sometimes I can do the first 30 mins on 12-1 o'clock and sometimes barely even 11 o'clock. Have done 60mins 2x daily for last 2 weeks, last night got biggest swelling yet, about DD+. I think I get more swelling from alternating the suction from a high to low setting like what I did with Brava. Was less than 1 inch from the ends! Have also been considering using Brava equipment like NB but that will have to wait.

Did a little bit of Callanetics today so hopefully this is my return to it. I think I will try to do the thighs section every evening before BB and the 1 hour program or the thigh section + the hips and butt section and a few crunches on my day off. Have been quite consistent at doing 20 mins 1x weekly on the cross trainer but need to kerb my eating!

Still taking 7x WU and approx 1/4 tsp vitamin C powder but not sure it makes much difference.

Measuring still barely 33 across bust, about 7cm nipple to crease, however bra feels tighter today than for a few weeks so maybe something is happening.

Done hardy any exercise + been continuing to eat too much - must try harder!

Don't think 7x WU has made any difference to me, I think I need more herbs but less fenugreek so will probably have a couple of days off before next period then go back to 6x WU + extra herbs. Herbs are annoying!

Have never got as close to the ends of the domes as the other night and don't seem to be able to stand it much above 10-11 o'clock, maybe they can stand less as they still remember the session before!

Unread postMar 06, 2008#82
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
At 5am this morning I finished my first session of week 4, up to this point I've been getting maybe 1-1.5 cups swelling but not retaining much for very long. Today seems to be the turnaround point as 7 hours later I'm probably at least 0.5 if not 1 cup bigger! Weird how it's so sudden! If this is what happens in 3 weeks I'm looking forward to what happens after 3 months.

Stopped WU yesterday, will wait until cycle day 1 and go back to 6x WU + extra herbs as previous and will try to eat more booby food which will probably mean porridge.

Unread postMar 06, 2008#83
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Was still 0.5-1 cup bigger after 7-8 hrs, pretty much gone by 10 hrs. Then did my evening session, large domes were almost full and when I took them off I had much more swelling than previous, at least 2 cups, enough to look too big (which is a good reminder!) and also enough that 2 hours later I'm still at least an inch bigger, usually the swelling isn't even measurable on the tape! Weird how it goes in leaps and bounds, I remember Brava was like this too, at about week 16-17 I suddenly started retaining some, then about week 24 suddenly retained more and then more still around week 28. Hopefully something's happening. Also usually I find I can barely manage to keep the suction at 11 o'clock but this evening I could only really feel it on my nipples (instead of my poor ribs) at 12 o'clock so maybe the bigger swelling is die to higher suction. On the downside I now have one white and one red nipple where the blood has got sucked weirdly - hopefully all this isn't doing permanent damage? Hope the rib comfort is me getting tougher not fatter!!

Note: bust measurement before session was worrying 32 until I fiddled a bit with the positioning then just about 33. Underbust about 26. Weight getting too high at around 110! Must stop eating!

Genuinely did Callanetics Day 1 in full, must stick to it.

Beginning to think herbs are a waste of money and I'd be better taking oils, vitamins, protein powder and lots of water to maximise growth from suction.

Unread postMar 08, 2008#84
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Did Callanetics day 2 yesterday and day 3 today.

Ate porridge for dinner.

Boobs were within 1cm of end of large BB domes, looking into getting the XL - God only know's how I'll stick them on!

Boobs do seem bigger at the end of the day but may be imagining it, was about 33-33.25 today and about 26.25 under. Not sure where the growth is occuring but perhaps not at nipple level.

Need to focus on eating less, stretching and dry-brushing more.

Have had no more visual migraines since business bank accounts opened!

Unread postMar 12, 2008#85
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Seriously considering Yohimburn again. Have been doing Callanetics and not eating so much chocolate and weight is back to about 107 from about 110 last week, due period next week so that may be making me a bit fat too.

