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Evebra finally available


(02-03-2024, 11:32 PM)Blue792 Wrote:  I’m glad you got that info on the size 5 domes! My nipples are also touching, I called and was told to email, and no one has gotten back to me. I was wondering if it was safe to use with nipples touching, or not. If it’s just a matter of comfort, I won’t worry as much, but I will probably still need the larger domes. Hopefully I can get in touch with someone, eventually. Are you just calling the number on the website to get the nurse?

I can say for me, it is the silicone rims that cause my pain, not the suction inside the domes. I have a bony sternum, and the overlap on the giant rims is very painful. They also fold under my armpit they are so large on me. They certainly weren’t designed with small rib cages or torsos in mind.

Please keep us updated on your last few weeks, and what happens when you stop. I’ll be so curious to hear how close your permanent results are to what you’re seeing now. Congrats on being 3/4 done!

Yes, I just called the regular number and the person who answered gave me the nurse's phone number  - back when I decided to get my free nurse consult per the email. The nurse said I could also text her at her number for additional questions. 

I meant to add that the nurse said the larger domes are just deeper but not wider than the size 4s.

It's funny but every time I call the general line I get someone who just answers "hello" and seems shocked that there is a call. Not sure where that number is going but they should at least answer that it's evebra. I always inquire just in case I misdialed.

It is also the rim that causes a few pressure points for me too and feels a bit heavy. Still heads above other systems I used. I don't mind the breast suction at all. 

Once I moved up to the larger domes though, it sits on my lower rib and presses down a bit - but really only on one side. I guessing the problem rib juts out more. If it's really bothersome and the cushion doesn't help, I go back to lowering the rim on that side and just bypass the area. The rim also wraps near my arm pits. As long as they don't suction too much there, I don't mind it. 

Thanks for the congrats. On my last call, the rep asked if I would do a review since I'm close to the end. I told her I would if it works, lol. I need to keep the size for at least 6 months after I stop pumping before I'll give a definite thumbs up. I'll certainly keep updating here in the meantime.

I just wanted to post an update, mostly in case anyone’s been lurking on here and thinking of buying Eve. It’s been two weeks of trying to get a replacement rim and larger domes for me with no success. 

I noticed a very, very small slice at the edge of one rim as soon as I got the device, and the 1 & 2 domes were too small almost right away, so I’d called while I was still in the return window and was assured that larger domes and replacement rims were available. Today starts wk 11, and the small slice has slowly grown into a tear that will cause me to lose suction if it’s not positioned just so. I might be finished growing, but if I am not, the domes will be unwearably small soon, also. I’m frustrated that they made the domes and rims so wide and long that I must choose between either enclosing my lower rib or going over my collar bone, and they wrap 3/4 of the way around my back and hurt my arm pits etc etc, yet the largest dome doesn’t accommodate more than a full B w swelling. Seems ridiculous, as I’d need to be a 38aa basically for this to be a good setup.

Anyway, I’m just frustrated and thought I’d put it out there that getting larger domes is not an easy thing, so that someone who’s already a B or C purchases w extra caution. I thought it was just a way to extract money with the extra $250 charge for larger domes, but now I wonder if they really exist or what the situation is.

I am now considering buying the Stewics domes from Amazon, bc I don’t know what else to do. I could never get the eve pump to stop beeping and am using a wound vac, so if this is where I end up the eve purchase will have been a total waste. I might try to make my own rims first, I’m very crafty, idk.

(08-03-2024, 10:18 PM)Blue792 Wrote:  I just wanted to post an update, mostly in case anyone’s been lurking on here and thinking of buying Eve. It’s been two weeks of trying to get a replacement rim and larger domes for me with no success. 

I noticed a very, very small slice at the edge of one rim as soon as I got the device, and the 1 & 2 domes were too small almost right away, so I’d called while I was still in the return window and was assured that larger domes and replacement rims were available. Today starts wk 11, and the small slice has slowly grown into a tear that will cause me to lose suction if it’s not positioned just so. I might be finished growing, but if I am not, the domes will be unwearably small soon, also. I’m frustrated that they made the domes and rims so wide and long that I must choose between either enclosing my lower rib or going over my collar bone, and they wrap 3/4 of the way around my back and hurt my arm pits etc etc, yet the largest dome doesn’t accommodate more than a full B w swelling. Seems ridiculous, as I’d need to be a 38aa basically for this to be a good setup.

Anyway, I’m just frustrated and thought I’d put it out there that getting larger domes is not an easy thing, so that someone who’s already a B or C purchases w extra caution. I thought it was just a way to extract money with the extra $250 charge for larger domes, but now I wonder if they really exist or what the situation is.

