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MissMadScientist’s Flaxseed & Soy method: How I went from 32B to 32F in 3 months

Completely new here and thought I'd document to see if this works! I'm trying not to get too excited, but I feel like this method will work for me ...

I am very similar to MissMadScientist - I believe I have too much testosterone. I build muscle easily, have always had acne, really oily skin and hair, and a high libido. Weight gain is difficult. 

I went on Spironolactone for all of the above about a year ago. Within a year of Spiro, my breasts had grown - I didn't measure cup size, but they were beautiful. Perky yet full and firm, probably a large B if not C cup. Honestly I felt great, and so sexy. The biggest change was in the feel of the breast (it was dense, almost like a fake boob!).  

However I came off the Spiro and within months they changed. Now they are slightly smaller, but the bigger difference is the feel; they are softer, flatter, not as much projection. Don't feel or look as good. 

Without getting my hormones tested, my theory is that I have always had too much testosterone which stunted my breast growth (my mum has wonderful breasts that I didn't inherit!). With the Spiro blocking the effects of my testosterone, I believe my natural estrogen had a chance to "catch up" and help me develop breasts at the age of 30. 

This why I'm excited to try this method. I'm currently back on 150mg Spiro per day, and my supplies for the soy and flax method arrive tomorrow. From my experience of Sprio last time, I know it won't have an affect until at least 6 months of taking it - so I'm seeing if I can supercharge the growth with this method. 

Wish me luck! I'll keep you posted.

Glad to see someone else doing spiro. I'm sticking to 100 mg because at age 40, I'm skirting too close to the potassium OD age. I take the regular fenugreek, etc. mixture otherwise.

Hi, new here, I'm interested to try your method 
Isn't Full Fat Soy Flour supposed to be raw? Or do you have to cook it first? Same question for grounded flaxseed

The Full Fat Soy Flour must be cooked already because it's made by roasting and grinding soy beans.

Flax seeds don't need to be cooked. There are various ways of using them as foodstuffs exactly as they are.

(08-05-2024, 19:35)sapphire Wrote:  The Full Fat Soy Flour must be cooked already because it's made by roasting and grinding soy beans.

Noted, thanks!

(09-05-2024, 18:14)Charley Rose Wrote:  Flax seeds don't need to be cooked. There are various ways of using them as foodstuffs exactly as they are.

I see, never tried flaxseeds before, thank you!

(18-01-2017, 19:01)Miss Mad Scientist Wrote:  Questions asked:
I have already had a few questions asked, I will try to answer them here

Do you have any side effects from the Full Fat Soy flour or the Flaxseed?
No I have not noticed any negative side effects at all, only positive (breast growth).

Have you noticed any side effects when combining with the BCP?
No, I have not had any side effects with the BCP at all. I feel a little sharper in my mind, and more happy, that is all.

After how long did you notice an improvement?
 I think after a week I felt my breasts growing and funny feeling. It took me about a 3 weeks to grow a full cup size the first time.

How long did you try out each dose before deciding to go up?
For the grounded flaxseed: I started out by taking 20 gram each time (so that is 20 grams in the morning & 20 grams in the evening, 20 grams total a day), after I didn’t feel an increase for a few days, I increased my dose by 5 grams a time. I also tried out 35 grams, but that didn’t do much for me, so I went back to 30 grams per take. Do steps of 5 grams, and see what works for you. Remember, everybody has a different body, see what works for you. Ideally you want to stay around 20 grams each take (40 grams total a day) due to the cyanide health risk.
For the full fat soy: Same as with the grounded flaxseed, I did steps of 5 grams with each take. 25 grams worked out for me, I tried out 30 grams (so 60 grams total a day), but that didn’t do anything for me. I notice in the same week if I have any growth, but 25 each time is enough for me.

What brand of Whole Milk, Grounded Flaxseed, or Full fat Soy flour, do you buy?
Really doesn’t matter what brand, I buy different brands all the time from different products, it still works the same. Just make sure it is the actual product. We all live in different countries anyways.

Do you get digestion problems from the soy?
No I don’t. If you do, see what the problem is, if you have an allergy maybe. Or if you have a unhealthy diet, so the bacteria in your gut are not used to metabolizing soy products. In that case, clean up your diet (you should anyway hehe)

Do you take probiotics?
No, I don’t take any probiotics at all. I don’t need them, a healthy diet with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and whole grain products provides everything you need.

Did your skin breakout (acne) from the flaxseed?
No it didn’t. Keep in mind that some people have food sensitivities, like chocolate. Everyone has a different body. It something doesn’t work for you, then find out why (help from doctor possibly), and act on that.