Nearly filled the large domes a couple of times and was 33.5 over and 26.5 under, almost 8cm nipple to crease today after about 13 hours, and 8 inches across each separately which I think was only 7.5 before - maybe they're getting wider before filling out, that would make sense in terms of how bras fit. Weird to think that I'm about a quarter of the way through the session already and although it means getting up in the night it doesn't feel like it's taking an hour from my sleep, have been going to bed early but that's fine. Trying to get into the habit of using magnets for energising treatment before BB and growth treatment after although length of treatments varies depending on when I remember to put them on and take them off.

Nipples are itchy a lot of the time, boobs are almost always bruised feeling to the touch and I get the odd ache, haven't taken herbs since 05.03.08 so it's been a week and not had extra feelings so guess I don't stall easy.

Still giving consideration to a mg scale however I think the important thing is to copy what I did before and I thought 1tsp (5ml) was 5000mg and measured accordingly so I was probably taking fairly small doses but will give them a try first.

Really should force myself to drink the awful papaya drink esp as I already bought the squash! Also if I've got to get up for BB I could drink one nasty drink then so I don't need to mess about at work. Or possibly mix up the ingredients into sachets in druggie bags so I only need to add water.

Unread postMar 19, 2008#86
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Day off today, bust measured 33.5 and underbust measured about 26.25 after having the BB off for 14 hours. Waist 24, forgot to weigh and have eaten now!

Back to herbs today as should be cycle day 1.

6x WU

1000mg soy
1200mg hops
400mg barley
800mg oats

(all measured with a teaspoon, taking 1tsp = 5000mg - which I've found out isn't right but at least that ensures I'll be taking the same as previously, will laugh if nothing happens!)

0.5-1 tsp EPO / borage oil
6 tsp ground flax


Omega 3 > omega 6, omega 3 is flax, omega 6 is EPO / borage

Unread postMar 19, 2008#87
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
What I actually added to my porridge was:

1/4 tsp soy
1/4 tsp barley grass (there's loads in the pot so it must weight light)
1/10 tsp hops
1/10 tsp oat
1/2 tsp papaya
2 tsp milk protein powder
1 tsp caster sugar

It tastes fine, although the barley grass makes it a slightly vomity green colour.

Also took about 2/3 tsp borgage oil.

Forgot the flax seed!

Will try to add 6 tsp flax seed (or at least 3 tsp)

Trying to eat this with a Slim Fast meal replacement bar (15g soy protein) and a yoghurt (7.9g protein).

Unread postMar 21, 2008#88
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
I don't know if I'll have the porridge tonight - maybe I'll have to keep a porridge log!

Used brown parcel tape to fix the cracks in the domes and poked the stick from a cotton bud in to clean out the port and really upregulated my BB - it hurts again!

Unread postMar 22, 2008#89
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Just about filled the large BB domes this morning, not totally squashed full but touching the ends after about 45 mins - here we go!


Unread postMar 28, 2008#90
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Got them today, they are probably at least 20% bigger and thought no way would they fit me but with 3x 2mm silicone sheets and having used the BB large for 40 mins as a warm-up I actually got both the XLs on and used them for about 15 mins. They fell off a couple of times and I had to sit in a weird position with shoulders back sticking my chest out to maximise the space available but it did work and I did get maybe 0.5 cups more swelling than previous. They're hard work so may not be able to use them in the mornings for a few more weeks but some is better than none!

NB soft rings don't work with BB at all!! After all that wait!! They are no deep enough, just not enough material to them so they get sucked right into the domes - may try supergluing to together or supergluing them to some sheeting. Will also probably have a go with the NB foam sheets.

Congrats to moving up in dome size and successfully so! When I first tried it a year ago I didn't get any swelling but tons of skin problems from the rings and had to go back to large. Now I don't even fill the large so it's nothing to even think about.