I am now considering buying the Stewics domes from Amazon, bc I don’t know what else to do. I could never get the eve pump to stop beeping and am using a wound vac, so if this is where I end up the eve purchase will have been a total waste. I might try to make my own rims first, I’m very crafty, idk.
Sorry you're feeling frustrated and I don't understand why you're not able to get anyone to call you back from evebra. I always reach someone, but I typically call during work or right after - before 5 pm EST though. I was going to post earlier today but got sidetracked. I could have saved you a headache.

I called them today (they actually answered "evebra" this time - maybe they read the thread, lol) since I decided to purchase the size 5 domes and the lady told me we can do it on the website now. I just purchased them along with some extra bands, just in case. They were just $5 and I didn't want to take a chance on the similar sized ones I found on Amazon.

They have revamped the website since I began this thread. It also has a live chat button - I haven't used it, but you might want to give it a try.

Anyway, to buy the domes (or any other extra components), go the website, click on the cart button (it looks like a little purse on the left hand side near the top -next to the "Am I a Candidate Button"). You'll come to a page that says "your cart is empty" and there is a continue shopping button there. Click on that button and it'll take you to a page where you can buy extra bands, bras, skin seal, pump, a silicone rim, and the size 5 and 6 domes. You can choose whichever size dome you want - you can skip to 6. I still wanted 5 so that's what I bought. 

As for the tear on the silicone rim, get the Smooth-On SIL-poxy Rubber Silicone Adhesive. You can find it in hardware stores or Amazon has it here . It's expensive adhesive but cheaper than buying a new rim and it will seal that tear permanently. 

I had a tiny tear too near the edge and although it didn't interfere with anything, I didn't want it to get bigger. As soon as I took my domes off for the day and cleaned and dried them, I put the adhesive on both sides of the tear (a bit sloppily, I admit) and held them together for 5 minutes then let it sit undisturbed. It starts to cure in 12 minutes, can be handled in an hour, and fully cures in 24 hours. I didn't handle it at all until it was time to put them on that night - about 8-9 hours after I applied it - and it dried soft and super flexible and it stretches. It hasn't come apart or tried to even though I used it before it fully cured. I did it almost 2.5 months ago. 

Again those stwic domes were painful and more expensive - but it's up to you.

Hope this helps.

PS: You can also schedule the nurse consult on the website and they have a new how to video, but it's password protected. She gave me the password. You can pm me for it if you want to view the video although you probably don't need it. Just shows the same steps as the pictures in the booklet.

I also want to add that cup size is relative and it depends on the person as to how the domes fit cup-wise to them. 

My underbust is 27 inches. Technically, 26.75. So I should have been wearing a size 28 bra instead of the 34 bra I'd been wearing. On the size 4 domes, I get swelling up to an H or I cup for me - or 8 to 8.5 inches past my underbust. I started at maybe a 28 B or 28 C (also technically - didn't find out I was not wearing the right size until recently so I'm not exactly sure where I started but I definitely wasn't filling out that 34A bra). 

But a 28 H cup has the same volume as a 30 G  cup which has the same volume as a 32 DDD/F cup which has the same as a 34 DD/E cup and so on and so forth. 

Even then, the visible swelling seen after taking the domes off will not be the size you're going to end up having. It will be half that (or less depending). 

If a person likes what they see as soon as they take the domes off (I don't - I think my breasts look freakish and cartoony until they deflate down), the evebra is not going to be the right product for them - unless they want to use it like some noogleberry people and be satisfied with just a few hours of temporary fullness by wearing the device everyday for a bit.  

The evebra device is more for small chested / smallish people who are fine with just a cup or two increase (or 1-2 volume size increase). If you're "big" but have a small bust relative to your size, then I doubt any of these vacuum devices on the market are going to produce as much of an increase as you want. Their dome sizes only go up so high.

(09-03-2024, 07:39 AM)breast4success Wrote:  I also want to add that cup size is relative and it depends on the person as to how the domes fit cup-wise to them. 

My underbust is 27 inches. Technically, 26.75. So I should have been wearing a size 28 bra instead of the 34 bra I'd been wearing. On the size 4 domes, I get swelling up to an H or I cup for me - or 8 to 8.5 inches past my underbust. I started at maybe a 28 B or 28 C (also technically - didn't find out I was not wearing the right size until recently so I'm not exactly sure where I started but I definitely wasn't filling out that 34A bra). 

But a 28 H cup has the same volume as a 30 G  cup which has the same volume as a 32 DDD/F cup which has the same as a 34 DD/E cup and so on and so forth. 

Even then, the visible swelling seen after taking the domes off will not be the size you're going to end up having. It will be half that (or less depending). 

If a person likes what they see as soon as they take the domes off (I don't - I think my breasts look freakish and cartoony until they deflate down), the evebra is not going to be the right product for them - unless they want to use it like some noogleberry people and be satisfied with just a few hours of temporary fullness by wearing the device everyday for a bit.  