I am below the age of 18, can I use this method?
No, you should not use this method at all, don’t mess with your hormones when you are young, you might regret it the rest of your life, you are still growing! My breasts where size 32AA at age 18, and they grew into 32A until I was 21. I would actually advice to wait until you are at least 21 to start this program.
You can also try massaging your breasts, that is always safe. Katana has a great breast massaging thread on this, she grew 4 cupsizes with just massaging! Link here:

Besides this, it is also safe to use breastpumps like Noogleberry. These also don't mess with your hormones.
They work on tissue expension, you can google that.

Also, when you are young, you should really look in to taking BCP (Birth Control Pill). I grew 1 cupsize while being on BCP. There are many different kinds out there, if one doesn’t work for you (try at least 3 months to be sure), then switch to the next. Ask your doctor for the different kinds (there are different ones in every country, so no point here to write them all down). This is under the care of your doctor, and it is proven and safe medication, and that is always better than a method like this.

What about lactose free milk, instead of whole milk?
Sorry I have no scientific data on that to help you out. You should try it out, and let us know!

What does growth feel like? How do you know if you are growing?
It doesn’t really hurt, but there is a little discomfort in your breasts. At first, there will be fluid accumulating in your breasts, it will feel lumpy. Eventually these lumps will be replaced by actual breast tissue, so no worries if you are only feeling lumps in the beginning (I was kind of freaking out in the beginning haha!) But no worries, this is normal, it will go away in a month or so.

Do you have any stretch marks from the fast growing?
No I used a moisturizer everyday to prevent this.

Did you use anything else besides these methods?
No I did not use any pumps, did not do any massages, did not take any other pills or anything.

Do you think the BCP is responsible for the growth you have gotten?
Yes, but only for one cup size (from 32E to 32F). I only started taking BCP after I got stuck with the Soy and Flaxseed on 32E. So not before, that is good to know.

What does your diet look like on an average day?
I have to start by saying I am on a diet, so if you are on healthy weight, you should eat a lot more!
I take in 1300 kcal a day now.

Breakfast (08:00)
30 gram flaxseed
25 gram of soy + 200ml of full fat milk

Lunch (12:00/14:00)
1 fruit (banana, kiwi, orange, pear, avocado, etc.
1 cracker whole grain, with salad vegetables on it

Evening (18:00):
300 grams of fresh vegetables
Sometimes I eat meat or fish, but not always

Before I go to into my night routine (20:00)
30 gram flaxseed
25 gram of soy + 200ml of full fat milk
Eat another piece of fruit, any kind really
Sometimes when I am still hungry, I eat pistachios, cashew nuts or almond nuts 40 grams portions

That's it really
Once a week I eat like a cookie or something.
Plus I drink 2 bottles of water a day, that is 2 liters of water. I don't drink anything else really

Do you take any other herbs?
No, I only take my daily multivitamin and my daily fish oil capsules to stay healthy.

Do you have any pictures of your progress?
No I don't have any pictures at all.

I have tried this program, but I see no growth?
1) No worries, before you do anything, I urge you to have a look at the ‘Mistakes you will likely make’’ section I wrote. I have had many people e-mail me about that it hasn’t worked out for them. 10/10 times so far they made little mistakes. So good chance you might also have.
2) After you are sure you have not made any mistakes. This program mainly relies on the bacteria in your gut. Most likely your bacteria are not the right kind/species. Still no worries, you can change this. Scientists have found that people who live a healthy high fiber, and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables diet, have the right bacteria to metabolize the phytoestrogens.
So what you should try next is clean up your diet. Really sit down and write everything for one whole week what you are eating. Slowly adjust to add more fruits and vegetables, and whole grain products (like whole grain bread, crackers and pasta).
3) If you already think you have a perfect diet with 2 vegetables each day, and at least 250 grams of vegetables, and only whole grain products, and no unhealthy food besides this. You can always try to each different vegetables and fruits that you are eating at the moment, mix it up, be more diverse.
4) Are you using any other herbs or supplements for breast growth? You could be disrupting your endocrine system (hormone system) too much with all of the methods. Some counteract.
I would encourage you to stop any other herbs and try out this method by itself, just like I did. Might sound scary, but this is the only way to really know it for sure. The endocrine system is really difficult. Try to start over, sometimes less is more.
5) like I said above, sometimes one or the other interrupt each other, so maybe you should try just using grounded flaxseed by its own, or just full fat soy flour by its own.

Hello! After your desired size was reached, did you stop taking the flax and soy? After you stop taking them, do your boobs retain their size or do they deflate? Mine have already deflated because of severe weight loss and I don't want them to become saggy...again!

I'm very interested in this method for myself. How would someone cook their soy flour before consuming it with their milk? Does roasting count?

Yes roasting is cooking. So the soy flour is already cooked.

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