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JB’s b??b journey


3 month update (CD 13, too busy yesterday to update)

Around: 34 5/8”
Over: 31 1/4”
Under: 26”
Left (across single breast): 7 1/2”
Right: 7 1/2”
Under Left (nipple to base): 3 1/4”
Under right: 3 1/4”

The exact same measurements.  I’m kind of bummed.  I haven’t had time to pump much, maybe getting 2-3 sessions (30 min each breast) in the entire week with kids having been out of school for fall break/thanksgiving.  I also had a stomach bug and did nothing, not my even supplements or protein smoothies (made me barf) for the 5 days before my stop week.

I’m still doing the BO, or started again after stop week.  I’m thinking of switching to PM to see if my body responds better to it, but know consistency is key, and I have a bunch of BO still soooo… 

My AM body temps this week are right at 98.2, not sure if boosting it more would help or not, I read that’s the minimum for BO to work.

Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.  They’ve felt & looked fuller, I was really bummed when measured just now and literally same measurements.

I pumped this AM after measuring for the first time since before thanksgiving, and still got massive swelling, just under 38” just wish they’d stay that way lol.

Hi lovely! How long have you been on BO so far? also with the temps you need not to worry at all according to fertility queen she didnt have temps at all and still grew from a B to a DD in 11 months pretty much, she says the progesterone will naturally increase body temps anyways, she also says it takes a good 6 months to notice a real difference but some experience it earlier on so keep this in mind, I dont have the temps and Ive grown half an inch so far and body temps have definitely gone up as I am hot all the time now but I am also taking 200mg bio progesterone capsules twice a day plus pig placenta, mammary and uterus.

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That is GREAT news. Thank you for your response, I feel relieved.  I just completed month 3 of NBE.  I had a little growth month 1, it hasn’t changed since aside from *feeling* a little more full and I think look a bit more rounded but measurements haven’t budged a millimeter. 

I’m on BC, with both estrogen & progesterone and haven’t had any symptoms or problems with it so not really wanting to change, but do you think that might be inhibiting growth?  Should I ask my Dr about switching to progesterone only?  Where do you get bio progesterone?  Like the OTC on Amazon?  Where do I get pig placenta/mammary/uterus?  

I am also always cold.

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Just keep going and have faith these things take time  Heart I dont believe it could be inhibiting growth as fertility queen talks about BC with BO on youtube(look her up under fertility queen bovine ovary) you have to get prescribed bio identical progesterone and then get it compounded by a compounding pharmacy its more expensive but much more effective than synthetic. So I get my pig placenta fron DHC Japan brand (in the blue packet) online from a Japanese boutique here in Australia but you can buy it pretty much anywhere online, then I get the mammary and uterus glandular from the bran Mybalance which is based in America, hope this helps! I have been much hotter these past couple weeks so its working to boost my temps, however Im not exactly looking forward to Summer next month now that Im already hot all the time LOL!

Wow seeing some changes in measurements since last update about a week ago!! So photos now compared to start pic side-by-side.

I don’t ever notice much swelling before my period and a week before seems kind of early but might be from that or maybe finally growing again — a girl can dream!! We shall see… 

Stopped BC this cycle, I was getting headaches thought maybe from BO, but forgot to take a few days when new cycle started no headache, took and instantly headaches started again, stopped and they’ve been gone since so no more of that.

Current protocol:
50mg DHEA (per Dr)
200mg DIM (Dr)
6mg boron (Dr)
50mg zinc + 2mg copper (Dr)
D+K (20mcg/300mcg) (Dr)
2 heliocare (internal sunscreen)
2 TB Maca in my smoothie (to rebalance after stopping BC)

MK677 weekdays not weekends
6 Swanson BO
Started using PC mixed with a drop of Volufiline

I have been drinking 1 ProteinH2O daily (20g protein), usually before I pump, otherwise in the carpool line for pickup.  I’m trying to pump daily, managing to get weekdays when kids are gone, 15 min heating pad prior and 30 min each breast using Bosom Beauty on pump setting for the first 25 min then stim setting the last 5 - and that’s bc my boobs fill the cup and I don’t like when my nipples press on the end, but the fill less on stim mode.

After pumping I rub a bruise cream on the girls, in the pic just now you can see some minor marks from the pump domes, super annoying, I prob need to up my iron.  I still spritz with rose water before pumping.

Measurements this evening (did not pump today, volunteered at school and no time)
Bust: 35.25” (yay!)
Left diameter: 8”
Right diameter: 7.5” (just past!)
Overbust: 30”
Underbust: 26”
CD: 21


[unnecessary quoting removed]

Your program definitely looks to be working for you  Heart

Oh WOW I can DEFINITELY tell the difference in pics your boobs are waaay more fuller and more closed in cleavage Im excited for you girl!! You have a great figure you should be super confident!  :heart:

Hi JB!