The evebra device is more for small chested / smallish people who are fine with just a cup or two increase (or 1-2 volume size increase). If you're "big" but have a small bust relative to your size, then I doubt any of these vacuum devices on the market are going to produce as much of an increase as you want. Their dome sizes only go up so high.
Thank you so much! I was on the website the other day and it didn’t look like that. I also have always had someone answer the phone, they just said someone would call me back. You’d think they’d have just directed me back to the website! I will have to think about what size to get, and I’ll try repairing my rim with that glue before I order a replacement.

If you’re swelling 8” past the underbust, is that 5” overall? That’s quite a lot, I’m only up about 3”.

Yes, I get 5 to 5.5 inches swelling in addition to where I started. I think I'm retaining 3 to 3.5 inches at the end of the day.

Still waiting on my order to ship but now I noticed the website is giving a $50 off coupon if you sign up for their email. 

Of course, it wasn't there when I ordered, lol. I'm going to see if they can still apply it to my order.

Just wanted to let everyone know in case they wanted to order something. Hopefully, you haven't ordered yours yet, Blue92.

Wow, THANK YOU so much for all this helpful information! I just bought the Smooth-On SIL-poxy Rubber Silicone Adhesive and used it to fix the tears in my rims which were growing larger by the day. I let it dry for about 6 hours and then they held up no problem! What a relief.

Breast4success, I am so excited to hear that you're achieving the outcome you'd hoped for! I'm so happy for you! 3" of retained swelling by the end of the day is remarkable. Blue792, it sounds like you're also experiencing growth even though you haven't been able to wear EveBra for more than a few hours. Does any residual swelling last until your next session?

Today marks the end of week 7 for me, and I'm averaging 17 hours of wear a day, now. I can't keep up these long hours for much longer, but I'm trying to maximize my time while my schedule allows. I have the smallest amount of swelling remaining if I put EveBra back on after 6 hours, but anything much over that makes me deflate all the way back down to where I started. So it's kind of hard to say if I've started truly growing yet. On the website, they say that after 8 weeks of use you start getting true tissue growth (I don't know if they have any concrete evidence to support that statement), so maybe after 1 more week I will start seeing more residual swelling. I hope so!

I am a full 32A cup when I take the domes off after 17 hours (still using the size #1 domes), and it is pretty disappointing to know that that won't be my final size. It's hard to have actually seen my breasts look like that but know I can't keep them! These long hours are taking a toll, though. The sore under my left armpit is pretty painful, and I've been using hydrocolloid gel adhesive pads from the pharmacy to try to keep the area covered. I have no problem maintaining a seal with the bandages on, luckily, and the bandages have stopped it from getting worse. The red dome marks on my ribs have also become permanent. Usually, they fade quite quickly. But in the past week, I still have them when it's time to put the domes back on. I'm not sure if reducing the number of hours I wear it would help, but I also want to give myself the best chances of success for growth. It was interesting to see on the new website they stated that people who used it for 12 hours had comparable results to people who used it for 18 hours. So I started thinking, am I doing these extra hours for nothing?

(13-03-2024, 03:36 AM)breast4success Wrote:  Yes, I get 5 to 5.5 inches swelling in addition to where I started. I think I'm retaining 3 to 3.5 inches at the end of the day.

Still waiting on my order to ship but now I noticed the website is giving a $50 off coupon if you sign up for their email. 

Of course, it wasn't there when I ordered, lol. I'm going to see if they can still apply it to my order.

Just wanted to let everyone know in case they wanted to order something. Hopefully, you haven't ordered yours yet, Blue92.
That sounds like great progress! 

Thanks for sharing about the coupon. Unfortunately, I did order Monday, but maybe they’ll adjust.

(13-03-2024, 05:13 PM)here2learn Wrote:  Wow, THANK YOU so much for all this helpful information! I just bought the Smooth-On SIL-poxy Rubber Silicone Adhesive and used it to fix the tears in my rims which were growing larger by the day. I let it dry for about 6 hours and then they held up no problem! What a relief.

Breast4success, I am so excited to hear that you're achieving the outcome you'd hoped for! I'm so happy for you! 3" of retained swelling by the end of the day is remarkable. Blue792, it sounds like you're also experiencing growth even though you haven't been able to wear EveBra for more than a few hours. Does any residual swelling last until your next session?

Today marks the end of week 7 for me, and I'm averaging 17 hours of wear a day, now. I can't keep up these long hours for much longer, but I'm trying to maximize my time while my schedule allows. I have the smallest amount of swelling remaining if I put EveBra back on after 6 hours, but anything much over that makes me deflate all the way back down to where I started. So it's kind of hard to say if I've started truly growing yet. On the website, they say that after 8 weeks of use you start getting true tissue growth (I don't know if they have any concrete evidence to support that statement), so maybe after 1 more week I will start seeing more residual swelling. I hope so!