I'm also bummed to hear that the NB softrings didn't fit - I'm still waiting fot them to arrive and thought they would provide much needed comfort! Is it that they don't fit the BB domes or is it that the BB is too strong and suck them in? You do have both types of domes (NB and BB), right?


Unread postMar 30, 2008#92
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Hi Elusia,

You name it I've bought it! I ordered the NB large but got the medium by mistake, it didn't matter as even with huge Brava swelling and using the BB machine on full to pump I was never able to get a seal not even doing one at a time. I have tried a couple of times since but as my underbust seems to be dwindling to nothing and they're actually shallower than the BB medium I didn't think there was any point hanging on to them so I passed them on to someone else (who incidentally is using them successfully). The BB large are 0.5cm larger in diameter than the NB medium but a lot deeper, the rings are made to fit the NB medium and having fiddled with them myself I don't understand how anyone could have used the rings with the BB XL which are bigger still. The problem is that the sides of the rings isn't deep enough so the whole lot gets pulled into the domes and basically sucked towards where the air goes out until you lose the seal then you have to take the whole lot off and fish it out. I wouldn't mind if I could even do 5 minutes but it's less than 2 however carefully I position the bits. I've also tried sellotaping them together (not strong enough) and putting the rings under the silicone sheeting hoping they wouldn't get pulled through the hole into the domes (they did). Will consider supergluing them onto the foam sheeting that I'm waiting for from Lucy at NB or giving them away, they're very light so the postage cost in the UK would be negligable.

I wouldn't say I was having great success with the BB XL, seems to be getting worse not better! Was honestly considering bashing them against my chest of drawers until they break both late last night and first thing this morning. I have now given up attempting to do both at once, it's quicker to do 15 mins on left and right separately and spend a few minutes getting the seal than spend half an hour swearing at them with no luck. The 2x 15 mins wasn't too difficult although to get them on tight enough they don't drop off I have to put the suction on almost full so it hurts, hopefully will have more joy with the foam sheeting. On the bright side doing 30 mins with large then 5 mins with XL gives more swelling than doing 60 mins with large so hopefully this is the key to making some progress.

Unread postApr 03, 2008#93
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Silicone sheeting is almost torn beyond use. Have managed to use small piece of foam sheeting + rubber sheeting to do one boob at a time with the XL domes. Obviously this gives time problems. Have been doing 30-40 mins for both with large domes then switching but I can go stright to the XL with the thick sheeting and 30 mins like this gives pretty good swelling, at least 32DD. May have to do 30 mins each in the morning then 45-60 mins each in the evening as I get time. Will probably have to start recording times.

On the bright side I couldn't get a seal yesterday morning so I gave up and went back to bed! There was still a noticeable if not measureable difference in roundness and fullness all round but especially at the top after about 20 hours of not wearing.

Hopefully when I get the double size foam sheets I'll be able to go back to doing both together.

Halfway there now!

(Have been eating way too much rubbish due to stress - hope I'm not getting fat!)

Unread postApr 11, 2008#94
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Using the NB foam sheeting, after one session it was pulled about a bit and had gone a slightly funny shape but not torn yet. Can hardly feel it and finally the suction is actually on the boobs rather than just pressure on the ribs. Trying to do 45-50 mins AM and 60 mins PM. Got 8 weeks left. The swelling from 60 mins BB is pretty similar to in a whole night with Brava. After the break I'll probably do 30 mins BB before each Brava session as a warm-up. Wow - this time next year could've got the 32D.

Most 32Ds fit ok after about 12 hours but not sure if I'm retaining much except on the sternum! Hopefully growth starts now!

Couldn't keep up with the herbs for more than a few days, not been great with WU and haven't exercised for ages. Eating too much. Probably more like 109-110 lbs than 105 lbs. Will worry about this after the house and building stuff is sorted.