Thanks for keeping us updated, your progress pics are always super inspiring!

I was wondering what brand of volufiline you were using and if you've seen any results with it yet? I've actually been looking into it for trying to plump up my lips too, but the things I've read online are very conflicting, and it's quite expensive for such a small bottle.

And about the progesterone, I found this brand called Organic Farms that makes progesterone pills. They had pretty good reviews on amazon so I decided to give it a try and I did have more swelling with it compared to when I just used my progesterone cream. The active ingredient is Progesterone USP micronized from organic wild yam extract, so I feel like it's the same as the cream just in pill form? Its not FDA approved (of course) so you should definitely do your own research on it, but just wanted to let you know it exists!

(15-12-2023, 09:11)BlueCat478 Wrote:  Hi JB!

Thanks for keeping us updated, your progress pics are always super inspiring!

I was wondering what brand of volufiline you were using and if you've seen any results with it yet? I've actually been looking into it for trying to plump up my lips too, but the things I've read online are very conflicting, and it's quite expensive for such a small bottle.

And about the progesterone, I found this brand called Organic Farms that makes progesterone pills. They had pretty good reviews on amazon so I decided to give it a try and I did have more swelling with it compared to when I just used my progesterone cream. The active ingredient is Progesterone USP micronized from organic wild yam extract, so I feel like it's the same as the cream just in pill form? Its not FDA approved (of course) so you should definitely do your own research on it, but just wanted to let you know it exists!

Hi!  I just started using Volufiline (Forest of The Borges’s brand) on my boobs, at the same time I added progesterone cream, I should have introduced one at a time to know which is working, but I am getting more fullness.  I’ll add a pic of the bottle to this reply.  This is my 2nd bottle, I add 2 drops to whatever lotion/cream/oil I’m rubbing on my breasts each time I moisturize them (2-3x a day depending if pumping).  I used the first bottle exclusively on my face, adding 1 drop to my face moisturizer, and I definitely noticed a difference in fullness when looking at pics from now vs when/before I started (it took almost a year, maybe 10 months, to get through the bottle, so it lasts a long time. 

I also ordered a the Raw Female BustyPrincess suggested, I emptied one entire bottle into a glass bottle, and ordered organic coconut alcohol (it’s shipping soon! Should have by the 27th) to make a tincture like FertilityQueen had, I tried her website but couldn’t figure out how to order & didn’t hear back after emailing.  I’m still using Swanson’s but it will run out in February, about when the tincture will be ready to start using.

I do know liquid forms are more easily assimilated in the body - why when your blood sugar crashes a couple sips of OJ will fix it faster than any food.  Liquids take 15 min max to enter the blood stream, food takes 3 hours or more. My thinking is maybe with quicker entry it’ll break down less because skipping the intestines.  Who knows, but will try it in February/March after it’s had at least 8 weeks to sit.

I’ll look into the progesterone pill form.  I don’t know much on transdermal vs internal pill uptake, but researching is fun lol.

Attached are pics of me now in a lined but not padded 30DD bra by Natori, I’m bubbling it looks terrible in clothes but it’s the only “bra” bra I own that fits and had to do a holiday party at my kid’s school today so didn’t want visible nipples and boobs bouncing all over with a bunch of middle school boys. 

I’m not sure why my boobs are pink, they are very warm to the touch compared to the rest of my body —which I’ll take as a sign of extra blood flow and hopefully growth.  I haven’t pumped in since 9am yesterday, and today is CD 7.  I have noticed them turning bright red when I shower, over the past few weeks, but they would go back to pale af pretty quickly, the past few days they’ve just been pink, I haven’t showered today and it’s cold and rainy here rn. 


Thank you so much! I'll definitely look into that brand. It's so confusing because a lot of people say the one from Sederma France is the only one that's actually effective, however looking at the ingredients of other brands, most include Sederma volufiline in their product anyway?

A user on reddit shared that she was able to grow about three cup sizes using volufiline everyday, however when she was applying it she developed veins on her breasts like Selena Gomez in that one picture of her sipping from a drink. (hopefully you know the one I'm talking about lol) However, her growth stayed permanent and the veins went away when she started applying it weekly instead of daily. So maybe your pink/redness could be caused by something similar? Her user is maehart77 if you wanted to read her posts.

And please keep us updated on your results with your tincture! It's really difficult for me to get Swansons BO in Canada for a decent price, so if there's a way for me to make my BO more effective I would love that.

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