I am a full 32A cup when I take the domes off after 17 hours (still using the size #1 domes), and it is pretty disappointing to know that that won't be my final size. It's hard to have actually seen my breasts look like that but know I can't keep them! These long hours are taking a toll, though. The sore under my left armpit is pretty painful, and I've been using hydrocolloid gel adhesive pads from the pharmacy to try to keep the area covered. I have no problem maintaining a seal with the bandages on, luckily, and the bandages have stopped it from getting worse. The red dome marks on my ribs have also become permanent. Usually, they fade quite quickly. But in the past week, I still have them when it's time to put the domes back on. I'm not sure if reducing the number of hours I wear it would help, but I also want to give myself the best chances of success for growth. It was interesting to see on the new website they stated that people who used it for 12 hours had comparable results to people who used it for 18 hours. So I started thinking, am I doing these extra hours for nothing?

I think on the website they show that it takes more weeks for the people wearing it 12 hours vs 18 to achieve the same results, so I don’t think you’re doing them for nothing. Did you wind up getting the de novo pump off eBay? If so, I would start experimenting with different times and pressures if you’re getting such a small amount of swelling over that long, personally.

It doesn’t sound like I’m getting the same results as Breast4success, but yes, I do have residual swelling. I seem to have stopped growing at this point, but I am also pretty jammed in the cup by the time I take it off. I’m not sure if I’ll get bigger when I go up to the 5, or if I’m just at the end of the run. It’s 12 weeks tomorrow. When I take the domes off after 4hrs I am 3”-3.5” larger than where I started, and I lose 1”-2” of that. I was not filling out a 32A, and now after the swelling has gone down, I am a solid 32B. With swelling I am a 32C, which I hope to get to eventually permanently, but for now it’s about 1.75” larger than where I was 3 months ago after that 20hr pause.

I would love to be able to sleep in it, but I find it too painful. For me, the pain and the skin welts in the armpits and ribs get exponentially worse over time, at any pressure. It’s funny that the woman in the new picture on the website that advertises the coupon Breast4success mentioned does not seem to have the device suctioned, her rims are standing up off her chest. If it worked like that, I could wear it for long periods, too haha. In any case, I’ve continually upped the pressure every few weeks, and having done so gradually, I’ve had no red dots or anything. The worst problems I had were when I first started and was attempting to sleep in it at the lowest pressure. Once I hit the 16wk mark, I intend to start experimenting with even shorter times, rather than stopping all together. I feel confident the higher pressure and shorter time is working, but I do expect it to take longer to achieve results similar to the prescribed method. I initially thought I’d be able to do 6-8 months of 4hrs a day, but being in pain for 4hrs every day is taking a toll and I’m not going to torture myself indefinitely. I’ll start playing around with other options, maybe trying to make rims that are less painful and gigantic, even.

If you also have the welts and pain, I can’t imagine you are sleeping well. Our bodies repair themselves and make new tissue at night. My thought was that if I could not get quality sleep wearing the device, it was unlikely to work that well. You get poorer muscle growth results from insufficient sleep, so this is prob similar. This is how I wound up deciding to use this the way I am. I have a maximum of 4hrs where I don’t have to walk the dog, or do anything where another person can see me outside during the day, so that’s when I use it. 

I have thought about experimenting with higher pressures, but I am a little nervous because an EveBra nurse I spoke with mentioned that the pump is set to 20 mmHg because higher pressures compress the capillaries supplying blood to the skin and can cause tissue damage. When I airlock the bra (which I do during the daytime), I do suck out extra air, but nothing extreme. I have also heard rumor on this forum when I was reading through the archives that pumping with too much pressure can cause a reduction in breast tissue (maybe these pressures are nowhere near high enough to do so, but I don't have any extra tissue to lose!).

But I really am at a loss because I have absolutely no remaining swelling when I put the bra back on. I had to drop down to 14 hour sessions this week due to my schedule, and it is clear that I have not gained anything yet. On the EveBra website, they state: "You will not progress unless some residual swelling still remains when you re-apply it the next day, such that day after day there is a slow gradual accumulation." It made me wonder... how did women used to get results with BRAVA, wearing the device for only 10 hours and only 10 weeks? And if I had been planning on wearing EvaBra for 4 months, I would be just a few days from my supposed halfway point, and that's when I should be seeing the size I'll end up with when I'm ready to put the domes back on.

I was really hoping that I would see an indication that this is working by now, especially after all these nights of poor sleep and the persistent sores under my armpit. I'm not sure if this means I should give up or if it means I should plan for 6+ months of wear...

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