Unread postApr 18, 2008#95
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Using XL 60 mins 2x daily. Lost most of the recent weight gain in a few days by ceasing to stuff myself! Have given up with herbs for the time being. Measurements quite variable but I swear the 32C is pretty full and I have some roundness. Measured about 33.5-33.75 today after 11.5 hours but had just eaten. Jeans feel worryingly tight! NB sheeting still going but boob-holes getting bigger and it's gone a bit of a funny shape. Still get pretty good swelling. Wonder if I should try layering the sheeting so I can turn the SESL up further.

Unread postMay 18, 2008#96
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Nearly done now thank God!

Still using 60 mins 2x daily, eating a lot of rubbish and gave up on herbs ages ago. May try PM at some point and probably going on to Yasmin soon. Weight about 107-108 lbs. Boobs still hovering around 33, and underbust about 26.25. Think BB has made them look bigger, and maybe measure bigger individually but think it's also given them a lift so that the biggest part of the breast doesn't correspond to the widest part of my back. Still having internet problems so not posting much. Should update when I finish BB in about 3 weeks.


Unread postMay 21, 2008#97
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Hi Louise,

I apologize in advance if posting on you program page was a no-no. I was just interested to see that halfway thru your program you were diagnosed with PCOS and was prescribed Metformin. And indeed, you have lost some weight 120 to 105 during the course of your program and this is exactly what metformin does.

I'm suffering from PCOS myself (plus on a NBE program) and am having REAL trouble conceiving. Just wondering if you had any children and conceived them naturally?


*Excuse the off topic Smile


Unread postMay 26, 2008#98
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**

It's known that PCO can give fertility probs - there's medication you can take for it but can't remember what, I don't really like kids anyway so not in a rush!

Unread postJun 05, 2008#99
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Finished BB yesterday, not sure if grown much but feel fat and disgusting - too much stress has caused too much eating! Hopefully will be getting internet sorted soon so will post final measurements for first year's booby growth. Builders still not gone!

Unread postSep 04, 2008#100
Quote:My weight has always been up and down as I have a very bad diet but luckily can lose weight very easily when I try. At my fattest my boobs are almost respectable - full 34A, but have gone from 135lbs to 120lbs and lost a lot on top. My aim is to balance my upper and lower body to minimise my pear shape. I'm 25, never been pregnant, don't drink / smoke, don't like coffee, don't have many fizzy drinks, strict veggie but don't like many vegetables so have a high carb intake from potatoes and pasta, probably androgen dominant. Had bad skin since age 22 but went back on the pill recently and that fixed it in 6 weeks (microgynon 30). Intend to get a blood test for hormone levels in the next few weeks.


Height 5'1
Weight 120lbs
Hips 36
Waist 25
Underbust 28
Bust 31
Bust bending 32.5

Would like to be 33+ around boobs as that is what I measure over a padded bra! Anything more would be a bonus, main point is not to put on weight.

Plan: Taken Microgynon BCP for 1 month to check for any adverse effect (have taken it before with no probs), started Wonderup 1 week ago, intend to continue on WU alone for 1 month to check for side effects before introducing nettles and borage oil. Trying to eat more protein and doing Joey Atlas Hip and Thigh Makeover Workout (toning only, no cardio). Have also ordered Brava but not using it yet - I know it's not scientific to try NBE and Brava together but I'm impatient!

**Any comments welcome on this board**
Ha Ha! Builders got sacked but never finished the job properly so house still a mess!

Did get a little growth from BB though seemed to be more in terms of muscly pecs than actual boobs and really high up.

Had total break from everything but occasional magnet use, did lose more from boobs, weight fluctuating as mainly eating rubbish.

Taking 500mg metformin 2x daily, switched from Dianette to Yasmin and probably feel better for it.

Really should be taking oils, vitamins, protein etc but feeling lazy, must also start back with Callanetics, will also reconsider PM and herbs.

Started back with Brava Monday 01.09.08 - will be keeping hours low for first couple of weeks to try to minimise rashes. Also hoping to use BB for 1 hour before each Brava session and then keep the Brava average to around 14 hours per day.

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